בס"ד • K o l l e l • ci n cy k o l l E l . o r G C o m m u n i t y a p r o j ec t o f t he C i n C i n n a t i תורה מסינסי Cincinnati Torah Vol. III, No. XI Vay’chi rabbI avroHoM WeinrIb First Things First, First Son Second Yaakov lived in Egypt… (47:28) This also explains why the Torah por- deserved to be dealt with as such. When tion is referred to by its opening words, Yaakov switched his hands and put his He blessed [Yosef’s sons], “Vay’chi Yaakov, Yaakov lived.” Yaakov, right hand on Ephraim, the younger saying, “Yisrael shall bless [its by setting up for all future generations brother, Yosef protested that his oldest children] by you, saying, ‘May the clarity of prioritizing our Torah lives, son, Menashe, deserved the right hand. Hashem make you like Ephraim guaranteed that his legacy would live on One can imagine the hurt that Menashe and Menashe…’ ” (48:20) for all future generations. might have felt from his grandfather’s This week’s Torah porTion mainly dis- Another answer to our second “mistreatment,” through the use of the cusses Yaakov’s death. Why does it start question is offered by Sefer Chochmos left hand. Menashe, who understood the with the words “Yaakov lived?” Hamatzpun. He explains that Menashe tremendous power of Yaakov’s blessing, The commentators also ask, why did was the older of the two, and he certainly L55 coNtinues oN NeXt page p Yaakov choose Menashe and Ephraim, from among all of the Tribes, as the prototypes for the Jewish People to use rabbI IsaaC kaHn as models for all future generations? Lastly, why was Yosef split into two Leadership, Roles, & Blessings separate tribes just before receiving this blessing from Yaakov? Yaakov called for his sons and explanation. Yaakov was telling his Yosef was essentially a person with said, “Come together and I’ll tell children that each of their roles would two distinct sides. On the one hand, he you what will befall you in the end be different—royalty, priesthood, schol- was Yosef Hatzaddik (the Righteous), of days. Gather yourselves and arship, commerce, etc.—yet all would who withstood all temptations—even listen, sons of Yaakov—listen to contribute their talents to collectively while spending so many years in Egypt, Yisrael, your father.” (49:1–2) serving Hashem. Yaakov was explain- a morally depraved land. On the other The common assumpTion is ThaT These ing to them why each one had received hand, Yosef was also a great political verses introduce the blessings that Yaa- what he did, so as not to create jealousy figure, a master of finance, one of the kov gave his sons before his death. How- or strife between them. most powerful leaders in the world. ever, this is problematic. For one thing, With this introduction, let us analyze Yaakov, looking into the future of the Reuven, Shimon, and Levi clearly don’t Yaakov’s words to his sons. Jewish People, saw the need to separate receive blessings in the verses that follow. He began with Reuven, telling him these two parts. Having them inter- For another, after Yaakov addresses each that he, as a firstborn, should have been twined only leads to confusion and a lack of his twelve sons, the Torah says (49:28) the king, but because he had acted hast- of clarity as to which is more important. “And this is what their father spoke to ily he was no longer fit for that position. When one can separate his involve- them and blessed them…” which seems Next came Shimon and Levi; again, ment in the world around him from his to imply that whatever he had said until since they had allowed their anger to involvement in Torah and spirituality, he then was not his blessings! determine their actions, they also were can then prioritize and give true value On the strength of these questions, not fit for the position of royalty. This to his growth in Torah. Chizkuni offers another explanation: In brought Yaakov to Yehuda, with whom Therefore, the blessing for all future verses 3–27 Yaakov told his sons “what Yaakov proclaimed the monarchy will generations was to be like Ephraim would be the future that would come remain, seeing in him the strength, and Menashe—they are separate, and upon them,” i.e., he assigned each of his knowledge, and composure necessary Ephraim, the symbol of Torah, will be sons a unique mission. to be a true leader. before Menashe, who was more involved I once saw, in a book (I don’t re- Now Yaakov continued, telling the in the ruling of Egypt. member which), a slightly different remaining sons what their missions L55 coNtinues oN NeXt page p KEY: Beginners Intermediate advanced à for men and women At the Kollel Sunday Free brunch! Thursday america Runs on torah Halacha (based on the parasha) Every Day (Jewish Law & parasha) rabbi Chaim Heinemann ..........9:10–10 pm “Dirshu” Gemara Shiur rabbis Dani schon Homemade refreshments served. (Maseches sota) and Yisroel kaufman .................................10 am rabbi Yitzchok preis ............................................. Grand Deluxe breakfast served Minyanim for Standard Time sunday 7:15–8:15 am Shacharis Monday–Friday 5:50–6:45 am Tuesday sunday ...........................................................8:15 am Kollel yisgaber K’ari mishnah On Sundays when the Kollel is not (amud-a-day of Mishnah B’rurah) rabbi Yitzchok preis .......................8:10–9 pm in session, Shacharis is at 8 am Monday–friday ....................................... 7:20 am rabbi Chaim Heinemann .................................. à Partners in torah Monday–Friday 6:55–7:20 am at the mayerson JCC mincha 1:15 pm Kitzur Shuchan aruch rabbi binyamin teitelbaum .....................8 pm sunday ............................................................ Live video conference! Mon.–thurs. thru january .................2:30 pm 5:45 pm rabbi Dani schon ................................................... sun.–thurs., feb.–Mar. ........................ Wednesday 2:40 pm Monday–Friday 12:05–12:20 pm shabbos ........................................................ à torah treasures for ma’ariv Daf yomi Seniors at the mayerson JCC In the Beis Midrash: rabbi Meir Minster ................................................ rabbi Yitzchok preis ...........10:30–11:15 am sunday–Wednesday .............................9:45 pm sunday–thursday 8–8:45 pm 10 pm shabbos (at cZe) 1:00 pre-mincha à Downtown lunch-n-learn thursday ........................................................... at Strauss & troy nightly Halacha Chabura rabbi Yitzchok preis ............................12–1 pm KEY: Beginners rabbis Dani schon Intermediate & binyamin teitelbaum ....................................... advanced Monday–thursday 9–9:45 pm à for men and women Chavrusa learning (private & small groups) ..............times vary Looking for a chavrusa? see coordinator Rabbi chaim Heinemann! Chavrusos are available noon–1 pm on weekdays, and 8–9:45 pm sun.–thurs. First Things First coNtinued What’s Your Focus? coNtinued surely felt like crying out, “Why does my would be. Zevulun would live on the Finally, Yaakov ended with Binyamin younger brother deserve the higher-level coast and prosper in the shipping indus- and his bravery. blessing?” try, while Yissachar would be scholars, Only after directing his sons to their Yet Menashe remained silent and bearing the yoke of Torah, as a donkey respective paths did Yaakov actually uttered not a single word. bears the yoke of its load. Dan would be bless them (49:28): “He blessed each Seeing this, Yaakov said, “Let all judges, Gad the soldiers, and from Asher according to his appropriate blessing.” brothers and members of the Jewish would come regal delicacies. Naftali The Torah, however, does not tell us People have such a relationship with would be swift in commerce, in battle, what exactly those blessings were. each other! Let all brothers be happy and bearing good news. We can bring another proof to this with their siblings’ fortune and not feel Then Yaakov reached Yosef. He explanation from this week’s Haftarah. a twinge of jealousy! This will allow for explained to him that, although he had As we all know, a Haftarah usually speaks a Jewish People that is devoid of strife what it took to be a king, “they embit- about a topic similar to that of the Torah and will live in a state of shalom.” tered him and became antagonists…” reading. This week the Haftarah begins May we all merit to give, receive, (49:22)—his brothers had chosen to be with “David’s days drew near to die, and and live up to this powerful blessing, of led by someone else. However, Yaakov he instructed his son Shlomo...” (Mela- following in the ways of Menashe and proceeded to bestow on Yosef all that he chim I, 2:1). King David, as he neared Ephraim in their conduct with each himself had received from his parents. death, gave his son, Shlomo, instruc- other. (Our Sages write that Yosef was also tions, not blessings, for his future—just called a “Patriarch.”) as his ancestor Yaakov had done. Cincinnati Community Kollel 2241 losantiville avenue, Cincinnati oH 45237 • 513-631-1118 • [email protected] • cincykollel.org.
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