THI:: WHITE HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAILY DIARY (~ Tr..er Record (or Travel Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo.• Day, Yr.) SEPTEMBER 1, 1972 KUILlMA HOTEL TIM! DAY OAHU HAWAII 7:35 a.m. FRIDAY PHONE TIME P-Placed R~Reaived ACTIVITY 10 LD 7:35 The President had breakfast. 8:32 8:57 P The President talked long distance with his Special Counsel, Charles W. Colson, in Washington, D.C. The President met with: 9:00 11:20 Kakuei Tanaka, Prime Minister of Japan 9:00 11:20 Nobuhiko Ushiba, Ambassador from the U.S. to Japan 9:00 11:20 Hidetoshi Ukawa, Chief of the Second North American Section, American Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Interpreter) 9:00 11:20 James J. Wicke1, State Department, Interpreter 9:00 11:20 Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant 10:20 11:20 Masayoshi Ohira, Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs 10:20 11:20 William P. Rogers, Secretary of State 11:05 11:06 Members of the press 11:05 11:06 White House photographer 11:20 11:35 The President and Prime Minister Tanaka walked through the hotel grounds. 11:35 The President bade farewell to Prime Minister Tanaka. 11:35 The President returned to his suite. 12:10 12:16 The President and the First Lady motored from the Kuilima Hotel to the Kuilima helipad. 12:18 12:36 The President flew by helicopter from the Kui1ima he1ipad to Hickam AFB, Hawaii. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A." 12:36 12:40 The President motored to the Hickam AFB parade grounds. 12:40 The President and the First Lady were greeted at the reviewing stand by: Adm. John S. McCain, Jr., retiring Commander in Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC) Adm. Noel A. M. Gayler, former Director, National Security Agency 12:40 1:40 The President participated in ceremonies marking the change of command from Adm. McCain to·Adm. Gayler. The President also presented the Distinguished Service Medal to Adm. McCain. The President's remarks were broadcast live on Hawaiian television and radio. For a list of participants, see APPENDIX "B." Members of the press, in/out White House photographer, in/out THE WHIT£ HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (Sec Travel Record for TranI Activity) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., Day, Yr.) SEPTEMBER I, 1972 KUILlMA HOTEL TIME DAY OAHU. HAWAII 1:40 p.m. FRIDAY PHONE P""PI.ced R_aeceived ACTIVITY III Out ' 1.0 to 1:40 1:45 The President and the First Lady motored to Base Operations, Hickam AFB. 1:45 The President bade farewell to: Col. L. J. Clark, Projects Officer, CINCPAC Mrs: L. J. Clark Col. Wilmot E. Y. Paxton, Commander, Hickam AFB Mrs. Wilmot E. Y. Paxton Francis Leala, Chief of Police, Honolulu White House photographer, in/out Hawaiicn Time PDT 1:45 9:28 The President flew by the "Spirit of '76" from Hickam AFB, Hawaii to El Toro MCAS, California. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "C." (Actual flying time - 4 hours 43 minutes) Hawaii. n Time 1:45 6:28 The President's activities during this time occurred in flight and are recorded in Hawaiian Standard Time. 2:30 3:00 The President met with his Assistant, John D. Ehrlichman. The President met wiDh: 3:10 3:30 Mr. Kissinger 3:15 3:49 H. R. Haldeman, Assistant The President met with: 3:50 4 :35 Secretary Rogers 3:50 4:35 Adm. McCain 4:00 4:35 Mr. Kissinger 4:36 4:45 The President met with Mr. Haldeman. The President met with: 5:50 5:52 Stephen B. Bull, Staff Assistant 5:50 6:05 Rose Mary Woods, Personal Secretary 6:10 6:28 The President met with Adm. and Mrs. McCain. PDT 9:28 The President deplaned. ,[ WHITF. HOUSE PRESIDENT RICHARD NIXON'S DAilY DIARY (Set Travel llccord (or Travel Activjty) PLACE DAY BEGAN DATE (Mo., DiY. Yr.) SEPTEMBER 1, 1972 KUILIMA HOTEL TIMB DAY OAHU, HAWAII <):17 n.m. FRIDAY PHONE TIMB P-Placed ll-Ilcccivcd ACTIVITY ID Out Lo LD 9:37 9:52 The President flew by helicopter from El Toro MCAS to the San Clemente Compound helipad. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A." 9:54 9:55 The President motored from the helipad to the San Clemente Compound residence. 10:05 10 :09 P The President talked with Mr. Kissinger. 10:48 10:49 P The President talked with Mr. Kissinger. 11:01 The President went to the pool area. 11:07 The President returned to the San Clemente Compound residence. CD!SM!JD / APPENDIX "A" HELICOPTER MANIFEST September 1, 1972 FROM: KUILIMA HOTEL, OAHU TO: HICKAM AFB, HAWAII The President Mrs. Nixon Secretary Rogers Mr. Kissinger Under Secretary U. Alexis Johnson Mr. Ehrlichman Mr. Haldeman Mr. Ziegler Mr. Bull Dr. Tkach Lt. Cdr. Larzelere 2 USSS FROM: EL TORO MCAS, CALIFORNIA TO: SAN CLEMENTE COMPOUND The President Mrs. Nixon Mr. Kissinger Mr. Ehrlichman Miss Woods Mr. Price Mr. Bull Dr. Tkach Maj. Brennan 2 USSS APPENDIX "B" Attendance confirmed by Col. J.W. Hammond, Jr., Director of Protocol, CINCPAC CINCPAC CHANGE OF COMMAND CEREMONY Hickam AFB, Hawaii, 12:40 p.m., September 1, 1972 The President The First Lady Governor John A. Burns (D-Hawaii) *Mrs. Burns Lt. Governor George R. Ariyoshi (D-Hawaii) Mrs. Ariyoshi Chief Justice William S. Richardson, Hawaii Supreme Court Mrs. Richardson Senator Hiram L. Fong (R-Hawaii) Mrs. Fong Congressman G.V. ("Sonny") Montgomery (D-Mississippi) Congressman Spark M. Matsunga (D-Hawaii) Mrs. Matsunga Mayor Frank F. Fasi (D-Honolulu) Mrs. Fasi Mrs. Clare Boothe Luce, author and former U.S. Ambassador to Italy Mrs. Wrigley, friend of Mrs. Luce William P. Rogers, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, Assistant U. Alexis Johnson, Under Secretary of State Mrs. Johnson Marshall Green, Assistant Secretary of State Robert S. Ingersoll, Ambassador from the U. S. to Japan Ellsworth Bunker, Ambassador from the U.S. to the Republic of South Viet Nam Mrs. Bunker Kew Sung Lee, Korean Counsel General in Honolulu Mrs. Lee Trinidad Q. Alconcel, Philippine Consul General in San Francisco Mrs. Alconcel Air Vice Marshal Sudjatmiko, Commander of Natioaal Air Defense Command, Department of Defense, Djakarta, Indonesia Mrs. Sudjatmiko Air Commodore Cyril L. Siegert (of Singapore) Admiral John S. McCain, Jr., retiring Commander in Chief, Pacific Mrs. John S. McCain, Jr. James McCain, son Mrs. James McCain Mrs. Jean Alexandra F1ather, daughter 3 Flather children Miss C. McCain APPENDIX IfB If (continued) Mrs. Rowena Willis, sister of Mrs. John S. McCain, Jr. Mrs. Helen McCain Smith, cousin of. Admiral McCain 1st Lt. H. Lagrange Mrs. H. Lagrange, niece of Admiral McCain John Michael Allison, friend of Admiral McCain Mrs. Allison Major B. Brown, Aide to Admiral McCain Mrs. Brown Captain T.L. Dwyer, Executive Assistant to Admiral McCain Captain C.S. Barnes, Aide to Admiral McCain Admiral Noel A.M. Gayler, former Director, National Security Agency Mrs. Noel A.M. Gayler Ann D. Gayler, daUghter Alexander G. Gayler, son Christopher N. Gayler, son Dr. Archibald Kelly Maness Mrs. Archibald Kelly Maness, daughter Mrs. Ernest Gayler Mr. and Mrs. R. Groves Cdr. E. J. Koczak, Flag Lieutenant to Admiral Gayler __Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mrs. Moorer General Royal B. Allison, Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mrs. Allison Capt. K. Knoizen, Executive Assistant to Admiral Moorer Mrs. Knoizen General John C. Meyer, Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command Mrs. Meyer Admiral Bernard A. Clarey, Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet Mrs. Clarey General Lucius D. Clay, Jr., Commander in Chief, Pacific Air Forces Mrs. Clay General stanley R. Larsen, Deputy Commander in Chief, U.S. Army, Pacific Mrs. Larsen Vice Admiral George C. Talley, Deputy Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet Mrs. Talley Lt. General Charles A. Corcoran, Chief of Staff, CINCPAC Mrs. Corcoran Admiral W.H. Baumberger, Commander of U.S.-Taiwan Defense Command Admiral James F. Calvert, Commander, First Fleet Mrs. Calvert General L.J. Wilson, Jr., Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Mrs. Wilson Admiral and Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant Sharp (ret.) **Admiral and Mrs. Harry Donald Felt (ret.) General and Mrs. Hunter Harris, Jr. (ret.) Admiral and Mrs. John J. Hyland, Jr. (ret.) Vice Admiral and Mrs. William r. Martin (ret.) Vice Admiral and Mrs. Ralph W. Christie (ret.) Lt. General and Mrs. Verdie B. Barnes (ret.) Vice Admiral and Mrs. E.A. Cruise (ret.) APPENDIX "B" (continued) Lt. General and Mrs. Oren E. Hurlbut (ret.) Lt. General and Mrs. Edgar C. Dolem~ (ret.) Lt. General and Mrs. O'Keefe Lt. General and Mrs. Graham Mrs. Anne Miller * Mrs. Burns is an invalid and was seated on the ground level near the platform. ** Attendance could not be confirmed " APPENDIX "C" ,. PASSENGER MANIFEST AIR FORCE ONE FOR OFFICIAL USE Ot-Tty MISSION 1525 Hickam AB Hawaii' to E1 Toro MCAS Calif 1 Sep 1972 Dep: 1:45£ffi Arr: 9:30pm 4+45 2334SM 1. The President 2. Mrs Nixon 3. Sec William Rogers 4. Admiral John S McCain Jr 5. Mrs McCain 6. Dr Kissinger 7. John Ehrlichman 8. H R Haldeman 9. Ray Price 10. BGEN Scowcroft 11. R M Woods 12. R Walker 13. S Bull 14. L Higby 15. P Rodman .16. T Hullin 17. Dr W Tkach 18. Major J V Brennan 19. N Yates 20. R DeSantis 21. I Derus 22. MSG A Araiza 23. MSG H G Oldenburg 24. SDCS Z 'Honzon 25. o Atkins 26. R Taylor 27. R Pontius 28. WHudson 29. G Jenkins 30. D Shat" 31. J Lamb 32. J Carrell 33.
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