Mrs. Edward U Oates of North Th. Highland Park Community Dr. Robert Demlng, who recent­ Elm street is confined to ber bed club will give the flrat Mtback to­ ly lectured at Center church under KNIGHTS ARE PLANNING with an attack o f bronchitis and night in the new Mrlea of aU Mctala Uie auspices o f the Daughters of tbe American Revolution, has been sinus trouble. on conMCuUve TuMday mrening.. Three caab prlaca wlil b « awnrdad engaged by tbe Educational club to ENIERTAINMENT TONIGHT A V u t lUtroa'a mMtiiic oC Om aa taeretofora, 33, 31.00 and 31, with give a locture at tbs Hollister Helen Davidson Lodge.‘Daughters BUr wUl U iMld at tha a grand piiae of 38 and a apaclad at­ street school, Monday evening, of Scotia, has received an invitation PAST HIGH PRIESIS I « t U n . Uiciua Foirtar at tba tendance price aacb evenutg and March 38, on tho subject, "Let us Program to Follow Meeting Taolght from BUlen Douglas lodge of Hart­ Celebrate the Tercentenary.” Dr. ___ a t Acaduny and Parkar refreahmenta. Thoae wbo attended March 8—A nnual turkey supper attaata niuraday nlgtit at • o'clock. ford, to attend a turkey supper, en- the club’e circus program Saturday Demlng Is state supervisor of Arranged to Interest New TO OCCUPY CHAnS tertMnment and dance Saturday adult ^ucation. All members of and entertainment, St M i^s ' ' Aftar tha butineas sesaioii, Monte night; bad a Jolly g o ^ time. Elmer Members; Brooklyn 1 Speaker. church, by GirU’ Friendly aoclety. March 18.— T e Old TImsa School, carlo whlat will bo played. evening at 6:30. A ll local Daughters Thienee wae the prime mover and the club and friends are urged to at Scotia who plan to attend are reserve the date. Annual Night to Be Observed Also annual banquet o f Dilworth- S t James’s choirs, at High school kept things going in the make-be­ haU. requested to notify the secretary, Entertoinere will be present from Oomell Poet, American Legion, at lieve ring. in Masonic Temple Tomor­ Orange Hall. PRICE THREE C B N m ' Waa Dorla Andaraon of 03 Nor- Miss Mildred Sutherland by tomor­ Tbe Sewing circle of the Army Hartford at the open meeting of March 16, 30, 31, S3__ Harold ■ a a atieet was given a ;.urprisa row Night— H. B. House in A t State Theater—Rudy Vallee in Cooking school, morning at 10, row at the latest. The Ladles AM society of the and N avy club auxiliary will meet Campbell Council, K. i t C., which party laat night In honor of her Concordia Lutheran chuvub will tonight at 8 o’clock with Mrs. Ella Charge. ’’Sweet Music". Two complete shows State theater. leth birthday. Oosa to thirty per- will be held in Tinker Hall tonight. at 7 and 0. meet this evening at 7:30. La Pine of 833 Center street. March 30.—Salvation Army varie­ Piringr Verbal Shots At F. D. R.*s Foes aons ware present and Miss Ander­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Viccica of Chairman John McCluskey o f the Tomorrow New York announce the engagement ty musicale. RURAL UPLIFT BILL RELIEF BOARD sen racalvod numerous gifts. Dur­ committee having the arrangementa Past High Priests’ Night will be March 3.— Quarry club, Osano’a of their daughter Lena to Michael Mary Buahnell Cheney auxiliary, ing tha evening, refreshments were for the meeting In charge said today celebrated at tba regular masting This Week March 33. — Tall Cedars formal Della Fera of this town. U. S. W. V. wlU bold lU regular dance. Sunset Ridge Cotmtry club. served and a social hour was enjoy­ business meeting tomorrow night at that there would be a good program of Delta Chapter, Royal Arch Ma­ March 3.—^Annual spring musical HOLMES, GREAT JURIST^ AUTOMOHLE SUPPLY ed. 8 o’clock In the State Armory. of Bonga and musical numbers pro­ o f Cosmopolitan club at Center March 28.—Bklucatlonal club lec­ MUST EXPLAIN sons, tomorrow evening at 7:80 la A meeting o f Masque and Wig, vided and in addition to tbe Hart­ the Masonic Temple. The Master church house. ture at Hollister street school. KILLED BY SENATE A "N ew Deal” social wUl be the the dramatic club of the Center Con­ The Asbury group of the Wealey- STORE TO OPEN HERE ford entertainers there would also Mason’a degree will be conferred on March 9.— 'iTiird annual dance of March .36.— Annual concert o f O feature of the Luther League meet­ gregational church, will take place aii Guild will be gucata of tbe W ill­ be local men appearing. a well known candidate by High I.«cal 3135, Odd Fellows hall. Clef cIuD at Emanuel Lutheran NURS^YCUTS ing at the Emanuel Lutheran church Thursday evening at 7:30 at the ing Workers tomorrow afternoon at The principal speaker this eve­ Priest Herbert B. House wbo will Coming Events church. home of Miss Evelyn Johnston, 21 2:30 at the South Metbodlat church. ning will be Harry Wood of Brook­ March 11-34— Naxarene church Repablicaiis and Socialists SUCCUMBS TWO DAYS tonight. A large attendance of mem­ Tbe store In the Dr. James Farr preside in the East and tbe sub­ April 23.—Formal hall of Knighte ALYCE’S CONDITION bers is expected. A line program of Bigelow street. lyn, N. T „ who Is now In Connecti­ ordinate chairs will be filled by Past revivals. o f Columbus. building on Main street, vacated on entertainment has been arranged by Tbe Home Guards and Klnge* cut In the Interest of the nation­ High Priests of Delta Chapter. March 18. — "Pomander Walk”, April 26.—Community Players In State Tax Commissioner’s Heralds will meet tomorrow after­ Com bbe to Gnre Death the athletic committee. Girls of the Walther League will March 1 by Mrs. Pauline Barrett, wide campaign that Is to start next A social hour will follow the meet­ Sock and Buskin club. High school “Tommy” , Hollister street school, noon at 4 o’clock at the Soutb hall. meet tonight at the Zion Luthersm was today leased to a New Haven week for members of the order. Mr. ing and refreahmenta will be served auspices of Simsel Rebekah Lodge. REPORTED ‘BETTER’ Office Wants to Know The regular monthly meeting of church on Cooper street to form a Methodist church. organization that will deal In auto­ Wood, who is master of the fourth in tbe banquet hall. Also baaketbaU benefit at State Thmst to Much Dbpnted 94TH April 29.—Tenth annual concert BEFORE BIRTHDAY the Polisb-Amerlcan club will be sewing club. Mrs. Selma Kamm will mobile and radio supplies. They degree In the Brooklyn, N. Y., dis­ Armory, sponsored by Bluefleld A. of Beethoven Glee club at High held on Sunday, March 10. It Is im­ direct the class in dressmaking and Sunset Rebekab lodge followed Its will start making changes in the trict is a person well Informed on Mrs. Elizabeth Wamock of Char­ C., for M. H. S. track team. sr*- "• Basis Used in Reducing meeting Inst night with bridge, Federal Measure. portant that every member he pres­ Miss Mildred Matchulot will have store within the next week or ten the subject and is a good speaker. ter Oak street has returned to her March 16.—Bail of Ancient Order May 18.— (Tentative), Concert by Doctors, However, Say She ent charge of the embroidery and other while the officers held a rehearsal. days and expect to be open for busi­ Refreshments consisting of sand­ home after visiting relatives In o f Hibernians at Country Club. Death Comes PeacefoDy To Mrs. Lida Richmond won first prize H.i.ti school chorus and orchestra at Assessment of Stock. forms of fancy work. Tho classes ness by April 1. wiches and coffee will be served to Mystic. Also 32nd anniversary celebration High school ball. The committee in charge of ar­ will meet every Tuesday evening at and Miss Alice Wilson, consolation. State Capitol, Hartford, March 6. Is StiO Critical— Not Ye Sandwiches, cake and coffee were rangements for the card party to be :30 for the present. All girls of the — (A P ) — Republicans and Socialists Former Justice of U. & served by Mrs. Elhelwyn Shields, held in St. Bridget’s parish hall, parish will be welcome to Join and In the Senate lined up against the “Out of Woods.** An explanation concerning the Monday evening, March 11, will Mrs. Eliza Chapman, Mrs. Alice may bring their own work. sweeping reductions made In the Supreme Court— Nation’s meet in the hall this evening at 8 Larder, Mrs. Mabel Thomfeldt, Mre. solid Democrat forces today to de Alice D. Wilson, Mias Olive Rich­ assessment of stock owned by local o’clock. th « J W .II A U feat the Rehabilitation Ck>rporatton A t the annual meeting of the Red mond, Miss S&rah Pentland. Mrs. Green eUamps Issued. bill. Fall River, Mass., March 6.— nurseries Is asked Of the Board of Men's Building Association, Inc., Lillian Heim and Miss Helen John- HALES SELT SLMVL Foremost Citizens Call at The Republican-Socialist alliance, (A P )—The condition of Alyce Jane Relief, which made the cuts, by the held lost night In the club rooms on the flrat on a majority controversy Bralnard place, all officers were re- McHenry, Omaha, Neb., girl oper­ state tax commissioner in a letter since the now famous 17-15-3 Sen­ received today. Home to Express Sym* clccled as follows: W. Bcbleldge, A members' social will be held to­ G R o c e: p > ate deadlock over organization, ated on Monday for diaphragmatic SPECIAL! prc;ildcnt; B'rank Diana, vice-presi­ morrow afternoon by the Emblem Hale’s New brought the final death blow to the hernia, waa reported as "better" to- Opens Up Argument FIRST tirALITV dent; William Leggett, treasurer; club at the Elks home In Rockville.
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