Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Student Newspaper University Archives and Special Collections 4-25-1952 Campus Crier Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "Campus Crier" (1952). CWU Student Newspaper. Book 712. http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/712 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU. CENTRAL WASHINGTON COLLEGE Volume 25, Number l:t 2o Friday, April 25, 1952 Ellensburg, Washington Miller Gives New Pledges Beck . J~lls Senior Day Tomorrow; Large Appointments, Wear Spurs Science Open Crowd Expected on Campus Spurs are being worn around the I necks of 24 freshmen girls this week. !House · Plans Full Day Is Planned To ROTC'ers They are the new Spur pledges who . For All Visitors; Art, w·ere tapped Monday night, ·reports The Division of Science and Math­ Art Exhibits Culbertson Lieutenant Mary Hemenway, club president. - ematics will hold the first open Science Plan Affairs Colonel; Five Majors Spurs, is the national sophomore house of its newly instituted Science The annual Senior day will be women's service honorary. Its mem- day program in conjunction with At Festival held this Saturday. This is the day Having completed the first two 'bers are chosen on the basis of Senior day, Saturday, in the Science set aside for visiting high school semesters of operations, the AFRO­ scholarships, personality, and par- building, from 10 a.m. to 4:30 .p.m. Three scholarships will be given a t the ' a nnaU 1 Ceras nt 1 Wa hm . gnto seniors to meet students and faculty, TC last week announced the ap- ticipation in outside activities, with according to George F. Beck of the College High School Art festival to· talk with instructors in the depart- '• pointments in r.ank for the spring regard for faculty recommendations, Science division. ments of their choice, investigate the quarter. With the exception of ca­ be held here tomorrow, according she explained. Science day has been planned t o a re1 ease f rom P rof essor H ogue, s facilities on the campus and attend det officers, these appointments The pledges are Connie Berg, Vir- to present an opportunity to high office. the demonstrations, exhibitions and were withheld for two quarters due ginia Bowen, Marjorie Clark, Doris' school students interested in science entertainments scheduled for their to the newness of the group and the Church, Yvonne Oameron, Pat Urd- and mathematics to meet and share Two of these are 100 dollar schol- enjoyment, E. B. Rogel, director of need for an observation period. man, Mabel Hatcher, Pat Hendrick- their experience with each other, arship8 and one a 25 dollar adver- public service declared. Appointed by order of Colonel son, Evelyn Hoagland, Helen Lay- and vie for the three science schol­ tising art award, all are to be ap- The Art department has planned Jerry D. Miller to the office of lieu­ son, Marion Lipsky, Kathleen Mar- arships offered to graduating high plied to expenses at Central. Other an exhibit, and. the Science depart­ tenant colonel was Don Culbertson. lette, Carol Nelson, Leona Panerio, school seniors, he added. prizes and cash awards will be giv- ment has scheduled an open house Jeanne Peterson, Mary Roberts, From 10 :30 to 12, each department en as in last year's competition, the in the Science building, with dis­ Those receiving the rank of major release also stated. Among these plays and demonstrations, as their were Lewis Benville, Tom Bostick, Glennie Hodes, Suzanne Ryan, Do- will demonstrate an experiment or lores Smith, Janet Smith, .Dorothy offer a display as part of the pro­ will be a . cash award offered by part of the program. All departments Dick Kukes, Allen Lamb and Ted Administrative Women in Educa- of the college, and the dormitories Olson. Stradling, Pat Thompson, Jeanne gram. At 1 p.m. nineteen contestants Widness and Gerry Johnson. (Continued on Page Six) tion. will have open house. A tea is plan - Appointed to positions of master A highlight of the festival, ac- ned in honor of the seniors. Pouring sergeants were Jim · Freeze, Russ cording to Reino Randall of the art will be Mrs. Robert McConnell, An­ Nixon, Bob Propst, Don . Rundle, staff, will b€ a sketching contest nette Hitchcock, Verna Mae Shriner Don Stone and Ed Waddell. 'Glass Menagerie' Cast Set; in which contestapts will spend one and Betty Riddle. · Technical sergeants are Jim Bar­ • hour sketching an assigned sub- Following is a schedule of events rett, Stuart Corey, Bill Hashman, In ject. for Senior day: Bob Hibbard, Gordon Irle, Jim Ja­ Production Finai Stage Included in the plans are both Friday-April 25 cobs, Marshall Keating, Herb ~.~-------~-----~ I creasing their efforts to "ge~ the high school and college exhibits and 5:00-10:00 PM Registration Lincke, Gary Orr, Andy Setlow and Berrisford Designs Set; show on the road." a wheel throwing demonstration in College Union building Ellis Wells. · pottery J;>y Professor Hogue. 7:30-9:30 PM Open hottse Loepp, Shreve Assist Set Exceptional Staff sergeants .are Glen Ander­ The set for "The ·Glass Menager­ Science building son, Dave Bales, Fred Fischer, Le­ SHEILA WALDRON ie" is being done by Chuck Berris­ Saturday-April 26 Roy Irons, George Keck, Martin "Be careful· where you sling that ford and as usual it is an exception­ Hold Herodotean 8 :30-10:15 J\M Registration , Kennedy, Ken Lukens, Bill Mcilroy, sizing, will you? I don't look well al job. Ch11ck has tpis time created College auditorium - Guided Bernard Parton, Ralph Sager and in polka-dots." something new for the Central stage. Waffle Breakfast; tour of the campus Jim Van Zee. "Where do I put these flats now?" The set will include two guaze cur­ 10 :15-11:00 AM Assembly - Airmen first class are to be Ted "Twelve minutes that time, we're tains. One of which will be drawn Spring Initiation College auditorium ., Altice, Allan , Andrew, Dori Beste, cutting down the time it takes to Faculty and student speakers, after the prologue ·to reveal the The home of Dr. Samuel Mohler Joe Bocanegra, Norman Buck, Bob go through these lines." second one through which much of entertainment Dahlquist, Keith Davis, Erling Es­ You'll probably recognize these was the scene of two traditional <Continued on Page Six) the action will be seen. The effect Herodotean events recently, said ;pedal, Dick Frick, Jim Forbes, Floyd snatches of conversatlon as back­ of the curtain will give the move­ Gabriel, Jack Haaland; Dick Han­ stage talk. With May fast-ap­ club president Jim Dekker this ments of the cast a dream or mem­ week. They were the spring initia­ son, Lloyd Messersmith, Derril Mey- proaching everyone from the di­ ory-like appearance. But, to get the Kilgore Elected <Continued on Page Six) rector to the property man is in- tion held on April 14, and the an­ full effect, you'll just have to at­ nual .waffle _breakfast held last Sun­ tend one of the performances, I President ol State day. won't tell you anymore about it. Home Ee. Clubs M~y As I mentioned before this play Herodoteans is the College hon­ ,State FT A Meeting 2; will definitely be a drama and with orary for students in the social sci­ Marilyn Killgore, junior from such an experienced cast it should ences and its membership consists Thorp and president of Central's S~yser-Whitney Will Ho~t , be drama on a high plane. of those who h ave fifteen hours of Home Economics club, was elected Plans for the second annual Delegate Assembly of the Washmgton As for the production staff, each history, econpmics, sociology, or po­ president of the state of Wash­ Association of Future Teachers of America on the Central campus MftY 2 and everyone of them have really liticai science in which they have ington college and university Home· are well under way, announced Marie Johnson, president of the Smyser­ put a lot of work and effort into maintained an average of B or bet­ Economics clubs at a joint Ore­ Whitney chapter which will host the day-long meeting. their jobs and I wish that I had ter. In addition, said Dekker, it is gon-Washington meeting in Port ­ All-College Coffe Hour enough space so that I could do supposed that the student will be land, announced Helen Mlchaelsen, Beginning with an all-College coffee hour in the main lounge of the more than to just mention their recommended by a member of the associate professor of home econom­ Un!'on building at 9 a.m., more than~·----·--.--·------­ names and official categories. department. ics. seventy-five FTA members from at Tenure and etirement.' But, when yau do see the play, least fifteen chapters thtoughout Lunch Irl Commons New members include John Cra­ Miss Kilgore is a home economics remember the work that went into major and history minor. Before the state will convene to make plans After lunching in the Commons, ven, Tom Mattoon, Hudson Kensel, the making of the finished project. holding the office of CWCE Home for the coming year and elect 1952- they will continue the groups and Donald Grieve, Nancy Hill, '.Ben Technical Staff Brown, Ida England, Merle Meyer. Economics club president, she had "' 53 officers. reconvene at 2 :30 p.m. for the sec­ ond session of the ·ne1egate Assem­ Members of the technical staff been treasurer.
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