AFROTROPICAL BUTTERFLIES 17th edition (2018). MARK C. WILLIAMS. Genus Euptera Staudinger, 1891 Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, Iris 4: 98 (61-157). Type-species: Euptera sirene Staudinger, by subsequent designation (Hemming, 1943. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London (B) 12: 27 (23-30).). The genus Euptera belongs to the Family Nymphalidae Rafinesque, 1815; Subfamily Limenitidinae Behr, 1864; Tribe Adoliadini Doubleday, 1845; Subtribe Bebearina Hemming, 1960. The other genera in the Subtribe Bebearina in the Afrotropical Region are Evena, Aterica, Pseudargynnis, Cynandra, Eutyphura, Euryphaedra, Euryphurana, Harmilla, Euphaedra, Euriphene, Bebearia and Pseudathyma. Euptera (Eupteras) is an Afrotropical genus containing 35 species. Generic revision by Libert et al., 2002. Relevant literature: Amiet & Libert, 2002 [Biogeography]. Libert et al., 2002 [Generic revision]. E. elabontas group *Euptera elabontas (Hewitson, [1871]) Common Euptera Euryphene elabontas Hewitson, [1871] in Hewitson, [1867-71]. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 4: 54 (118 pp.). Type locality: Nigeria: “Creek Town (C. Ward)”. Holotype (male) in the Natural History Museum, London. Neallotype female, Lagos district, Nigeria, III 1949 (P.J.L. Roche); in Natural History Museum, London. Euptera elabontas mweruensis. Male. Left – upperside; right – underside. Kakamega Forest, Kenya. 5 October 1997. Images M.C. Williams ex J. Greyling Collection. 1 Euptera elabontas mweruensis. Female. Left – upperside; right – underside. Kakamega Forest, Kenya. 7 October 1997. Images M.C. Williams ex J. Greyling Collection. Distribution: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo [ssp. elabontas – red dots] Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia [ssp. mweruensis – green dots] Equatorial Guinea (Bioko) [ssp. canui – blue dot] Distribution: Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia. Habitat: Forest. Habits: Despite the vernacular name this is not a common butterfly (Larsen, 2005a). Known to be attracted by fermenting bananas (Congdon & Collins, 1998). In the mornings males perch high up on trees (Larsen, 1991c). Females are mostly encountered inside the forest and closely resemble Pseudoneptis bugandensis in flight (Larsen, 1991c). Larsen (2005a) states that a male and female, with legs intertwined, once dropped down in front of him, perhaps indicating a “lack of delicacy in the courtship procedure”. Early stages: Amiet, 1998. Larval food: Chrysophyllum albidum G.Don. (Sapotaceae) [S. Collins, vide Libert et al., 2002; subspecies mweruensis]. Chrysophyllum lanceolatum (Blume) A.DC. (Sapotaceae) [S. Collins, vide Libert et al., 2002; subspecies mweruensis; as Chrysophyllum oblanceolatum]. Englerophytum species (Sapotaceae) [Libert et al., 1995; Cameroon]. Synsepalum dulcificum (Schumach. & Thomm.) Daniell (Sapotaceae) [Libert et al., 1995; Cameroon]. Synsepalum letouzeyi Aubrév. (Sapotaceae) [Libert et al., 1995; Cameroon]. Synsepalum longecuneatum De Wild. (Sapotaceae) [Libert et al., 1995; Cameroon]. Synsepalum revolutum (Baker) T.D.Penn. (Sapotaceae) [Libert et al., 1995; Cameroon; as Vincentella 2 revoluta]. Euptera elabontas elabontas (Hewitson, [1871]) Euryphene elabontas Hewitson, [1871] in Hewitson, [1867-71]. Illustrations of new species of exotic butterflies 4: 54 (118 pp.). Type locality: Nigeria: “Creek Town (C. Ward)”. Holotype (male) in the Natural History Museum, London. Neallotype female, Lagos district, Nigeria, III 1949 (P.J.L. Roche); in Natural History Museum, London. Distribution: Ivory Coast (central, east), Ghana (Kumasi area), Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo (Libert et al., 2002). Specific localities: Ivory Coast – Abidjan (Libert et al., 2002); Dimbroko (Libert et al., 2002); Gagnoa (Libert et al., 2002); Maraoue River (Libert et al., 2002); Tiassale (Libert et al., 2002). Ghana – Ashanti (Libert et al., 2002); Boti Falls (Libert et al., 2002); Dawa (Libert et al., 2002); Kpandu (Libert et al., 2002); Likpe (Libert et al., 2002); Opro River (Libert et al., 2002); Kyabobo (Larsen, 2005a). Togo – Agove (Libert et al., 2002). Nigeria – Creek Town (TL); Achi (Libert et al., 2002); Ahoada (Libert et al., 2002); Ilaro (Libert et al., 2002); Isoba (Libert et al., 2002); Kagoro Forest (Libert et al., 2002); Lagos (Libert et al., 2002); Okumu (Libert et al., 2002); Okwoga (Libert et al., 2002); Owerri (Libert et al., 2002); Sapoba (Libert et al., 2002); Ubiaja (Libert et al., 2002). Cameroon – Bascho (Libert et al., 2002); Batanga (Libert et al., 2002); Bidou (Libert et al., 2002); Bitje (Libert et al., 2002); Deng Deng (Libert et al., 2002); Dikola (Libert et al., 2002); Djohong (Libert et al., 2002); Douala (Libert et al., 2002); Ebebda (Libert et al., 2002); Ebogo (Libert et al., 2002); Ebondi (Libert et al., 2002); Edea (Libert et al., 2002); Ekali (Libert et al., 2002); Gaoui (Libert et al., 2002); Goyoum (Libert et al., 2002); Kano (Libert et al., 2002); Kribi (Libert et al., 2002); Lena (Libert et al., 2002); Log-Bakoo (Libert et al., 2002); Lomie (Libert et al., 2002); Londji (Libert et al., 2002); Mambioko (Libert et al., 2002); Mamelles (Libert et al., 2002); Mamfe (Libert et al., 2002); Minim (Libert et al., 2002); Monbel (Libert et al., 2002); Mount Kala (Libert et al., 2002); Ndoupe (Libert et al., 2002); Ndzi (Libert et al., 2002); Nkolmekie (Libert et al., 2002); Nkolnsoh (Libert et al., 2002); Santchou (Libert et al., 2002); Korup (Larsen, 2005a). Gabon – Belinga (Libert et al., 2002); Ogove (Libert et al., 2002); Lake Onanga (Libert et al., 2002); Tchimbele (Vande weghe, 2010); Mpivie River (Vande weghe, 2010); Iguela (Vande weghe, 2010); Rabi (Vande weghe, 2010); Waka (Vande weghe, 2010); Ipassa (Vande weghe, 2010); Belinga (Vande weghe, 2010); camp Nouna (Vande weghe, 2010). Congo – Brazzaville (Libert et al., 2002); Kelle (Libert et al., 2002); Ketta (Libert et al., 2002); Kuilu (Libert et al., 2002); Sembe (Libert et al., 2002). Central African Republic – Dzanga (Noss, 1998); Balemba (Libert et al., 2002); Bangui (Libert et al., 2002); Banzyville (Libert et al., 2002); Bomoloto (Libert et al., 2002); Boutcha (Libert et al., 2002); Lako (Libert et al., 2002); Mambe (Libert et al., 2002); Sebokele (Libert et al., 2002); Yakoli (Libert et al., 2002); Yatimbo (Libert et al., 2002). Democratic Republic of Congo – Bafwasende (Libert et al., 2002); Bamanya (Libert et al., 2002); Bangupa (Libert et al., 2002); Beni (Libert et al., 2002); Bucha (Libert et al., 2002); Bunia (Libert et al., 2002); Epulu (Libert et al., 2002); Flandria (Libert et al., 2002); Gwaka (Libert et al., 2002); Kibali (Libert et al., 2002); Kilo (Libert et al., 2002); Kinziki (Libert et al., 2002); Kisangani (Libert et al., 2002); Kondolola (Libert et al., 2002); Lusambo (Libert et al., 2002); Mabalika (Libert et al., 2002); Mambasa (Libert et al., 2002); Maiko Valley (Libert et al., 2002); Medje (Libert et al., 2002); Mongbwalu (Libert et al., 2002); Mount Hoyo (Libert et al., 2002); Paulis (Libert et al., 2002); Pinjili (Libert et al., 2002); Semliki (Libert et al., 2002); Teturi (Libert et al., 2002); Tumba (Libert et al., 2002); Watalinga (Libert et al., 2002). 3 Euptera elabontas mweruensis Neave, 1910 Euptera elabontas mweruensis Neave, 1910. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1910: 38 (2-86). Euptera elabontas mweruensis. Male. Left – upperside; right – underside. Kakamega Forest, Kenya. 5 October 1997. Images M.C. Williams ex J. Greyling Collection. Euptera elabontas mweruensis. Female. Left – upperside; right – underside. Kakamega Forest, Kenya. 7 October 1997. Images M.C. Williams ex J. Greyling Collection. Type locality: [Zambia]: “dense forest on the Kalungwisi [Kalungusi] river, 14 IX 1908”. Holotype male in Hope Department, Oxford. Neallotype female, Zambezi Bridge, Jimbe, N.W. Zambia, V 1999; African Butterfly Research Institute, Nairobi. Distribution: Uganda, Kenya (west), Tanzania (north-west), Democratic Republic of Congo (Shaba), Zambia (Libert et al., 2002). Specific localities: Uganda – Bufumbo Forest (Libert et al., 2002); Entebbe (Libert et al., 2002); Jinja (Libert et al., 2002); Kampala (Libert et al., 2002); Kamengo Mawakota (Libert et al., 2002); Kisubi (Libert et al., 2002); Mabira Forest (Libert et al., 2002); Mbale (Libert et al., 2002); Mpanga-Mpigi (Libert et al., 2002); Lake Nabugabo (Libert et al., 2002); Sesse Island (Libert et al., 2002). Kenya – Ilala (Libert et al., 2002); Kakamega Forest (Libert et al., 2002); Mount Elgon (Libert et al., 2002); Nandi Country (Libert et al., 2002). Tanzania – Rumanyika (Libert et al., 2002); Kakindu (Libert et al., 2002). Democratic Republic of Congo – Kafakumba (Libert et al., 2002); Kalenge (Libert et al., 2002); Kapanga (Libert et al., 2002); Lenge (Libert et al., 2002); Lubudi (Libert et al., 2002); Luena (Libert et al., 2002); Lukoshi River (Libert et al., 2002); Luputa (Libert et al., 2002); Lupweshi River (Libert et al., 2002); Munoi (Libert et al., 2002); Mutendale River (Libert et al., 2002); Sandoa (Libert et al., 4 2002); Tshala (Libert et al., 2002); Zilo (Libert et al., 2002). Zambia – Kalungisi River (TL); Ikelenge (Libert et al., 2002); Zambezi Rapids (Heath et al., 2002; male illustrated above); Lisombu River (Heath
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