INSIDE ❘ TEAM LISTS ❘ STAT ATTACK ❘ SCORES AROUND THE COUNTRY + DRAGONS REASSURE FANS ❘ SPECIAL EDITION CAMERON SMITH POSTER MORE ROUND 11 Est. 1920 Volume 99. No.11. May 17-23 2018 Twitter & Facebook: @bigleaguemag CLEARY v CLEARY Father and son to clash in hot contest The polarising Sharks prop PETERO’S PICKS Maroons forced to isn’t afraid to speak his mind make tough choices Team on Game Day Live Across Australia To find out where you can hear all the action, head to NRL Nation Radio Brett Brenton Renee Kimmorley Speed Gartner Gary Russell JIMMY Belcher Barwick SMITH Brent Luke Chris Tate Lewis Warren Scott PETER TERRY Sattler Psaltis CAMPESE Scott Prince Laurie Steve ‘Blocker’ Daley Roach The NRL Nation team brings you closer to all the league action 4 games per round, as well as the NRL Finals Series and State of Origin Join the conversation 1300 94 93 95 KICKING PAMELA OFF WHALEY ARLY on Tuesday morning I noticed Storm Ehadannouncedapressconferencewith Queensland coach Kevin Walters and captain Cameron Smith for later in the day. At first Ithoughtitwasasneakymovetopassoffthe Maroons media opportunity as a Melbourne one–NRLmediaguidelinesdictateclubsare obligated to do a minimum number per week. But then I wondered why Queensland would holdapressconferencethreeweeksout from the first game of the series. It would be unusualattheleast.Inthehustleandbustle of Big League deadline I quickly forgot about it, until ultimately the bombshell was dropped. Smith announcing his retirement from representativefootballisoneofthebiggest momentsinrugbyleaguehistory.It’sprobably easytobehyperbolicattimeslikethese,but just try and imagine a Kangaroos team or a State of Origin series that doesn’t include Smith. It’s incredibly difficult. He’s the greatest rugbyleagueplayerofalltimeandhis retirement has forced me (and maybe some of you) to think about the quality of football we have been treated to over the past decade. He joins fellow Queensland and Australia stars Cooper Cronk and Johnathan Thurston in rep retirement, which stirs up the unknown for not onlytheseriesandTestsahead,butthefuture Panthers boosted by ofourgame.Callmesentimental,butIlike to believe the next generation of superstars alreadyhavetheirnamesprintedwithinthese Cleary comeback pagesonteamliststhis(andevery)week. NDREW Fifita is one of those players you ENRITH halfback Nathan Cleary has offeachother,they’regoingtohave Aeither love or hate. But no matter how you Pbeengiventhegreenlighttoreturn no problems playing together,” he said. feel about him, his incredible gift for rugby this Thursday after recovering from “They’re great players and having leagueisundeniable.Intheabsenceofsenior agradethreemedialligamenttearwhich thembothintheteamwillbeabig leadersatCronullaoverthepastfewweeks, sidelinedhimforsevenweeks. boost for us.” Fifita has reluctantly stepped up and shown Notonlywillhisreturngivehimtwo TyronePeacheywillreturntothe what he is truly capable of. Read all about it weekstostakeaStateofOriginclaim, centresthisweekafterfillinginatfive- from the man himself on pages 16-17. he’llalsobebackjustintimetoface eighth in the past seven rounds. With hisdad,WestsTigerscoachIvan. the ability to play nearly any position By MICHAEL It’sthesecondtimethepair BLOK onthefield,MerrinsaidPeacheyhas haveclashedinanNRLgame,withthe @michaelblok26 playedhimselfintoOrigincontention Panthers winning the first battle 28-14 anddeservestoplayfortheBlues. last year. “‘Peach’hasbeenoutstandingwhileNath FEATURES Although the Panthers dropped just two has been out,” Merrin said. 10 PETERO CIVONICEVA gameswithClearyoutinjured,forwardTrent “MostdefinitelyhecoulddoajobforNew 16-17 ANDREW FIFITA Merrinsaidtheyoungplaymaker’sinclusion SouthWales,especiallyinthatbenchposition. inthesidewillbeamassiveboostfortheclub. He’sanX-factorplayerandhehastheability 18 COREY THOMPSON “Wecan’twaittogethimback,”Merrin to create something out of nothing.” 20-21 THERIGHTWAYTOACT told Big League. Merrinhadasuccessfulreturnfrom 22-23 JENNINGS BROTHERS “He’sagreatplayerandhe’sgoingtoadd abrokenfingerlastFridayagainstNewcastle. 24 TOUCH FOOTBALL alotofpunchtoourattack.It’sgoingtobe The forward had surgery on the compound greattohaveNathbackintheside. break,butstillmanagedtotakehisplacefor UPFRONT 3-15 “He’sdoneagreatjobtogethimselfbackin thePanthersjustfivedayslater. a good position to take the field. All credit to him “Itwasgreattobebackamongtheboys CLUB NEWS 26-29 andthestaffforgettinghimbackondeck.” especiallyafteratoughweek,whichIwasn’t LITTLE LEAGUE 30-31 With Cleary absent for nearly two months, too happy about,” he said. NRL TEAMS 36-51 veteranhalfJamesMaloneysteppedupto “[Thefinger]isgettingthere,it’sabittender. theplateandsuccessfullytookcontrolofthe My main focus was starting fast, getting back OTHER COMPS 52-56 team,gaining13DallyMvotesalongtheway among it and building some consistency. RESULTS 56-57 –however,MerrinexpectsClearytoreclaim “There were a few whacks here and there DRAW 62 controlofthesideandtheircombinationtogoto –butit’srugbyleague,thereareworseinjuries Myers/NRLPhotos.com Shane COVER PHOTOS: anewlevel. than this. I don’t know what the big fuss is about GREGG PORTEOUS NRLPHOTOS.COM “They’re outstanding together; they just feed because it’s just a broken finger.” PHOTO: Round 11 BIG LEAGUE 2018 3 Lamb tackling NRL challenge head-on By MICHAEL BLOK Iwasstruggling,but Iwasabletogain ITHstarhalfback some confidence back WMitchell Pearce in reserve grade.” sidelined through Lamb said the main injury, Brock Lamb knows reason he was demoted he has another chance to to the ISP team was to provehimselfasafirst- work on his defence. grader. Playing in his third “‘Browny’ [coach seasonintheNRL,Lamb Nathan Brown] wanted said it’s time he shows me to work on my defence his true potential. –wedidn’tworkon “It’ssadthatMitchis a timeline of how long I’d injured,butIfeellikethis play reserve grade for. ismyopportunitytoprove “Hesaidit’sonmy myself as an NRL player,” shouldersifIworkon Lamb told Big League. my defence. I’ve worked “I really like playing reallyhardonit–I’ve No.7 because I like beendoingmyownvideo controlling the game onit.It’salongwayfrom andbeingthedominant whereitneedstobe,but half, but with that comes it’s getting better.” responsibility so I’ll have to Off-contract at stepup–that’smygoal.” season’s end, the Downonform,Lambspentafewweeks West Maitland junior said he’d rather stay in in reserve grade before returning to the top Newcastle,butisopentoswitchingclubsifthe grade against Penrith last Friday. right offer comes his way. DespitetheireventuallosstothePanthers, “ObviouslyI’dliketostayattheclub.Withfooty, the playmaker felt confident back in the you never know where it’s going to take you but this mainteamandhebelieveshedeserves iswhereIgrewupandI’velivedmywholelifehere, astartingspot. soit’swhereIwanttobe,”Lambsaid. “I’vegotconfidenceinmyselfandfeellike “Ihaven’tthoughtaboutittoomuch,Iknowif Ishouldbeplayingthisgrade–it’sjustamatter Iplaygoodfootythat’llsortitselfout.Mygoalisto ofgettingacoupleoflittlethingsright,”hesaid. winasmanyfootygamesaspossibleandplaywell “It’s great to be back in the NRL. I felt good fortheKnights.Itdoesn’treallyplayonmymind andconfidentoutthere,butthere’smoreIcan too much, I’ll let my manager work that out and do.ObviouslyIhadacoupleofweekswhere I’ll focus on the footy.” Red V relaxed despite defeat By MICHAEL BLOK history of slipping down the With State of Origin less ladderatthistimeoftheyear. than three weeks away and T GEORGE Illawarra players “It’sjustoneloss,so the Dragons expected to lose Shaveinsistedtheirlossagainst we definitely won’t be anumberofkeyplayers,Frizell SouthSydneylastweekwon’t panicking from here,” Dufty said his side has to focus if they derailtheirchargeatthetopof told Big League. want to remain at the top of “Itwould’vebeenniceto the ladder. the ladder. beat the Rabbitohs to keep the “We’regoingtolose The 24-10 loss last Sunday winningrungoing,butthat’sfooty a few players through that atANZStadiumwastheclub’s and we’ll have to learn from it. Origin period, but hopefully second of the season, denying Ithinkwestartedabittooslow, wecangetafewwinstogether themthechancetogofour sowe’llhavetoworkonthat.” and blood some new players,” pointsclearofPenrithatthe Tyson Frizell said this week’s he said. topoftheladder. visittoMudgeetofaceCanberra “It’sthattimeoftheyear Although the side was hascomeattheperfecttime. whereteamsstarttogetafew disappointed with the loss, in- “We’re looking forward to injuries,andit’sthecaseforus. Dave Hunt (Cronk); Shane Myers/NRLPhotos.com (Lamb), form fullback Matt Dufty said getting away and focusing on Thereareafewboyswhohave there’snoreasontopanic, thegameinMudgee.It’sgreat beengoingintogamesabit PHOTOS: despite the club’s renowned to get away together,” he said. under the weather and injured.” Penrith five-eighth James Maloney has won 10 from 10 at Panthers Stadium. UU Brisbane have won their past four games 4 BIG LEAGUE 2018 Round 11 ISSN: 0311-175X Editor: Pamela Whaley Subeditor: David Piepers Staff Writers: Michael Blok, Martin Gabor, Darcie McDonald Contributors: Fiona Bollen, Petero Civoniceva, Will Evans, Ben Everill, Adam Long, David Middleton, Andrew Voss, Phil Wilkinson Art Director: Craig Loughlin-Smith ethe Designer: Tina Colwell or the General Manager Retail and ird. Circulation: Brett Willis National Advertising Manager: d Bowie Phillips (02) 8045 4779 w Marketing and Circulation Executive: tin Nick Tsolakis who Production Director: Mark Moes as been Production Manager: ged to Chrissy Fragkakis
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