25, 1C34 Pago 16 Daily Ncbraskan Wednesday, April --f vr--7 A2AZA2A?AZA7AZA2AZA2 for Let a new resume doors for WHITEWATER CANOEING - Two roommates nwded spaciou open youl ALPHA ZETA J 474-600- to On the San Juan River In Utah, May t house. $100 plus utilitios. Special rate graduating seniors. Actives Costello A Associates . 13- -20. $205 Include everything except AM3 & Coffeehouse Initiates 475-977- 7 Concert some moals. Canoeing instruction by 25 ( Meetinq Wednesday, April Summer roommate. Female. Close to fcWahn" "tiunJay 4.C J in the Union. A.C.A. certified InsUunur. Contact (ha Alumni sarvndt 29 st 7 is our ban- 6 30, In the Union CHLAP He NT. Cell 4M.o2. will ba Office of 1740 Vine, Sunday, April p.m. campus. Campus Recreation, 2201 This will be the timil meeting 472-346- 7 for more details. quet at the Knoll's, Old Cheney Typing Road. Contact Initiates or Stuhr Of the semester. IBM Word ProcMof FRANCHISE CLUB Hurryt Sign-u- p dea&ln la May 3 Boyd Responsible female to share two bed- (4 for tickets. Dissertations $1 50page MLETING room apartment wpool. By Holmes Lake. Theses GET INVOLVED! ). $l.50paga 7:00 $177.60 plus 12 electricity. Term Thursday, DESERT BACKPACKING UFC-Cit- y Is looking tor a chairperson Papers $1.0') (. ;s Student Union In the Badlands of South CLU3 tn RwsumBS Dakota, Way Officer for the Free University Committee lor $10.00 Everyone it welcome. 14- - 20. $100 covers Elections OWN Call 8364 between 7 a.m. and noon Only transportation, 6:15 coming year. Applications are available Male bedroom. 46 and Contact the Office Wednesday, April 25th, CAP Near East food, equipment. Union Room Posted at the office and are due this Friday $142month plus 12 utilities. of 1740 472-34- 12. Campus Rcreation, Vine, at 5 p.m. No experience necessary! Campus. Available May 467a81. , r.:zr.:oaY? for more detail. dad HURRVn Sifirt-u- p deadline is May 2. GOVERNMENT LIAISON COMMITTEE cor.:ruTr:nizzD ir FREE UNIVERSITY GET PARTY PICTURES Has two vice-cha- positions open for non-cred- it May-Augu- Close to $160 W help you remember your time. next available In 115 Help arrange 4 publicize free campus good All year. Applications 435-605- tyf;:g The Picture Men University Party Nebraska Union. Deadline mini-class- for the University month. Term resumes, etc. Friday 427 Monday, 430, papers, community. Applications for chair posi- 8-- Everyone welcome 400 p.m. Reasonable, professional, tion can be picked up at the CAP otticef 475-054- 0. A CARNIVALI 1551S.21t Applications due Friday, April 27th, at 5 female roommate. Close AT THE UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN UPC-Ea- st Main Events Meeting on p.m. to East Campus. $142.50 & 12 utilities. Wed.. 25 at 7:00 at East Union. 1. 466-342- 5 6. PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE 16th Q. 5:30 FRIDAY, APRIL WHERE'S THE BEACH? April Available June after CHAPEL, Room to be New Member Term 27. COME FOR THE FOOD AND THE At South Padre Island of course, and posted. Paprs, Theses, Welcome! American Films Series Class Projects, Resumes FUN! PROCEEDS GO TO WORLD you can't afford to miss the super year Committee Nffd 2 females to there MISSIONS. end 8uncfcse Tottrt has Meeting 24 hour service on 20 or less. Lots party planned Thursday, April 29 townhouse. $10Qmonth plus pages It's in 484-304- for you. spring break May, but the 4:30, Union 13 utilities & phone. Call 4 after 8 of extras highest quality print and gulf wator's warmer, the days longer and p.m. paper, bold face type, rough drafting. Hostel Europe! the in the 90 s. Before head- "Travel under own steam." temperature text your ing to that summer ob. take a break for Spring Pottery Sale DEADLINE EXTENDED 8line typing Overseas Opportunity Center two roommates needed 15line statistical the border for only $23.00 per personfor Wednesday. April 25 Just in case you didn't got the news, One or femaie 345 Nebraska Union 7:00 a.m. to 9 00 to house. $112. Call: 475-30- or 4 copies 8 days7 nights in new deluxe at beach p.m. the DN needs writers this summer. Apply! share Main . 464-275- 9. & fully equipped condos with pool, Jacuzzi Nebraska Union Lounge Make some money! Sign-u- p ends FRI- Miller Paine nd pool side parties! Space is limited. DAY. 34 Nebraska Union. Communications Center Call toll free 1 for reserva- EDDIE MURPHY 6th Floor tions and more information TODAY. maximum Includes utilities. Re- 474-211- ext. 310 In 48 Hours and Trading Places, $100 10 a.m.. East Union. sponsible female. Five minute walk to Thursday, Campus sum- Calligraphy UPC-Vide- PARTY East Available fall andor Sponsored by o Committee. Campus. Admission is free. mer. Call 466-365-4. Fountain pens PETER HILL PICTUnS ALCU.!3 WORD PROCESSING Contemporary & Classical Piano Term 3:00 South Crib For 4x6 Party Pictures. Papers Highlighters Don't take them in a box. Theses Presented by home shoe EDDIE! Man 1 Dissertations c fit UPC Concerts & Coffeehouses The Picture 630 Cue tationery Manuscripts Accessories EDDIE! Word Graphic MARKETING CLUB in 48 Hours and 3333 N. 4Bth Eddy Murphy Trading 467-59- Drafting pencils and ELECTIONS Places. Wednesday, 7 p m. In City Union. Thursday, April 26th Sponsored by UPC-Vid- eo Committee. fellov;ch;? of TYPING pens 6:00 in the Union Admission is free. CHr.iSTIAN Lots more! Speaker from the Nebraska State Spelling Checker, Proofs, Storage of Economic ATHLETE3 Large Small Projects Department Development. PORTRAITS OF THE SANDHILLS Rental Computers . Margaret MacKichan Special Speaker Nifhtl. by 1 16-2- 8, Coach Tom Osborne 9e3 FCA COLLEGE REPUSUCANS On display April Loft Wall, 3rd COMPUTER TYPZ . .(. , Year & MEET THE CANDIDATEMIXER Floor, Nebraska East Union. A UPC-Eas- t, National Coach of the UNL's FRED LOCKWOOD Visual Arts production. Head Football Coach will be the fea- 1C23QU3 "Ail we like have tured at Strayed sheep gone FOR U.S. SENATE speaker tonight's meeting. 47G-TY- PS we have turned to Jeff astray; everyone his THURSDAY, APRIL 26TH Kinney Starting who own way; and the Lord has laid on Him AT THE LINCOLN EXCHANGE played on the Cornhusker 1 team the of all." in 1371 will a (Jesus) iniquity ut 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. give challenging dose Isaiah 53:6 at tonight' meeting. FREE DENTAL EXAM AND CLEANING Vt Major concerts presentations team PLU Craig Bohl (FCA UNL Graduating dental hygiene students at Elks. S. of Campus i & UNL FCA In Garden Level meeting tonight at 7:00 p.m. in Sponsor President College of Dentistry need patients for Fine Gifts M Nebraska Union for Dan Fogelburg 1980) will share his testimony of Board Exam. If interested, are available Cliff's Douglas III BLDG. Concert. knowing Jesus Christ personally. And May 14 or 1 5 and haven't had your teeth 1200 "O" Street will in 5 472-14- 210 N. 13th St. Spring Pottery Sale Wednesday, April George inspire and encourage cleaned plus years, call or 474-343- 3 & you as she plays & for the Lord. 464-865- 5. 25, 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Nebraska tings EUROPE! Union Main Place A Time Don't mist this , Lounge. MASH. to hear from $5S9 'M.A.S.H. opportunity great singing, speakers, and the testimony tonight roundtrip air MASH. from 7:00 8:30 in the Football r.:Anr.:iD? (Kansas CitvFrankfurt) getting $370 Lounge (go In red doors, south end The Picture Kan does of FCA Weddings, 2 month EURAILPASS, Hostelt Memorial Stadium). it not If like for but is to you your Party Pictures, Rainbow Tours & just athletes, open snyone love our Pictures. '"-- -. UPC Dance Cornstock presents interested in and you'll Wedding 6it3-401- 4 CORNSTOCK XIV being challenged 1830 Que 475-824- 2 encour aged in their relationship with on Friday, April 27th, ct 12:30 p.m., Christ. 6outh ot the Nebraska East Union. Jesus Single & Pregnant? EVERYOKZ WIICQE The adoption option may be for you. For confidential pregnancy counseling, Finish week out Coma call Nebraska Children's Home. 483-787- 9. your right!! . ... ...... to XIV , r , ff.ZS. PREGNANCY TESTING Cornstock Friday, April 27, LOST: Silver Seiko watch in first 12:30 on the South aide of .the AVAILABLE digital l p.m. floor bathroom of Manter Hall on Tues- East Union. ; ? i : T day, 417. $20 reward. Call 475-162- 2. $1 $3 00 minimum. ... i Typing .00pane, No calls after 9 p.m. 4v6-835- 1. f ..31 T t . f LOST: 11x17 flat cardboard box. Con- Female, roommate. Brand tains music paper and 100 hours work. new building 8 blocks from campus. $35 Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT Itaconfiden-tia- l Leave messaqe for John Link at Maple-woo-d fa- - 435-22C- 433-230- 488-235- & 13 utilities. helping hand. 9. 5 24 hours. Reward. " 3 D::VH ;ril: T. .J i r7t i ' 'i CROSSWORD PUZZLE TV A . mi.r.?-?- f ?fi;; jv;- :;. , LCizi ty EUGZ'.'Z T. Lit' 3 Guy 11 Vouchers 37 "Except 1 Observe 12 Stereo owners' ilk T-i-!'-. sakeerJy": 1 Eooth C3 Acheson and concerns E.B. 6 Gatos, Rusk 13 Browning A in Calif. Fragrance city 13 Close, to 23 TV's poets Explosive 9 "The 21 Shank 41 Acquire . of Life" DOVW fvJ2x: e 25 Tax man r knowledge 14 Mushroom Ex-pitch- 1 er Abbr. 42 Emulated caps Chandler 23 "Life is . not Roberta Flack 15 mountain High 2 Louise or doing ": O.
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