HON. DUFF ROBLIN Approval of Our Record for the Past 4/2 Ye~Rs I This Communlty.H He Spoke of Th• 1951

HON. DUFF ROBLIN Approval of Our Record for the Past 4/2 Ye~Rs I This Communlty.H He Spoke of Th• 1951

,.. THE __ ISRAELITE PRESS Page ;1 BOUQUETS Vatican Hints . !Ir. Jle!Tm ~ GOLDA MEIR E',ditt,r, 1'be IJnlelite ~ !Continaed from ~ 1) Shaarey Zedek Youth Wr~e Hebrew "Letters· To The Publisher" Jerusalem ne 9."imupe-g. reriew of t.be dtu.ation ill the :lfid. Dear Sir: dle East_ w ' ....... - .~.. ~ .,f t - .! I -~~-,._--.J ' I . J'I.... "-;,,-. • i ...J/J , 1 Last Week N. Witman, publisher of The lsrHlite Pr-ass, ROM& - An lnd.1c.tion ltt.t ff Just a line to gy that J camid- -- ---- -- lp-NI-- ~o app.NCh tti. Y•tiun end your !larpn&I Comment n,- Mn. lleir told an affidal dim1a received 12 letters from students in Grade 5 at the Shaarey Z.edek --~,·--·--... , . Hebrew. ~.,..."" for "- ff!aW~t of formal pol"tinf on the zoc Cob~on in her bonar that brad valued --ibe Religious school These were all letters in expressing "'··-• ..)o -· .... •..... • _~ d'-'--•- nutlena there -,Id lie •--•.. dell..._<L-, prililege of havbg CUrada u a • • • the class's interest in ha~ him speak to them (in Hebrew. of ........-,.. .... ..., ..,..,..._ friend." The dinner - tendered ,,. nilluff, ...,. fl1"n ·'ltib -ar by lt was, in my opinion. a discern. ..., lllr. ,.~ and attended by - : ii,•l': r.:::., ""0 • , course~) on newspaper pubhsbing. MIIIM19"ar lp,o wnf,n,ale, the mg interpmatiotJ of the \"med re- u, ~•- ,~r ·,r -i~e rac~ ~;;:- ~., We are so delighted at the performance of these youngsters. Vatican Cblef of P,c,tucoL actiom of m:my of the delegates senior Gcv~t officialc )!em- ,.., , .. r:,, ~:; -m•IC ~::-;: • .)IC ..~,f ,~ and bad so much trouble deciding which of the l~tte.rs deserve-cl Alked by Tbe London JeTish who attended. ben Ill Parliament and other Cma- :" rn"ffl ,,1< nr~; .,!o?, ':, nn:,5- publication, that we solved our problem by rublisbing them all'. -.ntcle w!w oml.\cles to wdl .Mn. Sidney Zack. dian leadmi. llr. Greim welcomed .....,., Mra. Meir as "an old friend." who, .:::•:,,,; It see.ms lo us that the letters by Michae ,viseman. Yushna nbtloni uhted, Horuignor C.1.r- Vancouver, B.C. ht! A.id, represeoted a goverument Duboff and Mira Shafer were the best, but the efforts of all dlnale replied: "'The Charch nt"Ver . of pin,,_.-;.,., .............llihment. • • • deserve your careful attention in reading them, .. -\' establ.ld!tam tlw dtplomallcfint move rebtloo.s,in -ldng but to ROSH Pl NA . "'Ibe-- Canadian--r people. together - : -it,~i, t:C""l 'i'0 These three students will be invited lo appear on Th• Israelite . i~ r, ;N :,•:; :~ ............. If a requect were rnJlde by a gJnn with other peoples of the world. .IM'J '"'11,'i,> 'M 1'lrt:l c:i,:: 11'1::,c 'Jlt Press radio program in a special Hebrew language portion of the • ccunu, and jj abtiolute guaranteeA (Continued from Page 1) an thrilled by the splrlt of the peo- 1tt:1'1 n•::, 1t·::n nn111:1 c•:,,-,, ur-.:ic broadcast. ~ the children will be awarded a gift by Witman's of re1ijiwa freedom were RIP- )!ayor Slepben Juba presented pie o! Israel. They duerve-tbe sup- . r.nrn 511 1lffl! -.:"Im .,:~c, Centre in appreciation of their Hebrew efforts. plied, the l{j)Jy See wwld have no Mr, Silverberg with a scroll attest- port of the . people all over the _ •: l'lro'l'1 . 511 run, ::;:• !' ~ 1'Mllt The Israelite Press plans to encourage similar efforts by all diftlt:ulty in acerptl.ng the openmg in& to community service trn be- world, including o,nada," he rnd. c,•ir,;,; i"l't'1:, -,!"tit -,;, ;>11 "t1!!0 _IJN"'\i) Hebrew and Yiddish language students at all the Jewish schools o! ne,otatlom with that country." ; haJf of the city ot Winnipeg. B.. R ; He ~ Mrs.. :Meir _as one of a -tw:i ,,;;:, in Winnipeg. To a qqestloo eeldog U> disco9er , G. Bonnycastle, metro chalrman, ~:;:!:,""~ of P1oneenn& accomp- c•t11n MK CK nr-D ;w,, OJ nro;i L'Hitraot ~~~ ,:..~::i,, .o•,.,, 1~;,i: ,i~;: ~1.· -,~:­ wbether the Vatican would be pre- : paid tribute to the aynago,ue for , en · .N'lrr.:I ,,,:, c:•,1:n no::, ~~,:-,•I"': fU'\l'":"'! ~ll tf!'~'l'-: .1n1N c•:,1111 i•1e1 n,:,,r;:, nK c•;::i;:,o i• ... ~::·~ pared to mediate betwun Israel i its s:ignilicance In the life of Great-1 "The Canadian people, together .::T'IPll:1 :0'l'::K .::, 11:::: '\?C' '1•1l'l'l:, ~, K'.:"ll ,~~~•,t ,i-: 1 ~:". and the Arab Stalel, Molllignor t er Winnl~ : with otbt!r peoples of the world, nn:::i, Ki::in • nn1<i:, o•in, 1JMJK c:i-: ,11::i 111"::1 c•wp:::i IJK .;•nr::i :i•-· Cardinale r.aid that it there were , Dr. Hilton Aron, of Shaatey Ze- !are thrilled by the spirit of the • • • .r.1w ti,t:ir i•ic 1•::c:n:,1 ,eo, u;,::, "t·rs: ~J:--~., c~.,~:r.n n~ ~'t"i:-':""' 1J, "'\£!0; U-,t:, n•:, N~:; ~1:,, 1.;--:,: .... -~:: .::·--,, :'~·~" .~:"' ;·r"''-t' a ~t for medial ton trom both I dek Synagogue, making hiJ fU'St 'people of Israel They deserve the _:,:.,:, ,:; Cl' .15t!i' riru,tt"! r,:"".l:1: ... !. tlde$. Kthe Holy See would reserv~ public appearance since a recent 1511pport of people all over the .,,,~1 ,~, ,l1 iuac nro:l u,-:, • • • ! • • • .,n~N ~x:,:1; C'\',., ·;~:· :-~--~::· to Ju.elf tbe right to ac-t u medi• illneo, addressed the gathl!Ting. , world, including Canada," be Hid. ~:iMl ,~1(0 ,tc:, ii; Cil Ji,< •.;;:~&'( - : ii,•n 1::0•1 ic - __ .., .. ator." But it would not take the • Mr. Justice Samuel Freedman offer- He puised Mn. Meir as one of a c:ntt i•11. ,nY,~ n no n:rr,:\ er,-;::, ..'n Mn':, ,f0"") ,n, .:~ ~"::: . ' ....... 1 .'n ,n:::: •,tt .1•001:,i:;, 1•::i•,::i ''.:ll:' • • • initiative of it.a own accortl. ed a tout to the president of tbt! generation of pioneers who are ,:ll'I C:Oll/M ,:,:: 1,it...,ni"I ntc c:·~::P'.:l • -~'! ........ ~., ....... 11n:.i ,iw ;;r ,,cc: 1J~t:1 nn::l'l - • I\,'•' j_ ... • - ·------·- ·-- State of Israel. 1Ieaders of Israel He added that he m,,., ill!".):l:l It!:: P1C:ll N? i"ITllC c:K .C''1:l1 ,,::r MnK CK ,NO c• ,,i,o \)Kl c,,;, ·,111?:i nn:n ~., '·i,•~ ..,,,i• ct• .. , Lelyveld Heads Appeal Dr. Meyer S. SChwartzmL-,, of the ' welcomed the opportunity to ex­ .1J1lill 7ll 1;mt i::i5 .rt'l ,,i:::-; -~· ,·~ --a·:~ 0•:i ...,~e~: •."r:--~··.:'.' of views i'IC 1J;> iet:5 1~?C' l'lrt::i"I 511 Kl::; ,,-:nN .i'."c• i·~t'~ ~~, n~~; ;x-.: .. r;• Council Rabbis, brought greet. I change with "so outstanding M"~.,c, :-•t-;" ~• ... :,:• 0':..'"'\~ ii•s; N:: .-•::' :r,: CLEVELA.,'O, (JTAJ - Rabbi Ar­ .tnt:e.n,, .n,111, ~~,l- n~lP\" ~:t:io iln~ 7't<' pn11 ::\:'~)'' 'i""i~3/ l\~, ;"".M"C, ... ~ l"'l""";:.1;:: ,,,9::, iJK'".~ inga. Grace wu said ~ Cantor Or, a statesman." :-x::·:-- ::·:-.·r ~;N .t:''"":"''M ;·.;,~•: ·-· :.:· Uuir J. Lelyveld, I ilJirilual leader of • • • ,::o n,~; i~H, ';N .c~n:n iC n,::-,n ....... ~ Fairmount Temp)., has been named land Vernll of the Rosh Pina. Mr. Diefenbaker told repor-Ulrs . ' . :1·.:--~;i :·n1::i ;~, n:--iM ~::'"'\~ ni·~'."~ Chairman of the evening wu Rabbi his talk with Mn. Meir was "a gen-. ,: rt.»:i·, ii:10 nr."i1 ilJ~;,:, :n:!:=i1 a-eneral chairman of Cleveland·, ~c~,,n::· c, JJVM 1· .n~:::i i'"!Ze' t::~ ""IN':; .,N": :,~~"'l '~C' ~n::-­ PhUip Sh!Wrlon, of the .Rosh Pina. , era! review of the Middle East situ• · .r·oo!:liet 1•-:•J::i ~,::, ilMN t:N .nr.v: C'.rJ~ll~ :'l.,~•n 1963 Jewi,b Welfare Fund Appeal. ,C'J/lllJMO 0'111,'i"I ,•no: .n:r,:i:: :· ~;,·:, ;j;' ~~, is:~1 x~:, j·:~;"' 7... A presentation wu: made to Louis I ation." • • • ."IND ,~ n,1, ,~'.)11/ ~ir \);, '":!!C'.i Announcement of, the appointment ,.,,,, K, ::lt."Vi"I 1•nc::i w,::; .·~~;,•;, c. Cohen, the tint president of the 1 U h · al w dn --'-v ,,'':,r.,r, ,l?C;:l 'K waa made by ·M<E. Glass, pn,sident h ckett, the pon er -111T1v e el>Wl, 'r: ru,,_ .:,~e,:, "",'x-: .:~ ,,:::i:~ ·~ :,,""'~,. ..... , - ...... "lc""I , .... .., ... b Be A. S 1 ,pin'\ ..:, qi1nl'! ,::N - : i;,•n !'.:lt:>'I i::i .11111... •1- ....... , __ - ... -- of the Jewish Community Federa­ synagogue, Y n u night Mn Mm told reporters ahe • • • • pre.sent president. I ·th F c·,,,, c:·11vn to c•;i:n .P"ll/ •iJ.'t:' ico n• ::: 'n n~:: , JN • tion. which 1ponaon the annual Following the dinner meeting, a consider& e UN ~ergeney orce .l'':,e•n _,~::, 'K .·i·,:, :P .::'N::I qiin :,e' n,mi ·•on .n:,,i•e, 1e:ie- 111, ,,ec 1)t!i1> drive. concert by cantor Moshe Kousse- Ion the_ Israel-EgypUan border serves ,v - : ,r,"n r~.:~~, ... ~ ~::l l'.>t~ 11111( ,,::111(1 11<0 NIT'-' n•n ,,s 15:-:1 i•c, ·· · · - vit.aky assisted by pianist Clara · a usetul purpo.i;e. ::n::c, ,,, ,~· ,1eo 1)1--~ \;,~-p or-:nx o~-.,, ~}::~ .;,,~ r-u';: 1 :: M•n ,u,en 1:i•x: 1 ------------, Pearln\Ul,IJtvack and the Rosh "It I• not on ll'Ur aid• of th• · .n:,, ,~~ rnn? O",ri;,o i.Jr:;~ .n.:r:1: .:~ ."ri::il!-':~ ~J '"'\l,'l'' c::•·:i M'i::i•:,. .,,g:, · Support a Progreuive, Pina choir, waa held in ~ main border and therefore Wit han not u•i!l.C n•::i, K1::i11:, c•1n, iKc 1'K i,k ,Ml nN ::':11,~ "l~N rl~nll Q'~'~J; K~iiC' iJNiP ".)N ,.iK•; )1!l,'": i"l'i1 i":T Constructive Government sanctuary of the synagogue.

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