THE UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO © THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 • VOL. 112, ISSUE 18 NEWS SCENE OPINION SPORTS A9 USF transitions its intranet f\f* Read about this past f\Q Father Fitzgerald writes "I O Two different perspectives from USF Connect to My- week's Holi Festival an op-ed clarifying any on both Bay Area baseball USF to improve function celebration that brought confusions about his teams from MLB spring and format. -vibrant Spring colors to comments on sexual ttaining in Arizona. campus. assault made on March 12. jENERAL " FNl RA! LECTION [ i HOJWfl Students observe Mark Harris' "Take Me to Your Leader," displayed in the Hiraeth: 3.9 Collective ip Thacher Gallery. KRIS GEORGE/FOGHORN HIRAETH: 3.9 COLLECTIVE FINDS HOME IN THACHER GALLERY CORIE SCHWABENLAND exploring what it means to be "black" in San class," says Rhodes. "It became a concern for us, Contributing Writer Francisco when, according to the 3.9 Collec­ and we decided that, since we're both attists, to tive, is a word that's "now synonymous with try to figure out a way to talk about these issues With the arrival of Hiraeth: The 3.9 Col­ 'vanishing.'" through our art and form a collective." lective Searches for Home in Thacher Gallery, Since its founding, 3.9 has swelled to twen­ Gleeson Library has transcended its function 3.9'S ROOTS, GROWTH AND ty-five artists, the group's highest numbet. as a study haven for students in an exception­ GOALS Then five of their own artists were priced out ally poignant way. Now, its space has trans­ The collective started with a discussion of San Francisco, leaving the collective at its formed into a visual, and visceral walkthrough between two East Coast-to-SF transplants, current total of twenty, nine of whom conttib- exploration of "home," and what exactly that says 3.9 co-founder William Rhodes. When uted art to "Hiraeth." means in San Francisco's rapidly changing eth­ Rhodes, originally from Baltimore, and fellow Joining 3.9 has been an important source of nic landscape. Where is home? How is it cre­ artist Nancy Cato shared their perceptions support for many of its members as art resources ated? Most importantly, what happens when about San Francisco after living in the city for decrease in tandem with the city's overall cost- home begins to slip away from you, changed by a respective seven and twenty years, they came of-living increase. "You know, just trying to time into something increasingly unfamiliar? to a striking conclusions make it as an artist anywhere in the country is The latter is an essential question for the "We really just felt there was a huge dis­ hard," explains member Mark Harris. "Be you a 3.9 Art Collective, both in theit contributions parity when it comes to wealth, and very few minority or a woman, it's tough to make it as an to Hiraeth and in their art as a whole. When variations of African Americans: You see a lot attist. It's even tougher here, where the presence a preliminary census statistic pegged the city's of Aftican Ameticans that are homeless; you of African American artists is almost nil. I don't black population at 3.9 in 2010, the collective do not see a lot of African Americans living in think that most people would think we have a found their name, and an important niche: San Francisco that are middle class or working presence here in the city." CONTINUED ON PG. 5 Est, 1903 SFFOGHORN.ORG @SFFOGHORN flsAN FRANCISCO FOGHORN o ^ 02 THURSDAY HOMOPHOBIC PROPOSED INITIATIVE LACKS UPROAR APRIL 2, STAFF EDITORIAL 2015 SAIN FRANCISCO In September 2014, California became the Targeted in a California Initiative" when re­ FOGHORN first state to ban Gay and Trans 'Panic' de­ porting on the initiative, and The Atlantic titled Freedom and Fairness © fenses, where a defendant can claim self-de­ their article "Will Californians Vote on Execut­ fense after injuring or killing an individual ing Gays and Lesbians?," which comes off as a who made unwanted homosexual or transex- nonchalant question and undermines the his­ Editor in Chief ual advances. The fact that this defense wasn't tory and present condition of persecution that NUREEN KHADR banned earlier is upsetting, but what is more threatens the gay and lesbian community. [email protected] upsetting is not even a year later, a Southern Members of the Foghorn also echoed the California lawyer has proposed a ballot initia­ reportings of the major news outlets, which News Editor Managing Editor tive that would legalize the killing of homo­ reported the fact that the initiative has a very KATIE WARD KIMBERLEE PARTON sexuals and those who sympathize with them. minuscule chance of ever obtaining enough sig­ [email protected] [email protected] This proposed ballot initiative is known as the natures, especially in a state as liberal as Califor­ Sodomite Suppression Act. nia. The belief that the bill is so absurd and un­ Opinion Editor Copy Editor The lawyer, Matt McLaughlin, has cited likely to succeed is probably one ofthe reasons BISMA SHAHBAZ DAVID L. GARCIA religious reasons behind his proposed initia­ there is a lack of uproar, despite the coverage [email protected] [email protected] tive, and his proposal has California's Attorney it recieved. However, many of us believe that General Kamala Harris requesting a special ex­ awareness of this initiative is necessary to illus­ Scene Editor Online Editor emption from processing this ballot initiative if trate how much hostility the LGBTQ+ com­ NICHOLE ROSANOVA JUSTIN KO the requirements are met, because it "not only munity experiences, even in a state considered [email protected] [email protected] thteatens public safety, it is patently unconsti­ liberal, and to further create discussions about combating the hate the community faces. Sports Editor Production Editor tutional, utterly reprehensible, and has no place in civil society." Under California law, if the JOHN HOLTON COLLEEN BARRETT While there isn't the uproar that we ballot initiative collects 365,580 signatures, it would've expected on campus or statewide, [email protected] [email protected] will be introduced to voters as a Proposition in writer and activist Charlotte Laws has pro­ Photography Editor Layout Editor the November general elections. posed a counter-initiative titled "Intolerant KRISTIAN GEORGE JASMINE BAUTISTA We at the Foghorn believe that this pro­ Jackass Act," which has been sent to the At­ posed initiative is not only ridiculous, but in­ torney General for official title and summary. [email protected] [email protected] credibly abhorant. Despite national coverage This initiative would label any author of ballot Audio Editor Business Manager by The New York Times, The Atlantic, NPR, measures calling to kill lesbians and gays as an ARIANA KUDLO ALEXIA LOUIS and The Washington Post, there seems to be a "intolerant jackass", force him or her to attend lack of on-campus awareness about it. This ini­ at least three months of sensitivity training, [email protected] advert [email protected] tiative should've raised eyebrows from the very and force the person to contribute $5000 to a Advisor beginning. As a newspaper, we understand the pro-gay or pro-lesbian organization. TERESA MOORE importance of covering topics fairly without We hope to see students and staff at USF any bias, but we question how ethical it is to 415.422.5444 2130 FULTON STREET, UC #417 use the existence of McLaughlin's proposed continue to cover the initiative with a neutral sffoghorn.org SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117 initiative to further educate members of the tone when it is proposing such drastic measures. community about the hate the LGBTQ+ com­ The New York Times titled their article "Gays O UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO munity faces, even in this day and age. • SUBMISSION POLICY THE EIGHT-DAY JEWISH HOLIDAY OF PASSOVER WILL BEGIN THE EVENING OF APRIL 3 AND CONCLUDE THE EVENING OF APRIL 11. ROMAN CATHOLICS WILL CONTINUE OBSERVANCE OF HOLY The San Francisco Foghorn is the printed herein maybe reproduced WEEK, WHICH BEGAN PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29, WITH SERVICES HOLY THURSDAY, GOOD FRIDAY, official student newspaper ofthe without prior permission ofthe Editor University of San Francisco and is in Chief. SATURDAY'S EASTER VIGIL AND CONCLUDE ON EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5. sponsored by the Associated Students Columns forthe Opinion section ofthe University of San Francisco and Letters to the Editor are gladly (ASUSF). accepted from students, faculty, staff "Ihe thoughts and opinions expressed and alumni. herein are those ofthe individual writ­ All materials must be signed and PHOTO OF THE WEEK ers and do not necessarily reflect those include your printed name, university ofthe Foghorn staff, the administra­ status (class standing or title), address, tion, the faculty, staffor the students EACH WEEK WE WILL FEATURE A PHOTO FROM INSTAGRAM WITH and telephone number for verification. of the University of San Francisco. Anonymous submissions are not THE HASHTAG #SFFOGHORN Contents of each issue are the sole published. responsibilities ofthe editors. We reserve the right to edit materials An All-American submitted. All submissions become the Publication property ofthe San Francisco Foghorn. iid maiorem dei yloriam a? Columns of not more than 900 words should be submitted by 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before publication. 'I he San Francisco Foghorn is free of Letters of 500 words or less should charge, one copy per reader. To pur­ be submitted by 5 p.m. on the Friday chase additional copies for $1, please before publication. visit our office. Staff editorials are written by the Advertising matter printed herein is Foghorn editorial staffand represent a solely For informational purposes.
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