KAW_SAPP_EX37F_091504 Page 1 of 12 KENTUCKY-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY CASE NO: 2004-00103 SOCIAL AND SERVICE CLUB DUES~ - FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: JULY 31,2004 FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: NOVEMBER 30,2005 DATA: -X- BASE PERIOD -X- FORECASTED PERIOD SCHEDULE F 1 TYPE OF FILING: ORIGINAL -X- UPDATED REVISED - - - PAGE 1 OF 1 WORKPAPER REFERENCE NO(S).: SCH C-2.2 Wdness Responsible: C. D. Bush Base Perlod Forecasted Period Line Social Organization / Total Jurisdictional NO. Account No. Service Club Utility % Jurisdiction UtilitvTotal Jurisdictional% Jurisdiction 1 2 Keeneland Club Spindietop Hall UK Faculty Club Rotany Lexington Kiwanis Lafayette Club Audobon Society Greater Lexington Chamber of C Kentucky Industrail Dev Counci Owen Cty Chamber of Commerce Totals KAW_SAPP_EX37F_091504 Page 2 of 12 KENTUCKY-AMERICANWATER COMPANY CASE NO: 2004-00103 CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: JULY 31,2004 FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: NOVEMBER 30,2005 DATA: -X- BASE PERIOD -X- FORECASTED PERIOD SCHEDULE F - 2.1 TYPE OF FILING: - ORlGlNAL -X- UPDATED -REVISED PAGE 1 OF 4 WORKPAPER REFERENCE NO(S).: SCH C-2.2 Witness Responsible: C. D. Bush Base Period Forecasted Period Line Total Jurisdictional Total Jur~sd~ctlonal No Account No. Charitable Organization Utility % Junsd~ct~on Ut~l~ty % 1 426100 African-American Forum Inc - P 1.000 1,000 1,000 Alpha Beta Lambda Chapter Educ 200 0 Alzheimets Association 100 0 10000% American Cancer Society(KY)-RE 500 0 American Cancer Society(KY)-RE 50 0 American Heart Association - R 500 500 American Lung Association 50 50 American Lung Association 500 0 American Red Cross 30 500 American Red Cross - POIREMIT 500 0 Audubon Society - POIREMIT 250 250 Aviation Museum of Kentucky - 1,000 1,000 Big BrotheMBig Sisters(Blueg 1,000 1,000 Big BrotheMBig- Sisters(Blueq.- 100 0 Big BrotherslBig Sisters(B1ueg 60 0 Black Church Coalition - POIRE 500 500 BluegrassCommunity Foundation 500 500 Bluegrass Dental Society-POIRE 1,500 1,500 Bluegrass PRIDE 1,000 1,000 Bluegrass State Games - POIREM 1,000 1,000 Boy Scouts of America - (KY) 500 1,100 Boy Scouts of America - (KY) 200 0 Boy Scouts of America - (KY) 600 0 Buckley Wildlife Sanctualy - P 1,000 1,000 Center For Women Children Fami 500 500 Center on Aging Foundation 1,200 1,200 Central Kentucky Blood Ctr - P 85 85 Central Kentucky Blood Ctr - P 500 500 Central KY Angels - POIREMIT 500 0 Child DevelopmentCtrs of the 500 0 Children's Charlty Fund of the 5,000 0 Community Action Council-POIRE 300 300 Cynthiana Harrison Co -REMIT 50 0 Down Syndrome Assn of Central 100 100 East Jessamine Boys basketball 50 50 Faimay Golf Course - REMIT 500 500 Fiflh Third Bank-POIREMIT 1,000 1,000 Fourth of July Comminee -PO/R 2,500 2,500 Fraternal Order of Firefighter 180 180 Fr,ends of McConnell Sprmgs.R 1,000 1,000 Fr.ends 01 McConnell Spnnqs-R. - 1,000 0 Friends Of the Arboreturn-POIRE 250 250 George Rogers Clark Project Gr 50 0 Georgetown College-POIREMIT 1,000 1,000 Georgetown College-POIREMIT 500 0 Girl Scouts - REMIT 500 500 Girl Scouts - REMIT 150 0 Govemoes Scholar Program - R 2,000 2.000 Greater Lexington Chamber of C 600 Greater Lexington Chamber of C 5,000 KAW_SAPP_EX37F_091504 Page 3 of 12 CASE NO: 200400103 CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: JULY 31,2004 FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: NOVEMBER 30,2005 DATA: -X_ BASE PERIOD X- FORECASTED PERIOD SCHEDULE F - 2.1 TYPE OFFILING:- ORIG~G-X-UPDATED- REVISED PAGE 2 OF 4 WORKPAPER REFERENCE NO(S).: SCH C-2.2 #REF1 Base Period Forecasted Period Line Total Jurisdlctionai Total Jurisdictional No. Account No. Charitable Organization Utility % Jurisdiction Utility % Jurisdiction 1 426100 Greater Lexington Chamber of C 25 $25 0 $0 2 426100 Habitat Fw Humanitv - POIREMI 500 $500 500 $500 HILLENMEYER GARDEN SHO HILLENMEYERS GARDEN SH HOme Builders Association of L HOme Builders Association of L Home Builders Association of L Hospice ofthe Bluegrass-POIRE Jonesville Fire Dept Jr Achievement of the Bluegras KCTCS-POIREMIT Kentucky industrailDev Counci Kentucky Safety 8 Health Netwo Kentucky YMCA-POIREMIT KET - REMIT KOMEN LEXINGTON KRFDC Big Brothers Big S~sten Ky Dental HealthISpecial Olympics KY Institute of Economic Devel Leadership Jessamine County Leadership Jessamine County Leadership Scott County - APIP Leonard Mark Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Lex Arts Cultural Council Lex Arts Cultural Council Lexington Apartment Associatio Lexington Children's Museum - Lexington Christian Academy-RE Lexington Comminity College - Lexington Forum Inc LEXINGTON HUMANE SOCIE Lexington Humane Society - REM Lexington Humane Society - REM LEXINGTON JR LEAGUE HORSE SHOW LEXINGTON LEGENDS Lexington Professional Basebal LexingtonTheological Semina~y LFUCG - Division of Police LFUCG - Division of Police LFUCG Division of Revenue - RE Life Adventure Camp Logo X Press March of Dimes (All Use) - REM Martin Luther King Jr Celebrat Math CountsPOIREMiT Midway College-POIREMIT Morton Center, The Morton Shull Advertising Inc Morton Shull Advertising Inc KAW_SAPP_EX37F_091504 Page 4 of 12 KENTUCKY-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY CASE NO: 2004-00103 CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: JULY 31,2004 FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: NOVEMBER 30,2005 DATA: -X- BASE PERIOD -X- FORECASTED PERIOD SCHEDULE F - 2.1 TYPE OF FILING: -ORIGINAL -X- UPDATED -REVISED PAGE 3 OF 4 WORKPAPER REFERENCE NO(S).: SCH C-2.2 Waness Responsible: C. D. Bush Base Period Forecasted Period Line Total Jurisdictional Total Jurisdictional No. Account No. Charitable Organization Utility % Jurisdiction Utility Yo Jurisdiction 1 426100 Multiple Sclerosis Society- AP 500 $500 500 500 2 426100 Nature Conservancy - APIPO 2,000 $2,000 2,000 2,000 3 426100 New Horizons Medical Foundatio 500 100.00% $500 500 100.00% 500 4 426100 New Horizons Medical Foundatio 1,000 1,000 0 0 5 426100 New Liberty Fire Dept 500 500 500 500 6 426100 Operation Read - REMIT 250 250 250 250 7 426100 Owen County Project Graduation 50 50 2,000 2,000 8 426100 Owen Cty Chamber of Commerce-R 100 100 100 100 9 426100 paris City Club - REMIT 150 150 0 0 10 426100 Partnership for Youth - AP/PO 1,000 1,000 0 0 11 426100 Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky 400 400 0 0 12 426100 PROJECT GRADUATION - APlPO 100 100 0 0 13 426100 Project GraduationJassamine C 50 50 0 0 14 426100 Reach-POIREMIT 2,500 2,500 5.000 5,000 15 426100 Riparian Reforestation Project 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 16 426100 Roots and Heritage Festival - 6.000 6,000 1,000 1,000 17 426100 Roots and Heritage Festival - 10,000 10,000 0 0 18 426100 Salvation Army(Lexingt0n) - RE 55 55 0 0 19 426100 Salvation Army(Lexingt0n) - RE 100 100 0 0 20 426100 Scott County 4-H Council 200 200 0 0 21 426100 Scott County High School 500 500 0 0 22 426100 Scott County Project Graduat~o 50 50 0 0 23 426100 SHAKERTOWN - APIPO 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 24 426100 SOUTH VAN EVENTS - APIPO 372 372 0 0 25 426100 SPECIAL OLYMPICS -AP/PO 250 250 0 0 26 426100 Stonewall Traditional Elem Sch (5) (5) 0 0 27 426100 THE MORTON CENTER INC 350 350 0 0 28 426100 THE UNlV CLUB OF KENTU 150 150 0 0 29 426100 TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY- APIP 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 30 426100 TRIANGLE FOUNDATION - APIPO 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 31 426100 UK ATHLETICS 500 500 500 500 32 426100 UK Athlet~csAssn-POIREMIT 2,800 2,800 0 0 33 426100 UK Children's Hospital 80 80 0 0 34 426100 UK Library Endowment - POIREMI 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 35 426100 UNITED WAY OF BLUEGRAS 105 105 7,500 7,500 36 426100 United Way of the Bluegrass - 7,500 7,500 500 500 37 426100 United Way of the Bluegrass- 750 750 0 0 38 426100 Vickers. Brad 200 200 0 0 39 426100 Visually impaired Preschool Se 500 500 500 500 40 426100 WMSUPERCENTER SE 62 62 0 0 41 426100 Women Mean Business-REMIT 500 500 3,000 3,000 42 426100 YMCA Black Achievers - REMIT 750 750 0 0 43 426100 YMCA of Greater Lex- REMIT 250 250 0 0 44 426100 YMCA of Greater Lex - REMIT 1,000 1,000 0 0 45 426100 YMCA of Greater Lex - REMIT 150 150 0 0 46 426100 Young Life Lexington 250 250 0 0 47 426100 Black Achievers 0 250 250 48 426100 Bluegrass Land and Nature Trust 0 200 200 49 426100 BluegrassTecnnoiogy Center 0 $250 $250 50 426100 Charity Tennis Tournament 0 1,000 1,000 KAW_SAPP_EX37F_091504 Page 5 of 12 KENTUCKY-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY CASE NO: 2004-00103 CHARITABLE CONTRlBUTlONS FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: JULY 31,2004 FOR THE TWELVE MONTHS ENDED: NOVEMBER 30,2005 DATA: -X- BASE PERIOD -X- FORECASTED PERIOD SCHEDULE F - 2.1 TYPE OF FILING: -ORIGINAL -X- UPDATED -RMSED PAGE 4 OF 4 WORKPAPER REFERENCE NO(S).: SCH C-2.2 Wnness Responsible: C. D. Bush Base Period Forecasted Period Line Total Jurisdictional Total Jurisdictional No. Account No. Charitable Organization Utility % Jurisdiction Utility % Jurisdiction 1 426100 Earth Day $0 1,764 1,764 2 426100 First Link of the Bluegrass $0 500 500 3 426100 Georgetown Rotary (Horse show) - 100.00% $0 100 100.00% 100 4 426100 Harrison County Chamber (Horse Show) 0 50 50 5 426100 Jr. League Horse Show 0 300 300 6 426100 Ky Special Olympics 0 250 250 7 426100 Ky Community S Tech College 0 1,000 1,000 8 426100 KY Youth Assn Scramble for Kids 0 5.000 5,000 9 426100 Lexington Chamber of Commerce 0 500 500 10 426100 Lexington Realty Foundation Golf 0 1,000 1,000 11 426100 LFUCG Fire Prevention Week 0 2,000 2,000 12 426100 LFUCG Friends of the Dog Park 0 5,000 5,000 13 426100 LFUCG Partner for Youth 0 1,000 1,000 14 426100 LFUCG STEP Program 0 1,000 1,000 15 426100 Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary 0 20 20 16 426100 McConnell Springs Education Center 0 5,000 5,000 17 426100 Metro Micro City (Miss Black Lex) 0 100 100 18 426100 National Conference Annual Event 0 750 750 19 426100 Operation Read 0 250 250 20 426100 Owen Co.
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