the program tends to become tedious. with a cleft Fields lyric, is easily the most Strings, not very cleanly recorded, are attractive of the trio. I enjoyed Introduce located in the right -hand speaker, the pi- :11e almost as well. though it puzzled me ano very firmly entrenched in the left. If ( still does) because the melody of the THE there was anything between them, I first line of its chorus sounds exactly like failed to detect it. a Rodgers song. 1 can't place it, however; any help gratefully received. Byron 's style has enough panache to Paul \l'eSton and "Music for Dreaming." be for this material, and one can Capitol 5.1- 1154. $4.98 perfect NEW His Orchestra. readily believe that Kern admired his (SD). work as a vocalist. André Previa provides return to the Capitol To signalize his some interesting arrangements and also Paul Weston has recorded. for campus, some very solid support, tenth as pianist his Old alma mater, an album of mood and conductor. The stereo sound is well music that substantially duplicates Isis al- balanced but not outstanding; for an in- ELECTRONIC bum of the same name, Capitol 'l' 222. timate concert such as this, I suspect that The earlier issue, the first album Weston the monophonic version (which I have made (on 78s) for the newly formed might be just as satisfactory. company, has remained one of its best- not heard) Interesting liner notes by George Frazier, selling albums ever since. While the ]'m curious to know when Sally ac- MUSIC Weston style hasn't changed much since but quired The Siren's Son g, which used to those clays, except for a slightly heavier belong to Leoce It to lane. accent on the brass, the quality of Capi- tol's sound is a world away. I've not heard the monophonic version, but the "Sleep Warm." Dean Martin; Orchestra, dice outstanding features of the stereo Frank Sinatra, conci. Capitol ST 1150. arc the glistening cleanness of the string $4.98 (SD). sound the excellent spatial illusion of and In a rare burst of Hollywood camaraderie. the is the over -all sound. If anything, top Sinatra steps down as vocalist, and up as bait by a little too shrill for ow liking, conductor, to provide bis good friend cutting it slightly i was able to produce a Dean Martin with some excellent orches- sound that completely satisfied me. tral hacking in ya program of bedtime ballads. Sinatra has essayed the conduc- "Nola and Otter Piano instrumentals." tor's role at lost twice before on records, Vincent Lopez and His Orchestra. but in neither instance was he playing Carlton STLI' 12302, 84.98 (SD). second -fiddle to a fellow thnnsh, That he Despite the general excellence of Carl- definitely sloes here, for this is Martins voice ton's stereo sound, 1 find this a disap- record all the way. His fine mellow pointing record. The fault lies mainly and almost too relaxed manner are per- tvith Lopez. It is almost thirty -five years fect for these lullabies. I found him so since he adopted Nola as Isis signature convincing that when, in the middle of tune, and in those far -off days, its digital Side 2. he sang Let's Put Out the Lights, FOLKWAYS difficulties posed no great problem for his i was on the point of doing just that. fleet fingers. Today, alas, the stoy is Fortunately, I didn't; the songs that fol- quite different. It may be possible to do low are among the best on the disc. The STEREO a good deal of faking in a hotel dining fine Pete King arrangements, most hand- room, where the clatter of dishes covers somely recorded, :old much to the listen- Record AMom. lip any glaring errors. The mike, unfor- er's enjoyment. The stereo sound is ex- tunately, is not so kind, and here one ceptionally good ... excellent conter fill F5S 6301 1-12" record with fully illustrated very version of Felix and a good wide spread. notes...55.95 hears a garbled This recording is especially engineered and Arndt's old piano solo. The same sort of mastered to bring to you the full enjoyment shambles occurs in Zee. Confrey's Kitten of this new technical marvel with the blend- on the Keys, and to a lesser extent in "Still More Sing Along with Mitch." ing of NEW SOUNDS and NEW TECHNICS. Miller and The Gang. Columbia A new emotional experience. Some of the The Doll Dance. The pianist is much flitch titles are: TRILOGY by David Talcott. CHAN more at home in the slower numbers, but CL 1283, $3.98 (LP); Columbia CS by Henry Jacobs, FOR THE BIG HORN by Wm. 8099, Loughborough, 350-2 by Gordon Longfellow. the orchestral work is so indifferent, and $5.98 (SD). at times sloppy-, that i would hesitate to A determined fellow, this Mitch Nfillcr. Two volumes of his particular form of OTHER FOLKWAYS RECORDINGS of unusual call it even acceptable. interest in the electronic music field. MOn- musical togetherness have already ap- aural...12" longplay high fidelity recordings peared, but he evidently feels that there ..each 55.95 "Premiere Performance." Ceorgc Byron are still some laggards around who hesi- FX6100 Sounds of Frequency: a test record from 15.6 to 22.500 conceived and mastered Sings New and Rediscovered Jerome tate to join the throng of thwarted vocal- by Peter Bartok. Kenn Songs. Andri' Previo. arranger - ists. This third volume might well FX6160 Sounds of New Music: the whole - it gamut of the development of "music con- conductor- pianist. Atlantic 1293SD, bring then into the fold. Actually, crete," /tape music, electronic music, etc. $4.98 (SD). strikes me as being the best of the three FS3660 Music From Picasso Film: brilliant Here we have an important record in releases, mainly because the songs make recording from the original sound track using unusual effects to depict PICASSO's that it brings hock nine Kern songs that, up a more homogeneous program. I was many "periods." for the most part, have been completely never very comfortable with all those F53661 Henry Jacobs - Programme =1: The overshaulowe'd by bigger hits and intro- march tempo numbers in the earlier al- first recording of electronic music and un- usual interviews on station KPFA. duces three previously unknown and un- bums -too energetic altogether. Here we FPX6250 Sounds of Science Fiction: an elec recorded Kern compositions. These latter get a more leisurely type of song, most Ironic music adventure. were discovered among Kern's unpub- acceptably arranged and fitted out with lished manuscripts, and were without harmonics that won't make you feel in- For complete free catalog of over 600 Long Playing records, write to: title or lyrics. 'l'he task of providing the adequate when you join iu. Even more necessary words was turned over to Dor- c nsiderate to those who can't sing, but othy Fields, a long-time Kern collabora- can whistle, Mitch has included a couple FOLKWAYS RECORDS tor, and the results are now heard for the of choruses for whistlers. Fine sound on World', leading producer of roll Music on Ilecorde first time, sung by George Byron. April both versions, but the stereo might well Fooled Ale, a very typical Kern melody 117 WEST 46 STREET NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. make you think you've invited the Radio á HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE .
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