THE ORIGINAL CHURCH NEWSPAPER. ESTABLISHED IN 1828 THE CHURCHOF ENGLAND Newspaper The films Bringing medical in line for relief to awards, Palestinians, p11 NOW AVAILABLE ON NEWSSTAND FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2014 No: 6210 p15 New £2 coin Baptismal anger ‘glorifies war’ A STRONG attack on an experimental ral evil, the traditional renunciation of the Writing on his blog, he condemned Baptism service by the former Bishop of devil and all his works has been replaced ‘reject’ as a weaker word than ‘renounce’ Rochester drew a quick response from with an anodyne rejection of evil in all its and argued the service was ‘semi-Pela- the Church of England over the week- ‘many forms’,” the Bishop complained. gian’ and failed to convey the sense that end. “Because of its anxiety to make every- Christ is our saviour and we are in need A spokesman was at pains to point out one feel welcome and its desire not to of being saved. that the supplementary materials for the offend anyone, the new service almost General Synod member Alison Ruff Baptism service had not been approved entirely does away with sin and the need told the Mail on Sunday that the service by General Synod but had been sent to to repent from its personal and social was ‘weak and woolly’ and lacked convic- over 400 parishes for use in a trial period manifestations and consequences.” tion. The paper condemned the service in that lasts until April. He claimed the new service said noth- an editorial claiming the Church of Eng- By Amaris Cole Writing in the Mail on Sunday, Bishop ing about Christ ‘in whom we are to put land had become embarrassed by its own Michael Nazir-Ali attacked moves to min- our trust’. “Rather than the constant beliefs. ONE OF Britain’s oldest Christian imise ‘depth and mystery’ in church wor- ‘dumbing-down’ of Christian teaching, The request for a new, supplementary peacemaking groups is concerned the ship and criticised the omission of sin whether for baptism, marriage or death, service that was more culturally appropri- launch of the new £2 coin, depicting and the devil from the new Baptism serv- we should spend time preparing people ate came from a group of clergy in the Lord Kitchener’s famous call to war, ice. for these great rites of passage,” wrote Diocese of Liverpool. will ‘glorify war’. “At a time of high interest in supernatu- the Bishop in a hard-hitting attack. One of those involved, the Ven Tim The Fellowship of Reconciliation Others gave him their support. Bishop Stratford, is now the Archdeacon of (FoR) is calling on the public to make Pete Broadbent described the experi- Leicester. He defended the new service, ‘Coins into Ploughshares’, by turning Common Worship mental service as ‘crass’ and ‘baptism- telling the Daily Telegraph that when every coin they come across an ‘invest- lite’. many people heard the word ‘sin’ they ment in a just a peaceful future’. The Decision thought of sex or the danger of eating too FoR Director, Millius Palayiwa, said: A large candle may be lit. The president many cream cakes. “We are very concerned that the addresses the candidates directly, or Alternative text to be used “We are talking about something big- launch of the new £2 coin design is in through their parents, godparents and experimentally ger than that,” he said. “There is a case danger of glorifying war and drawing sponsors for exploring whether we can talk about public attention away from the horrors In baptism, God calls us out of darkness The Decision sin more deeply without using the actual of the trenches and the continuing into his marvellous light. A large candle may be lit. The president word ‘sin’, which trips some people up.” need for peace, healing and reconcilia- To follow Christ means dying to sin and addresses the candidates through their He also argued that society was losing tion in the world. rising to new life with him. parents, godparents and sponsors its sense of the devil. “The devil is a very “In the spirit of our founders, we are Therefore I ask: In baptism God calls us to new life. strong image and the image that will calling upon Christians, and everyone Do you reject the devil and all rebellion We die with Christ to all that destroys, cross people’s minds is probably a little who wants to see the establishment of against God? and rise to live with him for ever. red creature with a pitchfork and pointed a world order based on love, forgive- I reject them. Therefore I ask: Do you reject evil? ears because that’s what popular art has ness, compassion and reconciliation to Do you renounce the deceit and I reject evil. done to the devil,” he claimed. save the new coins when they come corruption of evil? And all its many forms? The new supplementary texts have no across them and donate them to one of I renounce them. And all its many forms . formal status until they are approved by the many organisations working to Do you repent of the sins that separate And all its empty promises? General Synod. They were sent for exper- build a just and peaceful world for us from God and neighbour? And all its empty promises. imental use in parishes by the House of everyone.” I repent of them. The candidates, together with their Bishops. The new materials can be seen Do you turn to Christ as Saviour? parents, godparents and sponsors, may on the Church of England website. I turn to Christ. now turn to face the font, a cross, or the In an introductory note, the Acting Sec- PRICE £1.35 / 1,70€ / $2.20 Do you submit to Christ as Lord? large candle. retary to the Liturgy Commission says I submit to Christ. Do you turn to Christ? they are designed to express ‘God’s wel- Do you come to Christ, the way, the I turn to Christ. coming grace’. The note further claims truth and the life? And put your trust in him? that the Common Worship baptism rite I come to Christ. And put my trust in him. started from the assumption that adult Where there are strong pastoral reasons, And promise to follow him for ever? baptism within the context of Sunday the alternative form of the Decision And promise to follow him for worship would be the norm. (CWIS, p.168) may be used. ever. It did not reckon with the continuing need for ‘stand alone’ christenings that can offer a pastoral opportunity if they have the right language and tone. [email protected] facebook.com/churchnewspaper @churchnewspaper THE 2 www.churchnewspaper.com Friday January 10, 2014 News CHESTER in one hand and a Carol Drinkers at the Rake & Pikel Sheet in the other. It was CHURCHIN pub in Huntington, Chester, remarked by several in the found themselves busy pub, that it was the participating in a special closest they got to church all Carol ‘Service’, on the night Christmas. John Cheek of St before Christmas Eve. The Luke’s said: “With ‘Beer and ENGLAND pub played host to ‘Beer and Carols’, we were close to Carols’, led by members of having no room at the Inn, as nearby St Luke’s church. For people were crowding in 30 minutes, customers sang doorways and standing at the traditional Carols with a pint back.” CHESTER SOUTHWARK Three bishops from The Rev Andrew Wakefield, who chairs Merton Chamber of Chester met the Pope Commerce, has won a Compact Leadership Award 2013. while on an ecumenical The awards celebrate the most outstanding examples of the visit to Rome for a government/voluntary sector Compact across England. The residential staff meeting. Vicar of South Wimbledon, St Andrew, has been involved The 10-strong team from with the foundation since 1992. The national Compact the diocese, included Leadership Award acknowledged not only his personal role Bishop Peter Foster and and activity but also the partnerships built by Merton suffragans Bishop Robert Chamber and Merton Voluntary Service Council. Atwell and Bishop Keith Sinclair. While in the RIPON AND LEEDS Italian capital, members Nine of the world’s major faiths joined together in Leeds of the team visited the City Centre with displays, music and prayers as part of English College, and the National Inter-faith Week. Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and Anglican Centre, where Hindus stood side by side in the city’s Merrion Centre, they met Archbishop joined by the Lord Mayor of Leeds. Each faith had members David Moxon – the there to explain what they believed. Chair of LLF, the Rev Archbishop of Charles Dobbin, said: “We aim to show that a better society Canterbury’s is possible if we understand one another and work representative to the Holy together.” See. ELY OXFORD A Vicar from Cambridgeshire has The Church Housing Trust, which helps released a booklet to help couples charities that work with vulnerable make the most of their wedding day. people, is calling on churches to help The Rev Ally Barrett of Buckden and raise funds during Poverty and Offord, lays out the words and actions Homelessness Action Week, held from 25 of the marriage ceremony in Making January-2 February. It helps more than the Most of Your church Wedding, 200 people each year through projects explaining the various parts of the including Hamble Court in Reading, service. The book also included which was recently able to fit a new prayers for the couple and a few Bible training kitchen. For more information verses they may like to include.
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