Radetich, lilly , Welch Make Finals By DENNIS ANDERSON I Tribune Sports Writer i BERKELEY - High jumper ,John Radetich and half-miler ! IJohn Lilly of San Carlos and dis• Ileus thrower Ben Welch of Wood• I !side were the Sequoia District entries who qualified for today's finals in the State High School Track and Field championships in preliminary competition here I Friday. I Radetich was the most im• ,pressive qualifier in the high , jump, which was termimated af- , ' ter the field had been reduced to ,I Il competitors wt.,} ail cleared 6-6. Radetich used the least jumps, three (one each at 6-2, &-4 and 6-6) to make the qualify• ing height. Welch appeared to be out of the running until his final throw, 'when he uncorked an effort of 166-3Y2 to rank ninth among the I I ]2 entries who will compete to- I be carried over. 'It day.LillyFriday'sdid notdistanceslearn untilwill thisnotl h I morning that he had made the I 1 I finals. He was picked fourth in I ihis heat of the 880 (the firstl d Ithree qualify) but after a review • e. 10f,heatfilms,betweenofficialsLillycalledand Toma dead-Ek- d tilne and certified both into to• :-/Iundday's offinal.San Diego's St. Augus-I Lilly put on a great spurt in _. the last 30 yards, passing Cen• Jamestral Coastof SeasideSectiontochampregister Fredjhis own and the SPAL's best time in history - 1:53.6. Ravenswood's Jim Marshall failed to qualify in either of the sprints nor did the Trojan relay team make it. Running into a headwind, Marshall was timed; in 10.1 and picked seventh in hisll i'I 21.4heat forof thefifth100inandhis washeattimedof thein 1,220. The first three qualified. , Ravenswood's 880 relay team was sixth in its heat in 1:31.3, almost two seconds off its best I effort. Cubberley bobbed the ba• I ton and finished seventh in the . same heat in 1:32.8. I I nishedSerra secondHigh's inJerryhis heatTallonof the,fi-i 1880 in 1: 53.1, the Hfth fastest I I qualifying time in the event.! Only other qualifier from San Mateo County was Randy Weil of Burlingame, who made the ! 12014.3,highbut 'hurdlesmissed outwithin thea timelaw. of : Palo Alto High junior John; Enscoe put on an impress~ve fino! j ish to tak~ :hird in his heat of' the mile in 4: 20.3, the ninth and slowest qualifying time. Most impressive mark of the; trials was the meet record- .equalling 20.5 in the 220 by Phil ,Under·.vood of Los Angeles' Dor• !sey mgh. Underwood ran away from the, field in the same heat in which Ravenswood's Marshall. ran. ~ IEnscoe. I. I Lilly post l:~ top marks (.. John Enscoe of Palo Alto andl over first places in the South JohnPeninsulaLillyAthleticof SanLeagueCarlos tracktook\ Iandmeetfieldof the"best"season.list in the final Ii I Enscoe became the best miler Jin SPAL histo).'y when he ran 14:15.4 while placing sixth in the Lilly took over the lead in the Istate meet at Berkeley SaturdaY'j state meet. j VARSITY . 1.880Highbyhurdlesrunning- Gendreaua 1:53.6(G), in14.6thew, I 15.0; Dinges (G). 15.0; Crowell (Carl), 15.1. 880 yard run - Lilly (SC), 1:53.6; Wake! (Carl). 1:56.1; Enscae {PAl, 1:57.0. laO-yard dash - Marshall (R), 9.6; i Stor~k (Wood). 9.9; Rudomefkin (Cub),! l°:Eto_;gr~d"J~s~~ ~~~ndeberg (SC), 50.3; r Two mile - Hunfer (G), 9:37.6; Stod, ,dard (G). 9:8.4; Huntsberger (PA), 9:50.9. EricksonLow hurdles(W),.5O.6;- EversLilly (Cub).(SC), 51.019.2.. w; 1. Crowell (Car/), 19.7; Rolly (Carl), 20.0 w, 20.2. Mile - Ensco. (PA). 4:15.4; Lllly·{SC). 4:21.8; Hull (SC), 4:25.7. I21.4;220-yardStorekdash(W),- Marshall21.7 w, (R).22.4; 21.1Rudo-w, metkinRelay (Cub),- Ravenswood,21.8 w. 1:29.6; Carlmon!. \ " 1:30.3; San Carlos, 1:31.4. I . High lump - Radetich (SC), 6-9',1,:;I_ Jones (R), 6-3; Taylor (W), 6·2'12. Sledge (R), 21-1OVo; Rogaway (PA). 21-10. II Pale voul" - Weed (G)' 13·9:' Lour (Cub), 13-{); Dinges (G), 12-9. ShotBroad putjump- Dunker- Reid(W)',(Cub),56-8'1.; 21.11V,;!Welch,' , Discus - Welch (W), 174-6; Simons" ,j(W),53-IO'A;(R), 168-11V2;NorbergNorborg (G),(G),51-4.1~8-11%. ~.' CLASS B ;. 70-yard high hurdles - Portman (Seq).· 9.0; 880 - Bianco (Seq), 2:03.6; 100-yard Stamperdash - (MA).Pigman52.8;(Seq),Two mile10.1; - 440Terri--I'"" berry (Seq), 10:02.2; Low hurdles - Ed./ wards (Seq), 20.9; 220 - Hatcher (MA)<· 20; Mile - Brltf's (MA). 4:36.2; Reloy• Menlo-Atherton, 1:33.5. High lump - Panlthpakdl (MA). 509':.; . t Broad lump - Cartright (R), 20-4; Pale Ivoultput - -CurryEshelman(Seq), 49.Q'h;(TerL DiscusJJ-8'h; - ShotBell (Carl), 139-4V2. -Tribune Photo ·Wo'odsider Makes It, Too Woodside -discus thrower -Ben Welch (above) cut loose with a 166-31/2 toss Friday to rea~h today's finals of the state meet at Berke!ey. Los Angeles Times The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States of America) · 5 Jun 1966, Sun · Page 57 Downloaded on Jan 10, 2019 1966-State-Meet Clipped By: rreabold Thu, Jan 10, 2019 Copyright © 2019 Newspapers.com. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. I Unofficial Athlete of the Meet (\ 1915 . Gerald Blankenship (Visalia) 1916 Harry Lamport (Manual Arts LA) 1917 Lloyd Hill (Coalinga) . Jack Melville (Berkeley) Charley Paddock (Pasadena) 1918 Charley Paddock (Pasadena) 1919 Brick Muller (Oakland Tech) 1920 Bud Houser (Oxnard) Eddie Sudden (Lick Wilmerding SF) 1921 Bud Houser (Oxnard) 1922 Bud Houser (Oxnard) 1923 Morton Kaer (Red Bluff) 1924 Lee Barnes (Hollywood) Ross Nichols (Huntington Beach) 1925 Junior Hanford (Manual Arts LA) 1926 Jimmy Meeks (Holl~10od) Jimmy Payne (San Bernardino) c Dick Hehner (Brawley) 1927 Frank Wykoff (Glendale) 1928 Frank Lombardi (Los Angeles) 1929 Jimmy Willson (San Diego) 1930_ . George Sbehtanian (Tulare) 1931 John McCarthy (Fairfax LA) Carl Satterfield (Manual Arts LA) 1932 Tom White (Long Beach) 1933 George Anderson (Muir Tech, Pasadena) \ Myrel Gillett (El Centro) . Virgil Hooper (Antelope Valley, Lancaster) Cornelius Johnson (Los Angeles) 1934 Roy Kirkpatrick (El Centro) 1935 John Raitt (Fullerton) 1936 Mickey Anderson (Muir Tech, Pasadena) .Farmer Brady (Gridley) Jerry lopes (Placer, Auburn) 1937 Bryant Allen (Jefferson LA) Baylor Maynard (Belmont LA) George Sangster (Muir Tech, Pasadena) 1938 Gil La Cava (Beverly Hills) Jack Moore (Stockton) ..:. ,~;.. - CharlieDennisDixonPrestonFarmerCarrDumasGriffin1939(Lowell,(Miramonte)(Centennial,(Centennial,Whittier)Whittier]Compton)Compton) . JackJohnOmarJimmYHaroldMelAncelLeonHughBobJerryRobertSteveForrestEddie\ MathiasClipper., TroutMcE1benr:!Y~HelwigPa~tersonCowlesDavisMorris'Hines'TurnerHhiteRobinsonBusbyBondsBeaty(Bakersfield)1940(Hoover'(Palo(Mt.(Tulare)(McC1ymonds,(Muir,(Corcoran)(Muir,(Huntington(Glendale)(Riverside(Hoover(Taft)(Selma)Carmel)(HashingtonAlto)~asadena)Glendale)Pasadena)Glendale)Poly)Beach)Oakland)LA) Ray Van Asten (Bonita, LaVerne)1954 TodThelmaMonte.UpshawHubieWillieDaleJohnRichardHerbieBobEarlHhiSeamanMcCulloughStoryRoseWatsonJamesLeamonWhiteTurnerteKnowlesJoyce(Ne\vport(Hoover(Orange){ReedleyJackson(Jordan{Piedmont(Jefferson(Sierra,King(Alameda)(Santa(LongGlendale)Harbor)(De1anO~LA)(Alameda~Monica)BeachWhittier)LA) Poly) 1961 ( 19631941196019561950195719491951195219621953194819591946195819471964195519661965 A1 Hann. (Edison Fresno} . " r~anuaGlendaleManualr'·1anuaJeffersonlJashiJeffersonSan'LongLosVisaliaHollywoodPasadenaAltosOn1BeachngtonArtsego LALAU\LAHIGHESTPoints*37!z23!z22!z2120!z23252635242220181919!z30 SCORINGYear 19241968191619751941192819661932192019701955196719151974191919521927195019491929194819371918191719471956TEAMS (2nd)(3rd)IN STATE MEETS OaklandDorseyr·1uirJordanCoalingaLosEllEdisonMuirPasadenar1anCentennialLongsuaAngelesBeach1(Pasadena)(RiLAArts(Fresno)Polychmond)(Compton)LA 2225211412191810111342963 1 Team * Points have all been adjusted to a common (5-3-2-1) scoring system Prep Tr c ason Closes I Tribune Sports Writer also started at 4:30 and will wind up records. By DENNIS ANDERSON ding for berths in Saturday's fin- Today's activity at Berkeley Ithreaten national interscholastic The season ends for sequoia Most District schools are sen- ~round 7:30.. Saturd~y the first These include Dorsey High's High School District trackmen ding delegations of 20 or more field event. fmal w~ll start. at (Los Angeles) 880 relay team, tomght.. and Saturday with the athletes-. - to the Hollister Relays. f12:30I thp.m.880andt the2 first runmng which has equalled the US.. prep tomght. It's a season-endmg ma, e , a p.m. mark of ]:25.9; pole vaulter best at the State Meet and the "fun" meet for most but Wood- As usual, the California State Paul Hagler of Pasadena's Muir rest at the Hollister Relays. side and Menlo-Atherton Dlan tolMeet will be the finest high High, whose mark of 16-3is 3% A half-dozen State Meet en- make serious bids for the var- school meet in the nation this inches short of the national re• tries competed this afternoon in sit and B team titles res c- year. Many of the season's na- cord; and long jumper Doyle preliminaries at the University tivel. Finals tonight begin tional leaders are entered and Steele of San Diego High who of California at Berkeley, bid- about 7:30p.m. some all-time prep leaders will last week cracked the national 1_,prepThemarkSequoiawith aDistrict'sleap of 25-51,4.most hopeful entry is John Radetich of San Carlos, although he is I :••• jumpone prepfieldmeet.everRadetichassembledjumpedin III I6-9%,competinghis careerin thebest,_finestlast weekhigh Bill Morris of Compton (6• and101,4),consistentlyFred Jacksontopped 6-8.of Oak•I_ land's Castlemont (6-lOYz) and Don Pierce of Pittsburg (7-0) are among the men Radetich has to beat. Radetich's qualify• ing mark, was equalled only by Doug Huff of Lincoln ill Los Angeles, however. Some of the other luminaries entered include John Hubbell of Long Beach Poly, second ran• king prep shot putter (67-9%) of all time; Terry Rogers of Hilltop in San Diego, No.
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