Berrien Co. Record. e A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. IT* PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Scroll Sawing and all kinds Job Work. County -----W E MAKE----- ien Cupboards, Wardrobes, lU ilk Safes, JO ll\ G. HOLM ES. Sinks, Screen Doors, And anything in that line. We trill also continue T «m s:-S1.50 per Year. the Model Making. We will take contracts to PAYABLE IN ADVANCE* manufacture any small articles In wood. BUCHANAN, BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1883. NUMBER 41. •Shop hack of Steam G-rist Mill. OFFICE—Xu Record Building, Oak Street. VOLUME XVII. mater behind this note she resolved Facts for Farmers. ONLY A DRHNKAltD’.S W IFE. At last the great night was at hand. A Sample of Horse Sagacity. Business Directory. MICHIGAJS 0ENTRA1 RAILROAL. Walford was full of spirits and confi­ to isk going. Before leaving she went Early maturity is the watchword of Business Directory. M A IM U I V F t upsairs, and list the hoy might feel The Washington correspondent of BT MBS. E. V. WILSON. dence. The rehearsals had been most the Cleveland Leader gives an incident profitable stock-growing. SOCIETIES. r.'IARMEES* MANUFACTURERS BARK, Bu- satisfactory. Everyone connected with loniy—she had been accustomed to sit JD channn, Mich. All bnsiucss entrusted to this I n a ho sp ital w ard a w om an lay , the theatre had complimented him up­ wit him while he went to sleep—she on the race-course at that capital last In California prune culture is a great Bank will receive prompt and personal attention. Painfully gasping her life away; O. O. F.—Buchanan Lodge Ko. 76 holds Its Tim e Tabic—Augr 1SS3 on his singing and acting m the part, toldhim she would leave the lamp week, which shows extraordinary in­ success. Each tree bears about a hun­ . regular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on each Wm. Pears, Pres.; Geo. H. Richards, Vice Pres.; So braised and beaten you scarce could trace telligence on the part of a horse. The A. F . Ross, Cashier. 1 Mail. Accom. N lghtEx. and the whole company were in the aligfc on the condition that lie lay dred pounds of prunes, worth about Tuesday evening. Womanhood’s semblance in form or face. very best of humor, for the belief was stiiljand did not get out of bed while steeple-chase was being run, and Jim fourteen cents per pound. irE S . FRANC WHITMAN, Agent for Victor Cliu\q20................... 7 05a.m. 4 00n.nt.ll0 20n.ni. Yet tbe hair that over the pillow rolled, McGowan. Ranger, and Abraham, three r \ & A. 61.—Summit Lodge No* 193 holds a reg- J 1 Sewing Machines. Attachments, oil amlneed- K ensington............ 7 55 4 00 11 10 general that the opera would run a she ’as away. Tlie boy promised and ij « ular meeting Monday evening on or before the L ake........................ 8 35 5 50 11 52 In a tangled mass, was like threads of gold; of the most noted horses, Were the con­ Isabella, Catawba and Clinton grapes nil moon in each month. les furnished for all machines. Ill Bradley’s Pho. hundred nights, at least. she lent. tograph rooms, Front st. Michigan City......... 9 23 7 00 12 35 And never a sculptor in any land testants. Ranger and Abraham start­ are said to keep well when packed in New Buffalo........... 9 47 V m) Molded a daintier foot or band. It was a dreary, cold, damp, dis- Atthe public-house indicated she T71 A A. M.—Buchanan Lodge No. 6Sholds a reg* ed fairly abreast. Bravely they ran up single layers in. shallow boxes, about UCHANAN MARBLE WORKS. Monument* Three Oaks............ 10 Chi 7 40 . heartening evening, when Walford fouma stout, slatternly woman, who I; . nlar meeting Friday evening on or before the U alien ..................... 10 15 7 52 +1 82 Said one who ministered to her need, hill and down, over hedges and ditches, two inches in depth. full moon in each month. B and Headstones of all designs and kinds ol D ayton................... 10 21 7 oS prepared to leave his home for the appefled to be worse for drink. This Marble. J. S .B eistle. Bnchanan................ 10 30 S 07 1 49 “None but a coward could do tins deed; theatre. Some months ago, when his worn si said she was the writer of the with Abraham in the lead and the Alexander Heron, Secretary of the OF H.—Buchanan Grange No. 40 meets on Niles........................ 10 45 s so 2 05 And what bitter hate must have nerved the Ranger pressing on his flanks. Within TTt O. HAMILTON, Milk Dairy. DcHversMUk wife died, he had had an engagement, note, ind then to Martha Grace’s hor­ Indiana State Board of Agriculture, P » the second and fourth Saturday of each month, Dowugiac................ 11 13 8 45 2 32 a rm 12 o'clock p» 2i. W .in all parts of the corporation daily Resi­ Decatur................... 11 38 9 09 2 57 hut it was now two months since Ms ror, iisured the faithful old servant half a mile of the close, Ranger stum­ has trained a potato plant JbT cutting dence,head of Front street. Law ton............ 11 55 9 27 8 18 That a helpless creature like this could harm.” last appearance in public. that sie had no intention whatever of bled and his jockey was thrown over off all but one stem at the top until O. G. T.- •Buchanan____ Lodge No. 856 holds Its Kalamazoo........... U2 32 p.m. 10 00 p.m. 3 52 Then the dim eyes, hazy with death's eclipse, his head. The horse stopped a mo­ tegular meeting on each Monday evening. /IltA S-W . SMITH has a lot of Carriages trom Galeshnrgh............. 12 53 Slowly unlocked, and the swollen lips “How, Martini,” said he on leaving, benefitng the master of Albany Lodge, that single stem is now as thick as V the celebrated Lotus Cook manufactory, for Battle Creek........... 1 S3 4 37 ment, and then, seeing that his com­ s.ie i p. Buchanan,Midi. murmured faintly; “Ho loves me well— “you’ll be king of the castle while I’m but tilt her design was that Martha, one’s wrist and rises to a height of A. R. -Wm. Forrott Post No. 22. Regular Marshal!.................. 2 10 5 02 petitor was fast beating him, lie start­ Albion..................... 2 33 5 25 My husband—''twas drink—be sure you l oll away. I shall not be back till past being i a position of confidence, as she nine feet and five inches. meeting on the first and third Wednesday \ \ r H. TALBOT, Machinist. Engines,Threshing ed on, determined to win the race for eveninga of each mouth, in Good Templars Ball. Jackson................... 3 25 7 25a.m. C 10 When he comes to himself—that I forgive; midnight. You needn’t sit up for me. I was inbrmed, should gradually pillage Visitin'; comrades always welcome. V V • and Agricultural Machines repaired. Cider Gras? Lake.. ..... 3 52 T4S 6 32 shall get my supper in town, It’s time that biuse, that she, tlie strange wo­ himself, without a jockey. He follow­ A Hew York horticulturist insists mill Screws,"Saw Arbors, &c., made to order. Shop Chelsea............ 4 IS 810 6 54 Poor fellow—for him—I would like to live.” ed the other horse, which was now sev­ that the grape leaves should be burned C. T. V. OF BUCHANAN holds itsregnlar on Chicago street Dexter..................... 4 35 S 24 7 0S A shudder, a moan, as tlie words were said, now, isn’t, for Freddy to go to bed?” man, aould dispose of the goods, and Ann Arbor.............. 4 57 S 45 7 2S And the drunkard's wife on tbe eoueh lay He took the boy in his arms and that thy two should divide tlie money eral lengths in advance, jumping the as soon as dropped in the fall, rather W • meeting at the Presbyterian Church on each AMES CASE, Florist, keeps aU kinds of Flower Y psilanti................ 5 15 9 03 7 43 ditches as he did. and finally gaining than be used as a mulch, or for any Tuesday at3t*. M. and Vegetable Plants for sale. Good plants at \\ avne Jnne........... 5 40 9 2S 8 05 dead. kissed him fondly, and stroked his betweetthem. J low prices. One mile northof Bnchanan. D etro it.................... 3 35 p.m. 10 20 a.m . S 50n.m. on him until, when the two came to other purpose, on the ground, that such Oh, fathers, who hold your daughters dear, brown curls, and called him his Fred­ Martti broke away from this wretch ATTORNEYS. Mail. Accom. Eve. Ex. dy, his little man, his fine boy. Then indignaitly, and hurried back with all tlie main track on the last quarter of a use tends to propagate tlie fungus T.MORLEY, Star Foundry. A full line of Somebody’s daughter is lying here, mile on the home stretch, they were which causes mildew, while burning , South Bend Chilled Plows, and repairs for Detroit ................... 7 20a m. 0 15p.m Oh, brothers of sisters, come and see added: “I think, Martha, in honor of speed tothe house. She had not been TTAN R IPER & WORTHINGTON,' A n u t-.. BKalamazoo, Oliver and Three Rivers Plows. Also, S 20 p.m. neck and neck. Then Ranger seemed would destroy it. V and Counselors at Law, and solicitors in Chan­ Wnvue Jnne..........
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