'nQlm VOL. LVI MASON. MICH.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24. 1914 NO. 52 MASON MAUKirrs. onl{ISTMAS (JIIMI'VI'I.\(JS. Wheat ?:1.12 to $1.M, rye ?1.00, Christmas Greetings are as old as J. l[ I EVERETT'S good dry corn 70c, oats ISc, clover i the Christian era itself, seed $0 to $8, lieans ?2.30, potatoes Yet every year tliey arc as frosli, 25c, eggs :nc, butler 27c, cattle 5c to and inspiring, and line as the greens VIJOMI.MINT IILSI.M-ISS MAS MMMM^T Cash Grocery 7c, hogs $G.2S, veal calves 7c, Iambs of lioily and evergreen tliat liave al­ von Late Thoughts ways typilled Clirlstmas. QUAi{TKI{ or tlKNTUISY 25 lbs. Moss Hose Flour W>c 5c to 7c, sheep 2c to IP/jC. Christmas greetings, if the lioart Rosd Bud Flour «<>« \EWS IV niUEP. goes Willi Iheni, help to thaw out tlie Gold Modal Flour «Sc Ice in wliicli a year of business has 25 lb. Henklo's Broad Flour «3c .lackson K. Elmer was born at Tuesday was the sliorlest day in frozen us. Salt Pork, per, lb 17c llie year. It's good for lite liearl. It's also Itidgoway, Orleans county, N. Y., Bacon, per lb aac good for business, since it prepares May 12, IS'IO, and died at his home for Nice Dairy Butler, lb aSc For sale, piano reasonable price. us to start another year of business in this city Dec. 16, UlM. He was Xmas Gifts Washington Corn Flakes, pkg...lOc I. .]. Kellogg. Willi a more luiman viewpoint. 1 want your butter and eggs. Con­ the son of Philo and Susan ti. Elmer. 'i'he Daptist Sunday school will And the yearly bustle ot the His father died when he was but sult me before soiling. Remember elect odicers no.\l Sunday. Clirislnias rusli is good because it 1 bave cholera cure for cblcUcns. brings us up under tlie wire with a two years of age. The family moved Nothing can supply these thoughts Born, Dec. 1.S, an eight-pound son nourish. Such a hurry-up (Inish to Michigan in 1853 and .settled in GEO. H. LEVERETT. to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Prince. gives us quickening assurance for tlie the township of Home, Lenawee coun­ like Jewelry CSolli I'liones. If this weallior continues a few year to come, ty, where he received his early edu­ days tlio ice harvest will begin. Head Dickens. Dickens was a great cation in the district schools of his lover of Chri.slmas and his tales of township. Being in a .largo ineas- Tlie niolliors' pension act is costing rollicking Christmas merriment will We can help you out with a choice Ingham county about $5000 this give anybody the Cliristmas spirit. selection Entered nt the Post Ofllcc, Mnaon, year. iiB accond-claiia iniittur. And that's what you want—the Mason Iteynoids has traded his 80- Christmas spirit. Don't consider IPubll.licd every Thnr»diiy by acro farm on section 2 5, Vevay to Christmas merely as a time of por- A. L. HOSE. Del. Ward for Lansing properly. functory gift-giving. Get the Clirist­ Come any time. We are ready to wait mas spirit. Let Christmas be a well- Dr. Geo. C. Moody of this city has spring of refreshment to your tired upon you. TEKMS. been appointed as a federal live and thirsty soul. On. Yenr, $1.00; ilx month., CO cent.Mhrc. slock inspector for this section. month., 3S cent.. To all our good friends and cu.s- A large shipment of vacuum clean­ tomers we wisli the merriest kind of ADVEUTISING KATES. ers just received. .Tust the thing for a Merry Christmas and a good New Our lidvcrtlBlnK riitc. mndc known at oBlco. a Clirlstmas present. F. W. Webb. * Year that will make tliem wax large DunlncB ciirdn $1 u lino per year. in prosperity. Ford Aseltine BuHlne.B locula five cent. i>er line ench nnd Regular communication of Mason «very Insertion. We wish we could carry this mes­ Miirrlnne. birth «nd doiith iioticei free. Lodge No. 70, F. & A. M. Wednes­ sage to you in person, and give it to ure dependent upon his own resour­ m KeBolutionB of rcsiiccl curd of thiinkB, etc., day evening. Doc. SO. Work in E. A. you in the form of a jjood old-fash­ ces he early learned the trade of a Ave ccntB ii line. degree. ^ ioned hand clasp. We believe in carpenter and was for a time a car- The Christmas Money Club at The Cliristmas and we want everybody tractor and builder. Before reach­ Business Cards. First .Slalo &. Savings Bank clo.ses else to believe in it. ing the years of his majority he came Doc. 2S. .Secure your membersliip be­ to this county and assisted his half- ATTOIINHV. fore then. * YOUI{ OlM'OltTUNITY. brother, Lyman W. Raker, to build one of the llrst frame liousos erected i'",l,I.I';Y & KlCI.I.l'-.V. I,ftwvi'.i-s, MO-liOali- L. L. Slaght of tills city lias ac­ in Hie lownsliip of Alaiedon. land lliiililliiK, l.iinsiiiK, .Mii:li. :»l-1.'l A few more days to join the For the Entire Family K cepted a position as traveling sales­ Sept. 7, ISfil, .lackson K. Elmer man for tlio Omega Separator Co. of Christinas Money Club. Come in and it. McAliTlUJit, Allornny M I-aw, Mii- talk it over. First State & Savings enlisted in Company M of the .Id Father, mother, and the children, all co-operating to L. Kon, Mluli. l.,ansing. Bank. * Michigan Cavalry and at the organ­ make sure of a big happy Christmas. That's what has Now wo liave fair sloigiling, the ization ot Hie company was made been going on in many Mason homes the past year. RNHMOltH, K A,, iiMiiriiiiy III. law, Ma- sergeant. This regiment loft the soil, Midi. snow of Sunday night and Jilonday D bringing llio old time appearance of jyiai sw'A.v. state under the command of Lieut- And now each member of the family has received a Col. Uobl. H. G. Minly, bearing upon Christmas check from the First State & Savings Bank. A. Itl'^.ltd.MAN. Ailoriiuy and Cdiiiisuidi' Cliristmas. Again dealii has called a sturdy , at i<a\v, .Mason, Midi. its rolls of muster eleven liundred By joining our Christmas Money Club A, Our Clirlstmas Money Club is bo- pioneer of this county, one highly re­ and sixty three oflicers and men. It S. AVI^.ItV. Attorney at l,a\v. liiioins ginning a new year. The .1 !)M niom- spected and who will be sadly missed. participated in several hand fought 4ill-r)-0, lloillsti'r nil;., l/aiisln;;, Midi. l)ers are rejoining and also many new Mother Levi Swan, son of ,Tohn and Har­ battles notably Island No. 10, New members. First Slate & Savings Madrid, Shilo, Cornilh, .lackson. can readily save enough out of the regular housekeeping T AWTON 'I'. IIHMAN.S, Attrormiy mill Cmin- Hank. • * riet Swan, was horn in Ingham town­ iJ solnr lit Law. OlliiHi (ivor l''lvstMtntc ami ship, ingham county, Michigan, May Miss., Mobile and other lesser en­ funds to pay for the children's Christmas presents. tiavlii};s Haiilf, Siason, .Nilcli. Ucv. Otto Ijyon, now located in a 5, 184 5, where he grew to manhood gagements. This command was most paslorate at Gaines, will bo united in fortunate in capturing prisoners, the and lived all his life taking duirge of numbers aggregating twenty-one Father nii..ios. s. iiA\%'i.i':%'. marriage Dec. 30 with Miss Bertha the farm unt'l about seventeen years DI'.NTIST. 1.1. Donolson of Detroit, at the homo hundred. Its iiiarclies during its can use his Christmas check which he receives from us, ago, when he moved to Mason, where term of service aggregated approxi­ fiiiiMiissnr to ill'. Siiaiililinn luid llr, Mnsliiy- of llie bride's parents at Novi. the reniainder of his life was spent. to pay the life insurance premium or other yearly obliga­ l.aWMMi.T llloi;!;. mately eleven thousand miles. After 11. S. Rodman, proprietor of the He was united in marriage with three years service the regiment was tion. !•" voiii' iniiiniy dous not not yon llvii per Palace meat market has given the Martha Coy, also of Ingham township reorganized. Mr. l-^lmer was promot­ [•friMit. KIM' Ii. C. l.'inOKI.AN'l). place a niucli improved appearance .July 3, 18G2. To this union one ed to 2d Lieut., li^eh. 1, 1804, and in The Young People tlie past week by a new coal of paint child was born, Clara Swan Hanna, October of Hie same year was pro­ who lives besltle the home and has can easily save the weekly deposits of a few cents and lay l>IIVM4;i,\N.S. throughout, along with other im­ moted to tlie responsible position of the foundation for college educations, special books or provements. been present to help comfort and 1st Lieut, and Adjutant ot liis regi- il. I'MiKl'.I.ANil, M. I). Gi'iicnii pnic- care for him during his last illness. meiit. He was mustered out and other articles. Often their savings will be the nucleus . tli'ii, Willi special atliMitinn lo disiiiisiis See my new arctics with knee high He was one of the pioneers of the honorably disdiargod .lune G, 18G5, Oof wimiiiii 1111(1 cOilidri'ii. OHicii, Siiulli Main for a little business of their own. stroi't. uroiind lluor. llinii'S-Si;IK) tiiliioOa. ni, lop, for boys and girls.
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