2021 Hawaii Communication in History Topics When picking your History Day Project, think of Christine Counsellʻs 5 Rʻs Remembered by people in society Resulted in change Remarkable then and now Resonates through time by continuing to affect our lives today Revealing an understanding of life in the past Oral/ Folk Description Link Traditions/Transmi tting Cultural Values Japanese American (America’s secret weapon during WWII)The https://www.jstor.org/stable/2445429 Linguist Military Intelligence Service and the Role of 3?seq=1 Japanese Americans in the Pacific War and in - the Occupation of Japan Pidgin English Opening the way for Sugar Plantation Workers to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiia communicate n_Pidgin Communication Across Cultures The Kumulipo Chant The Kumulipo bridges pre-European Hawaiian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumulip Hawaiian Creation culture and that of the period ending with o Liliuokalaniʻs deposition- Thurston’s The Hawaiian exhibit at the World's Columbian https://www.usgs.gov/center-news/ Cyclorama Exhibition in Chicago in 1893 and its effects on volcano-watch-19th-century-virtua the future of Hawaii...Annexation, tourism, l-reality-brings-hawaiian-volcano-l image of a Hawaiian. ife Mary Abigail Pukui Published over 50 works including the Hawaiian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary dictionary, folk tales, proverbs and translations _Kawena_Pukui of old chants and songs Kamokila Hawaii Senator Alice Kamokilaikawai https://www.kamakakoi.com/hawa Campbell-”Keeper of Campbell, a strong opponent to statehood also iianpatriots/kamokila.html the Moʻolelo” wrote a book on the Legends of Hawaii Punana Leo Hawaiian Language Schools Pūnana Leo Moʻokuʻauhau The practice of the hiapo (oldest child) being given http://www.kumukahi.org/units/ka_hi (oral genealogy) to the grandparents to raise for the purpose of learn kina/mookuauhau the family genealogy chant (oli) Center for Oral History Historical Events-Japanese internees, Tsunami https://ethnicstudies.manoa.hawaii.ed survivors, statehood, 1924 Kauai Filipino strike, u/center-for-oral-history/historical-ev WWII, etc ents/ Non-Verbal Description Link Hawaiian Star Lines Communicates direction for navigators http://archive.hokulea.com/ike/hookel e/hawaiian_star_lines.html Hula Merrie Monarch Festival https://www.merriemonarch.com/hist Cultural Communications ory-of-the-festival/ Written/Information Description Link Media Missionaries bring Introduction of the Hawaiian alphabet and written https://uhawaii-manoa.primo.exlib Literacy to Hawaiʻi language risgroup.com/discovery/fulldisplay /alma9911860084605682/01UHA WAII_MANOA:MANOA Hawaiiʻs Story by Autobiography by Queen Liliuokalani https://digital.library.upenn.edu/w Hawaiiʻs Queen omen/liliuokalani/hawaii/hawaii.ht ml News from Molokai, Edited with introduction and notes by Alfons L. https://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii. letters between Peter Korn...This book contains letters that tell the edu/handle/10125/39980 Kaeo & Queen story about life at Kalaupapa Emma, 1873-1876 Also see In Haste with Aloha-letters and diaries of Queen Emma by David W. Forbes The Folding Cliffs Life in Kalaupapa https://www.jstor.org/stable/4613705? By W.S. MerwinPoetry that communicated life at seq=1 Kalaupapaʻs leprosy colony Mark Twain letters Under the reign of Kamehameha IV lead to the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letters_ from Hawaii introduction of tourism in Hawaii from_Hawaii#:~:text=Letters%20fro m%20Hawaii%20is%20a,as%20a%2 0book%20until%201947. The Blount Report Report regarding the Overthrow of the Kingdom of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blount_ Hawaii Report Bamboo Ridge Press Gives Hawaii Writers a Voice http://archives.starbulletin.com/2008/ 03/04/features/story01.html Olivia Breitha Wrote of Living With Leprosy http://articles.latimes.com/2006/oct/08 /local/me-breitha8 Koji Ariyoshi: Journalist, Labor Organizer & Political Activist http://encyclopedia.densho.org/Koji_A riyoshi/ Act 33 May 4, 1893 To protect the rights of individuals as well as the https://blog.hawaii.edu/punawaiola An Act to Regulate public, the dissemination of news or information /2018/05/04/mei-4-he-kanawai-e-h the Printing and shall be issued by responsible individuals or o%CA%BBoponopono-ai-i-ke-pa Publishing of companies %CA%BBi-%CA%BBana-a-me-k Newspapers and a-ho%CA%BBolaha-%CA%BBan other publications. a-i-na-nupepa/ Fred Kinzaburo Starting in 1912, The Hawaii Hochi become the http://www2.hawaii.edu/~jour/hist Makino voice of the Japanese community in Hawaii ory/ Speeches/Politics Description Link Franklin D. Roosevelt Attack on Pearl Harbor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infa Infamy Speech America joins WWII my_Speech Duncan v. Ended martial law in hawaii after the WWII https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duncan Kahanamoku _v._Kahanamoku Pablo Manlapit: The Oahu Strike of 1920 http://www.honolulumagazine.com/cor Hawaii Filipino Pabloʻs soapbox speeches e/pagetools.php?pageid=7078&url=/H Labor Leader onolulu-Magazine/January-2010/A-Ma ssacre-Forgotten/&mode=print Daniel K. Inouye Watergate hearings-Senator Inouye became https://dkii.org/speeches/may-17-1973 Watergate Hearing nationally known for his honesty and decency / Opening Statement Daniel K. Inouye- Against Aid to the Contras https://dkii.org/speeches/march-27-19 Debate regarding Aid 86/ to the Contras Art Description Link Corky Trinidad Honolulu Star Bulletin Editorial Cartoons on http://www.hawaiispj.org/hall/corky.h Local. National and international Issues tm Captain Cook- His accurate maps impacted european trade and https://www.dw.com/en/how-did-capt writings/Illustrations colonization in the Pacific ain-cook-change-the-world/a-451978 80 Marie McDonald Hawaiian artist, teacher, Lei making(non-verbal http://www.waimeagazette.com/Apr9 Hawaiiʻs “Living communication), Kapa maker, National 4_MarieMcDonald.htm Treasure” Endowment of the Arts honors. Technology Description Link 1914 The School for Known today as the Hawai’i School for the Deaf http://hsdb.k12.hi.us/about-hsdb/hs the Defectives and the Blind teaches deaf children to db-history/ “1969 Total communicate through the use of the “Phonic Communication ear” Method” Wahiawa Naval Over 100 years old and continues to provide radio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K Computer and and computer communications for the whole Pacific Ew4XMKjMS8 Telecommunications Fleet and joint forces in the Pacific Area Master Station, Pacific Pacific Tsunami Official tsunami warning capability in the U.S. https://www.tsunami.gov/?page=histo Warning Center began in 1949 as a response to the 1946 tsunami ry (PTWC) generated in the Aleutian Islands that devastated Hilo. NOAA Weather Music Description Link Kaulana Nā Pua,” The Hawaiian Overthrow Protest Song, also known https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaulana as the Patriotʻs Song written by Eleanor Prendergast _N%C4%81_Pua Da Kine Sounds: The Function of Music as Social Protest in the https://www.jstor.org/stable/3051657? New Hawaiian RenaissanceGeorge W. Lewis seq=1 Impact of popular music as a political expression Sudden Rush: "Na (Hawaiian Rap) as Liberatory DiscourseHip hop https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Na_mel Mele Paleoleo" song with Hawaiian rapping against the removal of e_paleoleo the Hawaiian Language Miscommunications Description Link Hanapepe Massacre 1924 Filipino Strike on Kauai https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanapep That left police and strikes wounded or dead e_massacre Bombing of Pearl “Countdown to Pearl Harbor: The 12 Days to https://www.gpbnews.org/post/journal Harbor the Attack” and author Steve Twomey ist-steve-twomey-pearl-harbor Laws-Control of Description Link Communications 1978 Hawaiiʻs Title III: The Federal Electronic Eavesdropping https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digiti Wiretap Law Law zation/77286NCJRS.pdf The Sunshine Law Chapter 19 Open Meeting Law https://oip.hawaii.gov/laws-rules-opin ions/sunshine-law/ Jean Sadako King (Advocate for affordable housing and the https://hapajapan.com/article/jean-sad environment, preserving Hawaii’s natural ako-king resources with the State Sunshine Law and the Shoreline Protection Act) Hawaii State was amended in 1978 to include Article X, http://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/ Constitution Section 4 TeachingAndLearning/StudentLearni Public Education ng/HawaiianEducation/Pages/History- of-the-Hawaiian-Education-program.a spx 1978 Constitutional Paved the way for Native Hawaiian rights https://hawaii.concon.info/?page_id=2 Convention 14 Palaka Power: 1978 Constitutional Convention http://ilind.net/oldkine_images/palaka- Protecting the power-1978.pdf People’s Interest Farrington vs. Made it legal to teach a foreign language in Schools https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farringto Tokushige n_v._Tokushige Foreign Language Schools Kamehameha III This makes the Hawaiʻi State Department of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaii_ established Hawaii's Education the oldest school system west of the State_Department_of_Education#:~:t [5] first public education Mississippi River, and only system established ext=Kamehameha%20III%20establis system on October by a sovereign monarch. hed%20Hawaii's%20first,established 15, 1840. %20by%20a%20sovereign%20monar ch. .
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