DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY NEW INFORMATION RESOURCES OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY SYSTEM. Open-file Report 86-400-D-E This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with the U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. 1986 * * * NOTICE TO USERS * * * This is the last issue of New Information Resources you will receive unless you request continued receipt by return of the following coupon. Please mail it to Bob Reed, Chief, Cataloging Section, USGS Library System, National Center - MS 950, Reston, VA 22092 £r_ phone Bob at (703) 648-4486. Please continue sending New Information Resources. Address corrections are noted below. Name Address * * * NOTICE TO USERS * * * This is the last issue of New Information Resources you will receive unless you request continued receipt by return of the following coupon. Please mail it to Bob Reed, Chief, Cataloging Section, USGS Library System, National Center - MS 950, Reston, VA 22092 j>r_ phone Bob at (703) 648-4486. Please continue sending New Information Resources. Address corrections are noted below. Name ___________________________________ Address * * * NOTICE TO USERS * * * This is the last issue of New Information Resources you will receive unless you request continued receipt by return of the following coupon. Please mail it to Bob Reed, Chief, Cataloging Section, USGS Library System, National Center - MS 950, Reston, VA 22092 or phone Bob at (703) 648-4486. Please continue sending New Information Resources. Address corrections are noted below. Name __________________________________ Address NEWS ITEMS **** This is the LAST ISSUE of New Information Resources that you will receive, unless you return one of the coupons on the next page or telephone Bob Reed, Chief of the Cataloging Section, at (703) 648-4486. The coupon/calls may also be used for requesting individual receipt. LS/2000, the Library System's computer capability, has a new search access point to aid Survey researchers. It is a form subject heading called USGSPUB, and it will provide a listing of all publications issued by the Survey that are on the database. All current titles being cataloged have the tag added, and we are in the process of adding it retrospectively to titles already in the database. The goal is to be able to retrieve all USGS publications by use of this subject search device. The LS/2000 staff is preparing an error reporting form for users. If you will let us know of errors you find in the database, the staff will correct them, to the benefit of all. Look for the forms at the public access terminals. As frequently occurs in conjunction with incidents in lesser known parts of the world, the U. S. air strike on Libya resulted in a surge of requests to the Library System for information, including one for maps from the NBC Washington Evening News. The Reston Library posts large maps of areas in the earth science news on the bulletin board immediately to the right of the main entrance to the Library. The current display is of the Chernobyl, Russia area. The Reston Library has a translation.service covering French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian. Work is currently done in-house by Nora Tamberg and Dorothy Vitaliano. In calendar year 1987, the capability will be supplemented by contracts. Contact Carol Messick, 6089, for arrangements. On May 2, Michael Kubisiak retired from the USGS Library System after 29 years of Federal service. Mike had presided over the acquisitions operations of the Library for about 18 years. The Library Staff honored Mike with a farewell "bash" on Friday, May 2, at which Henry Spall, Associate Chief of OSP, presented him with a Superior Service Award. Mike's in-depth knowledge of acquisitions and his infectious good humor will be greatly missed. Margaret (Peggy) Merryman has been named Acting Chief, Exchange and Order Section, (acquisitions) effective May 5, 1986. STAFF BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES Harry Allan, Interlibrary Loan Technician, has been with the Reston library since July, 1983. He has a B.S. in Political Science from Catawba College, Salisbury, N.C. Harry's work is part of our resource sharing with other 1ibraries. Karla Anderson joined the Reston staff in 1979 working during the summers as a Junior Federal Fellow. After receiving her B.A. in French from the College of William and Mary in 1983 she became a full-time senior technician in the Exchange and Order Section. Karla's work is part of our collection management program. In her free time she also volunteers as an usher at the Wolf Trap Farm Park for the Performing Arts. Libraries in the Geological Survey Library System are located in the Eastern, Central, and Western Regions. Personnel whose duty station is other than Reston, Denver, Menlo Park or Flagstaff, may borrow items by completing an Accessions List Loan Request form and mailing it to the Survey Library in their Region if the item is available there or to the nearest Survey Library holding the item if it is not. Personnel whose duty station is Res ton, Denver, Menlo Park or Flagstaff should continue to request items as they are accustomed to doing. If a library is unable to fill a request immediately because its copy of the item is charged out or otherwise unavailable for loan, the request will be forwarded to any Survey Library which may be able to supply a copy. If no copy is available for immediate loan, the requester's name will be placed on a waiting list and the publication dispatched as soon as it becomes available. Publications with a waiting list are loaned for two weeks only; those without are loaned for thirty days. If there is no waiting list, the loan period may be extended by contacting the lending library prior to the expiration of the loan period and requesting a renewal. In filling out the Loan Request form, it is essential that requesters include their (1) Division/Office/Branch affiliation, (2) complete mailing address, and (3) phone numbers, both commercial and FTS. Typing or printing such information will help avoid unnecessary delays in processing requests. Loan Request forms will be found at the end of each List; they should be duplicated if additional copies are required. A separate form should be used for each item requested. Questions regarding entries in the List or the information to be supplied on the Loan Request form should be referred to the Library located in the same Region as the requester's duty station. Eastern Region Central Region Western Region Reston Library Denver Library Menlo Park Library (703) 648-4302 (303) 236-1000 (415) 323-8111, 4303 ext. 2207 FTS 959-4302 FTS 776-1000 FTS 467-2207 4303 Flagstaff Library (602) 527-7008 FTS 765-7008 Suggestions and comments about this service are welcome and should be sent to: Chief Cataloger U.S. Geological Survey Library 950 National Center Reston, Virginia 22092 (200) ( 200) B29o Crock, J« C» B29o Crock, J. C. no.83-405 Major, Minor, and 4r«e« l«««ote in no. 83-405 «inor, and trace eleaentc in ««.pl«s «ro« the Whe«l«r Vtlderaess (Card 2) D,MP Study Area, Colorado, aa determined by inductively eouplad argon plasaa- atoilc cBiasioa ep«ctro.«try / by J.C. Crock, W.B. Bayiiond, and F.E. Lichte. ~ (»*"«rt Col S O.K. Geological Survey, 1BS3. I, 24 leave* * 26 CB. - COpen- *ile report / Bolted State. Department o f the >*»i* r f ! Colorado Mineral rcaourcet, Geological Survey ; 83-5 County reffJon. I. Bayaond, Chiefly tabl«fi; ^ _ Biblioffraphy: l*a* * III. Title IV. Series: Open-file **Port (Geological Survey (0.5.)) Do 4Oo. Dl-GS 14 JDL 83 EJP GISSat SEE KEXT CBD DI-GS 14 JOL 83 EJP GISSat The above-is a photocopy of a main entry card which is representative of the format arrangement appearing on cards filed in the Reston, Denver, Menlo Park and Flagstaff Library catalogs. Appropriate information is selected and reformatted to produce subject- arranged entries similar to the following. Personal author Primary subject heading Title COLORADO MINERAL RESOURCES MINERAL COUNTY REGION. Crock, J. G. GISS Kajor, minor, and trace elements in (200)R29ono.83-405D,KP samples from the Wheeler Wilderness Study Area. Colorado, as determined by inductively coupled argon plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. 1983 USGS Library Call No. Imprint (Publi­ indicating that Reston, cation date) Denver, and Menlo Park each have this item Title main entry COSMOCHEKISTRY--CONGRESSES. GISS CosmochemistryI and the origin of life 730.3C822 : proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Karatea, Italy, June 1- 12, 1981. 1983 S" Additional explanation beyond that provided by the preceding examples seems appropriate. Each entry consists of the following components which always appear in the order given: (1) Principal subject heading, always capitalized; (2) Main entry, which may be a personal author, corporate author, or title; (3) Title (if the main entry is either a personal or corporate author); (4) Imprint; (5) USGS call no., always located in the lower left and the last component in each entry. The call number on catalog cards normally consists of two or more lines of a combination of letters and numbers, arranged in the following manner: G(253) F46 v.37 no. 4 D,MP In the Accessions List the same number appears in a straight line. There are no spaces to show where the call no. lines are broken on the catalog cards: G(253)F46v.37no.4D,MP Call numbers prefixed with "MM indicate item is part of the map collection. Call numbers prefixed with "R" indicate item is part of the Library's Reference collection.
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