ST. JOHN’ S UNIVER SITY 145 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY RED STORM WOMEN’ S B A S KETBALL ST. JOHN’ S UNIVER SITY FACTS AND HIGHLIGHTS One of America’s leading Catholic universities, Students ern facility in the Prati section. Centrally located St. John’s continues in its prominent role — that of Total enrollment in 2008 of 20,109 full- and near the Vatican, the four-story, 75,000-square- preparing young men and women to make a posi- part-time undergraduate and graduate students at foot building features eight high-tech classrooms, tive difference in the global community through campuses in Queens, Staten Island, and Manhat- a student and faculty lounge, 200 resident beds, leadership and service. tan, NYC; in Oakdale, NY; and in Rome, Italy. St. a chapel, library, courtyard, campus ministry and Founded by the Vincentian Community in 1870, John’s student body comprises 14,816 undergradu- administrative offices. St. John’s embraces the principles of St. Vincent ate and 5,293 graduate students from 44 states, St. John’s also opened a new learning center in de Paul, who was committed to serving those less Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia and U.S. Virgin Paris, France. Housed within the newly-renovated fortunate wherever they are found. While providing Islands and 122 countries. Maison-Mere, the six-story structure contains a quality higher education, St. John’s not only Hispanic (12.5 percent), African-American (12.7 approximately 20,000 square feet of space with promotes the ideals of service, both locally and percent) and Asian (14.6 percent) students consti- residences, classrooms, offices and support space. globally, but also integrates those ideals into its tuted approximately 40 percent of the University’s The facility is close to all major cultural and artistic programs and the daily lives of its students. 2008 enrollment. landmarks. When St. John’s opened its doors, the Univer- During the 2008-09 academic year, 95 percent All campuses offer full access to the University- sity mainly served the children of New York City’s of St. John’s students received more than $358 wide wireless network. immigrant communities, who had little access to a million in financial assistance through scholarships, quality higher education. Today, with an increas- work-study programs, loans and grants. ingly global reach, St. John’s offers students from Global Studies all walks of life the opportunity to excel in a Faculty Preparing students to make the world a better diverse atmosphere of mutual respect and common Nearly 90 percent of our 1,520 full-time faculty place is a big part of a St. John’s education. The purpose. members hold a Ph.D. or other terminal degree University’s growing Global Studies options allow in their field. The University offers more than 100 students to live, learn and serve others in a wide undergraduate and graduate programs, including range of locations around the world. 12 doctoral programs. St. John’s continues to expand its popular With our low 17:1 student-faculty ratio, St. summer and winter Global Studies programs. For John’s offers personal attention for every student. example, in summer 2008, the University added its first study abroad option in Russia, along with Campuses programs in Argentina, Bermuda, China, England, Our green, 96.5-acre Queens campus features France, Guatemala, Spain and Vietnam. Winter op- six ultramodern residence halls with lounges, study tions include Berlin, Egypt, India, Paris, Rome and rooms and fitness facilities; three-story townhouse- the Galápagos Islands. style residences accommodating 289 students; While Global Studies has long played a role and a residence dining hall. Near the Queens in the St. John’s experience, the program grew campus on Union Turnpike are the Seton Complex considerably with the launch of Discover the World. and DePaul Houses — modern, apartment-style For example, Discover the World Europe allows Mission residences for graduate, law school and select students to study abroad in three international A Catholic, Vincentian and metropolitan Uni- upper-class students. cities in a single semester, offering a multi-faceted versity that embraces the Judeo-Christian ideals of The 16.5-acre Staten Island campus features perspective on European culture and politics. respect for the rights and dignity of every person, modern, apartment-style student residences Students also can spend a semester in Rome as well as each individual’s responsibility for the adjacent to campus. Additionally, limited student and Paris, each a vibrant metropolis that embodies world in which we live. housing is available at our 10-story Manhattan European art, culture and history. Students are im- campus. Our 175-acre Oakdale, N.Y., campus is a mersed in the rich culture, language and history in President center for higher education on Long Island. Over- each location, with multiple opportunities to serve Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C.M. looking the Great South Bay, the campus offers a the poor and disadvantaged. Master’s in Library Science and a Master of Science Exciting new academic cohorts also enhanced Applications in School Psychology, along with professional Global Studies at St. John’s. Last May, for example, New freshmen applications have continued to certificates, master’s and doctoral degree programs 13 St. John’s students participated in “Discover increase, approximately doubling since 2005, and in education. Bermuda: Adaptive Ecosystem Management, exceeding 50,000 in 2009. Celebrating 14 years with a campus in Rome, Sustainability and Socioeconomic Issues.” Through Italy, St. John’s recently moved its to a new, mod- the three-credit, multidisciplinary course, a diverse SAT Scores group of students explored Bermuda’s ecology, In 2008, the average SAT score for admitted sociology, history and environmental challenges. St. John’s students rose to 1087. Last January, 39 second-year Pharm. D. students began a semester abroad as part of the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Profession’s first Discover the World cohort. The entire group spent the semester studying in Rome, Paris and Sala- manca, Spain, energized by their new surroundings and learning about their chosen field from a fresh perspective. 146 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY RED STORM WOMEN’ S B A S KETBALL ST. JOHN’ S UNIVER SITY REV. DONALD J. HARRINGTON, C.M. PRESIDENT, ST. JOHN’S UNI V ERSITY Rev. Donald J. Harrington, C.M., as- ing the residence hall complex is a dining sumed the Presidency of St. John’s Univer- facility named for alumnus and trustee William sity in 1989. As the 15th President of one Montgoris, retired CFO of Bear, Stearns. The of the largest Catholic universities in the residence halls were supplemented in 2005 by United States, he has provided leadership acquisition of two complexes on Union Turnpike for an ambitious initiative to position the that provide off-campus housing in apartment institution as a leader in higher education style facilities. Apartment style living accommo- for the 21st century. dations are also available in buildings adjacent His vision has resulted in an extraordi- to the Staten Island campus. nary transformation of the University into a Shortly after his ordination as a Vincentian “new” St. John’s, with enhanced facilities, priest in 1973, Father Harrington was assigned expanded academic initiatives, and an to Niagara University, which, like St. John’s, is increasing global presence. The vision has sponsored by the Vincentians. He served as been enabled by Fulfilling the Dream, a Instructor in Religious Studies, as Director of capital campaign that ended in May 2006, Student Activities, and as Executive Vice Presi- exceeding its goal and raising more than dent before being named the institution’s 22nd $271 million, the largest amount ever president – at 38 years of age, the youngest realized by a Catholic institution in New ever appointed. York State. Already completed are several Father Harrington has amassed a striking new buildings, including St. Thomas More record of community and professional activ- Church, the gift of alumnus John V. Bren- ity. He completed three terms as a trustee of nan and his wife, Anita, which stands at Niagara University, two terms on the Board of the center of the Queens campus; DaSilva Directors of the Association of Catholic Colleges Hall, a state-of-the-art classroom build- In fall 1995, St. John’s opened its third campus and Universities (ACCU), and six years on the ing, which opened in September 2004 and first international site – The Graduate Cen- Board of Trustees of Immaculate Conception on the Staten Island campus; and Taffner ter in Rome, Italy in facilities provided by the Seminary in Huntington, N.Y. He currently serves Field House, which is located adjacent to Vatican. A decision to develop a fourth campus on the Board of Directors of the Commission on Carnesecca Arena on the Queens campus on Eastern Long Island was implemented in Independent Colleges and Universities (CICU) and named for alumnus Donald Taffner summer 1999 with the purchase of the 175- within the State of New York. and his wife Eleanor, an honorary alum acre La Salle Center in Oakdale. A fifth campus Born in Brooklyn, Father Harrington attended and member of the University’s Board of was acquired in December 2000 when the Our Lady Help of Christians elementary schools Trustees. These projects complement others College of Insurance, located in Manhattan, was in that borough, where he was educated by that have been completed within the last consolidated into St. John’s. In spring 2007 the the Sisters of Charity (Halifax). He graduated five years, including a 2,500 seat soccer University launched its new study abroad pro- from Manhattan’s Regis High School in 1963.
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