St. John Vianney Catholic Church and School A Stewardship Parish CǜǕǢǗǩ Fr. John Blum, Pastor Fr. Justin Freeman, O. de M. Deacon Joe Grote Deacon Richard Santello MǑǣǣ SǓǘǕǔǥǜǕ Monday–Saturday: 8:15 a.m. —Seventy-one years of Courageously Living the Gospel daily. Wednesday: 5:30 p.m. Saturday Vigil: 4 p.m. Sunday: 7, 8:30, 10 & 11:30 a.m. IǞ TǘǙǣ BǥǜǜǕǤǙǞ Blood Pressure Screening, page 3 SǤ. JǟǘǞ VǙǑǞǞǕǩ CǑǤǘǟǜǙǓ CǘǥǢǓǘ Men’s Ministry, page 3 nd 445 82 Ave. Food Sunday, page 4 St. Pete Beach, FL Christ Renews His Parish, page 4 Feast Day of St. John Vianney, page 6 Scam Emails and Texts, page 6 PHONE: 727.360.1147 Annual Pastoral Appeal, page 7 FAX: 727.367.4418 Spirit 90.5 FM, page 8 Website: www.stjohnsparish.org Legion of Mary, page 8 Facebook.com/StJohnVianneyCatholicChurch/ Diabetes Education Empowerment Program, page 9 StPeteBeach 2+One Band Tour, page 9 SǤ. JǟǘǞ VǙǑǞǞǕǩ CǑǤǘǟǜǙǓ SǓǘǟǟǜ 500 84th Ave. St. Pete Beach, FL PHONE: 727.360.1113 FAX: 727.367.8734 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Website: www.sjvcs.org July 14, 2019 Page Two St. John Vianney Parish Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time WǕǜǓǟǝǕ Mass Schedule The parishioners of St. John Vianney Catholic and Intentions Church and School are happy to extend a warm Week of July 14, 2019 welcome to the many visitors who join us for worship today. Please introduce yourselves to Mtsif~ July 15, 2019 those siing around you. 8:15 a.m. Ann Pinto † SǑǓǢǑǝǕǞǤǣ Tzjxif~ July 16, 2019 Confessions 8:15 a.m. Louise Resop † Wednesday 6–6:30 p.m. Friday 9–9:30 a.m. Wjisjxif~ July 17, 2019 Saturday 10–11 a.m. 8:15 a.m. Prayer for Vocations 5:30 p.m. Thomas (Tom) Cody † Baptism of a Child Tmzwxif~ July 18, 2019 We are honored that you would choose St. John 8:15 a.m. Joanna & Julia Kubick † Vianney Catholic Church for your child’s Baptism. *Please contact our parish office so that we may Fwnif~ July 19, 2019 help you during this most important time of your 8:15 a.m. Marjorie Irons † child’s life. Sfyzwif~ July 20, 2019 Sacraments: 8:15 a.m. Christy Lynn Fedor † First Reconciliation: 2020 to be announced. 4:00 p.m. Ann Shah † First Holy Communion: 2020 to be announced. Confirmation: 2020 to be announced. Szsif~ July 21, 2019 7:00 a.m. Parishioners of St. John Vianney To enroll for preparation for these sacraments, 8:30 a.m. Lorine “Rene” Ekern † please contact Frank Boyle at 727.360.1147, ext. 201. 10:00 a.m. Maryann Garaffa † Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/Children 11:30 a.m. Bishop Parkes & the Clergy R.C.I.A. is a gentle process of welcoming adults of the Diocese and children over the age of seven into the Roman Catholic Church. If you have not been baptized, Denotes deceased: † need to complete your sacraments, or were baptized in another Christian faith, contact Holly Benfield at 360.1147, ext. 233. 2020 MǑǣǣ IǞǤǕǞǤǙǟǞ BǟǟǛ Ǚǣ OǠǕǞ Matrimony If you have multiple requests, please call 360.1147 Contact the parish office* six months or more to make an appointment. prior to the proposed wedding date. The Parish Office is open Holy Anointing Monday—Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. If you or a loved one are ill and in need of pastoral care, please call the parish office*. Thank you! *Parish Office Contact: 727.360.1147, ext. 227. July 14, 2019 St. John Vianney Parish Page Three AǞǞǥǑǜ PǑǣǤǟǢǑǜ AǠǠǕǑǜ TǘǕ MǕǞ ǟǖ SǤ. JǟǘǞ VǙǑǞǞǕǩ CǑǤǘǟǜǙǓ CǘǥǢǓǘ ǑǞǔ SǓǘǟǟǜ The “dog days of summer” are here and I am so Session 2 thankful for air conditioning. Often, as I sit in my air conditioned office I think of people Please join The Men of St. John Vianney Catholic in our community who can’t afford Church and School as we seek to encourage, air conditioning because the electric embolden and empower men to deepen their bill would be too high or who just commitment to Jesus Christ, their families, don’t have air conditioning. How do they get by? the Catholic church, its bishops, priests and Where do they go? How can I help? One way is communities. Join us in answering God’s call through the Annual Pastoral Appeal that helps to greatness; to become the men of virtue He fund the ministries that reach out to the marginal- created us to be. ized of our community. Have you given your gift This summer, please join us for a 3-part series, to APA yet? Please consider a pledge, payable ANIMA. Presented by Bishop Donald Hying, through December 2019, or a one-time gift. ANIMA explores our longing for a sense of Pledge envelopes are located near the main greater meaning in our lives and how God’s entrance of the church for your convenience. plan for the world gives each of us great dignity Be Courageous and live the Gospel through the and purpose. Annual Pastoral Appeal. Whether you come for a few minutes and a cup of coffee, stay the whole time, arrive late or need to FǢǕǕ Bǜǟǟǔ PǢǕǣǣǥǢǕ SǓǢǕǕǞǙǞǗ leave early—All are welcome. Wherever you are This Sunday, after the 10 a.m. Mass. in your faith life—All are welcome. The content is Faith Community Nurses will be available for rich, the conversation is lively and the food and free blood pressure screenings this Sunday coffee are...not bad. in front of the church after the 10 a.m. Mass. Join us for Session 2: The FCN are available to assist our Wednesday, July 17th at 6:45 a.m. parishioners with health and wellness Vianney Center—St. Francis Room issues or questions by calling the parish Food and refreshments are provided. office at 360.1147, ext. 236, or email We will also aend the 8:15 a.m. Mass following [email protected]. the meeting. If you are at Mass, and were not at Messages will be retrieved daily and calls will be the meeting, please join us (we are in the back). returned as soon as possible. On Saturday, July 27th, the Men of St. John If there is an emergency or urgent medical situa- Vianney Catholic Church & School will volunteer tion, call your own health care provider or 911. at Pinellas Hope. We are calling all able men to join us in preparing, transporting and serving dinner to those in need. SǓǘǟǟǜ AǠǠǕǑǜ RǕǝǙǞǔǕǢ For further information and to R.S.V.P. please The second collection for the contact Alan Martinez at 727.560.8772 or email School Appeal will take place [email protected]. next weekend. Page Four St. John Vianney Parish Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time NǕǨǤ WǕǕǛǕǞǔ Ǚǣ Fǟǟǔ SǥǞǔǑǩ SJV YǟǥǤǘ MǙǞǙǣǤǢǩ St. Vincent de Paul Society Summer Youth Ministry Update The heat of summer is upon us and everything Youth Ministry will continue to meet slows down. Unfortunately that is not the case throughout the summer. All youth with your St. Vincent de Paul Society. Food and entering 6th grade through 12th grade monetary donations slow down, but we give as can aend. We meet on Wednesday much or even more in the summer. nights from 6–8 p.m. in the Youth Room of the Parish Office on 82nd Avenue. In spite of the very generous response to our monthly food drive, we need to shop 2–3 times July 17—YM Night 6–8 p.m. a month in the summer to keep our pantry full. July 24—YM Night 6–8 p.m. We are so thankful for any and all the help you July 31—YM Night 6–8 p.m. can give us to help the poor and homeless. August 3—Feast Day Celebration after 4 p.m. Mass We especially need: Youth Ministry is on Flocknote! To get regular Small peanut buer updates text YouthMinistrySJV to 84576. Canned meats of all kinds Visit stjohnsparish.org/youth-ministry. Hearty soups with pop-tops Canned pasta PǢǑǩǕǢ All of these items can be eaten cold so they go a Christ Renews His Parish long way in feeding the homeless. Prayer is not doing something, it is As always we thank you for your continuing being with someone. Prayer does generosity to our ministry. not happen when we find the right God bless you! words, or methods, but the right friend. Words and methods are simply ways to become receptive to our friend, Jesus. By focusing our aention and PǙǜǗǢǙǝǑǗǕ Ǥǟ ǤǘǕ Hǟǜǩ LǑǞǔ desires on Jesus, the Holy Spirit can take over October 21–30, 2019 and lead us into a deeper friendship with Him. The deepest prayers and friendships move beyond Walk in the footsteps of Jesus in the land of just being together with someone, it’s becoming the Bible with Fr. Justin Freeman, O. de M. one with that person, knowing what’s in their Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity mind and heart. Prayer is supposed to make us to visit: more like the mind and heart of Jesus and we St. John the Baptist Caesarea will eventually discover that our deepest identity Site Bethany is Jesus. Galilee Ein Karem Next Women’s Retreat—October 26 & 27, 2019 Nazareth Jericho Cana The Dead Sea BǥǜǜǕǤǙǞ AǔǦǕǢǤǙǣǕǢǣ Mt Tabor Bethlehem Sepphoris Jerusalem Please support our bulletin advertisers. Mt. Carmel They underwrite the cost of publishing. Reserve your place today! Call 1.800.715.6670, or visit CatholicJourneys.com/hljf2019 to register.
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