1-894. OONGBESSIONAL. RECORD-SENl\.TE. 1923 and telephone service-to the Committee on In.terstate and For­ Also, two petitions n favor of fraternal society and college eign Commerce. journals-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By Mr. HOPKINS of Illinois: Pe.tition of citizens of Illinois Also, petition of H. L. Wolf and 144·others in the interest of for the removal of the duty on -books printed in the English lap.­ fraternal soCiety and college journals-to the Committee on the guage-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Post-Office and Post-Roads.. Also, three petitions of the citizens of Illinois to admit fra­ By Mr. UPDEGRAFF: Petition of Cottonwood Camp, No. ternal society and college journals to the mails as second-class 238, of Modern Woodsmen of America, of Lime Spring, Iowa, mail matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ for a law giving to the fraternal beneficiary press the same pos­ Roads. tage classification as that enjoyed by other newspapers and By Mr. HUDSON: Petition from citizens of Osage Mission, periodicals-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. K ans., asking for the admission to the mails as second-class mat­ Also, petition of C. N. Flagler and 80 others, of Lime Spring, ter papers of benevolent and literary organizations-to the Com­ Iowa, for :11anderson-Hainer bill, to admit as second~class mail mittee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. matter the periodical publications of benevolent and frateTnal . Also, petitions from citizens of Howard, Kans., in favor of the societies-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-roads• Manderson-Hainer bill-to the Committee on the Post-Office ByMr. WELLS: Resolutionsfrom CouncilofRoyalArcanum., and Post-Roads. of Fond du Lac, Wis., asking the passage of the Manderson­ By Mr. IKIRT: Petition ot Carpenters and Joiners' Broth­ Hamer bill, 4897-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ erhood of Canton, Ohio, asking the enactment of the law of Roads. (loruicile, and the restriction of immigration::......to the Committee Also, petition of Emile Leitgin and 28 others, asking the pas­ on Immigration and -Naturalization. S!l.ge of House bill4897-to the Committee 0n the Post-Office aald By Mr. REILLY: Resolution of Philadelphia Typographical Post-Roads. Union in favor of House bill 4418-to the Committee on Inter­ By Mr. WHI.TING: Petition of GeorR"e 0. Hough and 28 other state and Foreign Commerce. citizens of Lapeer County, Mich., in the interest of the fraternal By Mr. RITCHIE: Petition of L. Franc & Co., and other mer­ society and college journals-to the Committee on the Post-Office chants of Toledo, Ohio, protesting against extension of bonded and Post-RoiDis. _ period on distilled spirits-to the Committee on Ways and Means. ByMr. WRIGHTofPennsylvania: Memori!Jl ofPhiladelphia. Also, petition of A. Wehrle & Son, arrd 15(} other citizens of -Typographical Union, infavor of Government ownership of tele­ Ohio, protesting against clause 242 of Wilson bill-to the Com­ graph lines-to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ mittee on Ways and Means. merce. Also, petition of Toledo(Ohio) Council, No. 21, Royal Arcanum, in :the interest of frateTnal society and college journaJs-to the Committee on the Post-office and Post-Roads. SENATE. By Mr. LINTON: Petition in the interest of. the fraternal so­ ciety and.college journals-to the Committee on the Post-Office TUESDAY, February 6, 1894. and Post-Roads. · By Mr. LOCKWOOD: Petition oi Gen. Stanley GarriSon, No. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. 36, of Buffalo, N. Y L,.in favor af the passage of the act to amend The.Journal oi yeste.rday 's proceedings was read and approved. tne ,act of February 14, l885, placing enlisted men upon there­ MESSAGE FROM• THE ROUSE. tired list-to the Committee on Military Affairs.. .Also, petition of R. F. Boshu and 100 others of Buffalo, jn the A message from the House -of Representatives, b-y Mr. T. 0 • interest of fraternal society and eollege journals. relating to TOWLES, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had passed postage-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. the bill (S. 758) extending the time allowed the Umatilla Irriga­ tion Company for the construction of its ditch across the Uma­ Also, petition of citizens o1 Buffalo, N~ Y., in favor of the Man­ derson-Hainer bill, relating to postage of fraternal society and tilla. Indian Reservation, in the State of Oregon. college journals-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ PROCEEDINGS OF THE PAN-AMEIDO.AN MEDICAL CONGRESS. Roa.ds. By Mr. LUCAS: Petition to Congress in the interest of fra­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a ~ommunica­ ternal aoclety and college jou1·nals-to the Committee on the tion from the Secretary of State, transmitting, in response to a Post-Office and Post-Roads. reaolution of the .4th ultimo, manuscript eopi-es of the proceed­ H. ings of the Pan-American Medical Congress held in Washing­ By Mr. McCLEARY of Minnesota: Petition of A. Nichols ton Cityin September, 1893, under authority of law; which was and otber citizens, of Tracey, Minn., favoring the Manderson­ ordered to be printed, and, with the accompanying document, RaiDer bill-to the Committee on the Post-Offi.ce-andPost-Roada. referred to the Committee on Printing. By Mr. MEIKLEJOHN: Exhibits to remove the charge of desertion from the record of George K.Bullock-totheCommit­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. tee on Military Affairs. Mr. TURPIE presented a patition of Maumee Lodge, No. 50, By Mr. MILLIKEN: Remonstrances of . John G. Rowe and Ancient Order of United Workmen, of Fort Wayne, Ind., in the others, of Augusta, Me.,of JamesL. Treadwell, of Jere H. Jordan, interest of fraternal society and college journals, praying for the and of Daniel McPhee and others, against the passage of the passage of the Manderson-Hainer bill, proposing to amend the Wilson bill-to the Committee on Ways and Means. postal laws; which was referred tothe"Committeeon Post-Offices Also, remonstrance of L. Palmer and G. B. Foster and others, and Pos.t-Roads., of Ellswort h , Me., against the passage of the Wilson tariff bill-to He also presented the petition of Oliver N. Fratageot, of the Committee on Ways and Means. Mount Vernon, Ind., praying that in adjusting an income tax to By Mr. PAYNE : Petition of ti4.residents of the Twenty-eighth aid tariff reduction a special provision be made requiring rail­ New York district, for passage of proposed Manderson-Hainer roads, express companies, and telegraph companies to pay a bill-to Committee on the Post-Offi.ce and Post-Roads. percentage of their gross receipts; which was referred to the Also, peti tion of 82 residents of Cayuga County, N.Y., for the Committee on Finanee. establishment of a Government telegraph and telephone sys­ He also presented a memorial of the United States Brewers' tem-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-R.oads. Association, remonstrating against the proposed increase in the By Mr. ROBINSON of Pennsylvania; Resolutions passed by internal-revenue tax on fermented liquors; which was referred the caucus meeting of R epublicans of Lower Chester Town­ to the Committee on Finance. - ship, Delaware County, Pa., protesting against the passage of ­ He ruso presented a memorial of the Custom Foremen Tailors' the Wilson bill-to the Committee on Ways and Means. Association, of Indianapolis, Ind., remonstrating against the Also, petition of citizens of Pennsylvania, praying fOr the passage of schedule 690 of the Wilson tariff bill, which proposes passage of the Manderson-Hainer bill, H. R. 4897-to the Com­ to allow the admission free of duty of $500worth of foreign-made mittee on the Post-Office and P ost-Roads. garments in the possession of an American citizen returning Also, preamble and resolutions of the State Horticultural So­ from a foreign country; which was referred to the Committee on ciety of Pennsylvania, praying for the continuance of the ap­ Finance. propr iations for an experimental station-to the Committee on He also presented the memorial of W. R. Btokes, of Lebanon, Agriculture. Ind., remonstrating against the proposed reduction of the duty B;V M-r. BRAW: PetitiOn of William.Bonell and 34 others, res­ on lead ore, and praying for th-e adoption of a tariff measure idents of Eau Claire, Wis., in favor of the paas~ge of House bill which will place one ,uniform ad valorem duty upon all imports; 4 91-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. which was referred to the Committee on Finanee. · By Mr. SIMPSON-: Petition of G. W. Riley and1()5. others .of Mr. QUAY presented petitions of R. M. Ermentrout and 38 Statford 'County, Kans., against the issuing oi United States G-ther citizens of Reading; of lodge N6. 239, Aneient Order or bonds-to the Committee on Ways and Means. United Workme11 of Kennard; of Mount Penn Council No. 495, 1924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. FEBRUARY 6, Royal Arcanum, of Reading; of T. B. Curtis and 27 other citi­ ent duty on potatoes; which was referred to the Committee on Fi­ zens of Kennard: of B. F. Stedeford and 33 other citizens of nance. Wilmerding· of ~1. B. Kifer and 24 other citizens of Adams­ Mr. SHERMAN presented memorials of business men and burg; of the Protected Home Circle, No.121, of Mahonington;of woolgrowers of Middle Point, Grover Hill, Follmer, Hedges, A. Gamble and 61 othc;;r citizens of Karns City; of Council No.
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