2020 European Strategy Update The European roadmap for particle physics Halina Abramowicz Tel Aviv University Outline • General Introduction • Preamble • Short guide to the roadmap • Comments on selected Strategy statements 10/22/20 CPAN 1 Organisation of the European Particle Physics Community • CERN is the national laboratory for most (if not all) European Countries • The CERN Council is the coordinating body for particle physics (PP) in Europe (treated as such by the EC) • The European Strategy recommends the roadmap for future research directions, taking into account the European as well as International aspirations • The challenge in developing the roadmap is to ensure the continuous success of the European PP research eco-system, based on CERN as the main infrastructure centre complemented by National Laboratories, Research Institutes and Universities throughout Europe • For the 2020 Strategy Update the main challenge was to identify the optimal direction towards the next large scale project at CERN for the post-LHC era, taking into account the scientific priorities of the European PP community within the global context 10/22/20 CPAN 2 CERN Users Total: 12301 users Observer States 20% Others 15% Spain 3.2% of total 5.6% of MS Budget MS 1.169 BCHF AMS 0.280 BCHF OBS. (in kind) TOTAL about 1.6 BCHF Spain contributes ~5.5% 10/22/20 CPAN 3 CERN Infrastructure and Governance The CERN accelerator complex European Strategy Updates on Complexe des accélérateurs du CERN call from Council CMS Scientific Policy North Area Committee LHC Council 2008 (27 km) GIF++ CENF 2015 Finance ALICE 2016 LHCb TT20 Strategy Monitoring Committee TT40 TT41 SPS 1976 (7 km) TI8 TI2 TT10 PFGB ATLAS AWAKE HiRadMat 2016 2011 TT66 TREF AD ELENA ISOLDE TT2 1999 (182 m) 2016 (31 m) Director General BOOSTER 1992 1972 (157 m) RIBs REX/HIE East Area p p 2001/2015 n-ToF IRRAD/CHARM 2001 PS p 1959 (628 m) n CERN lab LINAC 2 CLEAR e- 2017 LINAC 3 LEIR Ions 2005 (78 m) p (protons) ions RIBs (Radioactive Ion Beams) n (neutrons) p– (antiprotons) e- (electrons) LHC - Large Hadron Collider // SPS - Super Proton Synchrotron // PS - Proton Synchrotron // AD - Antiproton Decelerator // CLEAR - CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research // AWAKE - Advanced WAKefield Experiment // ISOLDE - Isotope Separator OnLine // REX/HIE - Radioactive EXperiment/High Intensity and Energy ISOLDE // LEIR - Low Energy Ion Ring // LINAC - LINear ACcelerator // n-ToF - Neutrons Time Of Flight // HiRadMat - High-Radiation to Materials // CHARM - Cern High energy AcceleRator Mixed field facility // IRRAD - proton IRRADiation facility // GIF++ - Gamma Irradiation Facility // CENF - CErn Neutrino platForm 10/22/20 CPAN 4 Organisation of the European Strategy Update • Decision making body – CERN Council as coordinating body of European Particle Physics (23 Member States) • Drafting of the Strategy Update document – responsibility of the European Strategy Group (ESG) (23 MS representatives, LDG - National Lab’s Directors Group, Strategy Secretariat; Invitees: Associate MS, Observer States,… - see backup slide) • Scientific Input to the Strategy Update – responsibility of the Physics Preparatory Group (PPG) (nominations: 4 from ECFA, 4 from SPC, 4 from ICFA, 1 CERN, SUS – see backup slide) Ø Call for input Ø Processing of the input Ø Open Symposium Ø Briefing Book • Coordinating body – the Strategy Update Secretariat (SUS) (Secretary elected by Council, chairs of SPC, ECFA, LDG) 10/22/20 CPAN 5 Timeline 2 Documents submitted to CERN Council - 2020 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (with preamble, statements, conclusion) (brochure) - Deliberation Document (with in addition rational behind the statements) for information (brochure) 10/22/20 CPAN 6 The European Strategy Group 10/22/20 CPAN 7 General Introduction 20 Strategy Statements • 2 statements on Major developments from the 2013 Strategy • 3 statements on General considerations for the 2020 update • 2 statements on High-priority future initiatives • 4 statements on Other essential scientific activities for particle physics • 2 statements on Synergies with neighbouring fields • 3 statements on Organisational issues • 4 statements on Environmental and societal impact Derived based on o Granada Open Symposium o National Inputs o Working Group 1: Social and career aspects for the next generation (chair: Eric Laenen) o Working Group 2: Issues related to Global Projects hosted by CERN or funded through CERN outside Europe (chair: Mark Thompson) o Working Group 3: Relations with other groups and organisations (chair: Tatsuya Nakada) o Working Group 4: Knowledge and Technology Transfer (chair: Leandar Lisov) o Working Group 5: Public engagement, Education and Communication (chair: Sijbrand de Jong) o Working Group 6: Sustainability and Environmental impact (chair: Dirk Ryckbosch) 10/22/20 CPAN 8 Preamble What has changed since the 2013 Strategy What did not change since the 2013 Strategy Update? Update? Ø The HL-LHC was approved in 2016 • No signs of BSM physics Ø The expected reach of HL-LHC has been • Neutrinos have masses – not acquired in the SM substantially updated • There is dark matter in the Universe with no candidates within the SM • Prevalence of matter over anti-matter Higgs couplings Ø Theorists believe that the theory is not complete after HL-LHC Largest uncertainty from theory Something must be From Matt Strassler holding the vase 10/22/20 CPAN 9 Preamble Ø Many mysteries about the universe remain to be explored: nature of dark matter, preponderance of matter over antimatter, origin and pattern of neutrino masses Ø Nature hides the secrets of the fundamental physical laws in the tiniest nooks of space and time Ø Particle Physics develops technologies to probe ever smaller distance scales (higher energies) Ø To maintain Europe’s leading role, a new facility has to be operational within 10 years after the HL-LHC Ø The Higgs (discovered at the LHC) is a unique particle that raises profound questions about the fundamental laws of nature ü Higgs properties study is in itself a powerful experimental tool to look for answers à electron-positron collider as Higgs factory ü Higgs boson pair-production study is key to understanding the fabric of the universe à collider with significantly higher energies than Higgs factory Ø New realm of energies is expected to lead to new discoveries and provide answers to existing mysteries The European vision is thus to prepare a Higgs factory, followed by a future hadron collider with sensitivity to energy scales an order of magnitude higher than those of the LHC, while addressing the associated technical and environmental challenges. 10/22/20 CPAN 10 Guide through the statements 2 statements on Major developments from the 2013 Strategy 4 statements on Other essential scientific activities a) Focus on successful completion of HL-LHC upgrade remains a a) Support for high-impact, financially implementable, priority experimental initiatives world-wide b) Continued support for long-baseline experiments in Japan and b) Acknowledge the essential role of theory US and the Neutrino Platform c) Support for instrumentation R&D – roadmap ! d) Support for computing and software infrastructure 3 statements on General considerations for the 2020 update a) Preserve the leading role of CERN for success of European PP 2 statements on Synergies with neighbouring fields community a) Nuclear physics – cooperation with NuPECC b) Strengthen the European PP ecosystem of research centres b) Astroparticle – cooperation with APPEC c) Acknowledge the global nature of PP research 3 statements on Organisational issues 2 statements on High-priority future initiatives a) Framework for projects in and out of Europe a) Higgs factory as the highest-priority next collider and b) Strengthen relations with European Commission investigation of the technical and financial feasibility of a c) Support active role in supporting Open Science future hadron collider at CERN b) Vigorous R&D on innovative accelerator technologies – through 4 statements on Environmental and societal impact roadmap a) Mitigate environmental impact of particle physics b) Invest in next generation of researchers c) Support knowledge and technology transfer Letters for itemizing the statements are introduced d) Cultural heritage: public engagement, education and for identification, do not imply prioritization communication 10/22/20 CPAN 11 High-priority future initiatives Map of possible future facilities submitted as input to the Strategy Update 10/22/20 CPAN 12 e+e- Higgs Factories -1 4y @ MZ (150ab ) -1 1-2y @ 2xMW (10ab ) 3y @ 240 GeV (5ab-1) -1 -1 8 years (1ab ) 5y @ 2xmt (1.5ab ) (e-/e+) = ±80%/0% ! circular colliders linear CLIC@CERN [380 GeV] FCC-ee@CERN [90-365 GeV] colliders ILC@Japan [250 GeV] CEPC@China [90-240-(350) GeV] 11.5 years (2ab-1) (e-/e+) = ±80%/±30% ! ~1800 cryomodules of ~12m -1 2y @ MZ (16ab ) -1 in Liquid He vessel 1y @ 2xMW (2.6ab ) ~16000 superconductive cavities of ~1m 7y @ 240 GeV (5.6ab-1) 10/22/20 CPAN 13 Precision physics with the Higgs H as a scalar couples to all the fundamental particles 10/22/20 CPAN 14 Precision physics with the Higgs Higgs potential Higgs self-coupling By far the best, provided pp is well understood as well as theory Competitive 10/22/20 CPAN 15 BSM at colliders Higgs compositeness scale New resonant states Extended scalar sector Contact Interactions 10/22/20 CPAN And much more 16 Conclusions for High-priority future initiatives It is essential for particle physics in Europe and for CERN to
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