Thursday, April24, 2003 Scene. THE revtews "Phone Booth" page 14 The Independent Ne1vspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXVII NO. 136 HTTP://OBSERVER.ND.EDU 200 students face lawsuits for Boat Club citations admission to defendant's busi­ Supnrior Court. attorney representing the ''I'm shocked," said freshman By TERESA FRALISII ness 11stablishment ... [and I the While several Boat Club Millenium Club, did not return Evan Walsh, who was cited in ,o\.,,u~.l.lll" NL"w' Editm l'laintifl' has sustairwd damages. employees conlirmed that Mike phone calls seeking comment. the raid. "I think it's a very poor nxpnnses. losses. cosL'> and attor­ McNeff, the owner of The Boat University spokesman Dennis case. I don't sec it having any Ovn 200 Notn• DamP and ney fees due to the fraudulent Club at the time of' the raid, is Brown said that Notre Dame will success." Walsh said he would Saint Mary's studPnts arl' naeh actions of the Defendant." still the owner of the bar. the provide some guidance to the also be looking into retaining a bPing sund l'or $3.000 plus court The suits are each being cause stated that the "Plan tifT ... students receiving court s~m­ local attorney. l'nPs for lwing cit<•d during tlw brought individually by the operates a restaurant/tavern at mons. In the Jan. 24 raid, 213 Notre .Jan. 24 polien raid ol' Tlw Boat Millenium Club, although it is 106 North llill, South Bend," "We do plan to refer students, Dame and Saint Mary's students Club. unclear how that organization is which is The Boat Club's through Student Affairs .. to were cited for the Class C felony A copy of a caus<~ obtain<~d by connectnd with The Boat Club. address. appropriate resources, primarily "Minor in a Tavern." Notre Dame Tlw OhsPrVPr stat!'d that the Thn students receiving sum­ However, neither McNeff nor local attorneys," Brown said. students also received sanctions "l>dPrHiant knowingly made mons wern assignnd a time for a Boat Club managers returned One student who received a from the Ollice of Hesidence Life. falsP statPnwnts ... of tlwir agn court !waring and were instruct­ repeated phone calls seeking court summons said he ques­ for purpost•s of inducing l'laintill' net to appnar at the Small Claims comment. tioned the validity of the Ia w­ Contact Teresa Fralish at to allow IJPI'Pndant to gain Division of the St. Joseph Mitchell lleppenheimer, the suits. [email protected] ND wom_en faculty express tenure concerns Editor's note: This is the sec­ them. We should hirn the very ond in a three-parl series look­ best people and give tlwm the ing into the issues that face support to make it happen." female faculty members at Part of allowing them to Notre Dame. make it happPn. Sayers said, is ------------- to let tenure-track faculty By MEG HAN MARTIN know where tlwy stand bPforn News Writer decision time rolls around. The majority of' tenure-track faculty, officially deemed In 2001, women made up 42 "teaching and research fanrl­ percent of all tenure-track ty," sign a three-year contract professors at Notre Dame, but when they are hired, with the SARAH LATHROPfThe Observer many female professors worry understanding that their per­ Chris Matthews spoke at Stepan Center Wednesday as part of the college tour for MSNBC's that some figures can be formance will be reviewed at "Hardball." Over 1,000 people attended the hour-long live program featuring Arizona Senator deceiving. the end of that period, during John McCain. "We have a lot of women, which a decision is made to but what people don't realize either ofl'er another three-year is that we're still behind," contract or terminate the can­ McCain, Matthews visit campus English professor Valerie didate's employment. Sayers said. referring to the Tenure decisions are made only 18 percent of female fac­ after the second three-year "[Saddam'sl crimes are up there similar to the one in Iran. ulty who hold tenured posi­ term. when faculty members By SCOTT BRODFUEHRER with the worst in history," he "That would be a bad out­ tions. submit a tenure packet of News Writer said. come," McCain said. "It is a com­ Sayers, who was initially specified materials to their McCain said the victory in Iraq plicated situation - the people hired as an associate professor respective department's MSNBC's "llardball with Chris does not signal an end to the war have never known democracy. 10 years ago and tenured after Committee on Appointments Mattlwws" was telnvisnd live from on terrorism. however. The country's lines were drawn in two years of teaching at Notre and Promotion, comprised of Notre Dame's StPpan Center "The war on terrorism will go the sand by a British colonel in a Dame in a practice that is rare the applicant's peers. The CAP Wednesday and over 'I ,000 stu­ on for a long time, as long as tent at the end of World War II." but possible in the hiring of reviews all materials, includ­ dPnts and community m11mbors there arc Arab men on the streets The Senator also spoke about already-senior faculty, ing outside reviews of attendPd the show that allowed without jobs [that can be recruit­ the post-war reconstruction or expressed her relief that she research, TCEs and adminis­ tlu•m to int1~ract with Sen. John ed to hate America]." said Iraq. was initially hired with the trative and committee work, McCain (H-Ariz.l. the show's McCain. "We will have a breeding "I said the war would be quick, understanding that she would called "service." The CAP sub­ guest. ground for terrorists." but I never said the post war peri­ be quickly promoted to a sequently votes as to whether Tlw hour-long show featured The format of the show allowed od would be easy," he said. "We tenured status. or not the faculty member McCain's views on foreign policy McCain to respond mostly to need help from every nation in "I haven't had to go through should be considered for following the U.S. victory in the Matthews' questions. although Europe and the world." the agony that my non­ tenure. war in Iraq. McCain is a former students also had the opportunity McCain minimized the rift the tenured colleagues have gone The results are submitted as ViPtnam prL<>orwr of war and sup­ to ask McCain questions. media has presented between through," she said. "A univer­ a recommendation to the portl~d llw war in Iraq. One student asked McCain what Defense Secretary Donald sity like Notre Dame should department chair, and the "I think thn President has done would happen if the Shiite Muslim Humsfcld and Secretary of State have a commitment to acade­ same process is continued a great job lnading the country, majority was to win an election in mic justice - they should hire through the relevant college's don't you all''" McCain asked. Iraq and try to create a theocracy see HARDBALL/page 9 people they feel completely capable of tenure, and support see TENURE/pagr: 6 ACADEMIC COUNCIL ND Tenure Status >- Group discusses salary equity ~ ::l 0 «l 400 next fall. the proposal, presented meeting, comprise the Salary lL By KATE NAGENGAST '+- by the Council's Faculty Affairs Disclosure Group. 0 Senior Sta!T Writer Subcommittee Salary Disclosure Frecka said the Group was split .._ CD Group, was debated by Council 2-1 against full disclosure of faculty .D 300 E The UnivcrsityAcadnmic Council members. some of whom suggest­ salaries and thus decided to exam­ :J hdd iL'i final meeting of the acadP­ ed the that the committee proposal ine the fairness of the processes z mie year Wedrwsday and dis­ describes L<i too vaguely defined to the University uses to address 100 cusst~d establishing a eommittl't) to be ellbctive in practice. salary issues instead. The Group's nxar11irw salary equity at Notre Accounting professor Tom proposal recommends that a Damn. Frecka. finance professor John Salary Equity Committee, estab­ Although tlw Council tabled its 1\flleck-Graves and economics pro­ lished by the Provost's Advisory ·as '89 '90 '91 ·s2 '93 ·94 '95 '96 '97 ·9e '99 ·oo ·o1 final decL'iion about whether or not fessor Teresa Ghilarducci, who Year to nstablL'ih such a committee until was unabln to attnnd Wednesday's see COUNCIL/page 9 --------------------------------------------------------, page 2 The Observer+ WHAT'S UP Thursday, April 24, 2003 INSIDE COLUMN WHAT'S INSIDE CAMPUS WORLD& BUSINESS Getting a NEWS NATION NEWS VIEWPOINT SCENE SPORTS fake ID? ND names 10 Arafat, Abbas Oil production ND senior Scene reviews Baseball honorary plan for new resumes in considers life 'Real Girls' defeats "Don't you have a fake ID yet?" degree Palestinian Iraq after after and 'Phone Cleveland When your 56 year-old mother who epitomizes the term "conservative" asks recipients cabinet wartime halt graduation Booth' State you this in your last phone conversation, things are bad. The Universvity Yasser Arafat Engineers pre­ Viewpoint 'Real Girls' scores The Irish defeat­ As a junior whose Anne Iiese will award hon­ and Mahoud pared Wednesday columnist Andrew four and a half ed the Vikings 13-1 21st birthday Woolford orary doctorate Abbas moved for­ to begin operating Deberry looks shamrocks while at Frank Eck doesn't come until degrees at ward Wednesday !rag's oil wells back on his four 'Phone Booth' Stadium November of my Saint Mary's Commencement with plans for a again for the first years at Notre scores four sham­ Wednesday.
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