ICRC NEWSLETTER SIERRA LEONE May - August 2001 Adapting itself to a new reality Now that displaced persons are retur- moral training component of the Armed ning to their places of origin, the ICRC is Forces of Sierra Leone (SLA). During the moving its humanitarian operations to past twelve months the ICRC has been those newly settled areas where the contributing to the training programme needs are the greatest. for the new SLA. Indeed it has taught over 8,000 soldiers about their responsi- bilities to spare and respect civilians, ICRC: Promoter and Guardian of Inter- wounded, sick and detained fighters no national Humanitarian Law (IHL) longer taking part in hostilities. When combatants limit the use of violence and Supporting states in raising aware- behave with honour in the conduct of ness of IHL is one of the mandates hostilities, they prevent or reduce unne- conferred on the ICRC, by the Four cessary suffering, win the hearts and Geneva Conventions and their Addi- minds of the people and, above all, keep tional Protocols. a door open for reconciliation. Humanita- As the peace process moves forward, rian rules are meant to be observed not the International Committee of the Red This law, which is otherwise known as only by governments and their armed Cross (ICRC) has adapted its program- the "Law of War", prescribes rules of forces, but also by all armed parties to a mes to the new reality in Sierra Leone. In behaviour for combatants in both inter- conflict. This explains why the ICRC also this reporting period (May to August), the national and non-international armed provides IHL training to commanders of ICRC's operation in Sierra Leone, its lar- conflicts, and restricts the method and the RUF and the CDF. gest in West Africa, focused on helping means of warfare. It protects civilians The ICRC has organised information ses- displaced families resettle to safe areas who do not take part in the fighting as sions for hundreds of officers from the and on rehabilitation programmes, such well as wounded, sick, detained or sur- contingents of the United Nations Mis- as construction of wells, sanitation facili- rendered combatants who are no longer sion in Sierra Leone, UNAMSIL, who also ties and the promotion of agricultural taking part in the conduct of hostilities. have an obligation to abide by IHL. activities. These programmes aim to pro- The Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 mote the restoration of adequate living and their Additional Protocols of 1977 conditions for those most affected by the provide the main instrument of humani- conflict without creating long-term tarian law and deal mainly with protec- dependency on outside aid and taking tion and assistance of victims in armed the cultural context into account. conflicts. 189 states, including Sierra Moreover, the ICRC's activities included Leone (since 1965), are party to the help for sick and wounded, visits to Geneva Conventions. detainees and re-establishment of family links, with a special focus on the needs Supporting efforts to stability through of women and support for the Sierra dissemination to the Armed Forces... Ignorance is no excuse: dissemination session to Leone Red Cross Society (SLRCS). Educating about IHL forms part of the SLA in Benguema The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance. It directs and coordinates the international relief activities conducted by the Movement in situations of conflict. It also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.The ICRC has been working in Sierra Leone since 1991. In agreement with all parties to the conflict, the ICRC carries out humanitarian activities such as medical support, relief assistance to civilians, restoration of family ties and promotion of International Humanitarian law. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS Water and habitat from May to August, the ICRC: • constructed wells and latrines in The ICRC provided material to construct 10 villages in South Kenema district; traditional pit latrines in some of the • constructed wells and latrines in rural communities in Port Loko, Tonkolili, 3 villages in Makpele chiefdom, Kailahun and Pujehun districts. So as to Pujehun district; control the vectors of disease, health • installed wells with hand pumps and education campaigns are carried out on latrines in 8 villages in Lower Maforki the spot and health committees are chiefdom and in Loko Masama established in each location where the IDP host community, Port Loko district; ICRC is working. The technical aspects • supported the rehabilitation of the are accomplished by the ICRC technici- SLRCS clinic in Makeni; ans and community volunteers. • at the end of August hundreds Following requests from the local popu- latrines were under construction in lation and taking into consideration the Kailahun and Pujehun districts. socio-cultural aspects, the ICRC propo- ses a structure and design easy to make Relief Activities : Supporting con- in the field (one bag of cement corre- sponds to one latrine) and the use of flict victims to resettle and restore traditional material for the superstruc- their means of production ture. The slab can also be reused later in The aftermath of every armed conflict another pit dug by the community. usually involves the resettlement of dis- Medical activities placed persons to their places of origin The same ICRC water and habitat unit, and to rehabilitate means of production ICRC’s medical assistance provides which deals with matters relating to the to enhance self-sufficiency at house- affordable health care to war affected maintenance or restoration of water- hold level. persons in life threatening situations. supply systems, also visited Koidu This is now the focus of the ICRC/SLRCS Owing to the fact that the majority of Government Hospital. The ICRC laun- humanitarian activities in Sierra Leone. displaced persons are now returning to ched a rapid rehabilitation of several The aim is to help displaced persons to their places of origin, it is foreseen that wards to provide patients and medical cope with the effects of the conflict. The medical activities will eventually shift to teams with decent rooms. idea is based on the belief that "it is better areas where the need is greatest. Rehabilitation work included repairs of to teach a man how to fish than to pro- roof leakage, wall painting and the vide him with fish for the rest of his life." from May to August, the ICRC: installation of mosquito mesh on the • together with government medical windows and doors. Latrines and sho- Tens of thousands of internally displa- staff, carried out 924 operations at wers of the hospital were also rehabili- ced persons as well other as vulnerable Kenema Hospital; tated. families received assistance from the • provided and monitored use of basic At the same time, a team of caretakers ICRC/SLRCS between May and August drugs and medicines at Segbwema was trained on preventive measures for in order to help them rebuild their settle- mobile clinic and Koidu Government cleaning and disinfection of the rooms ments, produce food and generate Hospital (Kono district); with special material. The same income. • cared for 140 pregnant women in approach was also adopted for Segb- The package consisted of tarpaulins, life threatening condition at PCMH in wema Methodist Hospital. sleeping mats, blankets, kitchen sets, Freetown; drinking buckets, soap, used clothes, • provided drugs and incentives for and farming inputs like rice, groundnut 2 health clinics in Freetown and one in and vegetable seeds and agricultural Mile 91, which saw a total of 43,337 tools. patients. from May to August, the ICRC: • together with the SLRCS and the • together with the SLRCS, distributed Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and a resettlement package to 5,350 the Environment facilitated a training families (29,800 beneficiaries) in Songo, course in vegetable production for Masiaka, Port Loko, Petifu Junction, 80 women associations in the Kenema Kenema, Pujehun, and Potoru. district. The women's groups were The same package was also rendered provided with imported and local to about 89,600 resident families and vegetable seeds, cutlasses, hoes, displaced persons in Lower Maforki, shovels, plastic buckets, watering cans Tane, Kholifa Mabang and Malal chief- and wheelbarrows after the training; doms in the Port Loko and Tonkolili • implemented an agricultural programme districts; centred on both resident farm families • together with the SLRCS, assisted a and internally displaced persons in total caseload of 176,470 displaced Tonkolili, Kenema, Pujehun and Port Water is life: constructing water wells in Loko Masama persons with non-food items and used Loko districts targeting 22,570 families chiefdom clothes; (135,380 beneficiaries). Impartiality and Neutrality Red Cross assistance is carried out according to needs and the organisation Impartiality and Neutrality: two of the always gives priority to the most urgent seven leading principles of the Red cases of distress. Tane chiefdom was Cross Movement, which provide a therefore not a choice but a rule: ”provi- universal standard of reference for all ding the greatest help for those most in its members (the ICRC, the Interna- need without discrimination.” This is tional Federation and the National what impartiality means. Societies). A commander of the RUF unit on the spot was curious to know why his men The ICRC, the International Federation were not registered. It was explained and the SLRC, with their respective that ”combatants and political groups mandates, work together as a family, do not qualify for registration.
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