"HIWBf The Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no more Four Page Colored 14 Pages Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Two Section*s PRICE THREE CENTS VOL7IX, NO. 38. CARTERET, N. j7'FRIl)AYt JUNE 5, 1931 A COMMUNICATION To RegUter Beginner* lonors Proposes Plan To Unemployment Adds Local K. of C. Group In Public Schools Woman'sClnb Notes Dear Editor: The Board of Directors of the Car- Boost Carteret Scro(fgins is a curious cuss If ever Parents of children who will at- Memory Of Dead there was one. The other day he'd teret Woman's Club met Wednesday Library Readers Elects New Officers tend public school for the first time evening at the home of the program been Bitting reciting pas station tales in September are requested to go to Parade and Exercises On Dec-A. Harry Moore Club He** he learned from a Guesagin barber chairman, Mrs. William Hagan of Report Ittued By Carteret li- Carey Council Names William their prospective schools for registra- Emerson street, principally to discuss oration Day — Mayor Prin- Would Form Improvement when he suddenly BhifU to hiirtory tion some day next week, in an- F. Lawlor Grand Knight; and tells, me it's great stuff. and plnn the program for the coming Association. brarian Show* That Number nouncement issued today by Miss B.season. The president, Mrs. T. J. Ne- cipal Speaker. "D'ye know, Huck," he says, "IV Hermann, supervising principal ol p Of Readeri Ha» Increased— Plans Made For Picnic. gets the biggest kick out of any kind An enthusiastic gathering attend- the schools. Th« method of having , presided. L. Dale, Memorial Day was celebrated her* Seek Education, of histry hut the thing that tickles beginners register in June instead of A now candidate, Mrs. with a parade and exercises hold af- ed a meeting of the A. Harry Moon Officers wore elected Tuesday me moat is the crusaders." was proposed for membershib p andd Club Tuesday night in Rockman'l night at the regular meeting of waiting until September, was put in- accepted. terwards in the high school. The var- "And what's them?" I asks. to practice for the first time last ious units in the parade, assembled in Hall ami heard Edward J. Heil, pres- Unemployment has had its effect Carey Council No. 1280, Knights of "Well," says Scroggins, "they's a It was decided to hold the annual ident of the organization, advance a ,,non the business of the CarteretColumbus, The meeting was held in year and was found to be much more tllthHa MUHUIIathletiCc HelIICIUd HUanMd thlilte linimer lunticformeud •- -- , - • . breed of old timers that used to gosatisfactory to both pupils and teach- Flower Show this year on Friday, Lvee Public Library, according to an the St. Joseph School hall. The of-out and civilize the haythins by cut- Sept. 4th, under the chairmanship of in front of the school. The line of plan to organise an ImprovemWltM- - announcement iwiued by the libra ficers named are: Grand Knight, ers as well aa parents. march was over the principal streets socistion. or » Chamber of Coinme— ting their heads off them. It was Mrs. E. Anderson. The place has not ls kn wn n th r town 1 rmn in connection with a list of non William F. Lawlori deputy Grand For this reason Miss Hermann urg- been designated as yet. of both the Chrome and Carteret sec- »«.»,' ? , '. A !_ 1 ' about the best way of cixilizin' they <s that every mother having a child betterment (if i'nrterpt. fw-tion books recently added to theKnight, James Whalen; financial had in them days. But the fellows It WHS decided to give the Club's tions. The primary purpose of the ln« shelves of the institution. Apparent- secretary, Nicholas Sullivan; record- ^ho will be/a beginner in September In the line were a police escort, 1 they civilized staid that way." regular prize of five dollars towards rovpment nssooUtion will be to aid iv men who have been unable to nni ing secretary, Leo Coughlin; advo- .iave the child registered and assign borough officials, gold star mothers,' P . "But 1 thought," said I "that you the annual baby parade. c employment at ordinary work bav cate, J. R. O'Donnell; chancellor, ed to a room next week. The club received with great pleas- the members of the ('arterot post of ^men»\t ^"'J^in local" „',plnnts" , Mr. Tlell decided to fit themselves for some wuz intrested in barbers especially Patrick Onomey; trustees, Thomas the one that tells them gas station ure a gift of twenty-five dollars to- the American Legion, Boy Scouts of Ho quid that the industrial plantt '. thing in the way of special service McHridge and James Dunne; ward- wRrils its building fund from the America, Cub Scouts, Firemen and hore employ hundreds of out-of-town " nrofessioTial or mechanical. The an yarns." en, Garret Walsh; inside guard, John „, all barbers Junior Woman's Club, for which the apparatus and Fraternal organiza- residents while local men find it at ' nouncement and list of books follow "Aw," says Senior club thanks its Juniors very tions. There we're some children. Connolly; outside guard, Prank get that way when they'ry e in theRoutine Business mist impossible to secure employ* Due to unemployment many youni Metz. kindly. Those of the Ukraninn group attract- ment. men are viaitinu the library to oo business seven years or so; it's the ed much admiration by the beauty of The council made plans for a pic-difference betune invirnment and Due to unexpected circumstances On the other hand, Councilman rUPy th l At Short Session which made it impossible for Mrs. E.their costumes, The public school Charles A. Conrad, who spoke lattt l-n Bann ^cu^om^pulit'onac u t0 rned U rM f ir f° iT ^ *°™«™i«^ »nd j S^Ta^e tol barter! He thinks Anderson to fill the post of treasurer children did not march. Interspersed loss " S ?! _ ..t . '. °f| the following committee was ap-lhe-9 a* inventor and can make an in the meeting, said that be was satlf- learning1. Non-fiction seems to bepointed to work out the details: to which she was elected by the club were bands and drum and bugle fled that the local plants have be«B auto spring that will stand more than Meeting Of Borough Council corps. in circulation in comparison James Dunne, chairman; William P. one trip over Longfellow street. Now and due to the fact that the club had pretty fair with local men in the mat. , ; Devoted To Ordinary Mat- adjourned for the summer, the Board At the high school there were se- with fiction. Books .on vocational LawlorLawlor , Francis CoughliCoughlinn , NicholaNicholas crusaders is different from barbers ter of employment. He said that mot* M of Directors found it expedient to ap- lections by the ftfe and drum corps LJUlll TCWlf UCU VJ VJUKMllllj GervasVJDl TBDeC of the men employed in the local guidance, science, electricity, engi- Sullivan, Leo Coughlin, ters — l» Soon Over. and the bands. Commander William neering, ' aviation, college informa- HHarrigani , JJoseph h ShtllShutlllal , Francis "Forget the barbers," gays I, "and point Mrs. Cornelius Sheridan to that plants are residents of Carteret. office. Mrs. Sheridan comes well re- Hagan made the introductions. The Another thinu that the associa- tion music, sociology, biography, Carney, James Whalen and Howard the crusaders, too." principal speaker was Mayor Joseph history and information regarding Burns. After the business meeting Only routine business was trans- ommended and the Board feels that tion will strive for is to improve corn- "I'll not forget the crusaders, I'm acted at a short meeting of the Bor- A. Hermann who had walked the full the stock market, are much in de-the members present adjourned to think I'll be one," says he. he will fill her office capably. munication facilities with other ough Council on Tuesday night. The Mrs. T, J. Nevill, president and of the line of march, to Elizabeth mand. the Town Grill where refreshments "How will you do it," says I. paid tribute to the gold star cities. A direct road were served. meeting had been postponed from Mrs. Wm, Hagan, program Chairman He would help ng CtCarteree t oout of its People are realizing that without "I'll crusade aginst the fellow: the previous evening on account of mothers and the members of the Le- that trying to squash our schools . ' who attended a conference at Little iliflolntod d position, Mr. Heil addeddd training or a good education, that the Democratic County meeting in Silver on Tuesday for presidents and gion. He told of how they had served when they get older they still re- Scroggins turned to me suddei Mr. Heil, who presided at the se*« New Brunswick. AH of the members program chairman, and bought back and sacrificed in the wnr and how sion then introduced I^wis Copipton, main untrained for the skilled work like and I knowed he had some new were presensent at the council meetinmeetig they are still doing so. He made spe- idea hot of the griddle. helpful and useful suggestions in director of the Hoard of Freehold- which offers a future. In these Friendship link except CouncilmaCil n Lyman and planning programs, many of which cial reference to the £ieat service ers of Middlesex County, who spoke days when business life is strenuous "You know," says he "I think Young . Fire Company No. 2 pre- the legion gave this winter to relieve saw the big shot in that whole rack Young will he put into practice during the on several topics including unem- and competion wvere you must know sented;td ? request for* $160 to defray coming year.
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