![Studies on Microlichens of Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya, India Hkkjr Ds Iwohz Fgeky;] Flfdde Esa Lw{E'ksokdh; V/;;U](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Nelumbo Vol 59(1), (80-94) 2017 ISSN (Print) : 0976-5069 DOI : 10.20324/nelumbo/v59/2017/115983 ISSN (Online) : 2455-376X Studies on microlichens of Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya, India G. P. Sinha and Pooja Gupta Botanical Survey of India, Central Regional Centre, Allahabad - 211 002, India Corresponding authors: [email protected] Hkkjr ds iwohZ fgeky;] flfDde esa lw{e’kSokdh; v/;;u th-ih- flUgk ,oa iwtk xqIrk lkjka’k izLrqr ‘kks/k i= Hkkjr ds flfDde jkT; ls 266 lw{e’kSokd tkfr;ksa dh izkfIr dks vfHklwfpr djrk gSA bu tkfr;kas esa ls pkj tkfr;k¡ ftuesa vkdkjksLiksjk eksfyfCMuk ¼vd-½ Vªsfol-] dkfYofVesyk ,Xysbvk ¼lksEesQZ-½ gsQsYYksuj] vkØksfyfd;k ikjsYyk ¼fy-½ ,- ekLly- ,oa iksjfifM;k ¶ykfodaMk ¼vd-½ xksoku Hkkjrh; ‘kSokd ¶yksjk ds fy;s uohu vfHkys[k gSa vkSj vkdkjksLiksjk cqYykVk ,ath] fMIyksflfLVl eLdksje ¼Ldwi-½ vkj- lkaV-] ysflMsYyk fLVXesfV;k ¼vd-½ gsVZy ,oa yqdZV] vkSj fLDyjksQksjk iSfYyMk ¼is;Zl-½ okbZ- ts- ;kvks ,oa Liwusj flfDde jkT; ds fy;s uohu vfHkys[k gSaA ABSTRACT The paper reports the occurrence of 266 species of microlichens from the state of Sikkim, India. Four species viz. Acarospora molybdina (Ach.) Trevis., Calvitimela aglaea (Sommerf.) Hafellner, Ochrolechia parella (L.) A. Massal. and Porpidia flavicunda Acarospora bullata Anzi, Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R. Sant., Lecidella stigmatia (Ach.) Hertel & Leuckert and Sclerophora pallida (Pers.) Y.J. Yao & Spooner are new to Sikkim. (Ach.) Gowan are new records for Indian lichen flora and Keywords: Eastern Himalaya, Lichen biota, New records, Sikkim. INTRODUCTION (2005) published macrolichens of Sikkim. The present work on microlichens of Sikkim was initiated during Sikkim with an area of about 7096 sq. km located in east- 2006 to fulfil the gap in this regard. During the present ern Himalaya between 27° 5′ to 28° 9′ N latitude and 87° study on microlichens, publication of several novelties in 9′ to 88° 56′ E longitude is part of a global hotspot of bio- the form of new species, new records for India and Sik- diversity. Several sporadic publications on lichen floris- kim were reported (Sinha & Jagadeesh Ram 2011; Joseph tic (Nylander, 1860, 1863; Chopra, 1934; Asahina, 1966; & Sinha, 2012a 7 b; 2015; Joseph & al., 2015; S. Gupta Awasthi, 1988, 1991, 2007; Sinha, 1999, 2004a, b; Sinha & & Singh, 2013; P. Gupta & Sinha, 2015a, b, c) and the Chauhan, 1996, 1998; Sinha & Elix, 2003; Divakar & al., comprehensive listing revealed occurrence of 266 spe- 2001, 2003; Upreti & al., 2004; Sinha & Singh, 2005) were cies belonging to 80 genera under 41 families in the state. made from the state. A comprehensive lichen flora was Graphidaceae is the most dominant family with 59 spe- attempted by Botanical Survey of India. Sinha & Singh cies, followed by Lecanoraceae (27 spp.), Arthoniaceae Received: 29.03.2017 Accepted: 12.06.2017 Date of Publication: 31.07.2017 G. P. Sinha and Pooja Gupta (23 spp.), Pyrenulaceae & Pertusariaceae (20 spp. each) paraplectenchymatous, 12–20 μm thick, dark brown; cells and Pilocarpaceae & Porinaceae (10 spp. each). At generic 3–4 layered; algal layer even, cells rounded 4–4.5 × 2.3 level Graphis with 34 species shows maximum species μm; medulla white. diversity, followed by Lecanora (25 spp), Pertusaria & Apothecia immersed, rounded to angular, 1–3 per Pyrenula (20 spp. each), Porina (10 spp.) and Strigula areole; disc blackish brown, plane to concave, smooth; & Bacidia (9 spp. each). Similarly on the basis of habi- epihymenium brown to dark brown, 10–20 μm thick; tat 196 species are corticolous, followed by 37 foliicolous, hymenium hyaline, 68–80 μm high; hypothecium 25 saxicolous and 6 terricolous species. Four species viz. pale yellow, 10–45 μm thick; paraphyses moniliform, Acarospora molybdina (Ach.) Trevis., Calvitimela aglaea 1.2–2.48 μm thick at base, apices 3.2–4.34 μm thick; (Sommerf.) Hafellner, Ochrolechia parella (L.) A. Massal. asci ±100 spored, cylindrical 50–75 × 10–26 μm; and Porpidia flavicunda(Ach.) Gowan have been found ascospores hyaline, simple, narrowly ellipsoid, 3–6 × as new record for the Indian lichen flora and 4 species viz. 1–2.5 μm. Pycnidium filled with grannules or crystals. Acarospora bullata Anzi, Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) Thallus K–, C–, KC–, P–, UV–; no lichen substances R. Sant., Lecidella stigmatia (Ach.) Hertel & Leuckert and detected by TLC. Sclerophora pallida (Pers.) Y.J. Yao & Spooner as new dis- The species was earlier reported from Nepal in Mt. tributional records for Sikkim which are provided with Everest region (D.D. Awasthi 1991), Great Britain, brief taxonomic description to facilitate their identifica- Europe, Scandinavia, Svalbard, North America and now tion. Besides, all the species of microlichens known so far from India. from Sikkim have also been enumerated (Table 1). Specimen examined: India: North Sikkim, Llonak val- ley, Muguthang, 4500 m, 1 September 1999, G.P.Sinha MATERIAL AND METHODS 1564 (BSHC). 2. Calvitimela aglaea (Sommerf.) Hafellner, Stapfia 76: Specimens collected during various exploration tours, 151. 2001. Lecidea aglaea Sommerf., Suppl. Fl. Lapp. were processed, identified and deposited at BSI, SHRC (Oslo): 144. 1826. (Fig. 2) (BSHC); BSI, CRC (BSA). Besides, few lichen specimens Thallus crustose, corticolous, warted, areolate; are- deposited at LWG were also consulted and included in oles continuous, rarely scattered; light greenish grey, up the present study. The specimens were identified based on to 2 mm diam.; prothallus absent. Apothecia rounded, their morphological, anatomical and chemical characters. black, 0.5–3 mm diam.; disc black, plane, becoming The morphological characters were studied with the help irregularly convex; margin biatorine; thalline exciple of Nikon SMZ 1600 stereo microscope while anatomical present, with crystals; proper exciple not distinct; characters were studied by Nikon Eclipe 50i compound epihymenium dark greenish-brown, 20–36 μm thick; microscope. The sections were mounted in water for mea- hymenium pigmented, 80–85 μm high, I+ blue; sub- surement of anatomical structure. Chemical characters hymenium brown, 20–25 μm thick; hypothecium dark were studied using 5% potassium hydroxide (K) and 5% brown, 60–70 μm thick; paraphyses branched, septate, Lugol’s (I), calcium hypochlorite (C) and para-phenylene tip swollen, anastomosing; asci clavate, 8–spored, uni- diamine (P) solutions followed by thin layer chromato- seriate–biseriate, I–, KI+ dark blue, Lecanora-type; graphic analysis (TLC) carried out in solvent system C ascospores colourless, simple, 6–7 × 4–5 μm. Thallus following the method of Orange & al. (2001). K+ yellow, C–, KC+ yellow, P–; atranorin and usnic acid present. The species was earlier reported from British Isles, TAXONOMIC TREATMENT European mountains, Arctic, Northern America, North Asia, Nepal and now from India. New Records for India Specimen examined: India: North Sikkim, Llonak Val- 1. Acarospora molybdina (Ach.) Trevis., 1851. Lecanora ley, Chhaber Lake, below LunaLa, 3 September 1999, G.P. molybdina Ach., Lich. Univ.: 430. 1810. (Fig. 1) Sinha 1616 (BSHC). Thallus crustose, saxicolous, areolate to rimose-are- 3. Ochrolechia parella (L.) A. Massal., Ric. Auton. Lich. olate, squamulose at margin, dark brown-black, plane Crost. 30. 1852. Lichen parellus L., Mant. Pl. 1: 132. 1767. to convex; squamules 2–3 mm across; upper cortex (Fig. 3) www.nelumbo-bsi.org Nelumbo 81 Studies on microlichens of Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya, India Thallus crustose, corticolous, rimose, continu- Specimen examined: India: North Sikkim, Sebu La ous, warty, dark bluish-grey; isidia or soredia absent. base camp, east side, 4960 m, 23 July 1996, G.P.Sinha 1229 Apothecia sessile, rounded, up to 2 mm diam.; disc (BSHC). concave, covered by yellowish-brown pruina; margin 2. Diploschistes muscorum (Scop.) R. Sant. in D. prominent, warty; exciple colourless–greenish, out- Hawksw. & al., Lichenologist 12(1): 106. 1980. Lichen side pale brown, 270 μm wide; epihymenium colour- muscorum Scop., Fl. Carniol., Edn 2 (Wien) 2:365. 1772. less; hymenium pale to colourless, 51–65 μm high; Thallus crustose, musicolous or terricolous, cracked, paraphyses branched, anastomosing; asci 4–8 spored; areolate, even-verruculose, yellowish-grey. Apothecia ascospores colourless, oblong-ellipsoid, thick walled, urceolate, 1–1.2 mm diam.; disc black, slightly pruinose; 55–90 × 35–50 μm. Thallus K+ yellow, C–, KC+ yellow; thalline exciple not raised above the thallus; margin medulla K–, C–, KC–; disc K+ yellow, C+ red, KC+ prominent, concolorous with disc; hymenium colour- red, UV–. less–pale brownish; hypothecium dark brown; praphyses The species was earlier reported from Canada, USA, simple, capitate, brown at apices; asci 4–spored; asco- Europe and now from India. spores brown, ellipsoid, submuriform, transversely 5 and Specimen examined: India: West Sikkim, Phitang- longitudinally 0–2 septate, 25–33 × 10–15 μm. Thallus K+ Dzongri, 3 km trek, 3900–4025 m, 12 May 1994, G.P. yellow turning red, C+ red, P–, UV–. Sinha 244 (BSHC). Distribution: India: Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal 4. Porpidia flavicunda (Ach.) Gowan, Bryologist 92(1): Pradesh, Kerala and Uttarakhand; Bhutan, Great Britain, 43. 1989. Lecidea flavicunda Ach., Lich. Univ.: 166. 1810. Nepal and New Zealand; Africa, North and South America. (Fig. 4) Specimens examined: India: North Sikkim, Llonak val- Thallus crustose, saxicolous, areolate, cracked, orange- ley, Muguthang to Naku lake, 4500 m, 2 April 1999, G.P. rusty; areoles angular, pale. Apothecia rounded, immersed Sinha 1543, 1544 (BSHC). to erumpent, black,
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