BULLETIN OF ~ARINE SCIENCE, 64(3): 513-533, 1999 BRYOZOAN FOULING OF THE BLUE CRAB CALLINECTES SAPIDUS AT BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA Marcus M. Key, Jr., Judith E. Winston, Jared W. Volpe, William B. Jeffries and Harold K. Voris ABSTRACT This study examines the prevalence, intensity, abundance, and spatial distribution of fouling bryozoans on 168 blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, taken from an estuarine environment in the area of Beaufort, North Carolina. Three epizoic bryozoan species were found on the host crabs. These include Alcyonidium albescens Winston and Key, Membranipora arborescens (Canu ·and Bassler), and Triticella elongata (Osburn). The proportion of blue crabs fouled was 16%. Results indicate female crabs were significantly more fouled than males. This suggests that the prevalence and intensity of bryozoans are dominantly controlled by the migratory habits of the host, since female crabs spend more time in deeper waters of higher salinity where they are more likely to be fouled by bryozoan larvae. The ventral surface was significantly more fouled than the dorsal. The A. albescens colonies were significantly more abundant on the hosts' lateral spines, M. arborescens dominated the subhepatic sector, and T. elongata was most common around the mouth. The costs and benefits of epibiosis are reviewed. The bryozoan/blue crab relationship described here appears to be phoretic. This means there is minimal negative impact on the crab, the relationship is more beneficial to the bryozoans, and there is no special symbiotic relationship between the crab and the bryo­ zoan. Biofouling of surfaces found in marine environments is a common phenome­ non. Those that foul ships and pipes are a problem as a result of the increased operating costs resulting from drag and increased corrosion, costs to prevent foul­ ing, and costs to remove epizoans (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1952). Studies on epibiosis and antifouling mechanisms can provide valuable insight into antifouling technology (Davis et al., 1989; Wahl, 1989). Most studies of natural antifouling mechanisms have focused on soft-bodied hosts; however hosts with hard exoskeletons (as in this study) are more similar to manmade structures (e.g., ship hulls, heat exchangers, water intake pipes) than soft-bodied organisms (Beck­ er, 1996). Studies of fouling marine organisms may provide insight into controlling bio­ fouling of marine technology. Next to barnacles, bryozoans are the most common invertebrates fouling anthropogenic marine surfaces (Cluistie and Dalley, 1987). In addition, bryozoans are common epizoans on planktonic (Taylor and .Monks, 1997), nektonic .(Keyeral., 1995, 1996a), and motile benthic host substrates (Key et al., 1996a,b). This paper uses the tenninology of Overstreet (1979) and Margolis et al. (1982) with a symbiont being defined as an organism living in special association with a host. The degree of benefit or harm to either partner is irrelevant. Ectosymbionts (i.e., epizoans and epiphytes) live on the external surface of their host and are said to infest their hosts. The prevalence of fouling refers to the proportion of infested hosts. Abundance is the number of symbionts per host, and intensity is the number of symbionts per infested host. The goals of this study are: (1) to quantitatively describe the prevalence, abun­ dance, and intensity of ectosymbiotic bryozoans on blue crabs at Beaufort, North Carolina; (2) to quantitatively describe the number and size of bryozoan colonies on the host blue crabs; (3) to compare the prevalence of bryozoans on male and 513 514 BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE, VOL. 64, NO. 3, f 999 female blue crabs; (4) to quantitatively. describe the spatial distribution of bryo­ zoans on the host blue crabs; and (5) to review the costs and benefits of the bryozoan/blue crab relationship for both the host and the epizoans. THE HosT.-The blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun is a common portunid, brachyuran, decapod (Rathbun, 1896; Millikin and Williams, 1984), ranging from Nova Scotia to Argentina including Bermuda ari.d the Antilles. It has, however, recently been introduced into Europe and Japan (Rathbun, 1896, 1930; Hay, 1905; Van Engel, 1958; Williams, 1974; Millikin and Williams, 1984; Williams, 1984). The blue crab is one of the most euryhaline estuarine organisms (Odum, 1953). Larval stages occur in higher salinity waters (e.g., greater than 20%o) (Dudley and Judy, 1971; Millikin and Williams, 1984). Juveniles and adult stages can survive and grow .. in almost any salinity from fresh (0%o) to hypersaline (117%o) water (Churchill, 1919; Williams, 1974; Millikin and' Williams, 1984; Guerin and Stic­ kle, 1992). Ovigerous females usually migrate to waters with salinities higher than 17%o (Millikin and Williams, 1984). The habitat of the blue crab includes depths from 0-90 m, but the crab is mainly found in shallower (i.e., <35 m) water (Franks et al., 1972; Williams, 1974). In the Beaufort area it is the most common crab (Dudley and Judy, 1971). It can be found in brackish water, intertidal salt marshes, mud flats, sand flats, eel-grass beds, subtidal soft bottoms of· the Newport River estuary, and in the normal marine water of Onslow Bay of the Atlantic Ocean (Kirby-Smith and Gray, 1977). In the Beaufort area, it has been reported in salinities from 0.05- 34.1%o (Pearse, 1936). The life history of the blue crab has been well reviewed by Harris (1979), Millikin and Williams (1984), and Williams (1984). Males and females reach maturity after 18.,-.20+ postlarval molts (Churchill, 1919; Truitt, 1939; Van Engel, 1958; Costlow and Bookhout, 1959). As with most crustaceans, the intermolt period increases with age and size (Churchili; 1919; Van Engel, 1958; Tagatz, 1968a; Millikin and Williams, 1984). Males molt three or four more times after reaching sexual maturity (Van Engel, 1958). It was formerly thought that females went into terminal anecdysis after their pubertal molt (Truitt, 1939; Tagatz, 1968a), but it is now thought that some go into a diapause stage (Havens and McConaugha, 1990) and rarely molt again (Churchill, 1919; Van Engel, 1958; Millikin and Williams, 1984). Time to maturity from hatching ranges from 10 mo in areas with longer growing seasons to 20 mo in areas with shorter growing seasons (Churchill, 1919; Millikin and Williams, 1984). Males may mate several times after reaching maturity, whereas females generally mate only once following their pubertal molt (Tatum, 1979; Millikin and Williams, 1984). Most mating occurs in low salinity waters, since males usually remain in low salinity areas during the adult stage (Millikin and Williams, 1984). Few individuals survive more than 1 yr after reaching maturity, which equals a total of 2 yrs of postlarval age at death (Tagatz, 1968b). Females typically die soon after their last batch of eggs is hatched (Churchill, 1919). The estimated maximum age of blue crabs is 4 yrs in Florida (Tagatz, 1968b), but in the Beaufort area, it is only 1-3 yrs (Pearson, 1951; Judy and Dudley, 1970). Following larval development, early juvenile stages migrate upstream during suriuner months into estuaries with lower salinity and shallower waters (Costlow and Bookhout, 1959; Millikin and Williarris, 1984; Williams, 1984). Later they move to slightly deeper channels to hibernate during colder months when growth ceases or decreases appreciably. During winter, females concentrate more in deep­ er channels, whereas males generally overwinter in lower salinity waters. In spring, immature females approaching their pubertal molt migrate to lower salinity KEY ET AL.: BRYOZOAN FOULJNG OF THE BLUE CRAB 515 Table 1. List of reported epizoic bryozoans on the blue crab Callinectes sapidus. Species names are listed as published. Bryozoan Reference(s) Alcyonidium mytili Dalyell Pearse, 1947 Alcyonidium polyoum (Hassall) Williams and Porter, 1964 Alcyonidium verrilli Osburn Watts, 1957 Conopeum tenuissium (Canu) Overstreet, 1979 Membranipora crustulenta Palla Watts, 1957 Membranipora (Acanthodesia) tenuis Desor Scrocco and Fabianek, 1969; Overstreet, 1979 Triticella elongata (Osburn) Osburn, 1912, 1932, 1944; DeTurk, 1940; Ma- turo, 1957; Watts, 1957; Rogick, 1964; Over­ street, 1979 waters to seek out mature males for mating. Soon after mating in the summer to early fall, mature females migrate back to higher salinity waters at the mouths of estuaries or in the ocean to spawn and hatch their eggs or to overwinter and spawn the following spring. In this study area, the spawning grounds are down­ stream near Beaufort Inlet (Williams, 1965). The larvae are less euryhaline than the adults and they hatch in higher salinity waters which are required for their development. The two following prevailing patterns of (1) males generally occupying the shallower, lower salinity waters farther upstream with females dominating the deeper, higher salinity waters downstream and (2) the similar but less well-defined pattern exhibited within sexes with juveniles in shallower waters and adults in deeper waters, have been documented in Chesapeake Bay (Hay, 1905; Churchill, 1919; Truitt, 1939; Van Engel, 1958; Hines et al., 1987; van Montfrans et al., 1991), North Carolina including the Beaufort area (Pearson, 1951; Judy and Dud­ ley, 1970; Dudley and Judy, 1971, 1973), South Carolina (Lunz, 1951; Eldridge and Waltz, 1977; Archambault et al., 1990), Georgia (Fitz and Wiegert, 1992), Florida (Tagatz, 1968b), Alabama (Tatum, 1979), Mississippi (Perry, 1975; Perry and Stuck, 1979), Louisiana (Darnell, 1959; Adkins, 1979),
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