Keiko Suzu: ACTA Womens 31ympic Trap 2hampion DT1O TRIDEI i682 GOLD E .Everyl in Erie new L unds etta DTlOPident, , with tl - xim mum eliable, long lasting, landsove and functional. A Drop out triggi trigger availab request). i"..,,: 81 . .~... , After years and years or success on the Clay Target Shooting scene around the world, the Beretta 5682 Gold E competition shotgun is the focus of modern restyling and several project refinements that gives this shotgun an even more appealing look and competitive performance. Like the DTlO Trident, the S682 Gold E also features details that make the difference: the barrels with the new internal profile Optima-Bore@,the progressive thin chokes Optima- Choke@and the adjustable Memory System stock. To receive the new Beretta Catalogue, mail your request with your name and address to: Beretta Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 4258, Dandenong South, VIC, 3164 quoting the following code OllCTSN 1 and enclosing $3.00 money order or cheque for postage and handling contributi~ http://www.beretta.com AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL EXECUTIVE Designed and Typeset by Midland Typesetters 30 Hubbie Steel. Marvboiauah. Vic 3485 Patmn - Pr~ntedby Newsprinters Ply Ltd, The Right Horlaurable Malcolm Fraser, A.C., C.H. Melbourne Road, South Shepparlon, Vic 3630 President Mr John H. Bymes. NO rese~nsibilitvis accepted by the publisher far Chairman, Management Committee, Wagga the accuracv olinformation contained in the text. Camolex 1.511811~ n5 or aaue!t.semenls Tne op nlonn PO Box 395. Wa her e S4 5330 exoressed n m s magaane oo lot receasar y VOLUME NO. 54 Ph (1% 8541 0209 represent those of the publisher. ISSUE NO. 1 JANUARY2001 Management Mr Bill Jones (Vice-President), Chairman. Finance ISSN: 1321-3903 Committee, 25 Links Cres. Pelt Macquarie. NSW 2444 OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE Ph: (02) 6582 5682 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET MI Mark Builuss. Chairman. Promotions & ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Dere opment Comm tlee 16 E*rno.~n C0.m .ean)cr RT 0812 Annual Subscription Rate: $33 m 08, a948 2323 ~d February issue closes December 31 MrAllan Kenny March issue closes January 31 94 Central Ave. Delwenl Park, Tas 7009 Ph: 03 6273 2199 Mr Raben Nugent PO Box 231, Roma, Qld 4455 Ph: (07) 4622 2507 Mr Ron Traill Chairman Nahonai Championships Cammibee PO BOX77, Rochester, Vic 3561 Ph: (03) 5484 1356 Mr Graham Michell Chairman. Shoaling Cornminee, 12 lllman Ave, Murray Bridge. SA 5253 Ph: 108) 8531 1394 Mr Ross Silvester PO BOX91, Boyanup. WA 6237 Ph: (08) 9791 4200 BH Committee Mr Bronte Evans PO BOX8645. Alice Springs. NT 0871 Ph: (08) 8952 1933 National Office Mrs Elaine Fonvard PO Box 68, Tacobellup. WA 6320 Andrew Sanders Ph: (08) 9825 1137 Executive Officer Mr Rick Kennedy PO Box 101, Tambo, Old 4478 Daniel Bond Ph: (07) 4654 6276 A~counts Mrs Nannette McCallum 1876 Lyeli Highway Rebecca Blair Lawilla, Tas 7140 Membership Ph: (03) 6261 3852 CTSN. Mt Mark Mcinnes. Chairman, RulesiSafetylReierees Committee Kathryn Trentini "Weeabunna" General Enquiries Narrabri, NSW2390 CTSN Ph: (02) 6792 2956 MI Garlv Cossolls. Chairman. Coachinq Council David Jocelyn 3 Crimea St, Marlborough Vic 3465 Ground Curatol Ph: (03) 5461 4435 Mr John Holder Contact: 23 Brandl St, Flaqstafl Hilt, SA 5159 AUSTRALIAN CLAY TARGET ASSOCIATION INC. Honorary Life Registrations PO aox 466, WA~GAWAGGA NSW 2650 L. G. Connors (PP) G. H. Hail (P.P.) N. Hardy E. F. Hawkins (PP) R. M. Hoiilreter(PP.) PHONE: (02) 6931 0122 L. J. Marlin (PP) R. Mules A. N. Rowe J. K. FAX:(02) 6931 0125 Scott (P.P.) J. M. Tyquin (P.P.) R.F. Buchan J. EM~IL:[email protected] Murphy G.G. Woodhatch (P.P.) R. Sylvester Australian Clay Target Shooting Xews Page 1 The Brisbane Gun Club played host to the 2000 Olympic Disci- ment announc pline National Championships. Mr. Tom Medows, President of the Brisbane Gun Club and his helpers made everyone feel at home. This medal was for those considered to be The kitchen, run by Dot Wndall, supplied the shooters with a icons in their particular sport. They must fully cooked breakfast and lunches at a reasonable price. have been outstanding competitors-over a Unfortunately, again this year all lOOtgt events to be conducted lon~-.~eriod of time or contributed to the aver one day were cut to 75tgt's. This will be addressed for next sports administration in a significant way years carnival. for many years. The medals allocated to the association were divided on a pro rata basis for each state according to the number of registered shooters. ACTA OLYMPIC TRAP CHAMPIONSHIP The first of the medals received were the ones nominated From Vic- Continuing un li.orn hns success at the: \V~rldCl~omp:onihnps. toria. I recently had the privilege of attending the Victorian State hI~ci,a~lDiamond tvo* rhr top rj id.lti~rfir thc final \v~rhs pcrfccr DTL Carnival to present these seven medals. scorc of 75 75 iYath;!n Ci~ssellsrind Adam Vello were the nv~[ Congratulations to the recipients, qualifiers from Lee Wung Yew, Tom Turner and Ben Kelley. Mr Glen Woodhatch llichncl shot J iurrhrr 2425 ~"vlngii final scum ~f 99 1'30 ro lake Mr Bill Iles overall fror~N:lrh;tn Clssells YX 100 sccond wlrll Luc. \3"urg Yew Mr Ian Hill 961100 in third place Mr Jon Whittakers Mr Lawrie Connors ;L4 Grade winner 9.35.4d7m Vclla 73 75, A CIri!dv win,let. was Ben Mr Bob Buchan Radtilrd 78 64; B GI,&: wmnL'r ~35Frsnk IlufYu 67 77; and C Mr Russell Mark Gradc winner was Ilurrnv lchllistct~61 75. Each of you over many years has significantly contributed to the Ben Radford was successful in the Junior section with a score of Clay Target shooting. Your impact has assisted our sport and influ- 94f100 from Andrew Brady 92/100 second with Rocky Manno in enced manv. Thank vau for what vou have done and I am sure all third place on a score of 891100. members join wlrh me in rungratulat~ngyuu on this hono~lr. Ttr \V<~mcn'iscai.ln wits wun by ulslrlng .l:~pnndlaotel Kclkl, We hope rhc medals Ptr rhc ocher swei will shonly be ov;>ilablcand Suru rvlrh n scxe oI'69 100. ,\Rcr a br~cI';;h~~~afiSesaa Jenkins we luok fonvord to horouring other wurrh rccipier.rs clalmcd sccond place w~th37 101 frcm Dl;tnc I(ce\es with it srrjrc of 861101 NATIONAL SKEET CARNIVAL Recently wc completed rha Natiotral Sk~etchnrnprunshlpi nr the COMMONWEALTH Wacga Snrional firoun~ls.The scores shoc in several uvonrs were OLYMPIC TRAP very gwd and I congrsrulatc a11 wlnnurs. CHAMPIONSHIP The Glrnn Cup Sked march :n~vAustrali2.16 250 narnlwly ocieat There were 103 comuetltots who Kew Xcaland 244250. The standard of shmtinrr in tho ixtr niter- nominated for this event. noon light was fantastic and I congratulate both teams on their Michael Diamond was again the effort. Full details of all winners will be printed in the National top qualifier into the final rvitll Skeet report. a score of 1231125. Nidal Asmar, Ben Kelley, Russell Mark, VICTORIAN DTL CARNIVAL AT ECHUCA Nathan Cassells and Graham It was good to see 246 competitors at the Viclor.~nDTL cdrnlval. Blaskett were also in the final. The poor lighr and wet rundirions dld nor advcrsuly eficl must con- A perfect scare of 25125 in the petitors. The scores shot in several events were outstanding. It was final secured the Common- good to see that the rivalry between Victoria and NSW shooters is wealth Olympic Trap Champi- still as strong as it ever was. onships for Michael with a final event score of 1481150. Second 2001 NATIONAL DTL CARNIVAL AT WAGGA place went ta Nidal Asmar on a The executive and sub committees have made concerted effort to score of 1451150 and in third improve the carnival for 2001. The format of events, presentations place Ben Kelley on a score of and organisations has been reviewed to ensure a successful carni- 1431150. val for 2001. The dates for the Pre Nationals are March 31st to April Znd, and the Nationals from April 3rd to 8th. Over the next month or 2 you will get more detail on haw the Nationals will be structured. STATE CARNIVALS In late January and early Fehmary you will have the opportunity to attend the Tasmanian State carnival followed by the carnival in South Australia. An effort was made to ensure that they did not clash as occurred this year. I hope to see many of you there. winner was Bill Sheltor 1001125. Registrations for the 2001 membership year will not be A score of 114 ~Ius24 was suff able to be processed until the ACTA has received the club affiliation fees (as per newsletter) ACTA OFFICE Page 2 Australian Clay Ta rget Shooting News January 2001 to Alan Kidd from New Zealand with a score of 110 plus 24. WOMEN'S NATIONAL OLYMPIC TRAP CHAMPIONSHIP In the Women's Commonwealth Olympic Trap Championship Nessa Jenkins 69175 was the top qualifier into the hal from Diane Reeves from Normanton was successful with a score of Diane Reeves 62/75, Leanne Smith and Rebecca Attard both 61/75 891100. Second place went to Rebecca Attard 881100 with Suzanne with Keiko Suzu and Suzanne Balagh both 59175. Balogh in third place on a score of 861100. Nessa Jenkins from Marybomugh won the event with a score of 931100 from Leanne Smith of Lower North 861100 and Diane Reeves of Normanton 851100. NATIONAL OLYMPIC TRAP CHAMPIONSHIP Top qualifier from a field of 102 was Nathan Cassells 1231125.
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