. Kills Self With Dynamita The Weather Today 1 HOPKINS, J\UNN (UP) - John RoUBhaI', 68-year' old Fair and warm today and tomorrow, High larmer, kUled him elf near his home hen yesterday by blnr on 56 sUcks of dynamite and detonatlnl' the pUe, today 95; low 65, Yesterday's high 89; low Coroner Russell 'ft. Helm said ROUBhar carried the dyna­ mite to .. field ..way from the house, removed hili alloea owaJll 66. Pollen count 295. and panla and la, on the beap of uplOlllvflB. Eat. laGS-Vol. SO. No. 279-UP. AP New. and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa, Sunday. August 22, 1948-Fiv. Cenbl . 'Axis Sally' Returned to U. S. Conference in Potsdamer Plalz ~~~... Fear Armed Fight ·As Berlin,. Tension Grows Marriage License Russian Soldiers Stab, Beat Three SUI Artists Bureaus Swamped Win First Awards By Draft-Age Men German Police in U. S. Sector By EDWIN SHANlU; In Iowa Art' Show WASHINGTON (UP)-Business . DES MOINES (JP)-Twenty­ boomed at marriage llcense bu­ BERLIN (A")-Russian oldiers beat and tabbed German poli e reaus across the nation yesterday nine Iowa artisl$-three from lhe as hundreds of young men joined in the American ector of Berlin ye terday and American author­ University of Iowa-were named in a rush to beat the new peace­ itie e:spressrd fear of a clash between occupation force.. as prize-winners yesterday in the time draft. I The American were seekin g direct discussions with the Rus­ 1948 art salon show which will be Most major cities reported their ians to arrange a truce between rival G rman polic force in lh on exhibit at the state falr. license bureaus were "unseason­ th oviet and western ectors. The six classes in the exh iblt aUy" swamped by applications the Failing a cttlement, an Amer. -------------- were judged by Mrs. Katharine first day fotlowing President Tru­ ican pokesman said, "something Kuh, associate curator of painting man's order deferring husbands might happen that will involve and sculpture at the Chlca,o art from the draft. more than the Germans." Hint Expelled Consul Institute. Most of the applicants, the bu­ Talk lJl Street The purchase prize winner at reaus said, were in the draft-age the 1948 &how is Yvonne Turner, bracket.-19 to 25. Although attempts to reach high Might Not Go Home Russian oUiclal& were unsuccess­ of Rockwell City, whose "Land­ . ,repb4nOl Selective service oUicials }lere ful, two Russlan officers told the NEW YORK (A") - Soviet Con­ scape" will be bought tor $100. lAP IUdlowl~pho\ol NO STRANGER TO MANY VETERANS of the European campalen were philosophical about their po­ AMERICAN MILlTAB.Y POLICE AND R IAN officers cOlder­ U.S. deputy provost marshal In a sul General Jacob Lamakin, ex­ Th palntinl will go to the Iowa Js Mildred Elizabeth Gillan. The GIS never saw her or knew her tential manpower losses. pelled by the U. S. slate depart­ red yesterday In BerUn's Potsciamer platz, ero ro dll of the U. ., lUI name but they heard her many times over Radio Berlin. Now "Alw.. ys Happens" street con terence they would keep department ot public instruction. armed Soviet troops concentrated ment over the Rus Ian refugee BrltLsh and Ru Ian sones ot the cit,. The area ha been a _ne of 48 years old, "AJcls SaUy" was brou,ht to Washlnrton from Ger­ "It always happens," said Maj. chu 011 Wl~ vlolene and several near riots In the put week. The sl, n In the back­ in central BerUn as lon, as the teacller case, has booked passage Three first places were award­ maDY yesterday and served with a treason warrant. Rer eaAe will Gen. Lewis B. 'Hershey, director of for Europe - but his right-hand (l'ound. printed In EncUsh, German and Ru lan, say : "You are the draft. Untted States keeps military police ed In the oil painting clau. The be Inve8Ucat d by a federal .rrand Jury. Maximum penalty for there. man hinted today that he may not leavlne the American sector." treuon convictions is death. "r suppose if you said all men winners are James Morrison, Des who drank a certain kind of whiS­ Yesterday, two American sector leave. Moines; John Schulze, Iowa City, key would be exempt from the German policemen were attacked Passage for the discredited Lo­ and Edith Sternleld, Grinnell. draft there would be a lot of men and carried off by the Russians. makin and his family has been Schulze's prize-winning entry is Cut in Excise Tax drinking that kind of whiskey." An otticlal police announcement booked on the liner Stockholm, a colorful expres onistic piece en­ (ourl Bans .f • Then he added: "Oh, well, life said the two men were accosted sailing next Saturday for Gote­ Says Berlin Blockade by "numerous" Rusalan soldiers titled "Fighting Cocks." Schulze goes on." borg, Sweden. is an art instructor at the State Seen as a Possible Six hundred young men-aver­ who demanded they come along But Vice Consul Zot I. Chepurn­ Into the Soviet sector, University of 10W8. age age 22-lIned up at t.he Brook­ ykh - replying to a newsman's Miss St rnfeld's oU, "School East (oasl lyn marriage license bureau. The When they resisted, one wa5 question - said yesterday. GOP Bid for Favor Delays Big Four Talks stabbed and the other knocked Laundry," Is brightly-colored rea­ bureau closed its doors an hour "Oh, I think he's going to stay." down with a rifle butt listic painting. She il head of the By JACK BELL I ' By R. 1I. SHACK FORD early after issuing licenses to 400 Reporters bad asked him who art department at Grinnell col­ couples. Total at the bureau the Cluh Near Border might replace Lamakin in New WASHINGTON (A")-With new Dock Strike lege. LONDON (UP)-The fil'St official hint on th!' progr('ss of the same day a ycar ago was 114. The incident occurred near the York. income tax cuts unlikely, Repub­ All llrst-place winners In the liCans may bid lor Mr. Avera(e NEW YORK (UP)-A strike by secret " Ii fa or death" negotiations bet wpen the east alld west in Works Overtime Annhalter railroad staUon in Chepurnykh would not elabor­ oil division were awarded $40. Citizen's favor with Ii campaign Moscow indicated yest('rday that despi e westl'1'1l arguments, the Swarms of young men converg­ downtown Berlin, near the border ate on his statement. 'ome 45,000 east coast Ion share­ ed on the Ucense bureau In Min­ betwcen the American and Soviet No word came direclly Irom Albrilio Entry "Resf' pledge to whittle the Irritating ex­ men set tor midnight wos t18.nned Ru sians are refusing to li ft their two-month-old blockade of ciSe taxes he pays. Berlin. neapOlis and forccd the staff to sectors. Earlier, two other Ger­ Lamakln about the sailing. Hailed by Mrs. Kuh as "the best ye lerday when a federal distnct work two hours beyond the nor­ man police were kidnapped In the slnille entry in the entire mow," Senator Millikin (R-Colo.) op­ The British governmen t publiclltion "lntemational SUl"Vcy" An attache, who said he was judlle slen d a 1 mporary re­ mal quitUng time. A city ofricial British sector. Five western sec­ secretary to the consulate, said was a piece of sculpture called ened the door for such a promise dropped the first hard fact on th talks which began with Premier said 65 licenses were granted com­ tor police were kidnapped P'l'lday. Lomakln's reservations were made "KnecHng Figure" by Humbert In prediction thnt the next con­ straining order at President 'I'ru: J. V. Stalin Aug. 2 in the priv­ pared with a daily average ot 10. Of nine abducted In two dayS, "about two months ago," lon, be­ Albrizlo, Iowa City. It took first gress wlll under­ man's reque t. acy of th Kremlin. Of that He said Hcense applications have three have escaped. fore the school teacher case belan. prize of $4.0 In the sculpture class, lake wholesale Judge Harold p, Medina also meeting and the four that followed been a "real headache ever since At least 20 western 5eCtor police Albrlzio is head ot the sculpture revision of the with Foreign Minister V. M. Molo­ Greek Army Claims have been seized since the police 'It waa a routine return," the scheduled II hearing Aue. 24 on the President's announcement." attache said. department at the State Unlver­ revenue laws. tov only the hours and mlnules ot The Phlladelphia bureau re.p<>rt­ department was split by aussian But the chair­ the governm nt's motion for an It Lomakln tries t b1J~k Amcrl­ ty 0 I OWl! , 80-day injunctlon ago'lnst the in­ duration were divulged. in ofCicial Victory in Grammos ed an "unseasonal" rush "bleh refusal to accept dismissal of • .d ,.,,...... .t''''::''.... man of the sen­ quarters. produced 180 marriage appUca­ Moscow-trained Paul Markgraf as can orders to leave the United In the water color division, Jes­ ternahonal longshoremen's as­ States he will be deported any­ sie Loomis, Waterloo, won the $30 ate finance com­ "Inlernallonal Survey," issued ATHENS (JP)-Gen. Stellos Ki­ tions, It was the bureau's second pollee chief. The dismissal was mittee .told a re­ soclaUon, AFL; th dockworkers' busiest day lhls year, topped only ordered by the anti-Communist way, of[icleis sources at lh state first prize for her "Snow Dune •. " union and the New York sh ipplnr every two weeks by the govern­ trilakis, chief of statt, announced S cond lind $20 w nt to Alphlld porter before he ment's central office of informa­ on June 12.
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