“The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.” Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart RHINE 2019 DUDOK QUARTET Aer compleng their studies with disncon at the Dutch String Quartet Academy in 20 3, the Quartet started to have success at internaonal compeons and to be recognized as one of the most promising young European string quartets of the year. In 20 4, they were awarded the Kersjes ,rize for their e-ceponal talent in the Dutch chamber music scene. .he Quartet was also laureate and winner of two special prizes during the 7th Internaonal String Quartet 0ompeon 20 3 1 2ordeau- and won st place at both the st Internaonal String Quartet 0ompeon 20 in 3adom 4,oland5 and the 27th 0harles 6ennen Internaonal 0hamber Music 0ompe7 on 20 2. In 20 2, they received 2nd place at the 8th 9oseph 9oachim Internaonal 0hamber Music 0ompeon in Weimar 4:ermany5. .he members of the quartet ;rst met in the Dutch street sym7 phony orchestra “3iccio=”. From 2009 unl 20 , they stu7 died with the Alban 2erg Quartet at the School of Music in 0ologne, then to study with Marc Danel at the Dutch String Quartet Academy. During the same period, the quartet was coached intensively by Eberhard Feltz, ,eter 0ropper 4Aindsay Quartet5, Auc7Marie Aguera 4Quatuor BsaCe5 and Stefan Metz. Many well7Dnown contemporary classical composers such as Kaija Saariaho, MarD7Anthony .urnage, 0alliope .sou7 paDi and Ma- Knigge also worDed with the quartet. In 20 4, the Quartet signed on for several recordings with 3esonus 0lassics, the worldEs ;rst solely digital classical music label. .hey performed with many renowned guest musicians such as ,ieter Wispelwey, Dmitri Ferschtman, Quirine Fiersen, 6annes Minnaar and MiDhail Gemtsov. .he musicians have also performed at many presgious fesvals and performed con7 certs at every major concert hall in the Netherlands, as well as venues in France, Spain, 2elgium, :ermany, Austria, Italy, ,oland, the 0zech 3epublic, 6ungary and 0yprus. .he quartet tooD its name from Willem Marinus DudoD 4 II4 J 9745 who was a famous Dutch architect and a great lover of music. 6e came from a musical family and composed music in his spare me. “I owe more to composers than I owe to any architect”, he wrote. “I feel deeply the common core of music and architectureK aer all, they both derive their value from the right proporons.” NATHAN QUARTET .he Nathan Quartet 4Dana AnDa, Maja 6unziDer, 3o7 switha Killian, Arne70hrisan ,elz5 was founded in 6am7 burg and is ;rmly anchored in the musical life of the 6anseac city. Since 2005, the Nathan Quartet has been organizing two concert series of its ownM in 6am7 burgNs Aaeiszhalle and in Scala 2asel. With ;ve concerts in the season, the Nathan Quartet shows its unique connuity in the concert acvity, always featuring spe7 cial programs. .he fresh and lively musical style of the ensemble is characterized by a musical commitment to the connu7 ous development of the worDs for the concerts in 2asel and 6amburg. .he Quartet followed masterclasses with the Amadeus Quartet and the 2orodin Quartet, thus developing a large and varied quartet repertoire. One focus of the quartet worD is the performance of modern and contemporary composions, which are carefully selected according to musical content. .hese are worDs by famous composers of the 20th century such as KurtPg, Aige, ShostaDovich, 2artQD and Aera Auerbach as well as by contemporary composers who ;nd a podium through the composions commissioned by the Nathan Quartet . .he Nathan Quartet is the iniator of chamber music highlights in the concert life of 6amburg and 2asel. .he four musicians strive to create many inspiring moments and shared musical e-periences, as they are possible in the atmosphere of a concert hall in front of a music7 interested audience. 2019 PIANIST MARTIN IVANOV 2orn in 990 to a 2ulgarian family of musicians, Marn Ivanov is quicDly establishing himself as an outstanding and capvang pianist. 6e began playing piano in 994 with his mother, and graduated the Naonal Arts School of 3use in 2009. 6e parcipated in over 50 piano com7 peons in 2ulgaria, 3omania, :ermany, 3ussia, Spain and the RSA, with huge success at each one of them. In 200I, Marn was awarded the prize 3use SSI 0entury 42ulgaria5 for e-traordinary accomplishments in music. In 2009, he began studying with ,rof. Maisenberg at the Rni7 versity for Music and ,erforming Arts in Fienna and later with ,rof. Stevan Fladar. Marn has given concerts at fesvals in 2ulgaria, Austria, Spain, 6olland, the RSA, France, Italy and 3omania. In 20 2 he was invited to play at the Aife 2all Fienna charity event in front of 6ollywood stars and famous singers. ORGANIST DANIEL MAURER Daniel Maurer studied in ,aris with 9ean Aanglais, who dedicated one of his organ composions 4“NoTl N U 3 avec variaons”5 to him in 979. 6e accompanied Aanglais regularly on tours as an assistant and played several concerts for four hands and four feet with him. Daniel also studied with AndrV Marchal, Marie70laire Alain, :uy 2ovet and Aionel 3ogg. In 9I2 he won the ,remier ,ri- dN6onneur at the Internaonal 0ompeon in ,aris, as well as the ,remier ,ri- dNorgue at the 0onservatoire Naonal SupVrieur de Musique in ,aris. Daniel Maurer is a tu7 lar organist at the 9.A. Silbermann organ of the St. .homas church in Strasbourg. 6e teaches as a professor of organ and improvisaon at the 0onservatoire and at the AcadVmie SupVrieure de Musique in Strasbourg. STUTTGART STRING QUARTET Stefan Balle (1st violin) was born in StuWgart in 988 and has been ;rst violinist of the StuWgart ,hilharmonic since 998. 6e studied with ,rof. AuDas David in Detmold and with ,rof. .ibor Farga in Sion, for whom he also worDed as an assistant. In addion to chamber music train7 ing with 0hristoph ,oppen 40herubini Quartet5, he also studied in the master class of Boung7RcD Kim 42eau- Arts .rio5. In 9I9, Stefan found7 ed the ArensDy .rio, with which he won numerous prizes and awards during compeons. 6e performed as a chamber musician in various ensembles and, as a soloist, performed at fesvals in Switzerland, in the south of France and South America. Julius Calvelli-Adorno (2. Violin) received his ;rst violin lessons at the age of si- and by the age of eleven, he had begun his musical career in the .aunus string orchestra, successful at the WXrzburg orchestra compeon in 9I8. 6e studied violin at the 6ochschule fXr MusiD Det7 mold. 9ulius devoted himself intensively to piano trios and string quartets, with mentors liDe the Opus I trio, the 0herubini and the Fogler Quartets. 2etween 99 and 99I, he was acve as a member of the Detmold 0hamber Orchestra, mainly as voice guide of the second violin and concertmaster. Aer worDing at the Staatstheater Kassel, at the StYdschen 2Xhnen OsnabrXcD and at the MXnchener Kammerorches7 ter, 9ulius 0alvelli7Adorno joined the StuWgart ,hilharmonic 4March 20005. As a sought7aer chamber musician and commiWed educator, he regularly taDes part in various ensembles and fesvals in :ermany, Switzerland, 2razil, the RSA and 9apan. Mar+n H,-er (viola) studied violin and viola at the Freiburger MusiDhochschule and the Amadeus Quartet in 0ologne. With the Spohr Quartet, which was founded in 9I4, he won ;rst place at the Freiburg Rniversity 0ompeon in 9I5. .his ensemble not only represented the A3D at the “Internaonale MusiDtage” in Salzburg in 9I8, but also performed numerous concerts and broadcasts for various instu7 ons. As an orchestral musician, he has played with the SW373undfunDorchester Kaiserslautern, the baroque orchestra 0ollegium Aureum in 0ologne, the Ensemble Aventure for contemporary music in Freiburg and the 2ach70ollegium StuWgart of the Internaonal 2ach Academy. As an accomplished chamber musician, Marn is also involved in chamber music performances of various combinaons with colleagues of the StuWgart ,hilharmonic. Bernhard L,r.her (violon.ello) was born in Freiburg in 970 and toured throughout Europe as a youth with the “Aandes7 und 2undesju7 gendorchester”. With his cello trio, he won st place at the “2undesweWbewerb 9ugend Musiziert”. 6e studied with ,rof. Marn Ostertag in Karlsruhe and received his chamber music educaon in Fienna with the Alban 2erg Quartet and the 6aydn .rio. .ogether with various cham7 ber music ensembles, 2ernhard was a guest at many music fesvals and received invitaons to concerts all over Europe. In 994, he won the Mendelssohn 0ompeon in 2erlin. Since 999 he has been a cellist with the StuWgart ,hilharmonic and has been a solo cellist since 200 . In 2008, he performed for the ;rst me at the Santa 0atarina Music Fesval in 2razil, where he has since been invited as a guest lecturer and soloist. 2019 DA/ 1 0 NETHERLANDS1 AMSTERDAM DA/ 2 0 GERMAN/1 COLOGNE - BONN 2egin your classical music odyssey in the Dutch capital city of Aer breaDfast venture out into the vibrant city of 0ologne Amsterdam. Aer embarDing and seWling into your home for the with its famous twin spired cathedral, through an oponal ne-t I days, join the cruise director for a Welcome 0ocDtail follo7 walDing tour or on your own. 3eturn to the ship for lunch as wed by a special Welcome Dinner. .his evening listen to the your vessel connues to the ne-t stop along the 3hine river sounds of Mozart and Mendelssohn72artholdy in a special con7 7 2onn. 0onnue your music educaon with a visit to the cert onboard 7 a wonderful beginning to your cruise. 2eethoven 6ouse 7 a memorial site and museum focusing on the life and worD of composer Audwig van 2eethoven. Wrien in 1772 when Mozart was just 15 years old, the Diver- Music of 2eethoven is the focus of a private piano concert.
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