Could the H0 Tension be Pointing Toward the Neutrino Mass Mechanism? Miguel Escudero Abenza [email protected] based on ArXiv:1909.04044 with Sam Witte PALS Paris 27/09/19 H0 H0 ⌫ ⌫ e ! µ m =0 ⌫ 6 H0 ⌫ ⌫e ⌫µ ⌫¯ ! m =0 φ ⌫ 6 Outline 1) The Hubble Tension 2) The Scenario 3) Cosmology with a light Majoron 4) Conclusions Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 3 The Hubble Tension Taken from Wendy Freedman, see 1706.02739 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 4 The Hubble Tension Taken from Wendy Freedman, see 1706.02739 Riess et al 1903.07603 1 1 H = 74.03 1.42 km s− Mpc− 0 ± 4.4 σ tension within ΛCDM! 1 1 H = 67.36 0.54 km s− Mpc− 0 ± Planck 2018 1807.06209 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 4 The Hubble Tension Taken from Wendy Freedman, see 1706.02739 Riess et al 1903.07603 1 1 H = 74.03 1.42 km s− Mpc− 0 ± 4.4 σ tension within ΛCDM! 1 1 H = 67.36 0.54 km s− Mpc− 0 ± Planck 2018 1807.06209 Tension very unlikely generated by CMB systematics see e.g. Spergel et al 1312.3313, Addison et al 1511.00055, Verde et al 1601.01701, Planck 1608.02487 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 4 The Hubble Tension Taken from Wendy Freedman, see 1706.02739 Riess et al 1903.07603 1 1 H = 74.03 1.42 km s− Mpc− 0 ± 4.4 σ tension within ΛCDM! 1 1 H = 67.36 0.54 km s− Mpc− 0 ± Planck 2018 1807.06209 Tension very unlikely generated by CMB systematics see e.g. Spergel et al 1312.3313, Addison et al 1511.00055, Verde et al 1601.01701, Planck 1608.02487 Local measurements have also been checked against systematics see e.g. Efstathiou 1311.3461, Cardona et al 1611.06088, Zhang et al 1706.07573, Follin & Knox 1707.01175 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 4 The Hubble Tension Taken from Wendy Freedman, see 1706.02739 Riess et al 1903.07603 1 1 H = 74.03 1.42 km s− Mpc− 0 ± 4.4 σ tension within ΛCDM! 1 1 H = 67.36 0.54 km s− Mpc− 0 ± Planck 2018 1807.06209 Tension very unlikely generated by CMB systematics see e.g. Spergel et al 1312.3313, Addison et al 1511.00055, Verde et al 1601.01701, Planck 1608.02487 Local measurements have also been checked against systematics see e.g. Efstathiou 1311.3461, Cardona et al 1611.06088, Zhang et al 1706.07573, Follin & Knox 1707.01175 Although other calibrations lead to different results see Freedman et. al. 1907.05922 but also see Riess et. al. 1908.00993 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 4 The Hubble Tension Taken from Wendy Freedman, see 1706.02739 Riess et al 1903.07603 1 1 H = 74.03 1.42 km s− Mpc− 0 ± 4.4 σ tension within ΛCDM! 1 1 H = 67.36 0.54 km s− Mpc− 0 ± Planck 2018 1807.06209 Tension very unlikely generated by CMB systematics see e.g. Spergel et al 1312.3313, Addison et al 1511.00055, Verde et al 1601.01701, Planck 1608.02487 Local measurements have also been checked against systematics see e.g. Efstathiou 1311.3461, Cardona et al 1611.06088, Zhang et al 1706.07573, Follin & Knox 1707.01175 Although other calibrations lead to different results see Freedman et. al. 1907.05922 but also see Riess et. al. 1908.00993 Tension between H0 local and BAO is also present see Addison et al 1707.06547, Font-Ribera et al 1906.11628, Schöneberg et al 1907.11594 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 4 The Hubble Tension Beyond ΛCDM possibilities: Early Dark Energy Poulin, Smith, Karwal, Kamionkowski 1811.04083 Agrawal, Cyr-Racine, Pinner, Randall 1904.01016 Decaying Dark Matter Bringmann, Kahlhoefer, Schmidt-Hoberg, Walia 1803.03644 Increasing Neff e.g. Weinberg 1305.1971 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 5 The Hubble Tension Beyond ΛCDM possibilities: Early Dark Energy Poulin, Smith, Karwal, Kamionkowski 1811.04083 Agrawal, Cyr-Racine, Pinner, Randall 1904.01016 Decaying Dark Matter Bringmann, Kahlhoefer, Schmidt-Hoberg, Walia 1803.03644 Increasing Neff e.g. Weinberg 1305.1971 Perhaps the simplest one is to increase Neff: 0.84 75 CMB+BAO Riess et al. (2018) 0.83 N =2.99 0.17 ] e↵ 1 ± − 0.82 70 Mpc 0.81 σ 1 8 CMB+BAO+H0 − N =3.27 0.15 0.80 e↵ 65 ± [km s 0 0.79 H BBN Pitrou et al 1801.08023 0.78 Ne↵ < 3.4 60 Planck 2018 0.77 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 Ne↵ Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 5 The Physics CMB BBN 1) 380.000 yr 3 min Tγ =0.26 eV Tγ =0.07 MeV The Universe has expanded by a factor of 105! Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 6 The Physics CMB BBN 1) 380.000 yr 3 min Tγ =0.26 eV Tγ =0.07 MeV The Universe has expanded by a factor of 105! 2) Photons 40 % Neutrinos 60 % Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 6 The Seesaw Mechanism Minkowski, Yanagida, Gell-Mann, Ramond, Slansky, Glashow, Mohapatra, Senjanovic, Schechter, Valle m⌫ yDvH Type-I seesaw mN Neutrinos are very light Majorana particles: 2 yD TeV m⌫ 0.03 eV 6 ' 10− MN ⇣ ⌘ Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 7 The Scenario Global U(1)L Spontaneously Broken Symmetry Chikashige, Mohapatra, Peccei (1981) Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 8 The Scenario Global U(1)L Spontaneously Broken Symmetry Chikashige, Mohapatra, Peccei (1981) The Majoron: φ int = iλφ⌫¯ 5 ⌫ L Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 8 The Scenario Global U(1)L Spontaneously Broken Symmetry Chikashige, Mohapatra, Peccei (1981) The Majoron: φ int = iλφ⌫¯ 5 ⌫ L 13 m⌫ 246 GeV Extremely feebly interacting: λ 10− (type-I seesaw) ' 0.05 eV vL Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 8 The Scenario Global U(1)L Spontaneously Broken Symmetry Chikashige, Mohapatra, Peccei (1981) The Majoron: φ int = iλφ⌫¯ 5 ⌫ L 13 m⌫ 246 GeV Extremely feebly interacting: λ 10− (type-I seesaw) ' 0.05 eV vL 20 Extremely feebly interacting with matter: λ 10− φee ⇠ Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 8 The Scenario Global U(1)L Spontaneously Broken Symmetry Chikashige, Mohapatra, Peccei (1981) The Majoron: φ int = iλφ⌫¯ 5 ⌫ L 13 m⌫ 246 GeV Extremely feebly interacting: λ 10− (type-I seesaw) ' 0.05 eV vL 20 Extremely feebly interacting with matter: λ 10− φee ⇠ vL Dimension-5 Planck suppressed operators: mφ vL . keV Rothstein, Babu, Seckel hep-ph/9301213 ' MPl Akhmedov, Berezhiani, Mohapatra, Senjanovic hep-ph/9209285 r Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 8 The Scenario Global U(1)L Spontaneously Broken Symmetry Chikashige, Mohapatra, Peccei (1981) The Majoron: φ int = iλφ⌫¯ 5 ⌫ L 13 m⌫ 246 GeV Extremely feebly interacting: λ 10− (type-I seesaw) ' 0.05 eV vL 20 Extremely feebly interacting with matter: λ 10− φee ⇠ vL Dimension-5 Planck suppressed operators: mφ vL . keV Rothstein, Babu, Seckel hep-ph/9301213 ' MPl Akhmedov, Berezhiani, Mohapatra, Senjanovic hep-ph/9209285 r 15 3 Parameter Space: 10− < λ < 10− 0.1 eV <mφ < MeV Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 8 Cosmological Implications Only Relevant Process: ⌫ provided Γ H(T = m /3) φ φ ≥ ⌫ φ ⌫¯ Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 9 Cosmological Implications Only Relevant Process: ⌫ provided Γ H(T = m /3) φ φ ≥ ⌫ φ ⌫¯ Non-standard expansion history Two main effects: Chacko, Hall, Okui, Erase the neutrino anisotropic stress Oliver hep-ph/0312267 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 9 Cosmological Implications Only Relevant Process: ⌫ provided Γ H(T = m /3) φ φ ≥ ⌫ φ ⌫¯ Non-standard expansion history Two main effects: Chacko, Hall, Okui, Erase the neutrino anisotropic stress Oliver hep-ph/0312267 We solve the Boltzmann equation for the background Escudero 1812.05605, 1910.XXXXX We include the full neutrino-majoron Boltzmann hierarchy in CLASS Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 9 Cosmological Implications T mφ Production Equilibrium Decay Final State T m /3 ⇠ φ ⌫⌫¯ φ φ ⌫⌫¯ ! ! Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 10 Cosmological Implications T mφ Production Equilibrium Decay Final State T m /3 ⇠ φ ⌫⌫¯ φ φ ⌫⌫¯ ! ! Γφ H(T⌫ = mφ/3) 0.20 ' ⌫ 0.15 4 γ T / 0.10 ⇢ 0.05 φ 0.00 10 7 5 3 2 1 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 Tγ/mφ Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 10 Cosmological Implications T mφ Production Equilibrium Decay Final State T m /3 ⇠ φ ⌫⌫¯ φ φ ⌫⌫¯ ! ! Γφ H(T⌫ = mφ/3) 0.20 ' ∆N =0.11 ⌫ e↵ 0.15 4 γ Ne↵ ⇢⌫ /⇢γ T / 0.10 / ⇢ 0.05 φ 0.00 10 7 5 3 2 1 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.1 Tγ/mφ Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 10 Effects on the CMB λ 2 1 keV Γ = e↵ 4 10 12 m ✓ ⇥ − ◆ ✓ φ ◆ ∆Ne↵ =0.11 SM Ne↵ =3.045 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 11 Effects on the CMB λ 2 1 keV see Bashinsky and Seljak astro-ph/0310198 Γ = e↵ 4 10 12 m σ 0 ✓ − ◆ ✓ φ ◆ ⌫ ! ⇥ Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 12 Parameter Space Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 13 Parameter Space Excluded m v3/2/M 1/2 φ ⇠ L Pl Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 13 Parameter Space ∆Ne↵ =0.11 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 14 Parameter Space Full MCMC to Planck 2018 data Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 15 Parameter Space 1σ preference when including H0 in the fit and an additional ΔNeff Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 16 Parameter Space for H0 Planck2018+BAO+H 0 Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 17 Parameter Space for H0 Planck2018+BAO+H 0 Requires a positive ΔNeff ~ 0.5 H0 Planck 2018 fit is not degraded wrt ΛCDM Very close to the electroweak scale v (0.1 1) TeV L ⇠ − Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 17 Conclusions The H0 tension: Beyond ΛCDM? Miguel Escudero (KCL) H0 and the Majoron PALS 27-09-19 18 Conclusions The
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