$$ZZDDUUGGVV QQDDWLRQDOWLRQDO PPHHWLQHHWLQJJ WDWDNNHH FHFHQQWHUWHU VWVWDDJHJH ZLWK ))::$$$$ 'HFHPEHU 9RO 1R The Football Writers Association of Jan. 2-4 at the Century Plaza Hotel in America has selected winners of the Los Angeles in conjunction with the Bowl Bronko Nagurski and Outland Trophies Championship Series 1-2 game at the ,QVLGH WKLV LVVXH and named its 25-man All-America team. Rose Bowl in nearby Pasadena. A The FWAA also is preparing for its an- schedule of Rose Bowl events is on nual Meeting Jan. 2-4 in Los Angeles Page 8 of the Fifth Down. 3UHVLGHQW·V FROXPQ and selection of the Eddie Robinson The FWAA Board Meeting will be Coach of the Year. from 1-3 p.m. on Jan. 2 at the Governor’s (GGLH 5RELQVRQ &RDFK The Nagurski Trophy was claimed by Board Room at the Century Plaza Hotel. Oklahoma safety Roy Williams, who An invitation only Past Presidents dinner RI WKH <HDU ILQDOLVWV picked up the award at the Charlotte will be that evening. On Jan. 3 the Touchdown Club Banquet on Dec. 10 in FWAA’s award breakfast/meeting will be Charlotte, N.C. (Page 7). The Outland from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the Westside $OO$PHULFD 2IIHQVH Trophy went to Miami (Fla.) offensive Room, also at the Century Plaza Hotel. tackle Bryant McKinnie (Page 6), who The presentation of the FWAA’s was named the winner on Dec. 6 in Or- Grantland Rice Trophy tentatively is $OO$PHULFD 'HIHQVH lando, Fla. scheduled for the morning of Jan. 4. The FWAA All-America team, which The FWAA has named a national 2XWODQG 7URSK\ ZLQ has been selected since 1944, was champion since 1954. A five-person named in late November and appears committee, which is composed of mem- QHU %U\DQW 0F.LQQLH on Pages 4-5 of the Fifth Down. The bers from different regions of the country, team is highlighted by three players from will determine the winner. The possibility 1DJXUVNL 7URSK\ ZLQ both Miami (Fla.) and Florida and two of a split national champion exists in the QHU 5R\ :LOOLDPV each from Oklahoma and Tennessee. event the FWAA selects a team other There were four repeat All-Americas, in- than the winner of the BCS 1-2 game. cluding 2000 Outland Trophy winner The FWAA will name the winner of John Henderson of Tennessee. the Bert McGrane Award, which is On Page 3, three finalists for the named after the long-time FWAA director Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year and recognizes service to the organiza- Award appear: Washington State’s Mike tion and the game of college football. Price, Illinois’ Ron Turner and Maryland’s The FWAA also will honor a deserv- Ralph Friedgen. Instructions on voting ing son or daughter of an FWAA member will be e-mailed to members in Decem- by awarding the Volney Meece Scholar- ber The winner will be announced on ship, so named after the other long-time Jan. 10 at a banquet hosted by the Tosti- executive director. Rose Bowl tos Fiesta Bowl and shown on Fox Winners of the FWAA’s Annual Best schedule of media 8 Sports Net from Scottsdale, Ariz. Writing Contest also will receive certifi- events The FWAA’s annual meeting will be cates and cash prizes on Jan. 3. 3DJH 7+( ),)7+ '2:1 President Dave Sittler Tulsa World 3UHVLGHQW·VFROXPQ First Vice President Kelly Whiteside The 2001 college by some overzealous security guards. USA Today football season has The only reason things didn't turn ex- Second Vice President indeed been a tremely ugly was that the writers, led by Wally Hall spaced-out odyssey. FWAA second vice-president Wally Hall Arkansas Democrat-Gazette One filled with trag- of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, kept edy for us all, but their cool while the law officers were los- Executive Director also one of triumph ing theirs. Steve Richardson Dallas Morning News for our organization LSU officials reacted quickly, apolo- and nation. gizing to all the writers involved and 2001 Directors The longest regu- promising to make changes in its secu- lar season in NCAA rity personnel. The FWAA will continue Two-Year Terms history grew even to monitor this situation. Herb Gould longer with the hor- On the flipside of what transpired in Chicago Sun-Times '$9( rific events of Sept. Baton Rouge this season was the dra- Tim Peeler 11. Many of the matic improvement of the press opera- Greensboro News & Record 6,77/(5 games of Sept. 15 tion at the Oklahoma-Texas game at the Dan O'Kane were either canceled Cotton Bowl in Dallas on Oct. 6. Tulsa World or postponed until For those of you have never covered Greg Pogue early December. the Red River Riot, trust me when I say Daily News Journal (Tenn.) It certainly has been an interesting the working conditions were nothing Ken Davis Hartford Courant ride for me while representing the FWAA short of horrible. But all of that changed Chris Fowler as its 58th president. I would like to use this year thanks to the hard work and co- ESPN my final President's Column to review operation of officials at both schools and Andy Bagnato some of the highlights and lowlights of the Cotton Bowl. Chicago Tribune that journey. One theme repeated itself while I rep- Brian Higgins I believe one of the finest hours in the resented the FWAA in various functions Oakland Tribune FWAA's history came out of the after- from Miami, to San Diego, Madison, Natalie Meisler math of the terrorist attacks. Steve South Bend, Omaha, Phoenix, Orlando, Denver Post Richardson, our incomparable and in- Charlotte and many other stops. I am Tim Stephens Herald-Dispatch (W.Va). valuable executive director, proposed the delighted to report that the respect for idea that the FWAA stage its own blood our organization is very high, and I think One-Year Terms drive as a way to honor this nation that much of the credit for that has to go to allows us the freedom to cover the game Steve Richardson and the tireless work Mike Griffith thousands of Americans love to play, ob- he has done on our behalf. Knoxville News-Sentinel serve and read about. My great adventure comes to an end Adam Thompson There is no way to judge how many during the week of the Rose Bowl. And Denver Post of you answered our plea to donate the FWAA will reach another milestone Mike Vega Boston Globe blood. But after being an FWAA member at the annual meeting on Jan. 2, when I Gregg Doyel for nearly 30 years, I know the character pass the president's gavel to my succes- Charlotte Observer of this organization and will always be- sor, first vice-president Kelly Whiteside. Neal Farmer lieve many of you responded and gave Kelly, the national college football Houston the gift of life. correspondent for USA Today, will be the Bob Condotta Unfortunately, many of the work- first woman president in FWAA history. Tacoma News-Tribune related problems we've battled for years To quote my Australian bride: “It's about Steve Kornacki were evident again this season. Limited bloody time!” Tampa Tribune access and sub-standard working condi- It's also about time for me to say Doug Zaleski Muncie Star Press tions continue to exist in many press goodbye. Before I go, I want you to know boxes and universities. it's been an honor and privilege to repre- Ex-Officio One of the worst incidents this sea- sent you and the FWAA during this re- Jim Daves son occurred in the final minutes of the markable year of our 60th anniversary. University of Washington Arkansas-LSU game in Baton Rouge. Thanks for the opportunity and the Maxey Parrish Several Arkansas beat writers became CoSIDA memories. the targets of some uncalled for behavior 7+( ),)7+ '2:1 3DJH )LQDOLVWVIRU&RDFKRIWKH<HDU Illinois’ Ron Turner, Maryland’s Ralph Friedgen and Drew Bledsoe the top pick in the draft, while in 1994 line- Washington State’s Mike Price were named as finalists backer Mark Fields was the 15th player selected. In the for the 2001 FWAA/Eddie Robinson Coach of the Year spring of 1998 Ryan Leaf joined the list of first rounders Award on Dec. 12. when he was selected the second pick of the NFL draft From those finalists, the winner will be announced on by San Diego. Jan. 10 in Scottsdale, Ariz., on Fox Sports Net at a ban- Friedgen led Maryland to its first Atlantic Coast Con- quet hosted by the Tostitos Fiesta Bowl. FWAA mem- ference title in 16 years during the 2001 season. In his bers will begin voting for the Coach of the Year Award in first year as a head coach, Friedgen guided his alma mid December. The balloting will conclude on Jan. 4, the mater to a 10-1 record and gained a berth in the Orange day after the Rose Bowl game. Bowl against Florida. The Terrapins reached 10 victories The FWAA Award is named after the legendary Rob- for only the fifth time in school history. inson, who has won more games than any coach in col- “Coach Friedgen has made extraordinary progress lege football history, all at Grambling State University. and is fully committed to continue to build Maryland foot- The FWAA has pre- ball into a perennial sented a Coach of the Top 20 program,” Year Award since Maryland athletic di- 1957. And Price could rector Deborah Yow become be the seventh said.
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