R. 1. JE,, 15!! ll l s;ro'.t l CAL ASSOC . U 209 A~l GEL L ST . PRO V, o, R. 1. 02906 Lindsay Adm.inistration lndiff erent To Anti-Semitism, Rabbis Charge NEW YORK - The Lindsay Adminlstratlon has been accused Human Resources Administration of "blatant Indifference to open officials. Later Councilman an tl-S e m It Is m and physical Theodore Silverman of Brooklyn harassment" of Jews In described the meeting with the THE ONLY ENGLISH-JEWISH WEEKLY IN R I AND SOUTHEAST MASS. B r o o k 1 y n ' s Crown Hleghts- officials as a "great lesson In section. rhetoric and doubletalk.'' 'nle charge was made by 20 The rabbis charged further VOL. IJV, NO. 26 SEPTEMBER 25, 1970 lSc PER COPY 16 PAGES, Crown· Heights Orthodol< that members of the city's ______..;...'---- .,-----------....,;,_,;____________ .....,;.;______ rabbinical leaders at a noisy poverty council In crown Heights •g h H I D . B • s f 3 0 Impromptu meeting recently In had been "blatantly Indifferent H ' ·- 0 City Hall's rotunda with one of and outright discriminatory y ays eg,n ep • Mayor LlndsaY's aides, Sid against the Jewish people.'' ·,h h h h-s . Davidoff. As an e:mmple, David Farber, W I ROS HOS nie1eaderssaldthattheyhad uecut1ve director of the ana erv1ces sent 39 telegrams to the Mayor Association of Jewlsb Community and that all had been Ignored. 'nle and Antipoverty Workers, cited Sellcho!i services will be lield sermons for the holldays will be with the topic tor 'nlursday, "'nle telegrams cited discrimination In tbe elections In which community at temples and synagogues delivered by Rsbb1 Emanuel Sound of the Sbotar;" for Friday, the allocation of antipoverty funds members are elected to city- Saturday, Sept. 26, at midnight. Lazar.· "'nle Supremacy of Rachel," and to Jews and the lack of police controlled poverty agencies. The High Holy Day services will Evening Sflrvtces are for Saturday, "'nle World Upside action In the bombing of a He said that requests by , s tar t w It h Rosh Hashanah scheduled for 6:17 p.m. and Down." Sbacharls services will community council office and an Jewish delegate agencies for services Wednesday evening, be chanted by Rabbi Abraham u,ornlng services for 8 o'cioct. assault on an antipoverty worker. fUnds for spot commercials and Sept. 30. Klein. Rabbi Mozeson wW serve As a result of the City Hall advertisements, given to other CONG~EGATION as cantor for the Musaf services. CONGREGATION OHAWE SHOLA.M meeting, Davidoff arranged a minority groups, had not been Evening services wW begin at AGUDAS ACHIM (Pawtucket) . meeting between the group -~ granted. (Attleboro, Mass.) 6 o'clock on 'nlursday, Friday Dr. Ellezer Hurvltz will chant and Saturday. Refreshments will be served the services for the High Holy at the social hour preceding Days at Concregatton Obawe Dr. Margaret Mead To Address Sellchos services at Congregation Sholam, He received his CONGREGATION Agudas Achlm In Attleboro, doctorate In Talmudic studies SONS OF JACOB Rabbi Ellazer Berman of New Jewish Women, Unitarians Oct. 5 Mass. Rabbi Philip Kaplan will from Yeshiva University and ts Dr. Margaret Mead, author, York City will cbant the Uturgy preach the sermon, "Spiritually now professor there. anthropologt.st and lecturer, will and conduct the High Holy Day Awake at a Time of Slumber," at Sellchos services will begin at speak on "Inner Space" at a joint services at Congregation Sons of 12:30 a.m, midnight Saturday, preceded by m eetlng of the Nattonal Council of I~ Rosh Hashanah services will an open forum In the vestry Jacob. Cantor Israel Hassenfeld will Jewish Women, Providence begin at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday. starting at 10:30 p.m. Section, and the First Unitarian · Morning services will be held at Rosh Hashanah services will conduct the Sellchos service at midnight Saturday. The service All1ance In the First Unitarian 8 a'.m. and evening services .at begin at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday. Church at 8 p.m. Oct. 5. will be preceded by a social hour I 6:15 p.m. Thursday and Friday. Morning services will start at 8 Dr . Mead, the first Saturday morning services will o'clock Thursday and Friday and which will Include refreshments and will start at 10:30 p.m. Distinguished Visiting Professor begin at 7:30 o'clock. 9 o'clock on Saturday. Rabbi at the University of Rhode Island, Rabbi Kaplan's sermon topics Chaim Ralzman•s sermon topics (Continued on page 7) bas been In tbe forefront of will be "Farewell and Hello" on will be "The Book of Life," on studies In education, cylture, Thursday morning and "Do We Thursday, "War and Peace," on personality patterns, / ental Want a Future?" on Friday Friday, and "Repent O Israel," Sapir Tells Colleges health, family !Ue and group morning. Irving Miller, on Saturday. Evening services behavior for many years. , pres Id en t, will assist In will begin at 6 o'clock on No Fund Drives Now Since 1925, when she led her ,, conducting the services. Thursday and Friday. JERUSALEM - In , view of ftrst expedition to Samoa, she ha.s 1, Children's s.ervlces will be the "Immense" amount of money actively participated In 14 held In the chapel at 11 a,m, CONGREGATION to be raised 1n the coming year journeys to remote corners of the Thursday and Friday. Mrs. SHAARE ZEDEK- by the United Jewish Appeal In earth. Her most recent trip was a Gerald Rosenthal Is chairman of SONS OF ABRAHAM the United states and by the 1967 return visit to the Admiralty the parents• committee directing Rabbi Leon M. Mozeson, new Keren Ha:,esocl tn 54 countries, Islands In New Guinea, where she the services. r!!l>bl at Congregation Shaare Israell Institutions of higher directed a NET film, The 60- Zedek-Sons of Abraham, wW learning will be asked not to ·year-old anthropologist has Dr. -.... , Meacl CONGREGATION speak on,"Reverslng the Trend," conduct their own fl1nd raising learned the languages of seven MISHKON TFILOH before conducting Sellcbos campaigns abroad, Finance primitive South Seas peoples. Female," "New Lives for Old" A hollday seminar at 11 p,m. services at midnight on saturday MI n Is t er Plnhas Saptr said 'nle recipient of 16 honorary and "An Anthropologtst at will precede the Sellchos service at the synagogue. recently. degrees and many awards, she Work.'' at Congregation Mlshkon Tflloh at The lighting -of the candles was presented the Spirit of Chairmen for the meeting, 12:30 a,m, will take place at 6:06 p.m. Saptr said that small drives Achievement Award by the which Is open to the public, are Shacharls services will be led Wednesday. would harm the General Women's Division of the Albert Mrs. Elliot Goodman, Mrs. Erwin by Joseph Finkelstein, while the Shacharls services will begin Emergency Campaign, and added Einstein College of Medicine of Strasmlch and Mrs. Eugene Musaf will be conducted by Rabbi at 8 a.m. Thursday, 8:30 a.m. the Institutions affected by the Yeshiva University In 1960. Magenau. Mrs. Maurice Shore, Ell M. Lazar, dean of the Staten Friday, and 9 a.m. Saturday. nie 'ban should be compensated by the Dr. Mead Is the author of 16 president of the Council of Jewish Island Foundation School. The sermons will be at 10:30 a.m.. campaign. books, Including "Male and Women, will welcome the gue~s. Jllllllll...,......1!.1 __111_ - 1•n1111111111-H11·:n,n a an ,'Most Dangerous Crisis ln .22 .Years,' ;Says Mrs. Y.ekoah - settlement. By CAROL N. AQUINO ' In the current crisis, she "I was very happy. going _to . •rw e are facing today the most said, ''We have a ceasefire that "You are ·not working for dangerous crisis of the last 22 ts not a ceasefire. Today we do.n't Israel, bUt wo,rklng with Israel," years and especially since the.lllx live day by day but hour by hour. she told the approximately 250 Day War," Ruth Tekoah, wife of "We agreed to the peace women a~ndlng the hmcheon. the - Israeli ambassador to the proposal, to the ceasefire In the (C ontlnued on page 11) Ul)lted Nations, told a group of hopes that It might be an avenue Jewish women here Wednesday. to peace. What happened In the "We are at the brink," she meantime, -what happened with said, referring to the current Russia and Egypt along the Suez ' Aid To Israel Mideast crisis. "We have no Canal cannot help us sit together In peace talks.'' - The Jewish Federation of. all1es· that we really 1can depend Rhode llland had a direct op­ on. There Is only one people to She said the guarantees were broken within hours, even portunity to help an llraeli rely on In the world and that Is thil Wffk. the Jewish people. minutes of the ceasefire "We have to have your agreement. It -- that Mn. Y-f Te-1 support, your help, more than ''We can't rely on the koah had planned to return to · ever before," she said ,In a guarantees of any country In the New York Oty Wednesday strong appeal for contributions to world, big or small. We know we night after her oecond .......ing the current fund campaign of the have only ourselves to defend engagement here. Suitable Jewish Federation of Rhode ourselves.'' .connecti- for a flight from Island. She warned that there may ~ Bolton couldn't be made, Mrs. Tekoah was the main a new war. though, oo ,he had to lf!.end speaker at the JFRl Women's Mrs.
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