660000 672000 684000 696000 708000 0°40'0"W 0°30'0"W 0°20'0"W 0°10'0"W 0°0'0" GL IDE number: N/A Activa tion ID: EMS R 407 Int. Cha rter ca ll ID: N/A Product N.: 02L INCOL N, v2 N " 0 ' 8 1 ° LINCOLN - UNITED KINGDOM 3 5 Flood - Situation as of 14/11/2019 Delinea tion - Overview ma p 01 N " 0 ' 8 1 ° East Yorkshire and 3 5 Northern Lincolnshire ! t Wragby n e r T L incoln North Sea (! L incolnshire North Sea Saxilby Nettleham ! ! Irish Sea 0 0 0 0 02 0 0 United 4 4 0 0 Kingdom 9 9 5 5 Lincolnshire Bristol ^ Belgium Channel L ondon English Channel Fra nce Norfolk G r e a East Anglia t ! L eicestershire O Lincoln CC a nd R utla nd u 10 s e km ! Skellingthorpe Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire Peterborough !Washingborough N " Cartographic Information 0 ! ' Bardney 2 ! 1 ° 3 Horncastle 5 1:85000 Full color A1, 200 dpi resolution 0 1.75 3.5 7 ! km N " Bracebridge 0 ' 2 Branston 1 ! Grid: WGS 1984 UT M Z one 30N ma p coordina te system ° 3 5 T ick ma rks: WGS 84 geogra phica l coordina te system ± ! ! Legend North Hykeham Crisis Information Hydrography Transportation Flooded Area R iver Prima ry R oa d (14/11/2019 18:02) ! General Information L a ke S econda ry R oa d Waddington Area of Interest R eservoir L ong-dista nce ra ilwa y Woodhall Spa ! Ima ge Footprint R iver Airfield runwa y 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Not Ana lysed - No da ta 9 9 8 8 5 5 Placenames ! Pla cena me !Bassingham Consequences within the AOI Unit of measurement Affected Total in AOI Flooded area ha 1517.4 N " 0 ' 6 Estimated population Number of inhabitants NA 327768 ° 3 5 Transportation Airfield runway km 0 83.3 Primary Road km 0.1 420.2 Secondary Road km 0.1 352.7 Long-distance railway km 0.6 434.8 N " 0 ' 6 ° 3 5 Map Information Hea vy ra infa ll ha s been a ffecting northern Engla nd over the pa st week. T he Environment Agency ha s issued more tha n 100 flood wa rnings a nd flood a lerts, including five severe wa rnings on the R iver Don in S outh Y orkshire. About 500 homes ha ve been flooded in Donca ster with more tha n 1,000 properties eva cua ted in a rea s hit by the floods. Hundreds of people in Fishla ke ha ve fled their homes a fter the villa ge wa s submerged. T he present ma p shows the flood delinea tion in the a rea of L incoln. T he thema tic la yer ha s been derived from post-event sa tellite ima ge using a semi-a utoma tic a pproa ch. T he estima ted geometric a ccura cy (R MS E) is 6.5 m or better, from na tive positiona l a ccura cy of the ba ckground sa tellite ima ge. Relevant date records (UTC) Event 08/11/2019 00:00 S itua tion a s of 14/11/2019 18:02 0 0 0 0 0 0 Activa tion 12/11/2019 21:15 Ma p production 20/11/2019 0 0 8 8 8 8 5 5 Data sources Pre-event ima ge: S entinel-2A/B (2019) (a cquired on 19/09/2019 a t 11:07 UT C, GS D 10 m, a pprox. 0% cloud covera ge in AoI, 3.6° off-na dir a ngle) provided under COPER NICUS by the Europea n Union a nd ES A. Post-event ima ge: R ADAR S AT 2 Da ta a nd products © Ma cDona ld, Dettwiler a nd Associa tes N " 0 L td. (2019) (a cquired on 14/11/2019 a t 18:02 UT C, GS D 3.12 m) – R ADAR S AT is a n officia l ' 0 ° ma rk of the Ca na dia n S pa ce Agency – provided under COPER NICUS by the Europea n 3 5 Union a nd ES A, a ll rights reserved. Ba se vector la yers: OpenS treetMa p © OpenS treetMa p contributors, GeoNa mes 2015, Corine L a nd Cover (CL C) 2012, Globa l Administra tive Area s (2012), refined by the producer. Inset ma ps: J R C 2013, EuroBounda ryMa p 2017 © EuroGeogra phics, Na tura l Ea rth 2012, CCM R iver DB © EUJ R C2007, GeoNa mes 2013. N ! " 0 ' 0 ° Popula tion da ta : GHS Popula tion Grid © Europea n Commission, 2015 3 Sleaford 5 http://da ta .europa .eu/89h/jrc-ghsl-ghs_ pop_ gpw4_ globe_ r2015a . Boston ! Digita l Eleva tion Model: EU-DEM (25 m). Disclaimer Products ela bora ted in this Copernicus EMS R a pid Ma pping a ctivity a re rea lized to the best of our a bility, within a very short time fra me, optimising the a va ila ble da ta a nd informa tion. All geogra phic informa tion ha s limita tions due to sca le, resolution, da te a nd interpreta tion of the origina l sources. No lia bility concerning the contents or the use thereof is a ssumed by the producer a nd by the Europea n Union. Plea se be a wa re tha t the thema tic a ccura cy might be lower in urba n a nd forested a rea s due to inherent limita tions of the S AR a na lysis technique. Delivery forma ts a re L a yered Geospa tia l PDF, GeoJ PEG a nd vector (ES R I sha pefiles, Google Ea rth KML , GeoJ S ON). Ma p produced by S ER T IT relea sed by e-GEOS (ODO). For the la test version of this ma p a nd rela ted products visit http://emergency.copernicus.eu/EMS R 407 0 ! 0 0 0 0 0 jrc-ems-ra pidma [email protected] .eu 8 8 6 6 © Europea n Union 8 8 5 5 For full Copyright notice visit http://emergency.copernicus.eu/ma pping/ems/cite-copernicus- ems-ma pping-porta l N " 0 ' 4 5 ° 2 5 0°40'0"W 0°30'0"W 0°20'0"W 0°10'0"W 0°0'0" 660000 672000 684000 696000 708000.
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