MAPLE DISPATCH Nov 14 VOL. 3G. — NO 50 MAPLE RAPIDS. CLINTON CO.,l[ICH., THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7.1915 ONE DOLLAR A YEAR SCHOOL NOT General /Vldse By Mildred Owen The athletic association has o: S. P. HORR /Maple Rapids Let us send for your daily Ized and the ofTlcers for the coming year are.as follows: — President - Dee A lieu Vice President Mildred Owen Secretary Norma Biillls Underware for The Family Treasurer Gerald Abbott More often than not the matter of quality is Hoard of Control Mr. Going, Paul Paine and Elmo Young. KNIT UNDERWEAR overlooked in buying underwear. There is some- Due to the lack of material our MEN’S WOMEN'S thing more than weight alone to a winter under- rhetoricals were discontinued last CHILDREN'S garment. I At Aldrich’s | year and this fact having been men ­ We have a line which is not only warm, but tioned last year they were considerate enough to furnish us with “Current which wears well and keeps its shape, too. Its in the 5g Commencing Saturday Oct. 9 ^ Event ” and three magazines, “The goods and the knitting. You will find just the right ■ fn You can secure the ^ World ’s Work,” ' “The SclentlUc kind forevery member of the family here. Fleece American ” and “The School Science lined and wool. § Famous Murray Bread s of Mathmetlcs” which will be at our ^ ; '' Many of you all ready know the re- ^ disposal during the rest of the school year. Although we were more than Outing Flannel and deeming qualities of this bread and the ^ glad to get the magazines we are not House Dresses ^ bread is not all you get, as we will give a ^ so well pleased at the thought of re­ Bed Blankets Cheaper than you can make them. Correct porting on a current event every Fri­ in style and accurate fitting. Best quality ging ­ ^ useful present to each person purchasing ^ Before buying Outings or Bed Blankets ex ­ day mornhig until November when ham and percales in pretty patterns. ^ a ten cent loaf or two five cent loaves on % amine them closely to see if the weight is made our regular rhetoricals begin. Sizes from 34 to 51. ^ each Thursday until the supply of pre- S up principally by the nap or fuzz which will We regret to say that our orchestra Prices $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 ^ sents is exhausted. A Gift to the little ^ has discontinued their work until soon wear off. Our Outings and Blankets have folks, whether you buy bread or not. Christmas when we trust they will a good body back of the nap, which is so woven in have more material and also the with the fabric that it does not wear off easily. School Dresses ^ Don ’t fail to try this Ibread, as it is ^ much needed enthusiasm. The Blankets are extra large sizes for the money, ^ conceded to be the best on the market. ^ We also have a new line of very pretty The fair seems to have been too too. dresses for school girls. ^ We, also wish to mention that we have an ^ much for Norman Hleemaster as he Prices—Blankets 80c to $2.50 50c, 60c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 ^ excellent premium deal on the way with ^ is sick today (Tuesday) with a slight Outings 7c to 14c (p $5.00 trade, which will interest you, don ’t ^ fever. We hope that the effects will wear off by the latter part of tpe Couch Throws S fail to inquire. week so that we may see him back In ^ Can be used on the couch or on the bed, and ^ ^ Yours truly ^ his usual place at school. are used by many in their automobile. Very Miss Carroll tells us that only four Plaid Blankets at $2.50 attractive and warm. have won Es In conduct this month. to use instead of quilts, lighter weight and just as I S. L. Aldrich I This means that unless we are unus- warm. 1.50 and 1.75 ally good the next three months we will all have to take the Semester Exams even tho our standings may M. E. CHURCH NOTES. excuse us from some subjects. We CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES. Band Played Two cays Sunday morning the Rev. Dr. C. J. are gcfing to try to bring our record Tlie Missionary Society will meet The Maple Rapids band played two Kruse of St Johns will preach at up next month. Thursday of this week with Mrs. days at the Clinton County Pair this 10:30 and also at the Lowe church at James Lamble. Look foi program year. Tills Is the second year that Oliver Henson and Hertha Helch^r 2:00 p. ni. The church and Sunday elsewhere in this Issue. Come and the band has played for the fajlr as­ FALL GOODS are still absent. school will begin at 10:30 and close at Carl Messier was absent Monday. enjoy it. sociation and both years th y have the noon hour. been well pleased with their.Uvices. Clyde Cooper who was absent far The social and business meeting of Tuesday night the Epworth League They played on Wednesday thi^ year Our Line of nearly a week returned to scl^l the Christian Endeavor society will held a very enjoyable and profitable in tho place of the St. Joins Hamh" Monday. lie held at the home of Mrs. George business and social meeting at the which for some reason failed to get Mlrza Butler was absent Tuesday. Gladstone Friday evening. Let all home of Mrs. Oliver Blizzard. Over Coats, Mackinaw Coats, come and make this a pleasant and together, and also played Friday, Leon Taylor who has been out of The ladles aid society will meet at profitable mqetlng. which day they had been hired for Sweater Coats, Pants, Un­ school for some time with pneumonia the parsonage Thursday afternoon at previously. On Thursday the West­ Is still ill and we do not know when The ladies of the church are al 2:00 p. ni. All ladles of the church phalia band furnished music. This ready planning for a big Christmas derwear, Hats, Caps, he will he able to return. are expected to be present as there Is was the big day, about 10,000 people Razaar to be held in the Grange hall Important work to be arranged for. We neglected to say last week that being)on the grounds. It v .as esti­ Saturday, December lltli. , Any Shoes, blubbers, etc. Doris VariSickle was also lucky en ­ Next week Thursday night will be ­ mated that 25,000. people attended help from the public in this direction ough to receive one hundred In her gin a series of Bible studies in con ­ the fair this year. will be greatly appreciated. Is Large and well assorted. arithmetic examination. nection with the prayer meeting. Sunday School next Sunday at the A large display of trimmed liats at Gala Richards who has been absent Sunday school rally day will oe held usual hour, ll;!") a. ra. Come. Christ ­ the hotel every Thursday. Give us a call—our prices are right. for a week has returned to school. a week from next Sunday in the ian Endeavor at t);30 p. m. Don't inorning. A fine program will be Miss S. C. Durkee miss It. No preaching next Sunday I prepared for the occasion. Missionary Meeting a.s the pastor' wij^LBc at Rulltnan, Located at Tolec’o October Seventh attending the CiiriSiaii conferance J. M. ROBERTS Clyde Ilazelton, the young h; pnotist “The place where the young child 50 Calling Cards 35c this months. in session at that place. who eloped with Miss Gladys Van Clothing and Shoes lay.” Horn, daughter of the photog rapher, Hostess Lorada Lamble Luke 1I:10-1(), 40(Memorlzed) on the fifth of August, was located Alta Cook by a detective at Toledo, O., last Fri­ day, and the young lady was brought Prayer - Phoebe Brewer back to Portland by her fa'.her on Roll Call Children of the Bible Monday. The young couple had gone ResteLurant and Ice Cream Parlor The child In Its helplessness to Monroe, Mich., from Port ’and and Ara Paine I Remember! I have put a lunch counter in my Ice Cream were married. From there they went to Toledo where they lived ui ler the Parlor and am now prepared to serve hot and cold The following letter was received ^ Cold weather will scon be here and you will name of Mr. and Mrs. Ilavei .5. The lunches and meals. this week by five men who young lady Is under age and ji st what were among, those who signed a con ­ need to be ready for it. will be done In the matter Is :)ot de­ We handle the famous Connor ’s Ice Cream, the tract with the Community Chautau- cided. best made. Special price in quantities. (lua System for a Chautauqua here We have a full line of next summer. Business Linero IVAN PALMER “We are enclosing herewith dupli ­ Items under this head 6c. i er line cate copy of Contract for a Chautau ­ each issue. qua In Maple Rapids In 1916, show ­ BED BLANKETS ing our approval of the same. FOR SALE! “We wish to congratulate your m white, gray and tan in all sizes at $1.00 to $2.50 Corn Crib. S. P. Horr. community on the enterprise shown in establishing a Chautauqua. We A full line of Outing in cream, white and are arranging a great program for next season and you can rest assured fancy color.
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