PLATFORM ISSUES V KAnDiE Smith • Education o for • Economic Development/Commerce nC House 8 • Mental Health t • Criminal Justice Reform Focused on Solutions Early Voting - April 19th - May 5th e Paid for by Committee to Elect Kandie D. Smith For NC House 8 CLEE ATKINSON EDGECOMBE Encourages you to COUNTY get out and vote SHERIFF Paid For By Committee to Elect Sheriff Clee Atkinson April 19 - May 2, 2018 Former first lady Barbara@papperbouy Bush dies at age 92 252-917-2159 mobile READ TDD ONLINE www.dailydrummediagroup.com Quality is Our Standard, Integrity is Our Tradition A Biweekly Newspaper Serving Down East North Carolina INSIDE FORMER FIRST LADY THIS BARBARA BUSH DIES AT AGE 92 EDITION: Drawing to decide Virginia House election postponed Page 2 Trump administration to no- tify disabled veterans of student loan forgiveness Page 3 Former first lady Barbara Bush, pictured in 2008, died Tuesday after multiple hospitalizations over the past year. File Photo by Aaron M. Sprecher/UPI | License Photo By: Danielle Haynes triarch of a Republican po- died Tuesday in Texas, the United States of Ameri- Tuesday, April 17, 2018, at UPI litical dynasty who cham- her family announced. She ca and relentless proponent the age of 92,” a statement pioned family literacy dur- was 92. of family literacy, Barbara from the office of her Barbara Bush, the ma- ing her time as first lady, “A former first lady of Pierce Bush passed away See BUSH page 2 Sandy Hook families suing In- fowars’ Alex Jones Page 6 IT’S A KID THING!!! Mrs. Minerva Freeman and her colleagues staged the Awesome, I Am, Self- Esteem Workshop at the Moyewood Cultural Arts Center in Greenville. Ms. Tracy Barnhill and Teiste Newton were on hand to ensure that theses young Tyrod Taylor embraces challenge of leading Cleveland Browns mind get the information Page 8 and nurturing that they will need to grow into posi- tive and productive young men and women. Ms. So’Nia Williams was the main speaker as they also covered Physical Exercise with Tiera Beale, of Vidant, Art Expression wih Emily Stuart, Health and Well- ness with Dionne Vines and ‘Rampage’ is the No. 1 movie in North America with $34.5M Yolanda Walker.. One other Page 9 See KIDS, page 2 Shown in photo-Class of Awesome, I Am www.dailydrummediagroup.com April 19 - May 2, 2018 www.dailydrummediagroup.com 2 The Daily Drum Drawing to decide Virginia House election postponed Senate Republican lead- “I’m the one who de- On April 11, Sens. Cory er Mitch McConnell said cides what we take to the Booker, D-N.J., Lindsey Tuesday the Senate won’t floor, that’s my responsibil- Graham, R-S.C., Chris consider legislation to ity as the majority leader, Coons, D-Del. and Thom prevent President Donald and we will not be having Tillis R-N.C., introduced Trump from firing special this on the floor of the Sen- the Special Counsel Inde- counsel Robert Mueller. ate,” McConnell said. pendence and Integrity Act, McConnell told Fox He added legislation which would only allow a News’ Neil Cavuto he isn’t necessary, stating there senior Justice Department won’t approve a vote on a is “no indication” Trump official to fire Mueller for bipartisan bill introduced will fire Mueller, and he is good cause after providing last week to protect Mueller instead concentrating on the reason in writing. from being fired from his legislation that will move It also would give any role investigating Russia’s the Senate’s investigation special counsel 10 days alleged interference in the on Russia’s alleged inter- after a termination to chal- 2016 presidential election ference forward. lenge the move in court and and whether members of “I don’t think the presi- would preserve the staffing, Trump’s campaign col- dent’s going to do that. And documents and materials of luded with the Russian just a practical matter even an investigation. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday the Senate won’t vote government to sway the if we passed it, why would Trump described the on a bill limiting President Donald Trump’s ability to fire special counsel Robert election results. he sign it?” he said. See BILL page 3 Mueller. Photo by Kevin Dietsch/UPI | License Photo “Laura, Barbara, Jen- she met her future husband role model,” Bush said others. For my grandfather, child, Jeb Bush, served as na and I are sad, but our at age 16 at a school dance in a speech launching the she was his top adviser and governor of Florida and Bush souls are settled because in Rye, N.Y. George H.W. foundation. “Many of the confidante. ran for president in 2016. continued from page 1 we know hers was,” said a Bush was a Navy pilot and estimated 23 million adults For her family, she was a Sons Neil Bush and Marvin husband, former President statement from her son, for- the two married after the with literacy problems are steady, loving and guiding Bush are businessmen, and George H.W. Bush, said. mer President George W. end of World War II, when parents. hand. And for her country, daughter Dorothy Bush Her death comes days Bush. “Barbara Bush was they moved to Texas and “To break this cycle of she was an inspiration and Koch is an author and phi- after a family spokesman a fabulous first lady and the future president started despair we have to work to an example for all,” he said lanthropist. The Bushes’ said she was in failing a woman unlike any other his oil business. establish literacy as a value Tuesday. first daughter, Robin, died health and had declined who brought levity, love The two entered politi- in every American family. Barbara Bush wrote a at age 3. further medical treatment. and literacy to millions. To cal life in 1967, when vot- And I mean every type of number of books during Jeb Bush’s oldest son, Barbara Bush had been us, she was so much more. ers elected George H.W. family.” and after her time as first George P. Bush, is running in and out of the hospi- Mom kept us on our toes Bush to the U.S. House of Though she made lit- lady, including Reflections: for re-election as Texas tal over the past year for and kept us laughing until Representatives for Texas’ eracy her lifelong cause, Life After the White House land commissioner. Grand- treatment for congestive the end. I’m a lucky man 7th District. as first lady, she also em- and Barbara Bush: A Mem- daughter Barbara Bush heart failure, bronchitis that Barbara Bush was my Barbara Bush became phasized the importance of oir, and two books in the founded a health-focused and chronic obstructive mother.” second lady in 1981 when family values and spending voices of her dogs, C. Fred non-profit, and her twin pulmonary disease. Barbara Bush’s funeral her husband became vice time with one’s children. and Millie’s Book. sister Jenna Bush Hager is “It will not surprise mass will be invitation president under President “Remember, at the end File Photo by David a journalist. those who know her that only, though she will lay Ronald Reagan. of your life, you will never Valdex/The White House/ Barbara Bush is sur- Barbara Bush has been a in repose at St. Martin’s George H.W. Bush regret the project you didn’t UPI vived by her husband, five rock in the face of her fail- Episcopal Church in Hous- succeeded Reagan to the finish on time for work. She also held honorary children, 17 grandchildren, ing health, worrying not ton, the George Bush Presi- Oval Office in 1989, and You will regret the time degrees from Smith Col- seven great-grandchildren for herself -- thanks to her dential Library Foundation as first lady, Barbara Bush you did not spend with your lege, St. Louis University and her brother, Scott abiding faith -- but for oth- said. Further funeral ar- championed literacy for all spouse, children and rela- and Baylor University. Af- Pierce. ers,” a statement said at the rangements were pending. ages. Inspired by her son tives,” she told graduates ter four years as president, P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d time her family announced Barbara Bush was the Neil Bush’s dyslexia, she during the 1992 Marquette George H.W. Bush and Trump and first lady Mela- she would forgo further wife of George H.W. Bush, founded the Barbara Bush University commencement. Barbara Bush retired to nia Trump offered their medical treatment. “She is the 41st and oldest liv- Foundation for Family “There is no such thing as a Houston. The matriarch of thoughts and prayers to the surrounded by a family she ing former U.S. president. Literacy in 1989. 1-minute parent,” she add- the Bush family, several of Bush family. adores and appreciates the They were married Jan. 6, She chaired the organi- ed. “There are no shortcuts. her children and grandchil- “As a wife, mother, many kind messages and 1945. zation until 2012. Your children must come dren have followed the 41st grandmother, military especially the prayers she Born Barbara Pierce on “Parents are their chil- first in your lives.” president’s footsteps into spouse and former first is receiving.” June 8, 1925, in Manhattan, dren’s first teacher and G r a n d s o n G e o r g e the political sphere, while lady, Mrs.
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