VERA PAGAVA 1907- 1988 Born in Tiflis, Georgia Education 1932 Académie Ranson, Paris, France 1940 Qualifies with a Nursing Dipl

VERA PAGAVA 1907- 1988 Born in Tiflis, Georgia Education 1932 Académie Ranson, Paris, France 1940 Qualifies with a Nursing Dipl

VERA PAGAVA 1907- 1988 Born in Tiflis, Georgia Education 1932 Académie Ranson, Paris, France 19 0 !"alifies #i$% a n"rsing diploma and $reats $%e #ar #o"nded Selected solo exhibitions 201'-2017 (era Pagava, celes$ial bodies, Galerie +eanne B"cher +aeger, Galerie Le -ino$a"re and Galerie Alain Le Gaillard, Paris, France 2012 .ational Galler/ Dimi$ri 1%e)ardnadze of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia 2003 (era Pagava, 1907-1988, Galerie Bernard Bo"che, Paris, France 199' (iera da 4il)a and Arpad 42enes' %o"se, 6/7)re-le-C%atel, France 1987 (era Pagava née en 1907, pein$"res, -"sée de Pon$oise, Pon$oise, France 198' Galerie G"mmersons, 4$ockholm, 4#eden 1982 9 1983 (era Pagava, parco"rs d’un pein$re, 32 9 82, -"sée des Beau;-Ar$s de Di<on, -"sée Dépar$emen$al de l5=ise, Beau)ais, -"sée 4ain$-Denis, Reims, -"sée des Beau;- Ar$s de Tro/es, 4alon de -on$ro"ge, France 1972 9 199' Galerie Darial, Paris, France 1972 (era Pagava, dessins, &ein$"res, Galerie 4cribe, -on$auban, France 1970 (era Pagava, dessins, Galerie +acob, Paris, France 19'8 1%>$eau de Ratill/, ?onne, France 19'' 33rd Biennale of (enise, A room is dedicated $o (era Pagava's #atercolors, French, Pavilion, (enise 19'3 Paris@ 4o"s les $oi$s de Paris, 1%e2 Gran)ille, France 19'3 A;%ibi$ion of a selection of #a$ercolors, 1%e2 Gran)ille, Paris@ 4o"s les $oi$s de Paris, France GA,ERIAKORNFELD Fasanens$r. 2' 0-10719 Berlin Tel D 9 E0F30 889 223 890 Fa; D 9 E0F30 889 223 899 [email protected] 19'0 Galerie +eanne B"cher, Paris, France 1939 Pain$ings (era Pagava, Galerie -el$2er, .e#-York, G4A 1938 Gni)ersal A;%ibi$ion of Br"ssels, (atican pavillon, Belgi"m 1937 4#i$2erland: Pe$i$s formats, Libraire du Grand 1%Hne, Lausanne, 4#i$2erland 193' Paris@ Premi7re e;posi$ion 9 (era Pagava, Galerie Ale; -ag"/, France (era Paga)a, Paris, Am$ f"r I"ns$, Berlin, German/ 1933 Galerie Parnass, J"pper$al, German/ 193 Les oe")res récen$es de (era Pagava, Galerie +eanne B"cher, Paris, France 1933 Br";elles@ (era Pagava, pein$"res, dessins, Galerie La Licorne, France 1931 Les pein$"res de (era Pagava, Galerie +eanne B"cher, Paris, France Public Commissions 193' Paris ci$/, 4chool of r"e de l'A)e-Maria, m"ral pain$ing 1937 Paris ci$/, 4chool of r"e de -énilmon$an$, m"ral pain$ing 1930 Poi$iers, rece&$ion %all of $%e Grand 6K$el de France, m"ral pain$ing 1938 Br"ssels, Gni)ersal and Bn$ernational e;posi$ion, m"ral pain$ing 7 ; 7 m for $%e 1%"rc% of $%e 6ol/ 4ee 1982 Di<on, Direction Régionale des Télécomm"nications, m"ral pain$ing 1987 Di<on, s$ained glass and li$"rgical f"rni$"re of $%e 4ain$-Jose&% 1%"rc% Collections .ational 1on$em&orar/ Ar$ 1en$er E1.A1F, France Fonds Régional d'Ar$ 1on$emporain EFRA1F d'Ile-de-France, France -"se"m of -odern Ar$ of Paris E-A-F, Paris, France .ational -"se"m of -odern Ar$ E-.A-F, 1en$re Pompido", Paris, France -"se"m of Fine Ar$s of Di<on-Donation Gran)ille, Di<on, France -"se"m of Ga<ac, (illene")e-s"r-Lo$, France GA,ERIAKORNFELD Fasanens$r. 2' 0-10719 Berlin Tel D 9 E0F30 889 223 890 Fa; D 9 E0F30 889 223 899 [email protected] -"se"m of Grenoble, Greno*le, France -"se"m Pierre .oLl de 4ain$-Dié-des-Vosges, 4ain$-Dié-des-Vosges, France .ational Galler/ Dimi$ri 4%e)ardnadze, .ational -"se"m of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia General Publications BERTRA.D 0=RLEA1, Laurence, 6is$oire de l’ar$@ Paris 19 0 9 19 , Paris, P"blica$ions de la 4orbonne, 198' 0A41ARGGA4, Pierre, e$ alC (era Pagava, )ers l’indicible, Paris, Area, Descar$es M cie, 2010 6ARA-B=GRG, ,/dia, ,:Ecole de Paris, 19 3-19'3, dictionnaire des pein$res, .e"ch>$el, édi$ions Ides e$ 1alendes, 1993 LA44AIG.E, +acques, OTrois e;périencesP, Panorama des Ar$s 19 7, Paris, Aimer/ 4omog/ Edi$e"r, 19 8 PIGGET, P%ilippe, O(era Pagava“, Encyclopedie Gni)ersalis, Paris, Enc/clopedie Gni)ersalis 4A, 1988 GA,ERIAKORNFELD Fasanens$r. 2' 0-10719 Berlin Tel D 9 E0F30 889 223 890 Fa; D 9 E0F30 889 223 899 [email protected] (era Pagava focused %er life on %er #ork, searching for $%e essen$ial in %er ar$, $%e #ay $o be $%e closes$ $o %er inner )ision $%ro"g%o"$ an in)en$i)e <o"rne/ of form, lig%$ and colo"rC 4%e #orked in a )arie$/ of medi"ms $%ro"g%o"$ %er career consis$ing mos$l/ of oil pain$ings, drawings E#i$%in a &oin$illism $echniN"eF, go"ache on paper, #atercolo"rs, s$ained glass and $e;$ile designC 4%e mos$l/ e;perimen$ed #i$% abs$ract mo$i)es, s$ill li)es, por$rayals of nat"re and a m/s$erio"s e$%ereal represen$ation of reali$/ #%ich %ad a dis$inct feminine sof$ness in pale$$e and $o"chC T%e #ay s%e $ook $o $%e abs$raction #as $o$all/ necessar/, Q s%e #as &"s%ed $o abs$raction R, as s%e says in an in$er)ie#C And s$ill in %er fig"rati)e #orks #e can see $%e f"$"re forms of $%e coming &ain$ingsC B$ #as rat%er Q c%ee8/ R and co"rageo"s $o pain$ as s%e did in $%ese $imesC Don:$ &"$ %er in $%e 4econd 4chool of Paris R, s%e is differen$C From $%e earl/ 1930s $o $%e 1980s, (era Pagava deplo/ed %er pictorial "ni)erse firs$ in classic genres s"ch as s$ill life and landscape before $"rning $o abs$raction, $%at #o"ld occu&/ %er for $%e res$ of %er lifeC T%is $"rning poin$, at $%e end of $%e 1930’s/beginning of $%e 19'0’s, s%o#ed $%e progressi)e elimination of $%e fig"rati)e #i$%in %er #ork, considering i$ as a Pcr"$chT s%e no longer needed. 6er liberated approach $o geome$r/, #%ich consis$ed of ro"nded and irreg"lar edges, bro"g%$ a ne# fl"idi$/ $o %er oe")reC T%e c%aracteris$ics of %er #ork became a kind of silen$ m/s$er/ of forms #%ose s"rfaces and con$o"rs *egan $o float freel/ from an/ o*)io"s narrati)e or meaningC 6er a$mos&%eric composi$ions of s"*$le sof$ colo"rs offered #i$%in $%em a sense of fil$ered s"*<acen$ lig%$ creating simple formal $ensions free of anecdo$e and "ni)ersal in $%eir scopeC Born in 1907 in Tiflis, Georgia, (era Pagava is $oday considered one of $%e mos$ significan$ Georgian ar$is$s of %er $imeC A$ a /o"ng age Pagava, *orn an onl/ child $o #eal$%/ and cul$i)ated Georgian paren$s, #as already enrolled from a /o"ng age in #%at #as considered an Pavan$-gardeT school in Georgia, named Le#ando#skiC 0"e $o %er fat%er, Georges Paga)a, falling ill $%e famil/ lef$ Georgia for some $imeC T%is $rip began $%e life long <o"rne/ for Pagava abroad. T%e famil/ se$$led for some $ime in Berlin #%ere Pagava and %er famil/ me$ man/ ar$is$s and in$ellect"als also in e;ileC Fallo#ing $%e fall of $%e Georgian go)ernmen$ at $%e in)asion of $%e Red Arm/ in 1921, Pagava's famil/ mo)ed $o Paris in 1923, <oining $%e Georgian emigra$ion in Paris, fleeing 4o)ie$ anne;ationC A$ $%is $ime s%e #as 1' /ears old, s%e began $o s$"dy pain$ing, firs$ at $%e 4chool of Ar$ and P"blici$/, later in differen$ Academies as André ,%K$e’s A$elierC In 1931, s%e me$ .icolas Wacker, a R"ssian ar$is$, #%o in$roduce %er $o $%e )er/ eli$is$ Q Académie Ranson R from 1931 $o 1939, in -on$parnasseC T%ere, s%e s$"died in Roger Bissiere’s 4$"dio, and me$ $%e people #%o #o"ld become %er mos$ fai$%f"l friends, s"c% as +ean Ber$%olle, (ieira Da 4il)a, Arpad 42enes, A$ienne -ar$in, Roger 6il$on, +ean Le -oal and G"ide$$e 1arbonellC 0"ring %er $ime s$"dying at $%e Académie Ranson s%e &ar$icipated in )ario"s gro"p s%o#s and collecti)es, s"ch as $%e PGro"pe TémoignageTC 0"ring Jorld War II Paga)a s$ayed #i$% %er famil/ in ParisC In 19 , (era Pagava me$ $%e famo"s galeris$ +eanne B"cher #%o presen$ed %er in %er firs$ major e;%ibi$ion alongside ano$%er great female ar$is$@ Dora -aarC T%e e;%ibi$ion #as an immediate s"ccess and #as )isi$ed */ man/ impor$an$ ar$is$s s"ch as Pablo Picasso and Georges BraqueC Follo#ing $%is e)en$, $%e ar$is$ con$in"ed $o e;%ibi$ a$ Galerie +eanne B"cher "n$il 19'0C T%ro"g% $%is galler/ s%e %ad e;%ibi$ions abroad, as G4A E-el$2er Galler/ in .e# ?or8F, German/, 0enmar8, Israel, e$c U In 1938, s%e par$icipated at $%e Jorld Fair EIn$ernational A;%ibi$ionF in Br"ssels, #%ere s%e #as commissioned */ $%e (a$ican $o &ain$ a large fresco for $%e pedimen$ of $%eir e;%ibi$ion 6o"se EPa)illionFC And in 19'', s%e represen$ed France, in $%e French Pa)illion, at $%e 33rd edi$ion of $%e (enice Biennale, #%ere s%e %ad a separate pavilion de)o$ed $o %er #atercolor #orksC 4$ar$ing from 1972, (era Pagava became $%e leading ar$is$ of Galerie Darial Ein Paris, 7$%F represen$ed */ $%e galeris$ and Pagava's friend: T%amar Tso"ladze Tarassach)iliC T%e galler/ principall/ e;%ibi$ed con$em&orar/ ar$is$s among $%em, a gro"p of female ar$is$sC A$ $%e end of $%e 1970’s, female ar$is$s #ere s$ill poorl/ represen$ed in m"se"ms and s$ill less considered as male ar$is$s #ereC In 1978, (era Pagava #as GA,ERIAKORNFELD Fasanens$r.

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