THE HAMPDEN-SYDNEY TIGER September 9, 2016 The 16th Best College Newspaper in America Volume XCVII.2 Professor’s Corner: One-on-One with Dr. Leah Toth Drew Dickerson ‘17 DREW DICKERSON: How Staff Writer would you describe your Hampden- Sydney College experience so far? During Dr. Hardy’s sabbatical, Dr. DR. TOTH: So far my ini- Leah Toth from Lexington, Kentucky tial impressions have been great! is filling in for her. She just recently My students are very thought- finished her Ph.D. from the Univer- ful, and friendly. It’s very chill, and sity of Kentucky, and is really excited pastoral. The campus is very laid- to be here at Hampden-Sydney Col- back, and kind of ideal actually. lege for the next two years. I sat down with Dr. Toth, and asked her a few questions to get to know her better. Continued on page 6 Dr. Toth chats with Drew. (Photo Credit: Connor Smith) Major Project Progress Continues on Schedule are both progressing more or less as budgets of $4.7 million and $11 mil- being made, Brinkley will return to and others involved. The irony of the Alex V. Abbott ‘17 was expected when they began dur- lion, respectively. The estimated time its role as an academic building with renovation is that John Brinkley, for Copy Editor ing the spring of 2016. Glenn Culley, of completion has shocked a few stu- an emphasis on fine arts classes and whom the renovated building will the College’s Vice President for Busi- dents who were told to expect a June professors’ offices. Culley emphasizes be named, was a Classics profes- Hampden-Sydney students and ness Affairs and Finance, says that or July 2017 completion date. The an historic moment that is occurring sor opposed to the inclusion of fine visitors alike have been impressed by Winston will be completed by Febru- buildings seem to have shot up al- during this renovation, stating, “The arts as a core requirement, which he two construction projects occurring ary or March of 2017, while Brown most overnight. Dalton Hall ’19 says, College is working with the Virginia saw as too close to vocational train- just across the street from one an- will be finished about a month later. “I’m very surprised by how quickly Department of Historic Resources ing for his liberal arts tendencies. other. The construction of the Brown Neither building will be open until [the student center] is going up.” to utilize State historic tax credits Brown will be a unique building Student Center and the renovation of the fall of 2017, but the school is at- Winston Hall has been used in for the Brinkley Hall historic reha- on this campus, one that will have Winston Hall, which will be rechris- tempting to work out a solution for numerous capacities during its exis- bilitation project.” This is important been built for a specific purpose and tened Brinkley Hall after its comple- graduating seniors to see the interior tence, serving as a library, a cafeteria, because the College has never pur- (hopefully) used that way for decades tion, both draw significant interest. of Brown before it officially opens. and an academic building at various sued these tax credits before, so “it’s to come. The building will house the The Brown and Winston projects Further, both projects are within their times. After the changes currently been a learning process” for Culley Office of Student Affairs, the depart- In this issue... Continued on page 6 Editorials: The Great News: Making sense of Reviews: Young the Sports: Football falls to More Sports: Soccer Residence Life Program Tiger and Meal Plan Giant, Stranger Things, Averett, Cross Country goes back-to-back like Debate, pg. 3 Dollars, pg. 4 pg. 5 on the rise, pg. 7 they’re on the cover of Lethal Weapon, pg. 8 Page 2 The Hampden-Sydney Tiger September 9, 2016 EDITORIALS The Hampden-Sydney Tiger Founded 31 January 1920 by J. B. Wall ’19 Max Dash Traylor Nichols Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Alex V. Abbott David Bushhouse Copy Editor News Editor Spencer Connell Andrew Marshall Sports Editor Opinion Editor Logan Leathers Andrew Marshall Business Manager Cartoonist Staff Writers Drew Dickerson Bobby George Stewart Lawrence Jacob Mitchell Ryan Peevey Quinn Sipes Guest Contributors Wes Kuegler Luke Paris Advisor Dr. James Frusetta Requests for subscriptions may be mailed to: Tiger Subscriptions Graham Hall Box 1017 Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943 OR found online at: http://www.hsc.edu/News/Communications/ Request-Forms/Tiger-Subscriptions.html Contact The Tiger by e-mail, phone, fax, or social media: [email protected] facebook.com/HSCTiger1776 ph. (434) 223-6748 Twitter: @TheHSCTiger f. (434) 223-6390 Instagram: @thehsctiger We accept submissions in the form of letters or guest columns. Brevity is The Tiger is Online! encouraged. Interested writers, cartoonists, and photographers can send us an e-mail at [email protected]. The Hampden-Sydney Tiger is a student newspaper serving the community of Hampden-Sydney and operating independently of the College. The Tiger is To see the most recent issue of the Tiger, printed, roughly, biweekly by The Farmville Herald. The views expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ do not reflect any offical visit the Hampden-Sydney College website views or policies of The Hampden-Sydney Tiger. and click on the Current Students tab, or visit tinyurl.com/TigerArchive September 9, 2016 The Hampden-Sydney Tiger Page 3 EDITORIALS The Not-So-New Rules, and Why We Should All Try to Relax Starting this semester, “duty hours” does feel at least a little motherly. Do If the alcohol and illegal sub- Abbott tends to agree, saying, “If guys are being required of all RAs. There Hampden-Sydney students really stance policies are just business as are being responsible, not blatantly Wes Kuegler ‘18 are now RA offices in three of the need someone to check up on them usual, then why do so many students breaking the rules, then they have Guest Contributor four quadrants of campus—currently, three times a night? Probably not.* have the impression that the Of- nothing to be afraid of. The goal of Venable, Cushing, and Carp Y, with Now let’s address the elephant in fice of Student Affairs is attempting the new system is not to get everyone one coming soon to an Alphabet near the room. To be sure, the College’s to create the Fourth Reich? The an- in trouble. We have to do our job, and As this semester has begun, ru- you—and designated hours during alcohol and illegal substance policies swer probably lies in the RAs them- we have to be committed to our job.” mors have swirled surrounding the which there must be RAs in those of- have not changed, nor has protocol selves. It seems—at least to many Changes have been made to the recent changes to the Residence fices. Further, there has been an over- for RAs who encounter violations students—that the Resident Advisor freshman programming as well. In Life Program, the Resident Advi- haul on residence hall walkthroughs— of these policies. When asked about program has this year seen an influx lieu of the greatly-disliked “Good sor (RA) Program, and the College’s perhaps the one change that has got RA discretion in matters of substance of new RAs who may be somewhat Men Plan,” freshman are facing non- policies on alcohol and illegal sub- the student body most worried. As the policy, Alex Abbott, one of the Head misguided, with no ability to view mandatory events focused around stances. These changes, however, are former system only required freshmen Resident Advisors, assured me that events through any lens other than “the first-year experience.” Programs not nearly as scary as some might RAs to patrol the freshman dorms the policy is the same as in previous one of a black-and-white morality. I are also in the works for upperclass- believe. In an effort to banish once twice nightly on the weekends, RAs years. “Officially, there has never been would encourage those RAs to keep men, though they too will be volun- and for all any ambiguity, let’s ex- across campus are now required to any [room for] discretion. RAs have one thing in mind: you are not the po- tary, and they will be developed by plore what’s changed, what’s the make three separate rounds through always been supposed to write inci- lice. The role of an RA is not to land RAs individually for their residents. same, and how alarmed the student each dorm, Sunday through Thursday. dent reports for underage drinking or his brothers in trouble. It is, rather, to The Residence Life program faces the body should—or should not—be. Despite good intentions, such a change illegal substances. That’s unchanged.” keep everyone on this campus safe. Continued on page 6 Rebuttal and Clarifications: A Resident Advisor’s Perspective senting accurately both the Residence this, and I can guarantee that there is Kuegler has suggested that some RAs ally—and that our handsome old Life Program’s logistic reimagining not a single one among our staff who do. He claims that the RA’s job is, in- residence halls are in tip-top shape as well as the fact that our policies views his role on this campus as any- stead, “to keep everyone on this cam- or, at least, not deteriorating. Never Andrew Marshall ‘17 have remained entirely unchanged, thing like that of a police officer. As pus safe.” I would argue that this is do we view ourselves as enforcers.
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