Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-2-1989 University News, October 2 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. 'S V! . l Free Money!!! Boise State, University October' 2, 1989 Volume X Issue Five Next tfme you're looking for a place to secure your bike, try the fo'untaln In front of the library. Some how, some way, a bike rack found Itsway Into the fountain. Hopefully, BSU bike thieves don't know . 'how to swim, Brown chooses BSU Students' by Rob'Gefzln families The University News invited BSU's music department hasa new concert band director. Marcel- to visit BSU lus Brown has only been working at BSU for about a month, having by Melanie Huffman moved to Boise from Moline, Ill., The University News where he was an instructor at Au- . gustana College. For the first time in 10 As part of his responsibilities years, BSU is sponsoring a , at the university; Brown will be Family Weckend. The event, directing BSU's concert band and which will take place Oct. 7-- . wind ensemble, teaching a funda- 8, was scheduled to occur Mqrcellus Brown in - mentals of music class, and giving conjunction with The Year of private lessons for both the trumpet the Student. and the French hom. In his free a great deal of time working at Dr. Dav.id Taylor, Vice- time, he enjoys playing the trumpet' becoming an outstanding teacher of President of Student Affairs, and guest conducting. He will be brass instruments, [particularly] the ' said he wants the event to performing ajoint recital with fac- trumpet." He said he has analyzed .focus on students and to ulty organist Don Oakes in the his own playing and found ways of emphasize. the idea of com- . Hemingway Center Nov. 17at7:30 overcoming various problems in munity ~tBSU. p.m.and he will be guest conduct- order to "make. the road straighter . Taylor said the office of ing for the Treasure Valley Wind' for· those serious about playing a Student Residential Life Ensemble on Oct. 25 in the SPEC .. brass instrument." mailed out thousands of let- Brown said he has been play- Not only docs Brown listen to ters from President John ing trumpet "a long time"since the. a variety of trumpet players, he also Keiser inviting parents of stu- fourth or fifth grade. He said that he listens to a wide range of other dents 21-years-old or younger wanted to play an instrument even musical styles. He praises KBSU to join in the activities. before that but did not have the - for the "refrcshing" variety of music Keiser will welcome the opportunity. He was born in Ger- they play and says that he thinks itis parents to the university at the many where his father was a good to listen to a variety of styles. pre-game barbecue. Satur- serviceman and lived there until He said he also prefers living in a day and will make it. short about age eight. At that time he merropolitan area because of the speech about the importance moved to Detroit, where he gradu- -many listening choices offered. of students. Members of the ated from high school. Music Ies- "I'd like to be instrumental in BSU Blue Thunder marching sons were not offered to him until helping to move the music depart- band will perform at the bar- he was 10 or 1L ment so that its program can be beeue. The cost of the barbe- One reason Brown chose Boise equal to or competitive with some cue is $3 for adults, and $2 for State was that he would not have to of the best music departments in the children under 10 and will lead a marching band. The exten- country," Brown said. "I realize take place from 4-6 p.m. on sive amount o( time involved in that [this] goal may seem lofty, but the lawn by the Student Un- such an activity would prohibit him I was genuinely excited to find the ion. from being able tocontinuepractlc- nucleus ofpcople in the music For further information, ing and playing the trumpet, he said. , department interested in pursuing contact David Taylor at 385- Over the years, Brown' spciIt a the same goals ... 1418. The University News :P!i~e2 October 2~1989 New Social Security laws Debate coach maKSS."Most" out of program require numbers for kids . S!:'phomorcs!CCruitedon by Loren Petty This years' team is young' The University News and talentedMost said. He re- campus include T, L~tutter, ages two or older cruited first year students Michelle Moore and Stacy Dunn. Most said he managed When Marty Mostbecame Shawna Dunn from Gonzaga; the speech and debate coach C. J. Martin from Cornell and to nab transferring students Next year when you file your be used as evidence of both age and Pam Cooper from Carrol Col- citizenship for a person born in the last fall, he had nine students Kim Evans from Smith Col- taxretum, youwillneedto show the lege.Cyndy Spidell, formerly lege in Montana and junior Social Security Number (SSN) of United States. For a foreign-born on the team. One yearlater the team has grown to a respect- ofCentennialHighSchool,was Steve Aubreyftom Dixie Col- any claimed dependent age two or individual, a foreign birth certifi- lege in SI. George, Utah. cate and U.S. immigration docu- able 29 members. a .national qualifier in high older. school forensics (speech and Most said six experienced . According to Michael J. Mid- ment can be used to establish age Most said last year's team . was small because of confu- debate). Freshman Jennifer competitors have returned this dleton, Social SecurityManager for and lawful alien status. fall.led by seniors SteveMoser the Boise District, this is a require- Evidence of a child's identity sion about the coaching transi- Hinckley is a walk-on com- petitor from Centennial High and Dan Perata. ment of the Family Support Act of can include daycaro and medical tion and doubts about the fu- 1988,enacted byCongress last year records, insurance policies and turo of the program. School. to reform the welfare system. It certain other documents. amends previous Federal law (Tax These documents, along witha Reform Act of 1986) which re- completed. application, can be quired that taxpayers show theSSN mailed ina pre-addressed envelope on their returns for any claimed which will be sent to you when you. Construction Club wins award dependent age five or older. call for an application form. Once According to Middleton, un- thedocumentshavebeen examined, basedonovetallactivitiesfor1988. were previously restricted to the the Social Security office will mail by Loren Petty der this new law. it is estimated that Last year the Construction Man- ward because of their wandering them back to you and issue an SSN The University News . at least half the children aze two agcrnent Club participated in over nature, to get outside. The student through four willneed SSNs. Many card for the child, usually within two weeks. BSU's Construction Manage- 30 separate projects, most notably constructors put up a six-foot children already have SSNs for the construction of a 4,000 square- wroughtiron fence, widesidewalks savings bonds or other financial .'.Individuiils are urged to get- mcnt ~Iub, otherwise known as the Social Security cards for their de- ASSOCiatedGeneral Contractor's footpark for Alzheimerspatients at to accommodate wheelchairs and transactions by the time they reach the Boise Veterans Administration parkbenches. The clubplans toadd age one. pendents before they file their tax (AGC) Student Chapter, won first returns next year. place in the Outstanding AGC Stu- Hospital, and the replacement of . a gazebo this year. The Idaho AGC A person applying for a child's the Reserve Street bridge. donated all the materials while stu- number for a child will need evi- dent Chapter contest this spring, dence of the child's age, identity . Anyone age 18or older apply- according tofacultyadviser Marvin TheReserveStrcetbridge proj- dent constructors provided the la- and U.S. citizenshipor lawfulalien ing for an original SSN must apply Gabert. cct assisted BSU directly because bor and coordinated the project. status. Apublicbirth certificate can . inperson ata SocialSecurity office. Gabert said the award was fire trucks had to make time-con- Construction management is a suming detours around the previ- four-year baccalaureate program ously closed bridge while en route which combines engineering and to BSU, according 10Gabert. He business studies. BSU's program, said the bridge was sponsored by although small, has consistently membersof theIdahoAGC inorder been rated one of the best in the tobringattentiontothestate'scrum- country. bling infrastructure. The AGC Gabert said there is a nation- sponsorspaid for the entire project, wide drive for more construction which Gabert said would have cost managers. "Colleges and Univer- approximately $iOO,OOO ifdone by sities arc only graduating about 10 private contractors. percent of the construction manag- The park at the VA Hospital crsthatnrcgolng tobcncedcd inthe allows Alzhcimcrs patients, who future," he said. tlte------------- ·IJNIVERSITY· NFWS Edllor In Chlo! flosomary E.Hardin Managing Edllor Bobblo Cunningham Busloon Managor Miko Hardaway. Edllorlal/Oplnlon .Edllor Rick Ovorton Entortalnmont Editor Holly Andorson . Chlol Copy Edllor Joff Faulknor ,.
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