n^ Demands Adtninistrative Policy Changes The Association of Black Col Lennon "71, talked about the re­ lison. He called for the establish­ with the black condition here. leglans has presented a list of cruitment of more black students panel was asked if it wished to ment of a separate course in "It is up to you not to be apath­ demands to the collie adminis­ for the college. Lennon urged the have a fixed percentage of blacks tration. black literature and the study of etic and to carefully study our admitted to the college each year. collie to give more opportunities more black writers in English Speaking at the ABC forum in proposals," Brown concluded. Lennon.answered, "We want no to culturally deprived and "risk" courses. He claimed that the Colton Chapel Monday evening, In the ensuing discussion, the students, because, "the black college now has the basis for the Continued on page Gary Moorer '71, listed the de­ man's concern Is his constant establishment of a black studies mands; struggle for survival in white program. 1. Admission of mora black itu- America," Theodore Brown '73, the only dtnts to the college. Lennon asserted the black man freshman on the ABC panel, asked, 1 Addition of more black instruc­ had come to collie to get tools tors to the faculty. "What can we as a college com­ ]. A black studies program at the for defense against white racism. munity do to meet these prob­ college; i.e.—the offering cf more He urged the entire college com­ lems?" black courses. munity to become more responsive BroWn maintained that each 4. The end or neutralization of to the needs of thecollege's blacks. racist attitudes at Ihe college. college student had a responsibil­ 5. A "black house" to serve as a Gerald Gill '70. opened his ity besides "living for the party cultural center for black students. speech by citing his involvement weekend -- that of solving the in many college activities. How­ "What we want," said James problems of society. ever. Gill added, "Tonight I speak Hairston '71, the keynote speaker, Enrichment in black studies to you as Gerry Gill, the black ". .are chariges vital to our would give whites a sensitivity to man." existence here." black culture. Brown said. With To be a black, Hairston stated, More Black Studies the addition of more blacks on is to have one's culture Ignored. Gill acknowledged an Increase campus, there would be a greater It is, "feeling the same way as in the number of black writers wealth of opinion of what It is like many whites but not beli^ able to studied at the collie since his to be black In America, he added. do a thiiig about anything," he freshman year. However, he main­ Brown called for at least one added. tained that the writers studied are fulltime black administrator on The next speaker, Lawrence ihe same — primarily Ralph El­ campus to keep the staff in touch Lawrence Lennon expostulates on black demands at ABC forum Monday night. SEIjp lUafau ?ttp Founded 1870 LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, EASTON, PENNSYLVANIA Vol. 96 No. 14 Second Class Postage Paid at Easton, Pa. 1B042 OCTOBER 31, 1969 ^^!^m:S^.^M}, '?- SC Hedges War Issue Direct Election Of Student Council Posts, Guards On IF Weekend End By !Fr; il Concert Will Be Held The Interfraternity Council has so odd that we want direct elec­ policemen on the three main roads endorsed the direct election of tion of the President, yet we hesi­ leading into the campus for I] Student Council voted to toble Alan McFarland '72, of the the president of Student Council. tate to approve the same for our weekend. November 15-16. a motion supporting the Nov. IS­ coeducation and long-range plan­ IFC passed a resolution call- own student council president, par­ Introducing the motion, \flles IS National Vietnam Moratorium. ning comminee announced Dr. It^ for "general elections for all ticularly when he has such a Overholt. '70, IFC president, cit­ The motion, proposed by Carl Charles C. Cole, provost of the offices (of Student Council). pro­ trememedous amount of say In ed trouble with "townles" on cam­ Desch '71, Council secretary, collie, would entertain questions viding nominees serve at least student affairs." pus last weekend. Both Theta Del­ called for Council to support the on coeducation at the next council one year on Council." William Tucker. '70 of Sigma ta Chl and Zeta Psi reported In­ National Moratoriu.rn aiw Uie pro­ meeting. Robert Natelson, "70, presi­ Phi Chi, favorltig the resolution, cidents takir^ place Saturday cess of Vietnamization. Questioned Douglas Hull '71, moved that dent of Phi Kappa Tau, backed pointed out that "It would be an night; Delta Kappa Epsllon was by several council members, the Council endorse a request to the the move by IFC as the best way attempt to Include more people in struck by several thefts the same proposal will be voted on in ar faculty that all classes be put on to "flush the resolition out of campus affairs." night. amended form at next week's meet­ an unlimited cut basis. Action will Student Council committee." A proposal by Stephen Bren­ Next week, chairmen of all ing- be taken on the motion next Wed­ He added "...It just seems ner of PI Lambda Phi, '70. fraternities will randomly choose Robert BoutflUer '70, an­ nesday. corresponding secretary, to eval­ ticket sections for both IF and nounced Council would sponsor uate the present system of elect- Lehigh weekends. Tim Hardln-Buddy N^les In the ir^ IFC officers was passed. Also, A motion to delay the next IF concert Novetnber U. Boutll- Powerful Miller Drama a four-man committee was es­ freshmen open house. November Uer warned If attendance did not tablished to investigate the pos­ 8. was defeated in a close vote. Improve over that of Kooper con­ Opens At Little Theater sibility of a first-semester fresh­ Urgiiig a delay until Novem­ cert, no more concerts would be man "rush." This would eliminate ber 22. Lavnrence Magnant point­ his wife, who refuses to acknow­ "dirty" rushii^, accorditig to planned for a rriiimum of a year by Jim Forbes ledge the fact that her son. Larry, ed out that the Vermont game and one half. Brenner. Wednesday night, the Little was killed durir^ the war; Chris would draw many students from the In other business. IFC approv­ Rich Gordon 'TO, Studem Coun­ Theatre opened its 1969-1970 sea­ Keller, their son; Ann Deever. or- campus next week-end. He claim­ cil president, underscored Boutll- ed a resolution to station catif>us son with Arthur Miller's play, Contlnued on page 7 ed that 23 members of his fra­ llWs statement, declarlt^. "It's "All My Sons." and although this ternity eacpected to attend the game. extremely imporunt that we show play was written more than twenty William Tucker, '70 report­ some support." years ago. It retains a certain ing for the committee to inves­ Council passed a motion by freshness and relevance for to­ tigate the effects of coeducation Riley Temple '71 that "Studera day's audiences. on the fraternity system, commen­ Council support in principle the In many ways the play Is simi­ ted that studies were beitig made five demands made by the Asso­ lar to Ibsen's social problem of HamlHon and Franklinand Mar­ ciation of Black Collegians, and dramas. In it. Miller examines shall Collies where coeducation nave Its ad hoc comnlttee work the effects of war proflteerli^ on has been recently Intltuted. with the ABC. .to make these a panlcular American family and demands realities at Lafayette the effects of a generation gap on The Wrby Government and College." •' two of its members. Law Society will present a panel Joel Pisano '71 was elected to The action of the play takes discussion on "What's Wrong Council to flu a vacancy created place In the back yard ofthe Keller with Lafayette?" 8 p.m. Tues­ by excessive absences. home on the outskirts of an Amer­ day in Pardee Auditorium. ^ Gerald GiU '70 moved that ican town durlr^ the August fol- The panel is composed of 'the Student Council In conjunc-- lowit^ World War If. The first Robert Hahn '71; Richard Gor­ "on with other interested students act Inroduces us to the charac­ don '70; president of Student and other student organizations, ters: Joe Keller, the owner of a Council; Lawrence Lennon '71; supiwrt, by providli^ voluntary factory and the defendant in a case Edward Pollick '70; and Robert manpower to, the Head Start pro­ of plant mismanagement whereby Natelson '70, editor-in-chief of The Lafayette. gram in Easton." The motion faulty parts were shipped to plane 'All My Sons' now featured at Little Theatre. passed unanimously. assembly factories; Kate Keller. THE LAFAYETTE October 31, \%i Watson Blazes Curtailed; Meyner Cites Need For Mail Thefts At New Low Safety In Ghetto Areas A partial solution may be in to discuss the situation. "About by Rob Natelson Editor-in-Chief in the graduate level atthattiitie.,. all we can do now is hope that and Paul Dimmick Layout-Editor sight today to the incendiary my­ Q. Do yoo think New Jersey can stery plaguitig Watson Hall, someone will supply us with infor­ (Following is an exclusive inter­ solve her own problems without ltd- In response to yet another trash mation," Schroeder stated. view with former governor Robert eral help? Meyner '34 who is the Democratic fire on the dormitory's second The bright spot for Watsonites A. I'm sure we could take Is in the institution of door-to- gubernatorial candidate in New floor, the sixth minor incident in Jersey.
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