![1932-08-21 [P A-4]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
reporte. Such publicity 1s regarded by lng placed almost *11 of Mrs. McCor- mlck's immédiate relatives at her bed- those qualified to judge as being fraught the most with great danger to the financial side, noteworthy absentee be- structure of this country. M'CORMICK ing her father, John D. Rockefeller, MRS. the to Off ASSAILS nonagenarian oil magnate. TAKE-OFF Contestants Take FREADWAY "It is fair to assume that If Clerk DERBY Her brother made a hurried Derby Ready Trimble were not beholden for his job trip from Maine, his ! to Speaker Garner, he would place against doctor's order·, to cheer his greater dependence upon such legal help sister, once known as the world's richest minds as those of Senator Robinson. SUFFERS RFIAPSE woman. » DECISION and TRIMBLE Democratic the SLATED AT 3 PI leader of Senate, Embraces Brother. Senator Borah, who declared publicity Mrs. McCormick roused herself could not be made of the loans without with the same with further action. Instead of surprising vitality which Declares on Loan Pub- congressional Daughter of John D. Rocke- she greeted her daughter Mathllde Ruling seeking the advice of his own son, who. upon Race's Start to Climax her arrival from Switzerland Spec- until this decision, had not, so far as I recently. She embraced her brother and Was Made to Gain know, been regarded as a prominent feller, Sr., Responds Quick- feebly tacular Two for licity they conversed a while. Days legal authority." The New York financier remained In Favor With Garner. ly to Aid, However. the room a long while. He had rushed Capital. there ahead of his wife and son upon • MOST OF U. S. AIRCRAFT his arrival by train from Boston this By the Associated Press. morning. 9y the Associated Press. (Continued From First Page.) STOCKRRIDGE. Mass.. August 20.— CONSTRUCTED SINCE 1929 CHICAGO, August 20—Mrs. Edith i Rockefeller McCormick suffered a sud- Allen T. Treadway AT 42. St. Louis, 111.: Cincinnati, representative den tonight, but the so- HURRICANe'tOLL Indianapolis, Planes Now Registered by sinking spell i Akron and Cleveland. (Republican, of Massachusetts) charged 10,743 ciety leader rallied after the applica- The starters were minus j tion of stimulants and doctors later Washington η a statement today that the decision Commerce Department, Official Red Cross Receives Gifts to Aid one of their notables today as a result said her condition was "the same as >f South Trimble, clerk of the National of the of Lee Gehlbach Declares. this afternoon." Sufferers. appointment of Re- of Mount Clemens. Mich., star of many Souse, to make public reports The entire family circle was gath- Press. HOUSTON. August 20 (>W—The air meets and races, to replace Russell •onstructlon Finance Corporation loans By the Associated ered in Mrs. McCormick's suite shortly at the controls of the 300- after 6 o'clock, when she to gasp ! list of fatalities In last hur- Boardman vas made to gain favor with Speaker The majority of the 10,743 aircraft began Saturday's built es- j and was mile-per-hour Gee Bee racer, John N. Garner. The statement was now registered at the Department of for breath apparently dying ricane stood today at 42 with the death for the Thompson Trophy race the watched breathlessly while doc- pecially ssued through the Republican State Commerce were constructed within They of Mrs. Theresa Viola McArthur of of the na- to i on Labor day. the final day ;ommittee. last three and one-half years, accord- j tors and nurses fought desperately Boardman. co-holder rekindle the of life. Freeport. from injuries. tional air races. Treadway said Trimble, In reaching ing to Clarence M. Young, Assistant spark distance record, estab- Meanwhile contributions of money, of the world his decision, was carrying out a pet Secretary of War for Aeronautics. Oat of John Polando Announced Danfftr. food and clothing to aid the storm's lished In his flight with lobby of Garner, and claimed "the Those manufactured in 1929 included Istanbul. numerous victims in Angleton, Free- from New York to Turkey, ;minent authority" on which the clerk 3,296 single-engine and 143 multi-en- An hour later the physicians pro- last w eek in the of imme- port. West Columbia and Brazoria still was injured during the •eached his decision was none other gine designs: 1930, 2.105 single-engine nounced Mrs. McCormick out Gee Bee entry in belief that ι were coming in to Red Cross head- crash of last year's ;han the clerk's own son. and 51 multi-engine; 1931, 1,513 single- diate danger, but reiterated while a moment or , quarters. The cash contributions to- the Thompson race, making "While there is no reason to question engine and 58 multi-engine. Craft the end might come at any taled $7.238. ipeed trial. :he integrity of the Junior Trimble," manufactured In the first five months that she might linger for days, or even The immediate will One of the best-known pilots starting rreadway said, "it will seem strange of 1932 Included 214 single-engine and weeks. housing problem In the derby today is Earlier In the Mrs. McCormick be solved, at least temporarily, with from Washington ;o a great many people that the clerk 3 multi-engine. day. the surviv- of her the distribution of 500 additional Doug Davis of Atlanta, only >f the House should not have consulted The greatest number of airplanes was cheered by the arrival Army w inner of the 100-mile closed-course of 90 horse- John D. from tents which arrived today from New ing some eminent legal authority in arriv- were powered with engines brother, Rockefeller, jr., in the National Air Races, which Summer home in Maine. His com- Orleans. event ing at his decision to publish these power or less. his in 1930 became the famous Thompson f ι race. ·"- '··· '■ Trophy Il Il '.ί' ··"" ···· I.1 II' :i .ïli :· if 1 J Davis is regarded as one of the finest shown as stunt pilots In America and is a veteran Pilots of some of the planes entered In the transcontinental handicap race for the Cord Cup are they afternoon. of the National Air Races. He won received race Instructions from Kenneth S. Boedecker. chairman of the Derby Committee, yesterday Many —Uderwood & Underwood Photo. 18S9 fame 18 months ago when, while flying of the contesting planes are visible in the background. Satisfaction Since as co-pilot with Françls H. Jerdone of Washington in a giant 18-passenger air- liner. carrying 18 distinguished pas- sengers on the inaugural flight of a new PENNANT AWARDED PEPPER MENTIONED airline, the plane smashed its landing Derby Program gear in taking off from a rough field. U.S. S. WEST VIRGINIA TO AID BOARD PROBE Displayed Coolness. Today's program for the start Jerdone and Davis, in one of the finest of the Cord Cup Derby follows: exhibitions of cool-headed airmanship Battle Efficiency Honor, Most 9 a.m.—Last public Inspection Former Senator Is Considered as on record, landed the big plane without of contesting airplanes. Hoover 810-818 Seventh St. N.W. scratching a single one of their 18 pas- Coveted in Navy, Covers Field. Counsel for Inquiry of Public sengers and without serious damage to 10 a.m.—Stunt flying by Cleve- the plane. Year Record. land Stunt Team. Washington Service Body. The National Capital will be repre- Airport. sented in the derby bv Henry G. Brown, 10:30 a.m.—Pinal official In- operations chief for the Ludington Air- spection of contesting airplanes. By the Associated Press. Save on the Associated Press and By Now lines. who will his own Travelair Hoover Field. fly the 20.— Buy The battle biplane: and Edward W. Stitt, Roxboro efficiency pennant, 11 a.m.—Parachute jumping by HARRISBURG, Pa., August most coveted in the Navy, was place, who recently became a plane prize Cleveland Stunt Team. Wash- George Wharton Pepper of Philadel- awarded yesterday to the U. S. S. West owner through the purchase for $400 of ington Airport. former United States Senator, ap- now on the Pacific Coast. phia, a well seasoned old campaigner of the Virginia, 11:30 a.m.—Arrival of Sports- The red silk 15 peared today as the leading possibility skies. prize—a pennant, men's Cruises. feet with a black disc in the The two women pilots leaving Wash- long, 12 m.—Stunt flying by George for selection as counsel for the State field—was won a higher combined ington are 22-vear-old Pittsburgh by Brlnkerhoff of Brinkerhoff Fly- Senate Committee that will Investigate score in and com- Coats engineering Winter gunnery, New misses—Helen Richev. daughter of the ing School, College Park, Md. munications than any other battleship the Pennsylvania Service Commission. superintendent of schools of McKees- Washington Airport. the 1. His name has been port. Pa., and her chum. Helen Mac- during year ending July 12:30 suggested along on the Ernest p.m.—Passenger flying Coat Laid Aside Miss will a In making announcement, Payment Closkey. Richey fly Bird over with those of Charles J. Margiotti of Any of the Washington. Washington biplane: Miss MacCloskey a tiny Mono- Lee Jahncke, Acting Secretary Punxsuitawney, Pa., retained yesterday said the vessel also would receive Airport. coupe cabin monoplane. Navy, 1 by Cleve- by United States SeflHtor James J. the for ttie battleship p.m.—Stunt flying a The start of the derby this afternoon gunnery trophy land Stunt Team. Washington Davis to defend him against Indict- of Modest class for excellence in shooting. Deposit will follow a day of aviation activity at Airport.
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