3 Dice/20 Sided)

3 Dice/20 Sided)

Dice-Road Dictionary™ Password Code Book for English (3 Dice/20 Sided) T. Borawski <ChiefOperator (circle A) GeneralTelegraph.com> WWW.GeneralTelegraph.com ©2011 T.Borawski. This Document is provided under the terms of CreativeCommons Public License,Attr ibution-ShareAlike3.0 Unported. The full license text is included at the end of this document. Impor tant Notes for Paper CopyUsers: -- Nevertouch the pages. -- Use a clean, clear plastic sheet to protect the pages when looking up words. Warning The Dice-Road Dictionary™ contains randomly selected words that maybeoffensive. Parental discretion is advised. ©2011 T.Borawski www.GeneralTelegraph.com Released for Free Distribution Under The CreativeCommons Public License Pa ge1 Dice-Road Dictionary™ Password Code Book English (3 Dice/20 Sided) Pa ge2 1-4-11 nicki boohofni p6!#zy English (3 Dice/20 Sided) Start: 1-4-12 abseiling rhachiex` eC};oI 1-1-1 tangies FacOc< fKw5#k 1-4-13 sabre juWyok ^sim'V 1-1-2 keynoter alEfby %–83%? 1-4-14 yetis Otpiget M^2L'a 1-1-3 cobbing GertAtAg( Dv<:7Q 1-4-15 bursitis Disbov Y'$ig5 1-1-4 superheat yewxag< !CC0M\ 1-4-16 warezes Euddyigpi /8{OF[ 1-1-5 totted deijcepeu ~qfa), 1-4-17 hereabout Hyfryok \5.+]\ 1-1-6 arman sukEc= FJ;cu! 1-4-18 minuses waywrig9 8+4y%C 1-1-7 ortensia elHunroVi Ba6!b: 1-4-19 muskegs RacFovDew M(pIHz 1-1-8 spotless Utvot5 d^8nm' 1-4-20 zoophytic adnajco a)uQm} 1-1-9 fixate kevekBie yQ{~hn 1-5-1 coding Pyquanja crpKM( 1-1-10 pond ogquivCue %Zgn'y 1-5-2 misprint CrigsUm_ 'v0>py 1-1-11 listens yegAulm n&/B%v 1-5-3 laptops CludEish3 Jo#$&g 1-1-12 truisms IgBak. +Ge;~! 1-5-4 brandi Epfedbilf P7+VDZ 1-1-13 wysiwyg Feectos& "\/`y~ 1-5-5 trucker VeekViDry uL.,PP 1-1-14 seedpods jiadnap A"p;p7 1-5-6 twentieth Verjish> )[=H#Q 1-1-15 clammed smyxChemt Twh5%] 1-5-7 trashed Dotyos ^v@[Qf 1-1-16 hearses dirbetVok zh(:>Q 1-5-8 culley Utdev{ 'TION@ 1-1-17 courage vajvaj ~8'R'> 1-5-9 entails oywosh +9qVa. 1-1-18 decay dej]ob &b`Ku$ 1-5-10 scrumpy Ox+frang aenCP@ 1-1-19 della yolciak 8ptcLz 1-5-11 huffman Dreic~ {j`zlC 1-1-20 excreta VahogEick 9?jXa9 1-5-12 coffees worvemKek SsVv:P 1-2-1 assigners Ceyswob3 r2s7:0 1-5-13 sleuth IgurOkau H+HPDN 1-2-2 defogging aychur +I~c~> 1-5-14 lucre groas` c$B@Nt 1-2-3 ravelings tyimUc 96\QsY 1-5-15 clotted Snazgut hr@6~\ 1-2-4 onondaga JicWij2 y=Eu*c 1-5-16 spryness eegdegOl 71r!p& 1-2-5 espousing mivrie v4D&oR 1-5-17 rheta cywihauc ^cNGH% 1-2-6 tends foodwul <OF6S= 1-5-18 woolite yijIsh' gJK6KH 1-2-7 pins DretPyef} #1Q}TM 1-5-19 saloons yofsEgs NVh~=[ 1-2-8 spindly siemghig 3@?xca 1-5-20 goodwill WowEnRud. /Iix0[ 1-2-9 suburb GuesHud Ey=y~4 1-6-1 manholes Neyts3 Bup`Y: 1-2-10 sponsor beHyov2 BKi$n# 1-6-2 pothole cigac_ pdl9l> 1-2-11 sheff Veimgio FGcD!! 1-6-3 whiner omcifMya &vm/D' 1-2-12 psalmist RhynAvNun h>zU.X 1-6-4 cuspidor sacCejrou 9SV"!C 1-2-13 harped MofIvkuz9 )9~J%+ 1-6-5 reproofed Soyhoav i?,~.L 1-2-14 residual toshThewg F:)P&m 1-6-6 hairline hykoac J[ewJi 1-2-15 rostrums ShlocElyi PkGnE– 1-6-7 civilizes Kiv!orEld ~?`x[} 1-2-16 whinniest wetOt5 (w,Tl: 1-6-8 sikh GechJi IQ=6W} 1-2-17 typhus DafVeu Eo1N#z 1-6-9 cluster patLuk <4Jn–4 1-2-18 hospices waupmu VvW,`} 1-6-10 kerchiefs VatUc– NCqIqx 1-2-19 bouncer TorkUk hM<==@ 1-6-11 aveline IrfOlvOav 97!]4$ 1-2-20 peep phecial TCDZLL 1-6-12 honour Ubtooj ewxZ–s 1-3-1 bass Baldyug 5@R0_. 1-6-13 subtler Wem9Ques sWjV6E 1-3-2 nixes wrokPavRo ZtDMn~ 1-6-14 racegoer Riddeesh# Qr;;E* 1-3-3 retrieves IvMiods J%41y+ 1-6-15 beverlee ivNill4dr ]gd4nO 1-3-4 bullhead yanRoHid 7%^6Ro 1-6-16 postbag Veblolp+ "Dz0W2 1-3-5 jeroboam coibJee JaHu)a 1-6-17 facet AidLaugDo $F$9k@ 1-3-6 decided hutijTab l7I^0i 1-6-18 splenetic CronckAbr @h@Z6' 1-3-7 razoring Oopdas ;<VO]M 1-6-19 enfilades TrupOz7 j>{6=1 1-3-8 crimsoned NoTwinJul |ak4Iw 1-6-20 stinting beilyig) V^2ma# 1-3-9 nunneries desbofrat ?;I\yI 1-7-1 austrians LysJim\ zi0%<O 1-3-10 hollyanne Deith' `)VT(s 1-7-2 stoking OfDyduk RyKGp3 1-3-11 pedigree omDiar2 z'292s 1-7-3 hales antezOo ieOyHJ 1-3-12 untrue oyndIb @C2LM? 1-7-4 blabbers cruosErod EfUo.C 1-3-13 manful BimubviOg vgbOp( 1-7-5 rockie Gridolfyu %mXg–F 1-3-14 outscores EdAlyiks ;.b\9` 1-7-6 rumples 1ov8quo t*#wDG 1-3-15 partied rarUnudKi >XwJMV 1-7-7 joyfully Cufavju 5t#b$_ 1-3-16 forsake isshoahis |y#y*0 1-7-8 spy cucMenruj sKByNe 1-3-17 dakota JajneLa D.USpe 1-7-9 june ekEsh5 Ctk–i7 1-3-18 nosiness NadEmAtCu S–^GMo 1-7-10 shelve tubokbi Qi[fA? 1-3-19 alternate MelyadKet 8Pi/Ng 1-7-11 canoeist karpeyg ~.'Zft 1-3-20 catharina hokhaidd UZvJA2 1-7-12 exists IcBig$ N`a!&5 1-4-1 deck Leckib QXr@,> 1-7-13 spot bidcoct} z2v–b~ 1-4-2 maxing Tyeckyobr trhjFH 1-7-14 finner yecbok| saO)av 1-4-3 shah GeewQuors !S5+BJ 1-7-15 goriness craypCer {#$ArG 1-4-4 impaneled ratVard 70}]KC 1-7-16 rashest miv5Wild4 bksrO– 1-4-5 vassily Jadeeshk /_z5S_ 1-7-17 reinaldo IjHock B`D4~| 1-4-6 pathos rhoofarhy bBU8ER 1-7-18 diner idEmRekFu )yaNYV 1-4-7 thc earib1 MHfW=N 1-7-19 soddenly VokDidGhi >b]t[} 1-4-8 ridding phuAcInBi 6Rt.%x 1-7-20 fissure Nadfas5 Y!O_+m 1-4-9 folgers Whyogda R0%17V 1-8-1 egotistic Eckoipuj J155y2 1-4-10 birdieing desyeOdd UG|D|} 1-8-2 rimed JemtAd6 9z"o\% ©2011 T. 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