to MANCHESTER HERALD, Tuesday, Nov, 15, 1988 I WIN Career change Season ends Risky paunch “A Winner Every Day... Monday thru Saturday” Bditon selectmen cnN*STiTUTiON s t ’a t e ; Simsbury wears down MHS Big belly can mean , appoint assistant /3 M ANO€SIB<HONCA 24 ADAMS ST. 646-3515 Z38-EVW in state tournament semifinal /19 big heart trouble /II Your *25 check Is waiting at MANCHSTtRrt^rAlf your license number appears somewhere In the classified columns today... .CONNLCTICU: .rZi I ^ N O M E S I HELP WANTED FOR SALE APARTMENTS FUaDIL/CDAL/ FOR RENT Ifwewdod SECRETARY. IRS We­ M A N C H ES TE R . 3 units. 3 thersfield. Full time. family plus one single % Spedolisfi MANCHESTER. Four SEASQNED Hardwood. Typing, phone, filing family. Enloy the pri­ room apartment In­ $100/cord, dumped skills required. Solory vacy of o single family cludes heat, hot water, load. $60/16 cord load. $14,574. Coll 240-4067. with the added feature appliances. Adults pre­ Delivered locally. Tel­ of Investment prop­ ferred, no pets, non- ephone, 875-7308. RN/LPN Baylor Supervl- i s n CARPENTRY/ smokers. Security and sor. We hove on open­ erty. Close to down­ MMCELLANE0U8 JlanrliPHlpr Uprali town and shopping, ISEJremooeung ELECTRICAL SERVICES references. $600. 643- ing for a Supervisor 9257 or 649-2623. PETS AND highway and buslines. position every wee­ CLEANING Service. SUPPLIES kend. 7pm-7om. For Asking $179,500. Pres­ FMRAND REM0DEUN4 TWO Bedroom Duplex. tige Properties, Better Home or office. Day, WILL PAINT TO Appliances, no utili­ more Information, night, w e e k e n d . Room sddftlona, docks, roofing, GELSOM INO please coll Director of Homes and Gardens, ties. $500 per month AQUARIUMS. 5 and 10 Weekly specials. Reg­ tidino, windows and gutters. PLEASE pollon with hoods, Wednesday, N dv. 16, 1988 Nursing, AAondoy- 859-0775, evenings, 537- Bsekhos end bulldozsr ssrvica ELECTR IC from your pUturm or elidg plus security deposit. Manchester, Ccnn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents 0143. Broker/Owner. ina Ronlerl, 6454)682. RssMsrrtlsI iwicing spsolsllst. Coll otter 5pm, 646-2930. stand, pumps and Frlday, 9om-3pm, avsIlsMa. Cell Sob Fsrrsnd. Jr. In wmiorcoior or merylle much more. $100.00. Crestfleld Convales- Free lasUmslss. W EST Side location. This Bmrboro Loppen - MANCHESTER. Thanks­ Coll 646-2888._________ cent, 643-5151.________ CLEANING Bbs. 647-8S09 3 bedroom Cope syle Scrvtdne Hm MonckMlw a Wll- 568-7748 giving special. Rest of llnwfinc OTM. HoiMtl and rolla- R98. 645-6849 643-1710 November rent free. FR EE To good home. TRAINING. Nurse Aide home Is located on Loving and affection­ classes beginning soon Lyness Street. FI re­ Mn couM* I* doon your hom«, Large 1 ond 2 bedroom to train fora rewarding ofnea or Kdndaim. t wort tx- 8A8 HOME condos With all ap­ ate 5 mo. old mole placed living room porlwica and raftroncM. Call DUMAS e l e c t r k : kitten. Grov tiger/ ex­ lob os o Nurse Aide. dining room ond o nice pliances. $625 and $695 Lourtn for a troa tdlmott. IMPROVEMENTS Elaetrlosl ispsirs, Includes heat and hot ceptional markings. Fold training period treed loti $130's. Blan­ sddsd wiring. HANDYMAN end Needs home. 647-0897 Weiss cites 742-02S7 A REPAIRS water. Beckwith 8, with Increase after 90 chard 8i Rossetto Real­ Today, did you pay somoono eves. days. Call 643-5151, "No Job Too Small" Componv, 521-0306. tors," We're Selling Rsgislersd end Fully Insured for do4ng notMngT HAULING Crestfleld Convales­ Houses" 646-2482.0 SOUTH BOLTON Coll me, Joseph Dumss si M A N C H ES TE R . Onebed- cent Home, Monches- FREE ESTIMATES Any Job — Anytime room Townhouse for IMI8GELLANEDU8 ter, Connecticut. SOUTH Manchester. Su­ CLEANIND SERVICE. 94e«283 srMM912(,s.) rent. Fully oppllonced Ifdbsale perior 7 room, 2 both INC. Call Gary 075-3483 kitchen, wall to wall Colonial built In 1896. carpeting, fireplace. Beautifully maintained Commercial / Residential PAINTINfi/ EIGHT month old water- successes, Fully Ineured S Bonded. HEATINO/ $595/month dius utlll- bed, $325. Cour^ouse CARPENTERS by present owners. PAPERING PLUMBINfl tles. 649-2369._________ Fireplace and 2 car 047-1545 One Gold membership, Framing, garage. $180's. Blan­ M A N C H ES TE R . Onebed- 1216 months left for NAME your own reaso­ i m room, wall to wall car­ $450. Compared to reg­ Sheetrbcking, chard & Rossetto Real­ nable price. Father 8, PJ’s PlunMno. Heating 6 tors," We're Selling peting, appliances, ular price of $700 plus. Vinyl, Trim Work, OOOKKEEPINB/' Son Painting and Pap­ Air Ganinilening RELISBLE M0VIN8 Eric 649-3426.P________ Houses" 646-2482.0 Boilers, pumps, hot water heot and olr condition­ Experience. Call INCOME TAX ering. Removal. 291- Low, Low Ratos. ing. No pets. Cleon. 8567. tanks, new and POOL Table-Sears. Good takes biame MANCHESTER 7 room, replacements. Short notice moves. $525/month. Available condition. $300. Coll af­ L-shaped Ranch lo­ COMPLETE Bookkeep­ Insured. Oopsndsble December 1st. 647-9138. ter 3:30pm or leave cated on private, child- WALL DOCTORS FHEE ESTIMATES 647-5756 ing and accounting ser­ Walloper hanging 24 Ysars exp^sncs In MANCHESTER. 2 bed­ messoge. 568-1903. By Andrew Yurkovsky safe cul-de-sac In vo- vices a vailable to 643-9649/226-9616 room, heot, hot water, Manchester Herald Weiss happy directors clnlty of Porter Street. specialist. Expert work moving MUST Sell. Univego small business owmers. at reosonabie rates. Free appliances. $590. Mountain Bike. $175. now realize job worth 3 bedrooms, baths, Pick up and delivery estimates. Residential IMISGELLANEOUS 646-9660 Anytime Adults preferred. No 643-0334.______________ Town Manager Robert B Weis.<! — story on page 3 family room and more. service also. Coll 289- pets. 647-9876, and commercial. Must Sell. Unlvego D E L IV E R Y Person and Immaculate condition. 6961. Steve Koski, 647-8201 (services evenings._____________ admitted major problems in the Coshler/Clerk for mod­ Much larger than ap­ Mountain Bike. $275. past year but affirmed his belief Bill Olson. 828-8364 BDLTDN. 16 modern du- our daily newspapers, there have ern phormocv. Full or pears from front. Must CARPENTRY/ GSL ^ouldlng^MaUite’- 643-0334. in taking innovative approaches nonce Co. Commercl- plex, 3 bedrooms, 1V6 been considerable achievemonl.'- port time. Flexible be seen. Flono Realty W all Papering & G A Y & S O N to town government in his final hours. Not the usual 646-5200. $210,000.o ISSIremooelino al/ResIdentlol building baths, fireplace, cellar, over the past several years in all P a in tin g MASONRY biennial report to the Board of retail store. Profes­ repoirs and home Im­ all electric, solar hot departments under my juri.sdic- BOLTON. Spectacular Rssidsntlal, Commercial, provements. Interior Brick, block and stons, water, large wooded ENDROLLS Directors Tuesday. sional atmosphere. RENOVATWNVFLUS ceramic III#, marble and 27W width - 259 tion,” Weiss wrote in his report Top poy. Apply at once new Contemporary In Rsfsrsncss A Insurance. and exterior painting, lot, close to 1384. Avail­ Weiss, who will retire after 23 Complote Inter, and concrsit. 13% width - 2 for 289 "Most successes as well as to: Ann or Pharmacist, Birch Mt. area. Fea­ Exter. Home Marty Mattson, M9-4431 light carpentry. Com­ No lob Isteesmolll able January 1st. $750 years of service next June, ii.sted tures 4 bedrooms, 7'/i plete lanitorlal ser­ per month + deposit -f MUST b* pleked up M th* failures cannot necessarily be Liggett Pharmacy, Maintenance Custom HaraM Offica Monday thru 11 major issues facing the town Monchester Porkode. baths. Custom oak Gory McHugh, 643-9321 vice. Experienced, rel­ 282-7141 o r 627-1973 references. 649-5678 attributable to one individual." Painting and Papering Thuraday baton 11 a.m.only. over the next few years. Tho.se stairs and oak cabinets iable, free estimates. evenings. But he added that his adminis­ PR O DU CTIO N Workers. with clear glass. Fire- Repair or Renew Ceil­ 643-0304.______________ included space needs for govern­ Ice Cream Manufac­ ings, Wells, etc. Rec. MANCHESTER. 1st tration has had a history of placed family room. ROOFINO/ HOLIDAY House. Retire­ floor, 2 bedrooms, 116 ment operations. deterioration of turer has Immediate All this and much more Rooms, Decks and Light WANTED TD pursuing innovative ways of opening for production Carpentry Roofing, 8I0IN6 ment living, ambula­ RENT A RUNNER baths. $600 a month streets and sidewalks, protection on V/t wooded acres. tory, home-llke plus utilities, security BUY/TRADE improving services that have workers. Full benefits. $325,000. Flano Realty Gutter Repair and 6raeiry 6 Eirand of the town landfill and planning Apply: Royal Ice Cleaning. otmoshpere. Call 649- 8, references. No pets. for future methods of trash frequently saved the town money. 646-5200. $210,000.o 2358. RlBBlBf SBrvIcB 643-2121.______________ WANTED by Student. ‘"The few failures, which unfor­ Cream, 27 Warren UMLOmSPEOML disposal and affordable housing. H&R We will do your grocery Used non-working tunately may result, should not Street, Manchester. M A N C H ES TE R . New to Cleaning — On call Min- HAWKES THEE ser v ice AVAILABLE Imme- The report from the manager the market. The pri­ shopping end othsr dlotelv, 1 bedroom VCRs. Will buy or deter the board’s willingness to S40-80K PER YEA R . No- tenance Quick Refur­ R O O n N G Buekal, truck 8 ohippsr. Stump trade. 568-6471. coincides with the biennial re­ tlonol Wholesale Je­ vate enclosed bock- bishing or Remodeling Ng |oM IM Wt «MM 6IMM. MNI errands while you work or apartment. $545. Heat Patrick Flynn/ManehMlcr Hcnid continue to encourage the man­ work 7 wiMi |oM gomfMg rsmoMl.
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