■ I /1' " -b.?"-SSSSI5 ■ --------------------------------- ■— ''.,U- ~ C : ' - :;[ t 8 ^ m m i S S n5^7/T997 _____ ^_______ ^L5U________ TVin M is. Idaho/’o/92nd y ear. N o . 250 Sctntfcty- S c p c e m • . • <1 : • *1 "W—^ • te GaODMC )R--IM N C; Y y iy WEATHER ^ - — rotsf^ii:llasdr.. ______ st' smn^ai■andwana. • ■ -• S5to9a. Funineral features teah Clintons, Am(merica react - A2 Kind. son^-lg, brother’s boldmI ness TV coveverage - A8 PageA2 LfijjM I J ' / ____ _ TTieAasojsociated Press _____________ ' Muslims’consnspiracy fears - A9 ----- $ M agic V.^i.E\- 3ND0N'— Tears and flower',-ers and a-fletied im the tni|nigcdy iliat snaichi-d thi' ^ B 3 le lhc-I’rinccsi:>f-W .ile' i^ S r^ '5 B l - uiccmwnsolahlti crowds followed Uia:Diana to injpeifett herfune ^lor- ~ - if e j [v.ir- .VV^TfiEE ~Herfimlinai resting place in EnRland'-rid'Tprcen — fm m thdrlive^ini i\ dav- I'iirlier. ^r-*' •'•\\» |3g9 hillsSiiS atu rd ay , in an extraordinar>’ryday<if i! cirinl’ariNjusf.i\i id s A l^ Uanie tlijit we cnihl ii»: hderinr sjA*;. , V l n f i l ^ pagoan;anio’ nnd proud rributc fromm a land “ It is such a ^!la H |3 : sad and smiling princcfw spoke:)ke long- h av e d o n e th is :orfor her in life," s.uii om- . ' tl’'-’ ^“1 ;P' mni^ ■ ' inrfyol/ ot fleeing. ' jTian o u tsid e Ken'-iH'-iiiglon I’alac e, “ mi slie laisatsedznooey , |(H |r9 Bofoi;fo rf h e r la,st journey n o rth ,, to a pri- could h a v e knownU howI we felt." rSnedal ’ .■ ^»urial in the tranquilityy oof her In the agiMild tiaditiontn of a l.(XK) year- brother old monarchy, thele day was well scripted, kfcCs^lfe^RSl anccst:L'Stral h om e, D iana’s lo y a l bri fj.s'hedcd ouf a? rhe media rhai liurin irt h e r. Bui it w"is th e oneletext that didn’t appear TJ»aTTT3TTKTTI <JUIT?V ^ at a roj-.il family in ^vhidi she ststarred in the pre-publislielied program — th e euli>- □ Idaha :lic most hizarre life im asinahle.ble." g>- by th e Harl Sjwi[wn'cer — th a t e le ttrifie d Pa^Bl Andnd hefiirc she was lowered inninto that the mourners wiiviihin and withoul the . ar>' RT,ivu the British j>e«)ple* in their an cie n t ablK-y. "'"milimn:iiin?? potirwl out their hearts in :ia rm al------ L.:\sJie.stuod.iivai-ar Hiaiia's <iiffin in hal-_____ :! When it’s go n e Thailsiclswbenjbn well — in the c<x>l m orning outsiiitsideher lowed Westi: iii'lisier .\^bey. he ripped ipiT' and pimiographers know -w H a i y o u ^ goo,; Kt'aMnisington Palace home, in the spa:sparkjing into the nev.^iiapi b b e y , on w ho h a d iii.id< i■ •I-i •■ihetiMM h u n te d |>er- ■; Colimuiist Siere CrnniTTn^tAQ I^HjM iTiidda;day sun at Westminster Abbt ' bm ddon's o r Ixniterards and pn in d plazjilazjis. stin o f th e miKU n^ ‘ -jusrScStasontoasD^ hey cried at the couraRC of>f I’I’rin ce “ H ie re is no ilmiii!du tlia! sill- ”.vas look- - ' Thov rection in'ber.life at this P ^ B l ^ r^S ^6?1 WilliaiHam. 15. and Prince Harry,•y,"I2, ' as ing for a new dirii : walked iK-hind their m other’st ’s ifuner- time,“ Sixrncer ~ljd.sip. "She ta lk e d endles-^, :£f >•»«.'■ "■ ay from England, mainly . ^ “ “ ■“““"■^"■^7“ al corttirtege. ly o f g e ttin g aw:iy ; S r o R - r e 'IllL-Vliey sanii along‘witii h y m a s of)f olo lJ a n d l>ecause of th e tre;reatment she n^-eived at 'a n d \- in th e h a n d s <if the ijewspajTers.iji - g .-._ T I iiii i ~ r r - i r " ^ “------------C G sn io e ttttlto d ltafP rin n ss Diana n a Saturday a t tli oin n'. lohii’s new version of “Can' Title fime The A p ^ (a s the funeral pro- iIk- WWii iiul." tiedicaied to “ E ng land'srosSrs d 's i S rf'ae 1C Btta*0|L rSBBfc gauiptitndl as |Py titdr lost respects 2 Picase see DIANA. Par-.- sS ut mostly they su>od a n d w atclitidled and ^ Invitstdonal came to» a a I d n ^ « i& B aaete«2»tBglJiaaDit3iranaiff.g^p.tBe^KRCsrfiiiiril^ estataam4 i CDiana’s burial place. «»« i the rhampinrtAip gSDzine ; SaturdayatCSL P ag eC l LJEARN^ I N G TX )A D J1n j s T ning for trio o f reci|,‘ipients... - -— — 2 rnonihsaftaroi■ onset of welfare rereform, the tran.siriition is just beginni n N FJiLLIi - 5j= = £ JE ia? insut i r a "1 r b s r :is i!v I j t a s s a C j .i. ji ^snuiit - T s z re sr oe -urcg- j i i iy a t r s . ifaor; i sp^3=ia~s»s bsr jnoisI P P s:r;ei=- ----- ----------------^ c.£ sndsiderrrs R ood tO ■ - - — . • bTfcSf*c; — i Bai^;efed:6c^ State.ne.csneig) =r==: I^orar II just short to \^iscarCTisn,'Kiioic3S s3sbss=s ^ z s : '.iacsj'sawJiaiSssrsaa: ^ TTi?c<ring W g ^ c m a n h fop^Kon q if io:r«=' 1 D ay i^ ___ ^ tbff = i5 ^ ' OT* ir Kds’gamKTod^’sU.; US. Open •■'0:3.3. Je=^c iUfCts 3= are 7-^-^f ":0 jiiiih: imnJim- i _. - ■■ -' —- chamjriandi^ win jnaEnaidiiBWO.- jmingest fTn3li<?<; eveiv = P :geC 4 . -~-~v»— ifleHjrc .at«isu cjc:£ ssis>tszr— rr>~;.r £Cii i rrq ia T s D s s c dip isi '•rxk 2=i£ =Liir* cas tV p w f f l H ■: F a m i l y L i f e %7^-M ■ 'J'” " — [’ I saeam,ytw scream.im_:_Adav, nsG SZisr *■ i -jutck ar gcjijniw inthelife-ofanisncs*eram ioe-----__-c=E Ms^»>ic-w.iga*s7vT-r sa r fg lysrisT zi>ai£ jl -.nb 'OC: &Ki:&k ^ -'T 'I cream laifc ? c a sr» n z -= !i ^ r —’T-j u p?DJC DJ -»al iw i iuciic >:n:txair i • • I J^H ^ AT : = ^ >=12 -G7 ‘la -wot ; O p i n i o n im ais.. J • _________ fu ;;a > ac''sc p;22l*r ct-sBsmice. =^=Stay‘OatriE55Fcaiii^S^BJSifca ---- -) ~rtrisi obstade to u a u g pub3fiWirian'i^ ■ d>G is. ^ - W •'•IC ■S«irtis»£. 'LU 11 i' i b B ^' I' ' I sss-vojc. z i c o j c t z i d c m L . »a : todays e<£tanal sajTS.5^ PageA14 I M O N F i ' RevessasaicflsrtzDe T!=I'X-. -w-ber -.-siitr-e-r^funn Sizing Dp wages: A looklo( ai local ia^i ~ r£. C=i -a:*:* sc -iC effects rf die lECsmainoeaseii: i rea^- uat. rm t ti bs: cr:'"ix^ -m Jf -Vj- csi£ii =iiitr a '111r &ittr a t tho Twin Falls County Falf beforelie Cox begins a temporary the miniinum wage.^ P ^ ^ IS - = Cstess Oix and t»o off hiher daughters. Amanda. G. and AsiAshlej, 3. spend time together at t »£32 as'■E^SSE. ="42:aaid - la&ataftiicticketbootft.th. S e c t i o n b y Ss i E cn o N ----- rv-- :--^----------—TT W ^ : SecBonA Sece c & m C --------- ■ ■ .•.'.I W e a lte r_____ _ 2 Spons p o f ----------w . ■ .M Uioriliissenes U s ta r Peterson” . N atio n ______ S-7 IJtrej' tr e ___ 5-s , saesBHBCesflceBCrf 31r iiias-^ lonks over tha RotBa Wortil_____ S '!! Sa^aweaxBBc.**®em'9^eBtma:xwSBMm. Jaktn*- ■ W$pftj3idart.Dr.r. ____ laalio.... 1?-13 . S;m ^ o n D _ CWn^TBTtr"* "iuiijne— HatotLatsteln.t.__ "' ^ '> ' iies5^T-a-S2— -^^5S 5' iBdurewIeil^Ws s.t«atf«ttrtsc«t«c*^3^L 2-.. ptffenirspftysical B 5.»ag'aaa.<BMat3Bcatt5g-^ r s S j j p Section B seciecBonE • Umit3ttoa.‘'nm ^ ‘ ■ i^\aieyW .7 STji|y’L n 5 _ l-:i2 ' ROtsteilst s _ PttBannrilerate y u . - . " ^ Otntuaries—, -.5 j K S K r t . ___ 5 'r' ^^■■ S s b ^ I k Idaho..------- D5 3f bsvasunsUele ^ ^ ■ S S U n earAbt^’----- 5 ll^s«^teJIt^^o^ Communi^ — 5 jjican itovis____7 Y^ -— manttetftapast - -lunchmenus_7 - • iBlnllBg^casdoad'j*- twotnofltftsamtnt . West-------- 7-8 wasBnBttfatBpiiyTf iiiiii lii i i i j TinimniifTiiniillrfrrtrTI ■■. Msmortgagfc.B. {gs^^gg^aagritfaejnn^'S — ™ mill uiiHiii tf»^rTr• * g ’BeiaifciW P '^ MMBK.itaK^^kK^>asSaBS3nUfi3B.OB. ____________• '*»*=«aOK- - --- '"/■atmmgan^iv^aC ' I ^ C I a ^iified l I ^ . 3^ 2 SI'22' ^S u. S t o r y li l L i z W r i g h t : BAofTWoFdls ' m ■ :s- ■ x ' ss ' soUaniototlnnietr «E- 2Er,cs.3,' : b j ' ^ iS S P h o t o s b y DD ta r i n O s w a l d U BTlm esllnKniailnattaSjAace. 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1 .L , , E x t . i ---------------------— ------ > •-.J ^ - : r ------* 2-r!tee»*w -?i«eSiri».WtiMM a* Sili.hy^icfint)irT1<WI—■ „ . ,TF . _______________ : ___ SOBS a i f B I 4 H - ay Thursday Twin Falls ' C c m o s R c M ie Today Mononday . Tuesdalay Wednesday ~9 5S ' : ^ & * :aSI u t»: A> [ Mjritti pdaiT - Laavcar 80 '37 NfmuJ^ ito.» aintc -t-* . Normal S4 . •*$ ^ ■ irf-. c.ii;i.iS in ih.- ^ Wairr»«r»;5aE= '*^5 .
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