Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Bonn Non-vanishing square-integrable automorphic cohomology classes - the case GL(2) over a central division algebra by Joachim Schwermer Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Preprint Series 2020 (48) Date of submission: September 10, 2020 Non-vanishing square-integrable automorphic cohomology classes - the case GL(2) over a central division algebra by Joachim Schwermer Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik Faculty of Mathematics Vivatsgasse 7 University Vienna 53111 Bonn Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1 Germany 1090 Vienna Austria MPIM 20-48 1 NON-VANISHING SQUARE-INTEGRABLE AUTOMORPHIC 2 COHOMOLOGY CLASSES - THE CASE GL(2) OVER A CENTRAL 3 DIVISION ALGEBRA 4 JOACHIM SCHWERMER Abstract. Let k be a totally real algebraic number field, and let D be a central divi- sion algebra of degree d over k. The connected reductive algebraic k-group GL(2;D)=k has k-rank one; it is an inner form of the split k-group GL(2d)=k. We construct auto- morphic representations π of GL(2d)=k which occur non-trivially in the discrete spec- trum of GL(2d; k) and which have specific local components at archimedean as well as non-archimedean places of k so that there exist automorphic representations π0 of 0 GL(2;D)(Ak) with Ξ(π ) = π under the Jacquet-Langlands correspondence. These re- quirements depend on the finite set VD of places of k at which D does not split, and on 0 the quest to construct representations π of GL(2;D)(Ak) which either represent cusp- idal cohomology classes or give rise to square-integrable classes which are not cuspidal, that is, are eventually represented by a residue of an Eisenstein series. The demand for cohomological relevance gives strong constraints at the archimedean components. 5 1. Introduction ∗ 6 1.1. The square-integrable cohomology groups H(sq)(G; C). Let G be a reductive al- 7 gebraic group over a totally real algebraic number field k, and suppose that G modulo its 8 radical has k-rank greater than zero. We write G1 for the group Rk=Q(G)(R) of real points 9 of the algebraic Q-group Rk=Q(G) obtained from G by restriction of scalars, and K1 for a 10 maximal compact subgroup of G1. Within the framework of the automorphic cohomology ∗ 11 H (G; C) of a reductive algebraic group G over k one has the notion of square-integrable co- ∗ ∗ 12 homology (see Section 8 for details). This subspace of H (G; C), to be denoted H(sq)(G; C), 2 13 reflects the contribution of the discrete spectrum Ldisc;J (G) of G to the cohomology. It 2 14 contains the cuspidal spectrum Lcusp;J (G). In fact, there is a decomposition 2 2 2 (1.1) Ldisc;J (G) = Lcusp;J (G) ⊕ Lres;J (G) 2 15 where the complement Lres;J (G) denotes the residual spectrum of G. Each constituent of 2 16 Lres;J (G) can be structurally described in terms of residues of Eisenstein series attached 17 to irreducible representations occurring in the discrete spectra of the Levi components of 18 proper parabolic k-subgroups of G. 19 On the cohomological level, this presents itself as a chain of inclusions ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (1.2) Hcusp(G; C) ⊂ H! (G; C) ⊂ H(sq)(G; C) ⊂ H (G; C): Date: January 2, 2020. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 11F75, 11F70; Secondary 22E40, 22E55. Key words and phrases. automorphic representations, cohomology of arithmetic groups. This work was partly carried through during my stay in the fall term 2017 at the School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, and then pursued at the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics, Bonn; I gratefully acknowledge the funding at the IAS, provided by the Charles Simonyi Endowment, as well as the support at the MPIM.. 1 2 JOACHIM SCHWERMER ∗ 1 where Hcusp(G; C), the cuspidal cohomology of G, corresponds to the cuspidal spectrum. ∗ 2 The so-called interior cohomology H! (G; C), a topologically defined object, is sandwiched 3 between two analytically defined cohomology groups. 4 1.2. Non-vanishing results for the square-integrable cohomology of GL(2;D). The 5 question arises how one can detect non-vanishing square-integrable cohomology classes in ∗ 6 H(sq)(G; C) and related automorphic representations. In this paper we study this problem 7 in the case of the general linear group GL(2;D) over a finite-dimensional central division 8 algebra D of degree d > 1, defined over a totally real algebraic number field k. The group 9 GL(2;D)=k is an inner form of the general linear group GL(2d)=k. 10 Two ingredients are essential in this investigation: Firstly, the global Jacquet-Langlands 11 correspondence by Badulescu [2] and Badulescu-Renard [3] which relates via an injective 12 map, to be denoted Ξ, the set of the irreducible constituents of the discrete spectrum 13 of GL(2;D)(Ak) with the set of the irreducible constituents of the discrete spectrum of 14 GL(2d; k) (see Section 3 for details). 0 15 Secondly, we have to construct automorphic representation π = ⊗ π of GL(2d)=k v2Vk v 16 which occur non-trivially in the discrete spectrum of GL(2d; k) and which have specific local 17 components at archimedean as well as non-archimedean places of k so that there exists a 0 0 0 0 18 corresponding automorphic representation π = ⊗ π of GL(2;D)( ) with Ξ(π ) = π. v2Vk v Ak 19 These requirements depend on D, more precisely, on the finite set VD of places of k at 0 20 which D does not split, and on the quest to construct representations π of GL(2;D)(Ak) 21 which either represent cuspidal cohomology classes or give rise to square-integrable classes 22 which are not cuspidal, that is, are eventually represented by a residue of an Eisenstein 23 series. The demand for cohomological relevance gives strong constraints at the archimedean 24 components of πv, v 2 Vk;1. 25 We finally construct three different kinds of non-vanishing square-integrable cohomology ∗ 26 classes in H(sq)(G; C) (see Theorems 8.1, 7.3, and 8.5): ∗ 27 (a) classes in the cuspidal cohomology H(cusp)(GL(2;D); C) which correspond to a cus- 28 pidal representation of GL(2d; k), ∗ 29 (b) classes in the cuspidal cohomology H(cusp)(GL(2;D); C) which correspond to a resid- 30 ual representation of GL(2d; k), ∗ 31 (c) non-cuspidal classes in H(sq)(GL(2;D); C) which correspond to a residual represen- 32 tation of GL(2d; k) of a type different from the one occuring in (b). 33 1.3. Example. We illustrate these results by the following example: Let k be a totally 34 real field of degree [k : Q] = 4, and let D be a central division algebra of degree 2 over 0 35 k. Suppose that jVDj = 6 and that V1;k ⊂ VD. Then the cuspidal representation π 36 of GL(2;D)(Ak) constructed in Theorem 8.1 contributes non-trivially to the cuspidal co- ∗ 0 0 37 homology Hcusp(H ; C) of H = GL(2;D) in degrees 8; 9; 10; 11; 12, that is, in a range of 38 degrees centered around the middle dimension 10. By contrast, the cuspidal representation 39 constructed in Theorem 7.3 contributes non-trivially in degrees 4; 7; 10; 13; 16. The cohomol- 40 ogy class obtained via the residual spectrum contributes in degree 4 to the square-integrable 41 cohomology. Note that these residual classes are carried at the archimedean components 42 by the same irreducible non-tempered unitary representation as the non-tempered cuspidal 43 classes. 44 1.4. We describe two of the results obtained in a more precise way. 45 Theorem 1.1. Given a totally real number field k of degree `, let D be a finite-dimensional 46 central division algebra over k of degree d > 1. Let VD ⊂ Vk be the finite set of places of k at SQUARE-INTEGRABLE AUTOMORPHIC COHOMOLOGY CLASSES - GL(2;D) 3 1 which D does not split. Let t denote the number of archimedean places in VD, and suppose 0 0 2 that t > 0. Then there exist automorphic representations π = ⊗ π of GL(2;D)( ) v2Vk v Ak 3 which occur as irreducible constituents in the residual spectrum of GL(2;D)(Ak), whose 0 4 archimedean components πv are irreducible non-tempered unitary representation of GL(d; H) 5 for v 2 VD \ Vk;1 (resp. of GL(2d; R) for v 2 Vk;1, v2 = VD), and which give rise to a ∗ 6 non-trivial cohomology class in H(sq)(GL(2;D); C) that is not cuspidal. 7 The proof relies on the description of the residual spectrum of GL(2d; Ak) in [36] and an 8 explicit construction of an irreducible tempered representation of GL(d; Ak) with prescribed 9 local and global properties, aligned with the demands (see Proposition 3.4) defined by the 10 Jacquet-Langlands correspondence. 0 0 11 We will give the archimedean components πv; v 2 Vk;1, of the representation π in the 12 Theorem in a precise form in Section 4, denoted by JR(2; θ) in the case of the group 0 0 13 GL(2d; ), and denoted by J (2; θ ) in the case of GL(d; ). These two representations R R H 14 correspond to one another by the local Jacquet-Langlands correspondence. In the latter 15 case, the Poincare polynomial is given in Proposition 4.2.
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