Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 11-4-1976 The Guardian, November 4, 1976 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/guardian Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1976). The Guardian, November 4, 1976. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Ungijt ^tate (Suarbtan tBtfurBliad, Sfauember 4. 1975 Bagtan. (iHjto Uol 13 Jfteut IB Students organize tuition hike fight BY RON WL'KESON going to demand that they in- Guardian Staff Writer crease our taxes." Lynch commented that outside Students Against Tuition Hikes support might not involve taxes, met Wednesday afternoon to but rather the shifting of prior- organize an opposition group ities in state budgeting. against impending tuition in- "I don't think that we should creases. confine it to just student sup- A biennium budget cut of i.3 port," maintained Lynch. "We percent in state funds has result- have to have other people who ed in three specific measures wifi support us. I can't see doing according to vice president An- one without the other." drew P Spiegel to deal with the Possible routes for gathering decrease: initiating a program to outside support. Lynch suggest- increase enrollment, budget ed. are to hit local PTAs showing cuts/maintaining vacancies in that higher education for their positions, and tuition increases. children will be more expensive, The group, having been in- and that educational needs in all formed by Caucus chaircr Ed levels deserves higher priority Silver that Winter quarter's tui- from the state's end. tions will probably not increase, The AFL-CIO could also be is aiming for acting against reached in terms of colleges Spring quarter increases. Fees needing to meet the needs of are expected to rise from SIO to modern technology and industry. S80. Lynch further suggested that Caucus vice-chairer Jayne public service announcements Lynch who led the meeting, could be used to gather outside suggested that goals be set for support. the immediate situation. "What we really need is stu- These goals include the initi- dent support." stated Karen ation of austerity programs, Murphy, an organizer of the which Lynch foresees being meeting. "Discuss it with Students met in an OclmaA hall auditorium yesterday to / i an attc- A against the tuition hikes that an- active in three ways: using sur- friends, find out how they feel the not so distant future. I Hubert Marcum photograph| veys to gauge student feelings about it." about changes desired in budget- The immediate goal of the ing priorities; surveying the com- group is to double or triple their itfs ask retraction. munity to gauge whether WSU number to have a workable and BY THOM BEYERLEIN The agreement. Savage said, permitted to be shown on the meets community needs: and unified working force. Informa- (•uardian EtfMM provided that: WSU campus if it proves accept auditing WSU's budget and push tion sheets about WSU's tuitions able under the new guidelines. for changes in budgeting prior- and arguments against raising Student leaders say that unless * Negotiations get underway ities in correlation with the re- them are being made by Dick the University retracts a press between student representatives Jayne Lyhch. Liberal Arts rep- sults of the above surveys Licberman. to be distributed to release issued last Wednesday, and administration officials to set resentative for Student Caucus, Lynch also expressed interest student mailboxes by the next the plaintiffs in the Deep Throat guidelines for future film presen- called the agreement "fictic- in looking into a possible a escrow- meeting on Wednesday. Novem- obscenity trial will refuse- to tations. to determine what may ious." and said the 29 plaintiffs account. which was a procedure ber 10 at 1:00. negotiate with administrators on be considered "obscene" by Un- in the action "fevi .xgotiations used by AMioch a few years ago. Pam Axley is in charge of determining guidelines for future iversity standards. Past Supreme couldn't start in good faith" until While not all students at the looking into the use of buttons Mini showings and seek immedi- Court 7ulings on obscenity would the press release in which the meeting agreed on the effective- and bumper stickers to promote ate relief in Dayton Federal be used in the preparation of plan is spelled out is fully ness of involving outside sup- the group's aims. District court. these guidelines. retracted b> the University. port. Lynch was insistent that. Ultimately, the group hopes to Gordon Savage, one of the Lynch said she spoke Tuesday "\t. you can get people who are unify students from universities three lawyers retained by the * Further litigation be incurred with American Civil Liberties (vji expected to get upset...the throughout Ohio in an effort to Wright Stale administration to if no agreement is reached within Union attorney Leonard community at large, then you can persuade the state government to represent the defense, said a 40 days of the first student-ad- Schwartz, who at that time also get something started." see higher education as deserv- three point pact was reached by ministration talks. denied that any agreement had Ed Silver argued "It's hard to ing higher financial priority. attorneys for both the defense been reached, according to believe that irate citizens are and the plaintiffs last Tuesday. * The film Deep Th'oat will be (continued on page 10) Silver predicts no winter tuition hike BY RON WL'KESON draw" items, and basically Guardian Staff Writer things Univetsity Center board wouldn't handle. Winter Quarter will probably Caucus hopes to be notified by see no tuitor. increases, said Ed Lt Governor Celeste about the Silver. Sutdent Caucus chairer at possibility of having him speak at the Monday. November 1 Caucus WSU about tuition hikes. meeting. Concern was expressed about According to Silver, this in- (he ambiguities in a recently-dis- formation c.iroe from "a pretty tributed survey about extending reliable source." Silver contin- library hours. ued that most other ..olieges face "Arcn',i you spinning your at least a J10 increase next wheels on this?" said Dean of quarter. Students Pollock. » visitor to the In the area of old Business meeting. Pollock suggested that Caucus unanimously elected Dick extending library hours might be Lieberman and Nancy Knight to impractical in face of impending the artist and lecture series budget cuts. T^e words "often" board. Chairer Silver said that and "sometimes" wcr<- also this board would deal with fine questioned for their lack of spec- Which of these cars, parked in the B-lot near Attyn Hall. have a dead? \Hobert Marcum srts or theatre rather than "big (continued on page 3) 2 GUARDIAN November 4, 1V76 Spiegel tells Council of tuition increase task force ol long tisiactorv grades before final BY DAVE VETTER Jane Lynch, liberal arts repre- Spiegel said that over a year approval. Guardian Slaff Writer sentative for Student Caucus, ago Frommeycr discussed leav \ ademic asked Spiegel when the decision In addition, .lane Lynch an naein the nounced Caucus approval for Hob Executive Vice-President An- to increase tuition will be nude ilines'.. bat it wasn't until recent- drew I' Spiegr! told Ac.demic and if it will be announced in a Brandt as a non-voting member Council Morula* that due t" a public meeting of Student Caucus, representing the Medical School. lack of funds, a task force has Spiegel replied the school is been ir mated to consider the uncertain when any definite a/i possibility of an increase in svier will be available, but com- iuitton for the winter quarter, mented. We will meet with the "This year we (Wright State! Student Caucus when wo decide, has a sufficient decrease in which could verv well be some Library may leak forever enrollment and can't earn our time in November." subsidies.'" Spiegel staled, "hut Spiegel stated that although HA MVKI.E WII.IIAV.SON skvlight leaks, we get the people there are several measures to be the deficit is substantial, as yet Guardian Staff W riter in to work on it." considered" besides the tuition there has been no budget cuts Seavci continued, "it's norma! increases, he said. and assured the Council thai "we Although repair work ha* been occurrence in any skylight con- struction There is so much "There wili be some selected are not it, a panic." done a number of times it; the dean of the library, said "The expansion and contraction that budget aits." Spiegel continued, Reconfirmed was Spiegel's past three years. Charles Scavcr. skvlight is under a 10 year they do come apart." "along with several capital cut- statement that Konald From nicy - director of the Physical plant warranty and is the responsibility He went on to say that there is backs. We are also limiting the cr was not asked to resign his feels the University library's sky- of the contractors." no danger to any of the students. filling of vacancies that are now position as dean of the University light may still be leaking when "The skylight is still under "It's a double glass unit. The available and new ones that library, but his leaving was due April showers fall on tile Wright warranty to the contractors." interior is scaled so that they will become available later." to illness.
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