i DOCUMENT RESUME TE 000 485 ED 021 836 By-McLaughlin, Frank, Ed PICK OF THE (SHORT) FLICKS. Pub Date Oct 67 Note- 4p. , Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 (Subscription:$3.00 Available from- Media and MethodsInstitute, Inc., 134 N. 13th St., per year. Single copy$0.40). Journal Cit- The Teachers Guide toMedia and Methods; v4 n2 p28-30Oct 1967 aRs Price MF-$0.25 HC-$0.24 INSTRUCTION, *FILMS MASS MEDIA Descriptors-*AUDIOVISUAL AIDS, *ENGLISH and Five experts suggest alist of 50 short motion pictureswhich are inexpensive fit easily within a normalclass period. Thesefilms, not narrowly related tospecific disciplines, range from visual poemsinducing creative responses, tofilms analyzing the problems of maturing in anirrelevantsociety. Twentyof thefilm entries have annotations containing concise synopsesof theplots, descriptionsof unusual photographic effects, andemphases of the films.Information about lengthand distributor is provided for all50 titles. (JB) \ THE TEACHERS GUIDETO 0 Aamn hArThifIng October 1967Vol. 4, Nc. 2 4 Feedback ADVISORY BOARD 7 What It's AllAbout Barry K. Beyer by Tony Hodgkinson Guest editorialwhkh suggests a philosophy Asstt Prof. of Education FILM The Ohio State University for screen education Max Bogart Man Asstt Dir., Div. of Curriculum & lnstruc. 10Film Study: Nothing But a State Dept. of Educ., Trenton, N.J. by Frank Manche! The film is aprimary experience; primary Charlotte Brooks materials must be used in teaching it .... ........ , .. ,.FILM Supervising Dir. of English Wash., D. C. Public Schools 15Easy as 1, 2, 3, (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ...) John Culkin, S.J. FILM Director, Center for Communications by Rod Sheratsky Tips for teachers about toshoot film Fordham University, New York City Daniel Fader 18The Uses of Film Extracts project Dir., Dept. of English by David Powell Sustained and immediate accessto film materials U. of Michigan at Ann Arbor . FILM Sidney Forman is imperative. Extracts are a partial answer Prof. of Education and Librarian Teachers College, Columbia u., 21The Instructional Film is Dead Morris Gall by William Kuhns, S.M. Film which isoriented exclusively to Social Studies Dept, Head curriculum is mere "celluloid lecture." FILM Norwalk Public Schools, Conn. Donald Klemer 24Film Language: A Student-MadeDictionary Superintendent of Schools with words begs Hastings-onHudson, N.Y. by G. Howard Poteet Defining film techniques Peter Kontos the question. Use film instead!... FILM Dir., Princeton Co-op. School Program Princeton, N.J. 28Pick of the (Short) Flicks Philip Lewis by A. Panel Fifty short films (includingthree Summi awardees) President, Instructional . s FILM ttc KUDOS Dynamics, Inc., Chicago, Illinois for the classroom , Marshall McLuhan Albert Schweitzer Prof. of Humanities 31The Martyred Fordham University, New York City by Robert Geller A great book forkids about to make the dry run Joseph Mersand . ....................................PAPERBACKS Chm. of English Dept. in ethics :maim HS, New York City 33Critics Oui of Vidioth William B. Sanborn TELEVISION Dir., Div. Instructional Materials by Ned Hoopes Discovering criticalabilities San Francisco Unified Schools, Cal, Bertram Siegel 3.5 Telelog/A Full Page Pin-Up Ohm. of Science Dept. Bedford Jr. HS, Westport, Conn. 38Recommended SHOrts:hace Relations M. Jerry Weiss by William I. Sloan Receat andlaudable civil rights films for use Chmn., English Dept. FILM Jersey State College, N.J. with students STAFF 41 Imaginative Literature:Economics-Tonic supiiortive material in eco- Editor, Frank McLaughlin by Donn McCafferty Literature as Monmouth College, N.J. nomics can enliven what is oftendeadly dull PAPERBACKS Motion Pictures, John Culkin, S.J. Fordham UniversitY 44Pedarogue #1: The ReadingConsultant Television, Ned Hoopes by Arthur Daigon Who's who in theeducational zoo....bUvFAWS Pace College, N.Y. C. Records & Tapes, Kirby Judd 47Newsworthy Paperbacks Long Meadow H S. Mass. by Frank Ross PAPERBACKS Paperbacks, Frank Ross Eastern Michigan University COVER Seeing with new eyes. From a posterby the Associate Editor, John Rouse School of Visual Arts, 209 E. 23rd St., N.Y.,N.Y. Smithtown, N.Y. Public Schools 0 Communications, David Sohn The Teachers Guide to MEDIA & METHODS(formerly SCHOOL PAPElt- Fordham University BACK JOURNAL) is published nine timcs per yearSeptember through May Managing Editor, Charles Faucher by Media & Methods Institute, Inc.,134 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. Art Editor, Alice Kooth Phone: (215) 564-5170. Subscription: $3 per year,$4 in Canada. $2 each for Circulation Mgr., Grace Simmons 20 or more to onc school address. Single copy40e. © Copyright, Media & Business Mgr., Frances Burnett Methods Institute, Inc., 1967. Printed in U.S.A. byWorld Color Press. Con- Adv. Sales Mgr., Bryce Smith trolled circulation postage paid at Sparta,Illinois. Publisher,,Roger, Damio 01...M....111001.11we U.S. DEPARTMENT 01 HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE Of EDUCATION iTHIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED fROM THE PERSON CR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OffICE Of EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. THE SHORT FILM has many virtues. It fits nicely within the normal class period (45-60 minutes), it makes its point quickly and painlessly, and it is inexpensive. Unfortunately. few teachers realize the wealth of outstanding films that are available from film rental houses. To improve this situation, Media and Metlwds has prepared a list of 50 high quality short motion pictures; these films are not narrowly related to specific disciplines, but tend to have a general interest that bypasses such class- ification.. The five experts who prepared this list for M&M are: A.W. Hodgkinson, Boston University David Powell, North Reading H.S.. Mass. Rod Sheratsky, N. Valley Regional H.S.. NJ. Bill Sloan, New York Public Library David Sohn, Fordham University In addition, three of the annotated shorts stand out by dint of their relevance, immediacy and artistry. Like last month's Summa awardee (No- body Waved Goodbye). No Reason to Stay fo- cuses on the difficulty of growing up in an irrel, evant society. Resnais' Night and Fog, on the other hand, suggests one reason why society may be irrelevant to adolescents: mankind's chronic attachment to war. Dream of Wild Horses is no- table for its sheer artistry. It is a natural for uie in poetry. creative writing, and explaining the lan- guage of r...otion. These three films fully merit M&M's Summa. The twenty most-mentioned films (together with the Summa awardees) comprise the first list. Annotations are by David Sohn and Rod Sheratsky. The second list is comprised of unan- notated films. 410 20 FILMS A Valparaiso (CP, color & b/w, 30min) INFOCARD 89 About the seaport town of Valparaiso, thisshort isa visual "knockout" that combines the poetic and fact- ual, color with black and white. Brilliantly edited, thoughtfully written, A Valparaiso is that rare film that conveys place while getting under the skinof its people. , \ ....1......111.0., 0.0.16........,* limpQ Ia. a "ma. ../. 1re ear 41 I= 1 Li etNirr lir Elk im r ',. give it Blind Gary Davis (CP, b/w, 12 miti) INFOCARD 90 the consequent irony of the other's refusal to Filmed in Harlem and in gospel-singer Davis' apart- back on pain of battle, xnakes an important point ment, this film is typical of Harold Becker's style. about real border disputes and real wars. The camera sridies every appropriate part of his INFOCARD 97 subject's life: the torn linoleum floor, the dirty win- The Hole (BR, color, 15 min) dows, the family photographs. While Davis sings Another Hubley film about two characters (with Dizzie Gillespie as one of them) concerning men Who about death coming to all, Becker photographs the dig and work underground while a rodent gnaws a lifeless faces of Harlem Negroes. mechanism that puts missiles above the ground on A Chairy Tale (IFB, b/w, 10 min) INFOCARD 9 I alert. At the film's end, there has been an apparent This Norman McLaren film is a comic bait& between exchange of nuclear weapons while the men were a reluctant chair and a man who attemptsto sit on underground, and the world above ground has been it. Through time-lapse photography (backed by a destroyed, lovely score using Ravi Shankar on the sitar), the man Leaf (PY, color) INFOCARD 98 finally succeeds by recognizing the chair's desire to travels from a sit on him. Many alegorical implications,. This is a simple film about a leaf that branch through the air to its implicitdestruction. The photography by Fred Hudson in YosemiteNational Clay (CP, b/w, 8 min) INFOCARD 92 Park, and the techniques similar to thoseused in The Animation through the use of clay figures is the and a clever device used to reflect an amusing story of ev- Red Balloon, make this a delicate visual poem olution. Useful at many levels (especially to illustrate metaphor for the "span of life." creativity), this popular short is both delightful and Lonely Boy (CP, b/w, 26 min) INFOCARD 99 stimulating. Only after reflection does the viewer Filmed in cinema-verité style, Lonely Boyridicules realize that civilization is destroyed at the end. singer Paul Ahka, a manager who forceshim on the public, and his fans. The camera's treatment ofAnka The Divided World (.1, blw, 10 min) INFOCARD 93 is so harsh and unflattering that one wondersif Anka A Sucksdorff film showing the contrastbetween the is a violence of the world of nature and the apparent himself realized he was being satirized; here winter night near film that reveals as much about taste ofaudiences as peace of civilization during a it does about the limitations of its star. a Swedish forest. Gorgeousanimal photography. Dream Of The Wild Horses BRBrandon Films, 221 W. 57 St., N.Y. 10019 (CP, color, 9 mi) INFOCARD 94 BVBlue Van Films, 28 W. 31 St., N.Y. 10001 The slow motion photography of Denys CCColumbia Cinematheque, Colomb de Daunant of a band of wild horses in 711 5th A-ye., N.Y.
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