Infallibility: God’s Perfect Gift to His Imperfect Church I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you. ~ John 16:12-15 HE infallibility of “‘Papal infallibility’ means that comes to the addition the pope is one of and subtraction of sums, those key Catho- on specific matters and under very but they are far from the Tlic beliefs that are idea of what is perfect. often puzzling, even to precise conditions, it is impossible To say that the pope is some Catholics. It takes for the pope to teach falsely. perfect is to claim that its place beside terms he is impeccable, which like transubstantiation and the Immaculate Concep- means “without flaw,” a claim that the Church does tion. If not suitably explained, the truths attached to not make and never will. these terms can lie trapped behind a wall of confu- “Papal infallibility” is a technical, theological term sion. Where papal infallibility is concerned, a certain used to explain a fairly straightforward reality. It nagging suspicion or personal embarrassment may means that on specific matters and under very pre- deepen misunderstandings. It is highly probable that cise conditions, it is impossible for the pope to teach many Catholics today turn a distinctive shade of red falsely. The following paragraphs set the stage for when asked why the Church continues to insist that this gift and spell out the terms and conditions asso- the pope is perfect. ciated with it. Infallibility verses Impeccability At the Sources of Infallibility If papal infallibility meant that “the pope is per- Like all things but sin, infallibility is a gift from fect,” it would be an em- above. It has its source barrassing and entirely in the divine life of the unacceptable claim: only Holy Trinity. In con- God is perfect. But the crete form, it has been Catholic Church does revealed in the person of not claim that her leaders Jesus of Nazareth, who have divine attributes. In is the eternal Son of God reality, the term “infalli- made man (see Jn 1:1- ble” is not synonymous 2, 14), and who “desires with perfection. “Infalli- all men to be saved and to ble” means “incapable of come to the knowledge of the error,” which is certainly truth” (1 Tm 2:4). Jesus a characteristic of perfec- Christ is “the image of the tion, but not the fullness invisible God” (Col 1:15), of perfection. Most mod- the reflection of God’s ern calculators are “inca- Papal crown and stole on the Sacred Scriptures: The Church discerned glory (see Heb 1:3), pable of error” when it which books were inspired by the Holy Spirit “full of grace and truth” The Association for Catechumenal Ministry (ACM) grants the original purchaser (parish, local parochial institution, or individual) permission to reproduce this handout. (Jn 1:14). He speaks the truth mission given by Jesus to and is the truth (see Jn 14:6). the apostles and is handed In him, men and women have down to every generation access to the truth without er- through apostolic succession. ror and find the answers to their The mission of the Magiste- deepest questions. rium is to “preach the Gospel to the whole creation” (Mk 16:15) The Ongoing Quest for and to “guarantee,” until the Meaning end of the world, “the objec- For centuries, the Church has tive possibility of professing asked “What did Jesus mean?” the true faith without error” and “How does this apply to a (CCC 890). As successors given situation?” In general, of the apostles, the pope and these questions were answered the bishops in communion in ecumenical councils by the with him, under the direct successor of Peter (the Pope) guidance of the Holy Spir- and the bishops in union with it, see to it that the People of him. Today, these questions are God abide in the truth that asked by Catholics, by Chris- brings freedom. They are tians who are not in full commu- the authentic teachers and nion with the Catholic Church, witnesses of the Gospel and and by men and women of good the guarantors of every true will everywhere. There is hard- interpretation of it. To fulfill ly a word spoken by or about this service, they possess the Jesus Christ that has not been gift of infallibility in matters subject to careful scrutiny. Re- Antique holy card dating from the First Vatican of faith and morals. Council (1869-1870) which more clearly defined grettably, the results of these papal infallibility analyses have led to many vary- Infallibility in Context ing and often contradictory interpretations of mean- The gift of infallibility is exercised in several forms ing. A number of these have caused painful divisions and under very precise conditions. First, it is only in the Christian community itself and have weakened exercised in matters of faith and morals. Infallibil- the power of the Gospel. These divisions continue to ity extends to the entire deposit of faith, as well as to this day and have resulted in over 30,000 Christian de- elements of doctrine such as morals, to ensure that nominations and sects. all the saving truths of the faith are preserved and From this, a new question is raised. “How do we explained without error. The teachings of the pope know what Jesus really meant, and how do we ap- and the bishops are not infallible when they offer ply this to present day circumstances?” Without a opinions or recommendations outside these areas. guide or teacher, without a true witness, we are in Matters of personal opinion, Church discipline, and danger of error. In many cases, people simply resign Church administration represent examples of non- themselves to the notion that there really is no way infallible teaching. of knowing (with true certainty) the truth on which As chief shepherd and teacher of all Christians Christ constantly and forcefully insisted (see Jn (see Jn 21:15-17), however, the pope teaches infalli- 1:14, 17; Jn 3:21; Jn 4:23-24; Jn 8:31; Jn 14:6, 17; bly whenever he teaches ex cathedra (Latin for “from Jn 16:13). But is this really so? the chair”). This is a figure of speech meaning from the seat of The Church’s Magisterium “The charism of teaching authority. When the In the midst of this uncertain- infallibility is not a pope teaches “from his chair,” ty stands the “Magisterium” of the that is, formally and consciously Church’s teaching authority. It question of personal as the Chief Shepherd, he is by is comprised of the pope and the holiness. It is a the protection of the Holy Spirit bishops in union with him. Thus, prevented from teaching falsely. the Magisterium is rooted in the question of teaching.” In other words, God sees to it Infallibility — Page 2 “Infallibility does not imply divine inspiration nor is it to be considered new revelation.” that he remains immune from error. The pope is infallible only by virtue of the special promise of Jesus and the grace of the Holy Spirit. The gift can be exercised without the consent of the other bishops or of the faithful, but the pope is not infallible as a private citizen. To teach infallibly, the pope must be acting deliberately as visible head of the Church, supreme teacher of all Christians, and a subject of Christ the King. Infallible teaching must be a definitive teaching on faith or morals. The bish- ops, too, can teach infallibly when they teach togeth- Pope John Paul II, reigned from 1978 to 2005 er in this way united with the pope. Outside of com- Infallibility not Inspiration munion with the successor of Peter, no episcopal Finally, infallibility does not imply divine inspira- teaching can be authenticated. When the bishops tion nor is it to be considered new revelation. When teach infallibly, they normally do so in the context of the pope teaches infallibly, it is after much prayer an ecumenical council. and the careful study of divine Revelation (Scrip- Though the teaching of Christ is constant and un- ture and Tradition), as well as collaboration with his changing, it must be applied to the circumstances of brother bishops. It is chiefly a response to a ques- every age. It must be read along with the signs of the tion, the clarification of a particular doctrine, or the times. The Church remains deeply conscious of her final settling of a dispute, all having to do with faith responsibility in this area. It is the Church’s duty to or morals. For example: Was Jesus truly God and examine the signs of the times and to interpret them truly human or a confused mixture of both? What in the light of the Gospel. She does this so that she does it mean when we say that Mary was immacu- can offer in a manner appropriate to each genera- lately conceived? When a pope is asked to formally tion an authentic response to every human question decide on these questions, he has basically two choic- about the meaning of life, the promise of the life to es.
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