TASTY STEAKS, SEAFOOD, UNIQUE MARTINIS COLD BREWS & SPRING WALKING TOURS OFFERED AT & MORE AT OYSTER BAY • SEE PAGE 3 HISTORIC COLD SPRING VILLAGE & BREWERY • SEE PAGE 18 PAGE 2 PAGE 3 TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS Pro basketball By George Dickie 9) What two Pennsylvania- based teams have won the Questions: most titles in the history of 1) How many NBA scoring the now-defunct CBA? titles did Michael Jordan 10) What WNBA team won win? the league’s first four cham- 2) What team won back- pionships? to-back titles when Jordan took a hiatus in 1994 and Answers: 1995? 1) 10 3) Where did former NBA 2) Houston Rockets great Wilt Chamberlain play 3) The University of Kansas his collegiate ball? 4) Doc Rivers 4) Who coached the Boston 5) Minnesota selected An- Celtics to their last NBA title thony Edwards of the Uni- in 2008? versity of Georgia 5) Who was the first overall 6) The New York Knicks, pick in last summer’s NBA who play in Madison draft? Square Garden, opened in 6) What NBA team plays in 1968 the league’s oldest arena? 7) Philadelphia’s Bobby 7) Who was the first win- Jones ner of the NBA’s Sixth Man 8) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Award? with six 8) Who has won the most 9) The Allentown Jets and NBA regular-season MVP the Wilkes-Barre Barons Awards? 10) The Houston Comets WORD SEARCH U N M A C Q N D E G A C V A H Y D I K L U O F A R O L L Z A C R P C E S T E V E Z L E N W H O C V K X I T A T E J V X A A G T A P Y W Y H G T V N E N L M Z N Z E K J N R K O R M I S I M K I N S E Y N O Y M Y L B N G E L N L A Z N Q A U V E V N V R Z L C M I S F I T S F Z E X B A X S K V N L H O Y L D S O H V H W P O E X L E Z O G O C A U Q A D E R V K X V O V T R T W E R M R K C A V N H P A S I K O Z O S O F I N Q V G J F A G B X E H R G O H K C “The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers” on Disney+ (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Alex (Morrow) (Lauren) Graham Minnesota Gordon (Bombay) (Emilio) Estevez Cutthroat Evan (Morrow) (Brady) Noon (Youth) Hockey Nick (Maxwell) Simkins Misfits Sofi (Hudson-Batra) (Swayam) Bhatia Challenge PAGE 4 Custom Features Release the week of March 21 - March 27, 2021. TV CHALLENGE SPORTS STUMPERS TV CHALLENGE STUMPERS CHALLENGE STUMPERS SPORTSPro basketball TV SPORTS By George ProDickie basketball9) What two Pennsylvania- Pro basketball 9)based What teams two Pennsylvania- have won the By George Dickie 9) What two Pennsylvania- Questions: basedmost titles teams in thehave history won theof By George Dickie based teams have won the 1) How many NBA scoring mostthe now-defunct titles in the CBA?history of Questions: most titles in the history of 1)titles How did many Michael NBA Jordan scoring the10) now-defunctWhat WNBA CBA?team won Questions: the now-defunct CBA? titles did Michael Jordan 10)the Whatleague’s WNBA first fourteam cham won - 1) How many NBA scoring win? 10) What WNBA team won win?2) What team won back- thepionships? league’s first four cham- titles did Michael Jordan 2) What team won back- pionships? win? the league’s first four cham- to-back titles when Jordan pionships? to-back titles when Jordan Answers: 2) What team won back- took a hiatus in 1994 and Answers: took a hiatus in 1994 and 1) 10 to-back titles when Jordan 1995?1995? 1) 10 Answers: 2) Houston Rockets took a hiatus in 1994 and 3)3) WhereWhere diddid former NBA 2) Houston Rockets 1995? 1) 10 3) The University of Kansas greatgreat WiltWilt ChamberlainChamberlain play 3) The University of Kansas 3) Where did former NBA 2) Houston Rockets hishis collegiatecollegiate ball? 4) Doc Rivers great Wilt Chamberlain play 3) The University of Kansas 4)4) WhoWho coachedcoached the Boston 5) Minnesota selected An- his collegiate ball? 4) Doc Rivers thony Edwards of the Uni- CelticsCeltics toto theirtheir last NBA title thony Edwards of the Uni- 4) Who coached the Boston 5) Minnesota selected An- versity of Georgia inin 2008?2008? versity of Georgia Celtics to their last NBA title thony Edwards of the Uni- 5) Who was the first overall 6) The New York Knicks, 5) Who was the first overall 6) The New York Knicks, in 2008? versity of Georgia pick in last summer’s NBA who play in Madison pick in last summer’s NBA who play in Madison Specializing In Authentic6) Spanish The New Foods York Knicks, draft? Square Garden, opened in 5) Who was the first overall Square Garden, opened in 6)draft? What NBA team plays in 1968 "Withpick A in Caribbean last summer’s Taste" NBA Made who Daily play on inThe Madison Premises! 6) What NBA team plays in 1968 draft? Square Garden, opened in the league’s oldest arena? 7) Philadelphia’s Bobby EAT IN & TAKE OUT 7)the Who league’s was theoldest first arena? win- Jones7) Philadelphia’s Bobby 6) What NBA team plays in 1968 FULL LINE OF SPANISH, MEXICAN & AMERICAN GROCERIES ner7) Who of the was NBA’s the firstSixth win Man- 8)Jones Kareem Abdul-Jabbar the league’s oldest arena? 7) Philadelphia’s Bobby Award?ner of the NBA’s Sixth Man with8) Kareem six Abdul-Jabbar 7) Who wasNOW the CARRYINGfirst win- CBD PRODUCTSJones 8)Award? Who has won the most 9)with The six Allentown Jets and ner of theNJ NBA’s Lottery Agent Sixth • We Man Accept Family8) Kareem First & WIC Abdul-Jabbar NBA8) Who regular-season has won the MVPmost the9) The Wilkes-Barre Allentown BaronsJets and Award? Open Daily 10am-9pmwith six Awards?NBA regular-season MVP 10)the TheWilkes-Barre Houston BaronsComets 8)Roberts Who has & won Pacific the most Ave., Wildwood9) The Allentown • 523-1113 Jets and Awards? 10) The Houston Comets NBA regular-season MVP the Wilkes-Barre Barons SEARCH Awards? 10) The Houston Comets WORD EARCH U NMACQNDEGACVAHS SEARCH Y WORDDIKLUOFAROLLZA WORD CU RPCESTEVEZLENWNMACQNDEGACVAH U NMACQNDEGACVAH HY OCVKXITATEJVXADIKLUOFAROLLZA Y DIKLUOFAROLLZA AC GTAPYWYHGTVNENRPCESTEVEZLENW C RPCESTEVEZLENW LH MZNZEKJNRKORMIOCVKXITATEJVXA H OCVKXITATEJVXA SA GTAPYWYHGTVNENIMKINSEYNOYMYL A GTAPYWYHGTVNEN BL NGELNLAZNQAUVEMZNZEKJNRKORMI L MZNZEKJNRKORMI V NVRZLCMISFITSF S IMKINSEYNOYMYL S IMKINSEYNOYMYL Z EXBAXSKVNLHOYL B NGELNLAZNQAUVE B NGELNLAZNQAUVE D SOHVHWPOEXLEZO GV OCAUQADERVKXVONVRZLCMISFITSF V NVRZLCMISFITSF VZ TRTWEXBAXSKVNLHOYLERMRKCAVNH Z EXBAXSKVNLHOYL PD ASIKOZOSOFINQVSOHVHWPOEXLEZO D SOHVHWPOEXLEZO GG OCAUQADERVKXVOJFAGBXEHRGOHKC G OCAUQADERVKXVO “TheV TRTW Mighty Ducks:ERMRKCAVNH Game Changers” on Disney+ V TRTW ERMRKCAVNH (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) P ASIKOZOSOFINQV AlexP (Morrow)ASIKOZOSOFINQV(Lauren) Graham Minnesota GordonG JFAGBXEHRGOHKC (Bombay) (Emilio) Estevez Cutthroat G JFAGBXEHRGOHKC Evan (Morrow) (Brady) Noon (Youth) Hockey “The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers” on Disney+ Nick“The Mighty Ducks:(Maxwell) Game Simkins Changers”Misfits on Disney+ (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Alex (Morrow) (Lauren) Graham Minnesota SofiAlex (Hudson-Batra) (Morrow) (Swayam)(Lauren) Graham Bhatia ChallengeMinnesota Gordon (Bombay) (Emilio) Estevez Cutthroat Gordon (Bombay) (Emilio) Estevez Cutthroat Evan (Morrow) (Brady) Noon (Youth) Hockey Evan (Morrow) (Brady) Noon (Youth) Hockey Custom Features Release the week of March 21 - March 27, 2021. Nick (Maxwell) Simkins Misfits Nick (Maxwell) Simkins Misfits Sofi (Hudson-Batra) (Swayam) Bhatia Challenge Sofi (Hudson-Batra) (Swayam) Bhatia Challenge Custom Features Release the week of March 21 - March PAGE 27, 2021. 5 Custom Features Release the week of March 21 - March 27, 2021. PAGE 6 PAGE 7 NATIONAL HOLIDAY NATIONAL CERTIFIED technology. Certified nurses bal- NURSES DAY ance clinical needs and patient care. Helping patients meet their Every March 19th, National Cer- healthcare goals in complex and tified Nurses Day celebrates the challenging times makes a Cer- certified nurses who impact lives tified Nurse’s commitment even every day. more valuable. A nursing career is as varied as a Certified nurses dedicate their doctor’s. They specialize and can entire careers to helping oth- earn certifications in specialties ers and often work long, hard and sub-specialties. Certified hours. The day honors and recog- nurses study and take certifica- nizes them and their significant tion exams to demonstrate their achievements. Their advanced competency, skill, and knowl- skills require continuing educa- edge in a field. Board certifica- tion, re-certification, and contin- tion is available in a variety of ued knowledge of ever-changing fields. PAGE 8 HOLIDAY Nurses can also obtain sub- specialty certifications. Certified nurses provide skilled experi- ence in the medical fields where they work. They also improve the quality of the health care provid- ed. Now, more than ever, health care needs more qualified nurses providing the care that we need. HOW TO OBSERVE #National- CertifiedNursesDay Thank a certified nurse, and all they do. If you know someone who is striving to become a cer- tified nurse, encourage them in their endeavors. Encourage certi- fied nurses to attend job fairs to share their experiences and in- spire others to become certified nurses. Consider taking a certi- fication you’ve had your eye on.
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