Name Description Price Pot Size Nursery ABELIA Chinensis A small shrub with fragrant white rose tinted fls July - Aug 8.95 3 lt MMuc ABELIA gr. "Edward Goucher" Small semi-evergreen shrub, lilac pink flowers in late summer.PF 8.95 3lt SEND ABELIA Grandiflora (white) syn 'Lake Maggiore' AGM Evergreen shrub with white flws. Likes shelter 8.95 3lt SEND from winter wind,sun or pt shade Fls. July - September ABELIA Triflora syn zabelia t. Large erect shrub of graceful habit. Fls in June, dense 8.95 3ltr SEND clusters, white tinged pink and exquisitely scented Ht:1.5m ABELIA x grand 'Frances Mason' form of grandiflora with plain gold leaf. 8.95 3ltr SEND ABELIOPHYLLUM Distichum roseum White flower buds which fade to pink as the flowers come, winter 8.95 3lt MMuc flowering PF ABUTILON Megapotamicum A small to medium shrub for a warm site, narrow lvs , hanging yellow 8.95 2lt SEND petalled fls with reddish calyx . ACACIA Verticillata "Prickly Moses".Dark green whorled needle like phyllodes & cylindrical 12.95 5ltr SEND spikes of bright yellow fls. ACER Palmatum "Atropurpureum" The most popular Japanese maple, leaves bronzey crimson throughout 12.95 5 lt MMuc the summer ACER palmatum "Ozakasuki" Upright jap maple red tinged new foliage Orange-red autumn foliage. 12.95 5 lt MMuc ACER palmatum mxd mixed coloured and leaved forms of jap. maple. from seed., not grafted. 12.95 5ltr MMuc ACER palmatum Sumi Nagashi red leaved form of jap. maple, colour fades during summer . 12.95 5ltr MMuc ACER tar. ginnala 'Flame' A large shrubby maple green three-lobed leaves turn to orange and vivid 19.95 10ltr MMuc crimson in Autumn. not for chalk ACRADENIA frankliniae a rare ,small, slowgrowing evergreen Tasmanian shrub for mild areas, 8.95 2lt SEND dark green three lobed lvs and flat clusters of white fls in May AGERATINA Ligustrinum syn EUPATORIUM lig Evergreen rounded shrub, hardy coastal districts, 8.95 3ltr SEND bright green lvs and fragrant white fls Ht:3m ALOYSIA citrodora Syn aloysia triphylla, Lippia Citriodora, Lemon Verbena - a deciduous 8.95 3lt SEND shrub with lemon scented foliage . Suited to mild seaside areas. AMOMYRTUS Luma syn Myrtus lecheriana , paler curled lvs than m apic/luma apic. Fertile 8.95 3ltr MMuc well-drained soil. AMORPHA fruticosa "False indigo" medium - large shrub , deciduous pinnate lvs. upright 12.95 5ltr SEND pokers of purplish fls. in July, good seaside shrub. ARALIA elata suckering shrub with upright thorny stems with umbrella like ring of hugh 19.95 10Ltr MMuc doubly pinnate lvs ARBUTUS Unedo Strawberry tree, Madrona A small mediteranean evergreen tree with 8.95 3ltr SEND round orange 'strawberry' fruit and white 'vaccinium' flowers. Suited to mild coastal districts Ht:1.5m Fls. Sept - Nov. ARBUTUS Unedo "Rubra" Red flowered form of the strawberry tree . pinky Lily of the Valley flowers 12.95 5 lt SEND in winter ARGYROCYTISUS Battandieri syn cytisus bat. Morrocan/Pineapple broom. Yellow scented pineapple 29.95 10lt SEND shaped fls in July Ht:3m ARONIA arbutifolia 'Erecta' 'red chokeberry' med. shrub for acid soils, compact upright form, glossy 12.95 5ltr MMuc dark lvs red in aut. white fls ARONIA melanocarpa small glossy lvd north american deciduous shrub Ht 60cm "Black 6.95 3ltr MMuc chokeberry" black berries in autumn ARTEMISIA Abrotanum Deciduous shrub 60cm,finely cut grey-green aromatic leaves . 3.95 1 lt MMuc ARTEMISIA Absinthium "Lambrook Silver" Evergreen frost hardy shrub.Ht.80cm. Spr.50cm. cut flowering stems hard 6.95 2lt MMuc back ARTEMISIA Arbor."Powis Castle" Vigorous,evergreen shrub,frost hardy. Ht.1m. Spr.1.5m . 6.95 2lt SEND AUCUBA jap. "crotonifolia" a japanese laurel gold dotted fol. tolerates dry shade , good for winter 8.95 3lt SEND pots. AUCUBA jap. "picturata" a japanese laurel gold central splash on lvs. tolerates dry shade , good for 8.95 3lt SEND winter pots. AZALEA see RHODOdendron Deciduous azaleas suffixed DA Evergreen azaleas MMuc suffixed EA AZARA Microphylla Sm elegant small tree with yellow vanilla scented flowers appearing in 8.95 3 lt MMuc early spring, small dark lvs .Hardy -10C.protect from winds. AZARA Microphylla "Variegata" Creamy variagated slow growing evergreen Fls. March Ht. 1.2m 8.95 3ltr MMuc AZARA Serrata Large shrub. Distinctive, oval, serrate leaves. Clusters of yellow flowers in 12.95 5ltr MMuc July. Small white berries in hot summer. For sheltered position in mild areas. BACCHARIS halimifolia Bush groundsel. A useful seaside shrub up to 4m, sage green lvs and 12.95 5lt SEND white groundsel like fls in Oct. BACCHARIS patagonica spreading dwarf shrub, small rounded evg lvs. Small white button flws. in 6.95 2lt MMuc May. BALLOTA Pseudodictamus Dwarf shrub covered with greyish white wool. Lilac pink fls in July 4.95 1ltr SEND Ht.40cm BERBERIS Candidula Sm.,shining, dark green lvs, silvery-white underneath, yellow flowers 8.95 3 lt MMuc BERBERIS Darwinii A hardy evergreen shrub of bushy habit. Good for hedging. Ht:2m 8.95 3 lt MMuc BERBERIS Dictyphylla spreading glaucous lvd species. 8.95 3 lt MMuc BERBERIS Gagnepainii v.lancifolia A small shrub making a dense growth of erect stem with narrow 8.95 3 lt MMuc leaves,black berr ies and blue fls.Good inpenetrable hedge BERBERIS Julianae Evergreen,bushy,dense shrub.Yellow flws. in late spring/early summer. 12.95 5ltr SEND Fully hardy. Ht.2-3m BERBERIS Thun.atropurpurea Foliage reddish purple and darker in autumn. 8.95 3ltr MMuc BERBERIS Thunbergii 'Maria' a columnar golden form , good autumn colour, 6.95 3ltr MMuc BERBERIS Wilsoniae Thorny stems, lvs sea green colour turning in Aut with coral fruit clusters 6.95 3 lt MMuc BERBERIS x fri. "Amstelveen" Slow growing arching very spiny shrub growing up to 1.5m high, dark 8.95 3ltr MMuc evergreen leaves -yellow flowers . BERBERIS x Ott. "Superba" Deciduous,fully hardy shrub. Purple foliage Ht:2m Sp:2m 12.95 5lt SEND BRACHYGLOTTIS 'Sunshine' syn.Senecio greyii Grey leaved shrub Good shrub for coastal 6.95 2 lt SEND gardens,yellow daisies flowers in June. trim after flowering. Ht:1m BRACHYGLOTTIS x hunter stewartii a rare seaside shrub with grey lvs 6.95 2ltr SEND BUDDLEIA "Pink Delightl" Pink fls in late summer. Compact bushy habit and large upright fls. 6.95 3lt SEND Ht:2.5m BUDDLEIA "pixie red" Dwarf form narrow red purple fls 6.95 3ltr SEND BUDDLEIA "Pixie white" Dwarf white form narrow lvs 6.95 2ltr SEND BUDDLEIA alternifolia Sm. tree narrow grey green lvs, light and airy in appearance, clumps of 8.95 3ltr MMuc blue fls in whorls along stem BUDDLEIA caryoptifolia a medium sized shrub , narrow silver leaves , heads of pale blue flowers. 6.95 2ltr SEND BUDDLEIA Davidii "Black knight" Long trusses of deep violet 8.95 3 lt SEND BUDDLEIA davidii "Empire Blue" Rich violet-blue flowers. 6.95 3ltr SEND BUDDLEIA Davidii "Harlequin" Attractive variagated form of Buddleia with red purple flowers..Fls.Aut. 8.95 3lt SEND Ht.3m BUDDLEIA davidii "Loch Inch" silver lvs , blue flowers. 8.95 3ltr SEND BUDDLEIA Davidii "Nanhoensis" Original pale blueform of buddleia. Fls:Aug-Sept Ht:2m PF 8.95 3 lt SEND BUDDLEIA Davidii "Royal Red" Good deep "red"fld form . Fls:Late summer,fast growing Ht2m. 8.95 3lt SEND BUDDLEIA Davidii "White Bouquet" Fast growing good white form of buddleia Plant in full sun Ht.2.5m PF 6.95 3lt SEND BUDDLEIA delavayi syn. heliophylla. small growing species bud. with yellowish underleaves 8.95 3ltr SEND and purple blue flowers BUDDLEIA Globosa Orange yellow ball-like inflorescences which are scented - from Chile. Fls. 8.95 3 lt SEND June Ht. 2.5m BUDDLEIA Loricata a medium sized shrub , crinkled silver leaves , heads of cream flowers. 6.95 2ltr SEND BUDDLEIA nivea A rare species bud. long thin silvery lvs, and long thin pale drooping flw 8.95 3lt SEND heads. BUDDLEIA Salvifolia sage like felted wavey lvs small blueish flw.-heads Ht. 2.5m from south 8.95 3 lt SEND Africa BUDDLEIA x Wereyana A Buddleia Globosa hybrid with orange-yellow flws. PF 8.95 3lt MMuc BUDDLEIA x Wey. "Lady De Ramsey" A hybrid of Buddleia Globosa, with heads of creamy orange- flws grey lvs 8.95 3lt SEND PF BUPLEURUM fruticosum Shrubby hare's ear, Evg.seaside shrub,yellow umbelliferous fls.late 6.95 2ltr SEND summer. Ht:1m BUXUS semp. '' Elegantissima'' creamy variagated box with medium sised foliage 6.95 3ltr SEND BUXUS Semp. " Handworthensis" Suitable for a tall hedge.Leathery dark green evergreen rounded leaves in 8.95 3 ltr SEND pairs on upright stems BUXUS semp. "Rotundifolia" A larger growing form of box with rounded leaves 8.95 3lt SEND BUXUS semp. Latifolia Maculata Compact form of box, leaves irregularly blotched yellow,young yellow 6.95 3ltr SEND growth if in sunny position BUXUS Sempervirens standard box hedging . 4.95 2 lt SEND BUXUS Sempervirens "Suffructicosa" specimen dwarf Box for pots ,Clip as a ball or piramid, maintains its 4.95 2 lt SEND shape very well CALCEOLARIA Integrifolia Rare south american shrub for mild areas. Yellow pouched fls. Narrow 8.95 2lt SEND rugose lvs. Shrubby habit. Sheltered position in sun or pot culture.Hardy to -5'C not for shallow chalk. CALLICARPA Bodinieri "profusion" Deep lilac fruits and foliage changes to deep rose purple in autumn. 8.95 3ltr MMuc Prefers acid sandy soils. CALLISTEMON Citrina "Splendens" Vigorous broadleaved form of bottlebrush with red flowers 8.95 3lt SEND CALLISTEMON Citrinus Narrow rigid leaves, lemon scented when crushed. Red fls in dense 8.95 3lt SEND spikes during summer Ht:1.5m hardy to -5'C CALLISTEMON citrinus "White Anzac" Evg.
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