MANSA Kibaru MANDE STUDIES ASSOCIATION ISSUE 70 2013 NINTH INTERNATIONAL MANSA CONFERENCE Inside this issue: June 18-22, 2014 - BURKINA FASO Conference 1-2 (OUGADOUGOU and BOBO DIOULASSO) Announcement Theme: The Mande World and Globalization Elections & 3-4 Membership CALL FOR PAPERS By April 20, 2014: Submission of papers to Barba- Guest Editorial: 5 Patrick McNaughton The encounter of peo- ra Hoffman ([email protected]) by West In Memoriam 6 ples and civilizations of- African colleagues residing in West Africa who ten results in a rebirth. wish to compete for funding to attend the confer- Business Meeting 7-8 Civilizations that meet ence. Minutes often generate situations April 20, 2014: Deadline for submission to Kassim Journal Update 9-10 of shock, violence or Kone ([email protected]) of unattached Member Activities 11- change through assimila- paper titles & abstracts (i.e., papers not already 12 tion, borrowing, recy- part of a panel) Member 12- Publications 21 cling or cultural creo- By April 30, 2014: MANSA Membership, Confer- Renewed & New 22- lization. See the full CFP ence Registration payments must be received. Members 23 on the listserv! African colleagues living in Africa exempted. Further 24- instructions regarding payment of conference NEW REGISTRA- TION Procedures 25 registration will be sent out via the listserv. IMPORTANT DATES By February 28, 2014: Panel organizers an- May 15, 2014: Board/Jury members’ evaluation nounce panel topics on and ranking of West African colleagues’ papers to listserv. be returned to Barbara Hoffman. By March 15, 2014: Pa- May 20, 2014: Barbara Hoffman informs our Afri- Editors/La per proposals submitted can colleagues selected for funding for their par- Redaction: Kassim Koné, Président to panel chair/ ticipation in the conference. Barbara Hoffman, organizers. MANSA KIBARU NEUVIÈME CONFERENCE INTERNATIONALE DE L’ASSOCIATION DES ÉTUDES MANDÉ DU 18 AU 22 JUIN 2014 Á OUAGADOUGOU ET BOBO DIOULASSO THÈME: LE MONDE MANDE ET LA MONDIALISATION: DÉFIS ET PERSPECTIVES Dates importantes 20 avril 2014: Sou- mission des articles à Appel à et procédures 30 avril 2014: Adhé- Barbara Hoffman par Communication sion au MANSA, ins- nos collègues résidant cription à la confé- La rencontre des Janvier 2014: Premier en Afrique de l'Ouest rence et versement des appel à propositions de qui souhaitent concou- peuples et des civilisa- frais. Collègues afri- communications et de rir pour des fonds pour cains vivants en tions s’est souvent dé- sessions. assister à la conférence. Afrique exemptés. Pré- (Cela signifie que Bar- roulée à travers des cisions à suivre sur le bara Hoffman doit re- 28 février 2014: Les listserv. « matins de gésine ». cevoir les documents à président(e)s des ses- cette date.) Les cultures qui se ren- sions envoient par 15 mai 2014: Classe- contrent produisent des courriel à la liste géné- ment des documents rale des membres un 20 avril 2014: Date des collègues de situations souvent de avis sur leur session en limite de soumission à l’Afrique de l'Ouest chocs, de violences ou invitant des soumis- Kassim Kone des com- après évaluation par le sions de communica- munications et abrégés Conseil Consultatif / de brassage à travers des tions sur des axes basés des communications les membres du jury et situations d’assimilation, sur le thème et abrégés qui ne sont pas affiliées renvoi à Barbara Hoff- (les avis antérieurs à aux sessions annon- man. d’emprunts, de recy- cette date sont les bien- cées. venus) clage ou de créolisation 20 mai 2014: Barbara culturelle. Voir le reste de Soumissions Hoffman informe nos 15 mars 2014: Sou- l’appel sur notre listserv! électroniques à: collègues africains sé- mission des proposi- lectionnés du finance- tions de communica- [email protected] ment de leur participa- tion aux président(e)s [email protected] tion au congrès. des sessions. PAGE 2 MANSA KIBARU Upcoming Election of the MANSA President-Elect Time to Vote for In November of this year, member in good standing fice nor staff, our Officers Kassim Kone’s term as who will serve as Presi- are the guardians of the the next President of MANSA will dent-Elect for a three- association. The President President-Elect come to an end. He will year term, followed by -Elect works closely with step down, and Barbara another 3-year term as the President and Secre- Hoffman, currently Presi- President. This is a new tary-Treasurer. dent-Elect, will step up system for MANSA that We will hold an internet- for a 3-year term as Presi- was designed to guarantee based election in October dent. continuity and stability for of this year. Be sure to Our bylaws mandate that our small, all-volunteer update your email address we elect a dues-paying organization. Since we do on the website so you can not have a permanent of- vote! Membership and Dues: MANSA NEEDS YOU We need Sponsors to help send Afri- We currently have 122 for our next interna- U.S.A., and sponsoring (76%) members who tional conference in African scholars to at- can scholars to are sponsored col- June 2014, we need to tend them. the next MANSA leagues and 17 (11%) build up our coffers. International sponsored institutions. For those of you who Remember, we don’t have not paid your dues Conference Only 26 of our mem- have any paid staff in this for 2013,and 2014 bers (16%) have paid organization: everything please do so ASAP. dues at the sponsor level is done on a volunteer this year— a slight im- basis by the officers and Also, if you are a spon- provement over last generous members who sored member and year, but still not a sus- help out with a variety can afford to pay $40 for tainable situation. of tasks, so all the funds a regular membership, There are not enough spon- you contribute through or $15 for a student sors to cover even student- your sponsorship go to membership (for those level memberships for all defray the costs of run- of you working on a de- our sponsored members! ning the Association, gree), please consider hosting the website do- moving from the Please consider be- main, publishing the sponsored to the coming a sponsor for journal, holding confer- regular membership PAGE 3 next year. As we prepare ences outside the category. MANSA KIBARU ISSUE 70 Adhésion et Cotisations – PÉNURIE DE SPONSORS Nous avons actuelle- prions d’envisager de tionnement de l'Association, les ment 122 (76%) des devenir un sponsor frais pour le domaine du site Web, la membres qui sont des pour l'année prochaine. publication du journal, la tenue des collègues sponsorisés et Alors que nous prépa- conférences à l'extérieur des États- 17 (11%) des institu- rons notre prochaine Unis, et le sponsor des collègues cher- tions sponsorisées. conférence internatio- cheurs résidents en Afrique à y parti- Seulement 26 de nos nale en 2014, nous de- ciper a ces conférences. membres au niveau vons renforcer nos Pour ceux d'entre vous qui sponsor (16%) ont moyens financiers. Rap- n'avez pas payé vos cotisations pour payé leurs cotisa- pelez-vous que nous 2013-2014, nous vous prions de le tions cette année, n'avons pas de person- faire dès que possible. une amélioration légère nel rémunéré dans cette sur l’année passée. organisation: tout est Aussi, si vous êtes un Cette situation n’est pas fait sur une base volon- membre sponsorisé et avez les durable. Le compte du taire par les officiels et moyens de payer $40 pour une cotisa- MANSA ne détient même les généreux membres tion régulière ou $15 pour une cotisa- pas l'équivalent des fonds qui nous aident à ac- tion d’étudiant (pour ceux d'entre correspondants à la cotisa- complir une variété de vous qui travaillez sur un diplôme), tion de l'ensemble de nos tâches, de sorte que nous vous prions d’envisager de passer membres au niveau étu- tous les fonds vous al- du statut de membre sponsorisé à ce- diant. louez contribuent à dé- lui de membre régulier en envoyant Nous vous frayer les coûts de fonc- votre cotisation par Paypal sur notre site web, www.mandestudies.org/join PAGE 4 MANSA KIBARU Guest Editorial: In Support of Malian Archaeology by Patrick McNaughton hope that they will con- materialize and the site panied the graduate stu- tinue to increase in num- itself deteriorated at the dents Susan and Roderick bers. expense of further re- McIntosh to Jenne-Jeno The potential rewards are search. What were those for their first excavations staggering, given what figures for? Were they in 1977. Not long there- archaeological projects amulets or divination after, the McIntoshes have already taught us. pieces? Were they insig- welcomed Téréba Togola The need is acute, given nia of leadership or pres- to Rice University, where the profound nature of tige? Were they common he received his archaeol- to other sites in the area? ogy Ph.D. and went on to I wrote this to present Mali’s cultural heritage There are hundreds of become Mali’s Director on a panel at the 2011 and the threats to its important questions that of Cultural Patrimony African Studies Asso- preservation. Killi now cannot answer, (Directeur du Patrimoine ciation Meeting, but in Things changed dramati- but that today well- Culturel), and also to be- many ways it seems cally over the last centu- practiced and legally come very well known even more pertinent ry—moving from coloni- sanctioned archaeology for his work on Iron Age today, as Mali emerg- alist-sanctioned treasure can effectively address, Mema. Meanwhile, from es from recent trou- hunting to sophisticated and there are an almost the mid 1960s to the bled times.
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